141 research outputs found

    Towards Inclusive Indonesian Forestry: An Overview of a Spatial Planning and Agrarian Perspective

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    Forest area is the largest and most important part of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia but still faces many challenges, including deforestation, forest fires, peat swamp degradation and poverty of local communities due to horizontal and vertical forestry conflicts. This paper focuses on the analysis of forestry development based on spatial planning and agrarian perspective by conveying various facts. A single and centralistic authority over forest areas does not provide an effective basis for sustainable resource governance. There is a dualism of spatial and agrarian planning system namely between forest areas and non-forest areas. It should be integrated by mainstreaming inclusive collaborative management. We recommend promoting forest areas' arrangement under the control of an integrated spatial planning system for the people's greatest possible prosperity, including forestry management principles and objectives. Rationalisation of forest allocation (spatial pattern plan), which the optimum forest allocation must be viewed from the perspective of the overall spatial balance (both forest and non-forest areas, and between protected and cultivated areas) to provide land for food production, social welfare and environmental functions. Forestry implementation needs to consider the principles of economies of scale and prioritise benefits for local communities living bordering forests areas, especially for food cultivation areas. The government should commit to allocating at least 15 million ha inclusively by prioritising landless farmers and smallholder farmers. Increasing community participation in forest area utilisation and functions is pursued through increasing forest access for the community (social forestry and other schemes) without neglecting conservation functions

    Suitable and Available Land for Settlement Development in Cianjur Regency

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    A merging of Jakarta and Bandung metropolitans influence the development of the areas around them. Consequently, people are migrating to the cities caused an increasing population. It leads to experiencing uncontrolled advancement and arising problems. One of them is the raising land demand for settlement development, but the land is limited. Therefore, there is a need to address these particularities. This research aimed to model suitable and available land for settlement development in Cianjur Regency. Multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) and geographical information system (GIS) were collaborated to define the suitability criteria. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was employed to set the criteria's weight. Spatial Plan and LP2B were carried out as limiting factors. The result showed that the most crucial consideration came from the disaster. The suitability classes in Cianjur regency are: highly suitable 36%, Suitable 7%, Marginally suitable 44%, and Not suitable 14%. 85% of land in 2018 was available for settlement. Yet it is decreasing becomes 2% in 2030. Therefore, the potential land for settlement development is The different perspectives among developers, academics, and government in determining the most critical criteria for land suitability plays a crucial role in the next Cianjur’s settlement development planning. The implementation of the Spatial Plan can minimize environmental problems such as land conversion. In addition, regarding the new regulation on LP2B, the Spatial Plan has to be updated to synchronize the plan between Spatial Plan and LP2B

    Identifikasi Sektor Industri Pengolahan Unggulan Propinsi Jawa Timur (Analisis Input Output)

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    Sektor industri pengolahan menjadi penggerak utama perekonomian nasional, dan memiliki struktur keterkaitan yang kuat. Pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Timur memprioritaskan pengembangan industri yang mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi. Jawa Timur diharapkan akan menjadi pusat industri pengolahan sumber daya alam dan pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi sektor unggulan industri pengolahan untuk dikembangkan di Propinsi Jawa Timur dan mengidentifikasi keterkaitannya dengan sektor pertanian. Data penelitian ini menggunakan Tabel Input Output Propinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2015. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis keterkaitan dengan menggunakan indek daya penyebaran (IDP) dan indek daya kepekaan (IDK) serta kontribusi sektor-sektor industri pengolahan dalam struktur ekonomi wilayah Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sektor industri makanan dan industri pengolahan tembakau adalah sektor industri unggulan Jawa Timur. Secara relatif permintaan akhir keduanya merangsang pertumbuhan produksi lebih besar dari rata-rata, dan dapat memenuhi permintaan akhir diatas kemampuan rata-rata. Kedua sektor tersebut juga berkontribusi besar dalam pembentukan output, nilai tambah dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Sektor industri pengolahan Jawa Timur mempunyai keterkaitan ke belakang yang tinggi dengan sektor pertanian melalui pemanfaatan produk pertanian sebagai bahan baku industri. Total transaksi output sektor pertanian perikanan dan kelautan yang digunakan sektor industri pengolahan adalah Rp 180.01 Triliun, 72.79% diantaranya digunakan sektor industri makanan. Disisi lain kebutuhan industri makanan akan bahan baku impor juga masih tinggi (21.66% dari total kebutuhan bahan baku), untuk itu pemanfaatan sumberdaya lokal sebagai substitusi bahan impor harus ditingkatkan. Pengembangan keterkaitan antar sektor dan pemanfaatan komoditas lokal terus didorong untuk mengurangi ketergantungan bahan baku impor

    Development of the national priority rural area of Pandeglang Banten

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    Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, is one of the regions on the island of Java that has great economic potential from a geographical perspective in the fisheries, agriculture, and tourism sectors to support the development and the economy in the area. However, since the tsunami hit this area in 2018, plus the non-natural catastrophe at the beginning of 2020, namely Covid-19, it has paralyzed the joints of the economy, which has an impact on hindering development in Pandeglang Regency. The purpose of this research is to discover the development of the Pandeglang rural area after the establishment of village funds and natural and non-natural disasters, to find out which locations are recommended and what steps are taken to accelerate economic recovery. This study uses analysis techniques of tabular and spatial data time series, descriptive analysis of tabular and spatial data comparisons, spatial pattern analysis using Moran's index value, and LISA method analysis. Based on the study results, three villages were recommended as centers for KPPNs, namely Teluk Village, Caring Village, and Sukacai Village. Based on the analysis results, Teluk Village and Caringin Village are villages affected by the tsunami, and Sukacai Village is a difficult village to develop in the 2015-2021 range

    The Role of Terraced Paddy Fields and Its Critical Issues in Sustaining a Mountainous Tropical Monsoon Rural Community: Case Study of Malasari Village, Bogor Regency, Indonesia

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    Terraced paddy fields play an important role not only in the food production function, but also in flooding control, water source recharge, and soil erosion and landslide prevention in mountainous area. Abandonment has been occurring in many countries due to natural condition climate, low-productive, less economic condition, depopulation, aging, and poor work efficiency. However, the terraced fields in Malasari village, Bogor Regency are relatively sustained and constantly maintained by traditional local farmers. Therefore, this study aims to seek keys to how to maintain of the terraced paddy fields by local farmers in Malasari village. The survey was conducted from October 2019 to January 2020 on Malasari village (6°40’S and 106°31’E) by using primary and secondary data with a sample of 28 households. Questionnaire survey was conducted to elicit primary data on farmer’s basic information. Verification of land cover in Malasari village was carried out by visual interpretation land cover in images obtained from drone image in 2019. The terraced paddy fields have been maintained by local farmers contentiously. Two factors are discovered maintained the terraced paddy fields, namely: (1) the local wisdom technique is an act that has direct influences on the physical structure of terraced paddy fields for maintaining, especially land management which is plowing and making levee are playing an important role, and (2) social capital is an act that has indirect influences on the terraced paddy fields. These factors interact with each other to maintain the terraced paddy fields

    Model Designing for Sustainable New City Development: A Case Study for South Tangerang City, Indonesia

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    Development of new city is expected to solve such problems as population pressure reduction in large cities, regional economic development, etc., but the reality does not correspond to the objectives. The development of a new city has brought convenience to the people's production and life. However, at the same time, with the increasing of urban factor intensity, the problems such as the traffic, security, infrastructure, and environment and others are growing. A case study of the research was conducted in the South Tangerang City, Banten Province, Indonesia. The development of this city had only focused on economic aspect, other aspects such as environmental (especially on environmental carrying capacity) and social aspect should be paid sufficient attention. Therefore, in city development control should be implemented in ensuring sustainable cities development. Assessment on sustainable cities development is systematically, because city growth is affected by behavior of elements such as economic, ecology and social elements which constructed a city. The aim of research was to design a model designing for sustainable development of South Tangerang City. System dynamics approach was employed to develop the model. The model contain of some sub model, i.e.: Population and Labor,  Regional Economic,  Environmental Condition, and Infrastructure and Transportation sub model. Some scenario were determined and simulated to predict economic, social and environmental impact. Recommended policies to achieve its sustainability i.e. increasing investment, green open space, vertical settlement, road capacity, and budget for the environmental sector. Keywords: Sustainable New City Development, System Dynamics, South Tangerang City, scenari

    Pengaruh Lahan Kosong terhadap Kemiskinan di Kota Bengkulu

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    Penataan ruang di Indonesia sudah diimplemetasikan sejak tahun 2007, namun pengaruhnya terhadap kemiskinan belum banyak dikaji dan diteliti. Sejak perda Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) provinsi dan kabupaten/kota banyak ditetapkan ada kecederungan terjadi perlambatan angka penurunan kemiskinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menelaah pengaruh lahan kosong terhadap kemiskinan. Statistik yang biasa digunakan untuk menyelidiki adanya keterkaitan secara spasial sebuah variabel penelitian adalah indeks moran, sedangkan pengaruh antar variabel yang menyelidiki sampai pada setiap unit amatan biasa digunakan ekonometrika spasial yakni regresi terboboti spasial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan kosong dan kemiskinan memiliki autokorelasi spasial yang mengelompok dengan nilai indeks moran masing-masing 0,203 dan 0,331. Kebaikan model dilihat dari R2 sebesar 0,218, yang berarti model ini hanya dapat menjelaskan variasi kemiskinan yang terjadi sebesar 21,8%. Pengaruh antara lahan kosong terhadap kemiskinan bergradasi secara kontinum dari bagian utara kota, pusat dan bagian selatan kota, semakin ke arah selatan pengaruhnya semakin besar. Pengaruh terkecil adalah 0.056, di Kelurahan Kandang Limun sedangkan terbesar adalah 0.342 di Kelurahan Teluk Sepang. Nilai ini menjelaskan apabila luas lahan kosong meningkat 1%, maka jumlah penduduk miskin akan bertambah antara 0,56% sampai 34,2%. Re-rata koefisien regresinya adalah 0,145 artinya rata-rata pengaruh lahan kosong terhadap kemiskinan mencapai 14,5% per kenaikan 1 % lahan.

    Perkembangan dan Karakterisasi Desa-desa Pegunungan Jawa Tengah: Development and Characterization of Mountain Villages in Central Java

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    The characteristics of mountain villages are very different from valley villages and plain villages, but socio-economically and environmentally related to each other. This study aims to analyze the level of development of physical facilities in mountain villages, analyze the village development index based on the dimensions of village development, and analyze the components of socio-economic, environmental, and developmental characteristics of mountainous villages in Central Java. Analysis of the level of development of mountainous village physical facilities used skalogram based on PODES 2018 data, village development index based on the dimensions of village development used the Village Index (ID) calculation formula, and analysis of the characteristics of the socio-economic, environmental, and developmental components of mountain villages used Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Results of the analysis of the level of development of the physical facilities of the mountainous villages show that 413 villages (67.81%) of the mountains are in the third hierarchical class (less developed). The category of village development based on the dimensions of development shows that mountain villages are included in the category of developing villages with an average value of ID 54.17. The components that best characterize the characteristics of mountainous villages are the potential for the danger of 21.9%, the availability of secondary school education facilities, health facilities, and the village development level of 16%, the component of trade facilities 5.8. %, the component of the availability of the micro-industry is 13.25%, and the component of the availability of health facilities are 8.8%

    Can Social Capital Investment Reduce Poverty in Rural Indonesia?

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    This study investigates the impact of social capital investment on the poverty of rural households in Indonesia using nationally representative datasets, namely Susenas 2012. Employing a logistic regression model to examine the effect of social capital on household poverty, this study tests whether the ownership of social capital reduces households' probability of being poor. The analysis shows that the effect of social capital on decreasing the probability of a rural household being poor is higher than that of human capital. The findings imply that, compared to other factors, social capital is the most important in reducing household poverty. Therefore, government agencies, the private sector, and other stakeholders should encourage investment in households' social capital to accelerate poverty reduction in Indonesia, complementary to other forms of “conventional” capital accumulation. Keywords: poverty, social capital, rural household, Indonesia, logistic regression JEL Classifications: C13, I32, R5

    Perkembangan Kawasan Permukiman di Sekitar Titik Transit Kabupaten Bogor

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    Kabupaten Bogor sebagai salah satu hinterland dalam KSN Jabodetabekpunjur, telah mengalami perkembangan wilayah yang pesat dan pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi. Wilayah ini memiliki jumlah komuter yang tinggi dan terhubung dengan sistem transportasi massal yang terintegrasi di wilayah Jabodetabek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pertumbuhan kawasan permukiman di kawasan transit pada kurun waktu 2000-2020 dan mengidentifikasi perkembangan ketersediaan fasilitas permukiman melalui analisis hierarki desa di kawasan transit pada tahun 2011-2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan data berupa peta landuse tahun 2000, 2010, 2015, dan 2020 serta data sekunder dari BPS berupa data Potensi Desa (Podes) tahun 2011, 2014, dan 2019. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode tumpang susun peta dan analisis skalogram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kawasan sekitar stasiun kereta jenis commuter line memiliki laju pertumbuhan permukiman dan kepadatan permukiman yang tinggi pada kurun waktu 2000-2020. Kepadatan dan laju pertumbuhan permukiman tertinggi terjadi di kawasan sekitar Stasiun Citayam, Stasiun Cilebut, dan Stasiun Bojonggede. Sementara itu berdasarkan nilai IPD, kawasan yang memiliki fasilitas permukiman yang baik ditemui di kawasan sekitar Stasiun Cibinong, Stasiun Citayam, Stasiun Bojonggede, Stasiun Cilebut, dan Stasiun Nambo. Secara keseluruhan kawasan transit stasiun commuterline memiliki potensi berkembang menjadi pusat pertumbuhan. Oleh karena itu rencana dan strategi pembangunan daerah dapat mengarahkan kawasan transit cepat tumbuh menjadi pusat-pusat pelayanan baru
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