2,647 research outputs found

    Dust or Fire by Alyda Faber

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    Review of Alyda Faber\u27s Dust or Fire

    Method and apparatus for precision control of radiometer

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    A radiometer controller of a radiation detector is provided with a calibration method and apparatus comprised of mounting all temperature sensitive elements of the controller in thermostatically controlled ovens during calibration and measurements, using a selected temperature that is above any which might be reached in the field. The instrument is calibrated in situ by adjusting heater power (EI) to the receptor cavity in the radiometer detector to a predetermined full scale level and is displayed by a meter

    William Pollock Fraser (1867-1943) : Canadian pioneer plant pathologist-mycologist

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    William P. Fraser est le premier phytopathologiste-mycologue originaire du Canada à être reconnu internationalement. Alors qu'il enseignait dans sa province natale, la Nouvelle-Ecosse, Fraser débuta sa carrière à titre d'amateur en collectionnant les champignons et particulièrement ceux responsables des rouilles des plantes. Il devint un spécialiste renommé des rouilles et un phytopathologiste-mycologue professionnel. Il enseigna d'abord la mycologie et la phytopathologie, à l'Université McGill puis à l'Université de la Saskatchewan, après avoir été pour un temps chef du premier laboratoire de phytopathologie de l'Ouest canadien. Fraser fut un chercheur pionnier canadien dans la recherche sur les races physiologiques de la rouille du blé, sur la culture des rouilles hétéroïques, en pathologie forestière ainsi que dans l'étude des maladies des racines et du charbon des graminées dans l'ouest du Canada.William P. Fraser, the first Canadian-born plant pathologist-mycologist to be internationally recognized as such, began as an amateur collector of fungi, with emphasis on the plant rusts, while teaching school in his home province, Nova Scotia. He then became a widely acclaimed authority on the rusts and a professional plant pathologist-mycologist. He taught plant pathology and mycology, first at McGill University and then, after an interval as head of the first plant pathology laboratory in Western Canada, at the University of Saskatchewan. Fraser was a Canadian pioneer in research on physiological races of wheat rust; in the culture of heteroecious rust fungi, in forest pathology, and in the study of root and smut diseases of grasses in Western Canada

    John Dearness (1852-1954) : Canadian pioneer mycologist-plant pathologist

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    John Dearness, un enseignant doué d'un professionalisme remarquable, fut le premier mycologue canadien reconnu internationalement, en plus d'être un pionnier autodidacte en phytopathologie. Ses habiletés à isoler et à identifier les champignons phytoparasites et son empressement à assister des phytopathologistes professionnels étaient tellement reconnus qu'il fut élu président de la division canadienne de l'American Phytopathological Society. La Société canadienne de phytopathologie, dont il fut un membre-fondateur, l'a nommé membre honoraire. Plusieurs autres honneurs lui ont été décernés en reconnaissance de sa contribution à la botanique, à la mycologie et à la phytopathologie au Canada.John Dearness, a professional educator who became the first internationally acknowledged Canadian-born mycologist, was also a largely self-taught pioneer plant pathologist. His ability to isolate and identify plant parasitic fungi, and his readiness to assist professional plant pathologists, became so widely known that he was elected President of the Canadian Division of the American Phytopathological Society. The Canadian Phytopathological Society, of which he was a charter member, made him an honorary member. Many more honors were conferred on this remarkable man in recognition of his contributions to botany, mycology, and plant pathology in Canada

    Schema Induction through Evaluation and Correction

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    Schema induction occurs when people form mental representations of how to organize and interpret information through learning generalities across multiple events. An instructional intervention/task purported to enhance this process for students is Schema Induction through Evaluation and Correction (SIEC, aka Text Editing ), whereby students label problems based on their structural quality and edit their flaws away if necessary. We compared the relative learning efficiency of a SIEC condition with a conventional problem solving condition using word-problems one would find in basic probability theory. In a randomized controlled design with a large and diverse internet sample, we found SIEC to offer no advantage over the control in preparing participants for a problem solving posttest, both in terms of relative learning efficiency and raw pretest-posttest gains. The results and their implications are discussed

    The Five Bases of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and the Failure of the Presumption against Extraterritoriality

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    A nation can exercise two types of jurisdiction: territorial and extraterritorial. The exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction elicits controversy because of possible international law conflicts. The United States applies a presumption against extraterritorial application of domestic law. However, the presumption of extraterritorial application ignores the propriety of its use. This Note revises the presumption upon reviewing various statutory and case law applications of extraterritorial jurisdiction in the United States. This Note also proposes a new paradigm for proper use of extraterritorial jurisdiction. The new paradigm posits that the presumption against extraterritorial jurisdiction can be rebutted in five situations: (1) Nationality Jurisdiction, (2) Effects Jurisdiction, (3) Universal Jurisdiction, (4) Protective Jurisdiction, and (5) Passive Personality Jurisdiction

    The Use and Abuse of Inquiries: Do They Serve a Policy Purpose

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    Professor Wade MacLauchlan: We have the great pleasure of being joined by Mr. Justice Willard Estey who, among other things, sits on the Supreme Court of Canada. As regards his involvement with commissions of inquiry, Mr. Justice Estey is eminently qualified to speak from many different experiences as advocate and counsel for various interests before commissions of inquiry during his long period as a busy practitioner. As well, during that period he served as counsel to a variety of commissions. Since going to the bench, he has conducted three inquiries; into the Steel Industry in Ontario, into Air Canada and, most recently, into the collapse of two banks in Western Canada. I suppose it tells you something about the person when you consider that in all three of those cases the inquiries were conducted expeditiously and on a fairly bare bones budget. I believe the longest of any of those three inquiries was ten months, the time required to conduct the banking commission

    Alien Registration- Estey, Beulah (Presque Isle, Aroostook County)

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    100 years with the Québec Society for the Protection of Plants

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