4,453 research outputs found

    Mapping chiral symmetry breaking in the excited baryon spectrum

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    We study the conjectured "Insensitivity to Chiral Symmetry Breaking" in the highly excited light baryon spectrum. While the experimental spectrum is being measured at JLab and CBELSA/TAPS, this insensitivity remains to be computed theoretically in detail. As the only existing option to have both confinement, highly excited states and chiral symmetry, we adopt the truncated Coulomb gauge formulation of QCD, considering a linearly confining Coulomb term. Adopting a systematic and numerically intensive variational treatment up to 12 harmonic oscillator shells we are able to access several angular and radial excitations. We compute both the excited spectra of I=1/2I=1/2 and I=3/2I=3/2 baryons, up to large spin J=13/2J=13/2, and study in detail the proposed chiral multiplets. While the static-light and light-light spectra clearly show chiral symmetry restoration high in the spectrum, the realization of chiral symmetry is more complicated in the baryon spectrum than earlier expected.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Excited baryons as experimental probes of the quark mass

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    We observe that excited hadrons provide an opportunity to probe from experiment the power-law running of the quark mass in the mid infrared, while the condition m(k)<k remains valid. A relatively clean analysis is possible for the maximum spin excitations of the Delta baryons, analogous to the yrast states in nuclei. Such states are accessible at current experimental facilities such as ELSA and Jlab.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of ExcitedQCD, Zakopane, Poland

    Balanced pairs, cotorsion triplets and quiver representations

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    ©2019. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. To access the final edited and published work seehttps://doi.org/10.1017/S0013091519000270Balanced pairs appear naturally in the realm of relative homological algebra associated with the balance of right-derived functors of the Hom functor. Cotorsion triplets are a natural source of such pairs. In this paper, we study the connection between balanced pairs and cotorsion triplets by using recent quiver representation techniques. In doing so, we find a new characterization of abelian categories that have enough projectives and injectives in terms of the existence of complete hereditary cotorsion triplets. We also provide a short proof of the lack of balance for derived functors of Hom computed using flat resolutions, which extends the one given by Enochs in the commutative case

    Motivaciones y expectativas de las madres solteras trabajadoras que las impulsa a continuar con su formación académica de nivel medio.

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    Identifica las motivaciones y expectativas que tienen las madres solteras trabajadoras para continuar con su formación académica de nivel medio. Detalla los principales motivos que las limitan a continuar con sus estudios de nivel medio y definió que expectativas tienen. La investigación se realizó en el Instituto Nacional Normal Mixto Nocturno, ubicado en la novena avenida y novena calle de la zona 1, de la ciudad de Guatemala. Se trabajó con una población de mujeres estudiantes, comprendidas entre los 17 a 23 años de edad. Para recopilar información se aplicaron los instrumentos siguientes: escala de satisfacción con la vida de Diener, E; Emmons, R.A.; Larsen, R.J.; Griffin, y la Encuesta sobre “Motivación y Expectativas de Vida, creada específicamente para esta investigación. La técnica de muestreo fue de tipo aleatoria simple, se aplicó la estadística descriptiva. La técnica para seleccionar la muestra fue de tendencia central. Como resultado de la investigación se brindó una guía de técnicas motivacionales para la formación académica dirigida a madres solteras trabajadoras

    Dynamic estimations of metabolic fluxes with constraint-based models and possibility theory

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    Living cells can be modelled by successively imposing known constraints that limit their behaviour, such as mass balances, thermodynamic laws or enzyme capacities. The resulting constraint-based models enclose all the functional states that the modelled cells may exhibit. Then, predictions can be obtained from the models in two main ways: adding experimental data to determine the state of cells at given conditions (MFA) or invoking an assumption of evolved optimal behaviour (FBA). Both MFA and FBA predictions are typically performed at steady state. However, it is easy to take extracellular dynamics into account. This work explores the benefits of using possibility theory to get these dynamic predictions. It will be shown that the possibilistic methods (a) provide rich estimates for time-varying fluxes and metabolite concentrations, (b) account for uncertainty and data scarcity, and (c) give predictions relaxing the optimality assumption of FBA. On the other hand, these methods could serve as basis for monitoring and fault detection systems in industrial bioprocesses.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish Government MINECO (1st and 3rd authors are grateful to grant CICYT DPI2011-28112-C04-01, and A. Sala is grateful to grant DPI2011-27845-C02-01).Llaneras Estrada, F.; Sala, A.; Picó Marco, JA. (2012). Dynamic estimations of metabolic fluxes with constraint-based models and possibility theory. Journal of Process Control. 22(10):1946-1955. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jprocont.2012.09.00119461955221

    La normalidad como excepción: la banalidad del mal en la obra de Hanna Arendt

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    En este artículo, el autor expone la relevancia de las cuestiones morales en la obra de Hannah Arendt. Con este fin, se establece el significado de la fórmula "la banalidad del mal" para explicar las complejas conexiones entre el pensamiento, la conciencia y el juicio y cómo este circuito es destruido en el totalitarismo mediante la ideología, el terror y el aniquilamiento de la política.Moral questions in Hannah Arendt's work have an enduring relevance. Thus, there is a need to establish the meaning of the expression "banality of evil" in order to explain the complex connections between thought, consciousness and judgment, and how this circuit is destroyed in totalitarian regimes through ideology, terror, and the obliteration of politics