919 research outputs found

    Implementasi Keterbukaan Informasi Publik (Kip) Di Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti Tahun 2011-2015

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    This research have to know about Implementation of Openess Public Information ( OPI) in Meranti Islands Regency. As for the background of this research is still so many Society although Caretaker Public Organization didn\u27t know and understand purpose of the birth of The Law Openess Public Information (OPI) so for some people who need the information from public bodies have difficulty obtaining Public Information for Various reason. This research applied the Theory of Implementation, so the methode used is the research methode with a qulitative approach. The data obtained by the interview and documentation data analyze for analyze with Descriptive analyze methode.This research shows that related to the role of the public relations of the Meranti District Secetariat as the Information and Documentation managing officials in the government of Meranti Islands, basically has been going on according to the provision that has been mandated in the constitution No 14 Year 2008 about the Opennes of Public Of Information. Even it there are several obsticles during the implementation that is related to fascilities and budget but everything still goes on according to the expectations. This is also supported by the releasing of the rule by the head of district of Meranti Islands No 21 Year 2012 about the guidelines of working information and documentation at The Environment of Meranti Island Government so the workflow and rsponsibility becomes clear

    Penyediaan Pelayanan Publik Dalam Persoalan Sampah Di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2014-2016

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    In an effort to provide public services to meet the basic needs of citizens, the policy in regional management has become the responsibility of the local government itself. It is contained in Act No. 23 of 2014 on Regional Government. Environmental issues become one of the basic aspects in an effort to create an atmosphere and order in a region, it is necessary to have cooperation with third parties, namely the interregional cooperation between the borders for the implementation of Government Affairs: a. Who has cross-regional externalities; And b. Provision of more efficient public services if jointly managed. Like urban spatial plan Pekanbaru in Pekanbaru city regulation No. 8 of 2014 About waste management. This research is intended to know the waste management in Pekanbaru City in 2014-2015. Pekanbaru has 16 Temporary Disposal Sites (TPS) scattered in a compact area of Pekanbaru consisting of 12 districts currently capable of generating 500 tons of waste / day, of about 1.3 million residents. On average, 2.6 kilograms of rubbish once every resident every day. Garbage collection of garbage is always routinely done by related parties but in running its service there is still lack and dissatisfaction of society. Pekanbaru in 2013 entered in the cleanest big city in Indonesia through Adipura award, but in fact garbage management becomes problem always updated by Local Government of Pekanbaru City, problems arise due to security and coordination from various parties in providing public service garbage problem, one of The peak is the piling up of garbage in some sub-districts and there are also strike action of officers who are not respected by third parties PT. Multi Inti Guna (PT.MIG) which does not affect the management of the areas that are not harmonious in the process of waste management budget disbursement

    Structure of rabbit liver fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase at 2.3 Å resolution

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    The three-dimensional structure of the R form of rabbit liver fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (Fru-1,6-Pase; E.C. has been determined by a combination of heavy-atom and molecular-replacement methods. A model, which includes 2394 protein atoms and 86 water molecules, has been refined at 2.3 Å resolution to a crystallographic R factor of 0.177. The root-mean-square deviations of bond distances and angles from standard geometry are 0.012 Å and 1.7°, respectively. This structural result, in conjunction with recently redetermined amino-acid sequence data, unequivocally establishes that the rabbit liver enzyme is not an aberrant bisphosphatase as once believed, but is indeed homologous to other Fru-1,6-Pases. The root-mean-square deviation of the C atoms in the rabbit liver structure from the homologous atoms in the pig kidney structure complexed with the product, fructose 6-phosphate, is 0.7 Å. Fru-1,6-Pases are homotetramers, and the rabbit liver protein crystallizes in space group I222 with one monomer in the asymmetric unit. The structure contains a single endogenous Mg<sup>2+</sup> ion coordinated by Glu97, Asp118, Asp121 and Glu280 at the site designated metal site 1 in pig kidney Fru-1,6-Pase R-form complexes. In addition, two sulfate ions, which are found at the positions normally occupied by the 6-phosphate group of the substrate, as well as the phosphate of the allosteric inhibitor AMP appear to provide stability. Met177, which has hydrophobic contacts with the adenine moiety of AMP in pig kidney T-form complexes, is replaced by glycine. Binding of a non-hydrolyzable substrate analog,<sup> β</sup>-methyl-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, at the catalytic site is also examined

    The relationship between foreign investments and stock returns on ISE

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    Bu çalışmada, İMKB hisse senedi piyasasında yabancılar tarafından gerçekleştirilen işlemlerin hisse senedi getirileri üzerinde etkili olup olmadığı, tabanın genişlemesi (base broadening) hipotezinden yola çıkılarak ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. 1997:01 - 2009:12 tarihleri arasındaki aylık veriler kullanılarak, iki değişken arasındaki eşbütünleşme ilişkisi Pesaran ve diğerleri (2001) tarafından geliştirilen Sınır Testi ve ARDL modelleri yardımıyla analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçta yabancı işlem hacmi ile hisse senedi getirileri arasında uzun dönemde pozitif bir ilişki tespit edilmiş ancak bu ilişkinin kısa dönemde anlamlı olmadığı görülmüştür. Bu bulgular İMKB’de tabanın genişlemesi hipotezinin uzun dönemde geçerli olduğu şeklinde yorumlanabilir.This paper, emerging from base broadening hypothesis, investigates whether the foreign transactions have an affect on the security returns in ISE. The cointegration relationship between two variables has been analyzed by the bounds testing approach developed by Pesaran et. al.(2001) and ARDL models using the monthly data of 1997:01- 2009:12. As a result, a positive relationship has been detected between the foreign transactions and returns of shares in the long run. However, the same relationship is insignificant in the short run. This finding can be interpreted as the validity of base broadening hypotesis in long term in ISE

    The Relationship Between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates: An Empirical Study on Emerging Markets

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    This study aims to determine whether the traditional or portfolio approach is relevant for developing countries, by using the relationship between stock prices and exchange rates. For this purpose, cointegration (Pesaran et al., 2001) and causality tests (Toda Yamamoto, 1995) are used to examine the relationship between stock prices and exchange rates using monthly data from 13 developing countries. There is a negative relationship between the variables in the long-run, in 6 countries. There is a casual relationship in 8 countries, for 5 countries there is uni-directional causality running from stock prices to exchange rate, for 3 countries there is bi-directional causality between the variables. These findings can be interpreted as the relevance of the portfolio approach in the developing countries examinedExchange Rates, Stock Prices, Bounds Test, Toda Yamamoto Causality

    Money Earning Activities and Empowerment Experiences of Rural Migrant Women in the City: The Case of Turkey

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This article investigates empowerment in relation to money-earning activities in the context of rural-to-urban migrant women in poor families in Turkey. Acknowledging the exploitative character of employment accessible to migrant women, it asks whether working migrant women gain something in their families in return for their economic contributions. The article points to the traditional role of men as the heads of the family and family honor (namus) as the cultural basis which acts against the empowerment of migrant women in Turkish society. It attempts to understand empowerment as articulated by the women themselves based upon their lived experiences. While doing so, it examines women’s positions in the family with regard to their role in the intra-family decision making, their degree of control over their earned money, and male violence in the family. It further discusses whether or not the experiences of migrant women can be considered as empowerment, and in this way it aims to contribute to the theoretical development of the concept ‘‘empowerment.’

    Reverse currency substitution process and exchange rate volatility: the Turkish case

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    Teorik ve ampirik literatür, para ikamesinin döviz kurundaki oynaklığı ve bu oynaklığın da para talebini anlamlı düzeyde etkilediğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, son dönemde, tersine dönmeye başlayan para ikamesinin döviz kuru oynaklığına ve bu oynaklığın da para talebi üzerine etkisinin olup olmadığının araştırılmasıdır. Çalışmada Güçlü Ekonomiye Geçiş Programı veri seti için başlangıç olarak alınmış ve 2001/04-2006/12 dönemini kapsayan aylık veri seti kullanılmıştır. Oynaklığın modellenmesinde E-GARCH ve para talebi denkleminde ise Pesaran vd. (2001) sınır testi yaklaşımı ile tahmin yapılmıştır. Teorik beklentiye uygun olarak, tahmin sonuçlarına göre inceleme döneminde, para ikamesinin tersine dönmesi döviz kuru oynaklığını azaltmıştır. Ayrıca, döviz kuru oynaklığındaki bu azalışın da ters para ikamesi sürecini hızlandırdığı para talebi modeli tahminiyle gösterilmiştir.Theoretical and empirical literature shows that there is a significant relation between currency substitution and exchange rate volatility, and this volatility affects money demand significantly. This study examines the relation between reverse currency substitution and the volatility in exchange rate as well as the effects of this volatility on the demand for money. We used monthly data covering the period of 2001/04-2006/12, which started with the implementation of Program for Transition to a Strong Economy. Following the literature, we employed E-GARCH method in exchange rate volatility modeling and Pesaran et al (2001) bounds test approach in the estimation of money demand function. In accordance with the theoretical expectations, we found that with the increase in reverse currency substitution the exchange rate volatility decreased. Moreover, the decline in the volatility of exchange rate increased the money demand, i.e. accelerated the reverse currency substitution process

    Economic growth and electricity consumption in Turkey: a bound test approach

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    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de ekonomik büyüme ile elektrik tüketimi ilişkisi 1974-2004 dönemi için incelenmiştir. Ekonomik büyüme ve elektrik tüketimi serileri farklı derecelerden durağan (I(0) ve I(1)) oldukları için aralarındaki ilişki Sınır Testi yaklaşımı ile araştırılmıştır. Bu yaklaşıma göre, seriler arasında eşbütünleşme ilişkisi tespit edilmiş ve kısa dönemde değişkenler arasında pozitif bir ilişki ortaya çıkarken uzun dönemde bu ilişki negatif çıkmıştır.This paper investigates relationship between economic growth and electricity consumption for Turkey over the period 1974-2004. As economic growth and electricity consumption variables used in empirical analysis was different order of integration ( I(0) and I(1) ) we employed bound test approach. We found cointegration relationship between the variables and in short run there is positive relationship between the variables however in long run there is negative relationship