66 research outputs found

    Kimlik Paylaşım Sistemi’nin Halk Kütüphanelerinde Uygulanması

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    Identity Sharing System enables online sharing the information which is stored on the database of the Central Population Management System by the Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs to public institutions, in a framework ofprinciples and procedures specified in the relevant legislation and twenty-four hours for seven days. Identity Sharing System Regulation which was prepared within the scope of “reducing bureaucracy and administrative simplification” in the public sector came into force on December 8, 2006. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate for Libraries and Publications made an application to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs for their citizens to benefit from libraries easier. Thus Identity Sharing System was opened for the public libraries. When Identity Sharing System began to be implemented at the process of the recording of public library members, library users do not need to bring certified document and library membership procedures that cause delays has been eliminated.Kimlik Paylaşım Sistemi (KPS), İçişleri Bakanlığı Nüfus ve Vatandaşlık İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından, Merkezi Nüfus İdaresi Sistemi veri tabanında tu­tulan bilgileri, sınırlandırılmış olarak kamu kurumları ve diğer tüzel kişiliklere, ilgili mevzuatta belirlenen esas ve usuller çerçevesinde, güncel ve güvenli bir şekilde, yedi gün yirmidört saat süreyle, çevrimiçi paylaşılmasını sağlayan bir sistemdir. Kamuda “bürokrasinin azaltılması ve idari basitleştirme” çalışmaları kapsamında hazırlanan Kimlik Paylaşımı Sistemi Yönetmeliği 8 Aralık 2006 tari­hinde yürürlüğe girmiştir. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Kütüphaneler ve Yayımlar Genel Müdürlüğü, vatandaşların kütüphanelerden daha rahat yararlanmalarını sağlamak amacıyla Nüfus ve Vatandaşlık İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü’ne başvurmuş­tur. Böylece KPS ilk defa halk kütüphanelerinin kullanımına açılmıştır. Kimlik Paylaşım Sistemi’nin uygulanmaya başlamasıyla halk kütüphanelerine üye kay­dedilirken, nüfus cüzdanı ya da adres belgesi örneği gibi birlikte kullanıcıların onaylı belge getirmelerine gerek kalmamış üyeliği geciktiren prosedürler ortadan kalkmıştır

    Comparison of the SCS-CN and Hydrograph Separation Method for Runoff Estimation in an Ungauged Basin: The Izmit Basin, Turke

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    The separation of surface runoff and base flow is a very specific problem in water balance calculations,particularly if there is not enough measured flow data. In this study, the SCS-CN method is used to estimate the surfacerunoff in the ungauged Izmit Basin. The CNs are estimated using the Hydrologic Soil Groups map, based on soil data ofthe General Directorate of Rural Services of Turkey and land use obtained from the CORINE-2006 database for differentAMCs. The surface runoff was computed using the SCS-CN method for the ungauged Izmit Basin that corresponds to17% and 21% of the rainfall, i.e. 134 mm (for Kocaeli Meteorological Station; rainfall=804 mm) and 171 mm (forSakarya Meteorological Station; rainfall=820 mm). According to SCS-CN method estimates, approximately 41-42% ofthe annual rainfall in the Izmit Basin directly contributes to the total streamflow, and 21-25% of it contributes to baseflow and unmeasured infiltration. To compare the results of the SCS-CN method along with hydrograph separationmethod, the gauged Yuvacık Dam Sub-Basin, which is hydro-meteorologically similar to the Izmit Basin, was selected.The results showed that 16% of the rainfall in the Yuvacık Dam Sub-Basin became surface runoff. Also, it was foundthat about 42% of the annual rainfall in the Yuvacık Dam Sub-Basin directly contributes to the total streamflow and 23%of it contributes to the base flow and unmeasured infiltration. These results confirm that the ratio of surface runoffobtained by the hydrograph separation method in the Yuvacık Dam Sub-Basin matches with the ratio of surface runoffcalculated using the SCS-CN method for the entire Izmit Basin

    Demonstration of the protective effect of ghrelin in the livers of rats with cisplatin toxicity

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    Despite the various and newly developed chemotherapeutic agents in recent years, cisplatin is still used very frequently as a chemotherapeutic agent, even though cisplatin has toxic effects on many organs. The aim of our study is to show whether ghrelin reduces the liver toxicity of cisplatin in the rat model. Twenty-eight male Sprague Dawley albino mature rats were chosen to be utilized in the study. Group 1 rats (n = 7) were taken as the control group, and no medication was given to them. Group 2 rats (n = 7) received 5 mg/kg/day cisplatin and 1 ml/kg/day of 0.9% NaCl, Group 3 rats (n = 7) received 5 mg/kg/day cisplatin and 10 ng/kg/day ghrelin, Group 4 rats (n = 7) received 5 mg/kg/day cisplatin and 20 ng/kg/day ghrelin for 3 days. Glutathione, malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, and liver biopsy results were measured in rats. It was determined that, especially in the high-dose group, the MDA, plasma ALT, and SOD levels increased less in the ghrelin group as compared to the cisplatin group, and the glutathione level decreased slightly with a low dose of ghrelin, while it increased with a higher dose. In histopathological examination, it was determined that the toxic effect of cisplatin on the liver was reduced with a low dose of ghrelin, and its histopathological appearance was similar to normal liver tissue when given a high dose of ghrelin. These findings show that ghrelin, especially in high doses, can be used to reduce the toxic effect of cisplatin

    Okul Yöneticilerinin Öğretimsel Liderlik Davranışları ile Öğretmenlerin Mesleki Kabul Alanları Arasındaki İlişkiler

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, ilkouml%253Bğretim okulu muuml%253Bduuml%253Brlerinin ouml%253Bğretimsel liderlik davranışları ile ouml%253Bğretmenlerin mesleki kabul alanları arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemektir. Araştırmanın ouml%253Brneklemini 2008-2009 eğitim ouml%253Bğretim yılında Nazilli ilccedil%253Be merkezindeki resmi ve ouml%253Bzel ilkouml%253Bğretim kurumlarında gouml%253Brev yapan 254 ouml%253Bğretmenden oluşturmaktadır. Ouml%253Bğretmenlere, okul youml%253Bneticilerinin ouml%253Bğretimsel liderliklerine ilişkin algılarını ouml%253Blccedil%253Bmek amacıyla 28 maddeden oluşan Ouml%253Bğretimsel Liderlik Davranışı Betimleme Anketi ve kendi mesleki kabul alanlarını ouml%253Blccedil%253Bmek amacıyla Mesleki Kabul Alanı Envanteri adında 26 maddeden oluşan iki ouml%253Blccedil%253Bek uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde ortalama, standart sapma, doğrusal regresyon analizi gibi tekniklerden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucu elde edilen bulgulara gouml%253Bre, okul youml%253Bneticilerinin ouml%253Bğretimsel liderlikdavranışları ouml%253Bğretmenlerin mesleki kabul alanlarını anlamlı duuml%253Bzeyde yordayabilmektedi

    Preparation of a Clay Composite Containing Poly(o-toluidine) and Halloysite, and Examining of Its Performance as a Humidity Sensor

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    This study outlines the production of an electrically conductive clay-based composite containing the halloysite as clay mineral and poly(o-toluidine) (POT) as a conductive filler. In the study, conductive POT/halloysite composite was obtained by in situ oxidative polymerization of o-toluidine using ammonium persulphate (APS) as an oxidant between the halloysite layers. By changing the polymerization conditions such as polymerization time, o-toluidine concentration, APS, and the concentration of HCl solution used as the reaction medium, the composite with the highest conductivity (7.5×10-5 S.cm-1) was obtained. Structural and morphological changes and thermal behaviors that occurred after the composite formation was revealed using various characterization techniques such as FTIR, XRD, TGA, and SEM. The usability of the prepared POT/halloysite composite as humidity sensing material was tested in comparison with the pure POT component of the composite at a relative humidity (% RH) varied between 41-94 (%). Accordingly, it was found that the composite exhibited a fairly regular resistance change to varying relative humidity compared to pure POT polymer

    Ostrakinda: A Game-Based Learning Toolkit for Ancient Mediterranean Cities

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    The study develops the 'Ostrakinda' toolkit for teaching morphologies of ancient Mediterranean cities. The methodology consists of a triple structure involving design, play, and analysis phases. In the design phase, the level of interest and actual demands of students regarding game-based learning (GBL) and ancient cities were explored through pre-experiments. The play phase involved experimental studies conducted in courses and workshops, where both physical and digital toolkits were tested by a total of 331 students. The analysis phase aimed to evaluate the impact of the game by systematically addressing five research questions. The results of the paired t-test confirm a significant difference in scores before and after playing the game, thus validating the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. Additionally, Chi-square (X2) tests revealed significant relationships between the form of play and the level of abstraction in the game outputs. Individual and group experiences during gameplay were associated with various interactions, and group experiences particularly fostered competitive and collaborative learning. The extensive analysis using the GBL Design Scale, comprising ten critical factors (GBL-Fn), showed that the challenge factor (F8) had the weakest values, while fantasy (F5) and narrative (F6) had the highest values in the correlation matrix. Overall, the study contributes methodologically and contextually to the existing literature, offering valuable findings for the future development of similar strategies in architectural education. However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of this interdisciplinary study, particularly with regards to technical, cognitive, and archaeological aspects. Nevertheless, the clear and effective structure of the game holds promise as a valuable tool for learning

    Discoidin domain receptor 1 as a promising biomarker for high-grade gliomas

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    Background: Two fundamental challenges in the current therapeutic approach for central nervous system tumors are the tumor heterogeneity and the absence of specific treatments and biomarkers that selectively target the tumor tissue. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the potential relationship between discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) expression and the prognosis and characteristics of glioma patients. Materials and Methods: Tissue and serum samples from 34 brain tumor patients were evaluated for DDR1 messenger ribonucleic acid levels in comparison to 10 samples from the control group, and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis has performed. Results: DDR1 expression was observed in both tissue and serum samples of the patient and control groups. DDR1 expression levels in tissue and serum samples from patients were higher in comparison to the control group, although not statistically significant (P > 0.05). A significant correlation between tumor size and DDR1 serum measurements at the level of 0.370 was reported (r = 0.370; P = 0.034). The levels of DDR1 in serum showed a positive correlation with the increasing size of tumor. The results of the 5-year survival analysis depending on the DDR1 tissue levels showed a significantly higher survival rate (P = 0.041) for patients who have DDR1 tissue levels above cutoff value. Conclusions: DDR1 expression was significantly higher among brain tumor tissues and serum samples and its levels showed a positive correlation with the increased size of tumor. This study can be a starting point, since it investigated and indicated, for the first time, that DDR1 can be a novel therapeutic and prognostic target for aggressive high-grade gliomas

    Application of Identification Sharing System in Public

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    Identity Sharing System enables online sharing the information which is stored on the database of the Central Population Management System by the Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs to public institutions, in a framework ofprinciples and procedures specified in the relevant legislation and twenty-four hours for seven days. Identity Sharing System Regulation which was prepared within the scope of “reducing bureaucracy and administrative simplification” in the public sector came into force on December 8, 2006. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate for Libraries and Publications made an application to the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs for their citizens to benefit from libraries easier. Thus Identity Sharing System was opened for the public libraries. When Identity Sharing System began to be implemented at the process of the recording of public library members, library users do not need to bring certified document and library membership procedures that cause delays has been eliminated

    Mekansal Deneyimin İlk Yıl Mimarlık Öğrencilerinin Tasarımları Üzerindeki Etkileri

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    Designers often call on their past experiences in order to solve new design problems. Information recalled from the memories of past spatial experiences play an important role in the establishment of the framework to be used when solving the current design problem. However, recalled information may be related to methods or certain aspects of the previous solutions of similar design problems which may not always be appropriate to the problem at hand. Therefore, such remembered spatial experiences may have adverse effects on the design process, for instance in the form of design fixation, a difficulty which may be more pronounced for inexperienced designers. This paper reports the findings of an experimental study which was devised to expose the possible adverse effects of previous spatial experiences on the designs of first year architecture students