10 research outputs found

    Epydemiologic study of estereotypies in military horses

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    Seventy two horses, forty three geldings and twenty nine no pregnant females, from five to seventeen years old were inspectioned. It has been observed the type and regularity of stereotypies, diet and stalls where the equines were stayed. The stereotypies more observed were coprophagy (80%) followed by trough, walls and chains licking (23,6%). Six equines did repetitive vertical head movement (8,3%), three had wood and chain cribbing (4,2%) and two did aerophagy (2,8%). The coprophagy was observed more frequently during the night, at time that the horses didn’t eat forrage (during forteen to sixteen hours) and the stalls weren’t clean. The trough and chains licking ocurred during the day, between meals. According to the findings, the equine stereotypies are variable and were founded many importants predisposed factors.Para estudar a prevalência de estereotipias em eqüinos de cavalaria, foram inspecionados 72 animais, sendo 43 machos castrados e 29 fêmeas não gestantes, com idade entre 5,5 e 17 anos. Foram observados o tipo e a repetibilidade das estereotipias, a dieta e as instalações. As estereotipias mais observadas foram a coprofagia (80%) e a lambedura de cochos, paredes e correntes (23,6%). Seis eqüinos (8,3%) manifestavam movimentos verticais repetitivos de cabeça, três mordiam corrente ou madeira (4,2%) e dois eqüinos realizavam aerofagia (2,8%). A coprofagia foi observada com freqüência maior durante a noite, correspondendo ao intervalo de tempo maior entre as ofertas de volumoso, ou seja, de 14 a 16 horas, e também com os horários em que as fezes não eram recolhidas das baias. A lambedura de cochos e correntes ocorria prevalentemente durante o dia, entre os intervalos das refeições. Entre as condições de manejo e regime alimentar, foram identificados fatores de risco importantes. Concluiu-se que as estereotipias em eqüinos de cavalaria são diversas e freqüentes

    Kinerja Agribisnis Mangga Gedong Gincu dan Potensinya sebagai Produk Ekspor Pertanian Unggulan

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    Gedong gincu mango is a specific mango variety in West Java Province, which has a high economic value and the prospect of being a superior export commodity of Indonesia. Despite its increasing production and high market prospect, gedong gincu mango agribusiness still faces various problems, both in on-farm and off-farm aspects. This paper aims to study the agribusiness of gedong gincu mango, covering both on-farm and off-farm aspects and export prospects. In general, gedong gincu mango farmers are small-scale farmers who practice traditional cultivation, harvest, and post-harvest management; are not yet market-oriented; practicing conventional marketing that relies on collecting traders, and have weak institutional. These conditions cause low productivity and diverse quality of gedong mango and are not continuously available throughout the year, which hinder the potential for wide-open exports from being appropriately utilized. It needs improvement in both on-farm and off-farm to improve the production and marketing of gedong gincu mango. At the on-farm level, efforts to increase competitiveness can be made by improving fruit production, productivity, quality, and continuity, by applying good agricultural practices. At the off-farm level, this can be done through improving facilities and infrastructures, institutions, and regulations. These efforts should involve all parties, including farmers (producers), marketing agents (collectors, traders, exporters), and policymakers

    The Determinants of Sustainable Agricultural TECHNOLOGY Adoption

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    Pertanian memiliki peran penting karena lebih dari 60% populasi dunia bergantung pada pertanian sebagai mata pencaharian. Salah satu faktor penyumbang besar terhadap pertumbuhan produktivitas pertanian adalah penerapan teknologi baru. Teknologi baru pertanian diharapkan berperan sebagai jalan penting untuk keluar dari kemiskinan di sebagian besar negara berkembang. Namun, realita menunjukkan tingkat adopsi teknologi pertanian dianggap masih relatif rendah. Makalah ini merupakan scientific review yang merangkum dan menganalisis hasil-hasil penelitian tentang adopsi teknologi pertanian. Tujuan makalah adalah untuk mengamati pengalaman di sejumlah negara terkait adopsi teknologi pertanian dan menentukan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi adopsi serta keberlanjutan suatu adopsi teknologi. Hasil studi mengungkapkan bahwa keputusan petani untuk mengadopsi teknologi baru bergantung pada interaksi dinamis antara karakteristik teknologi dan kondisi lingkungannya. Beberapa aspek yang memengaruhi adopsi teknologi pertanian antara lain aspek teknologi, ekonomi dan keuangan, sosial dan kelembagaan, serta usaha pertanian dan karakteristik rumah tangga petani. Namun, penentu adopsi teknologi pertanian tidak selalu tunggal, melainkan kombinasi dari beberapa faktor sehingga untuk memacu adopsi teknologi harus memperhitungkan semua faktor penentunya. Pendekatan yang komprehensif menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk menyebarluaskan teknologi baru pertanian. Pemerintah dapat menjadi Fasilitator untuk adopsi teknologi dan memastikan teknologi yang disebarkan bermanfaat bagi petani

    A 17-Years Old Man of Colitis Tuberculosis with Fistula Perianal

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    Tuberculosis (TB) remains to be one of the most common problems in developing countries such as Indonesia. It can involve many organs including gastrointestinal tracts. Colonic tuberculosis is an ancient disease and has long been recognized. However, it is sometimes difficult to make early diagnosis due to its nonspecific signs and symptoms. Perianal granulomas or perianal fistula presents some degree of diagnostic difficulty. A spectrum of diseases can produce granulomas in perianal region and perineum. Most are infectious or inflammatory diseases. Standard histological diagnosis often less significant to clarify the etiology and treatment will vary from one to another disease entity. In this report, we present a case 17-years old man with colitis TB and fistula perianal, in which the initial diagnostic workup suggested Crohn's disease. Mantoux test, Acid Fast Bacilli test on fecal examination and polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed negative result. The chest X-ray was normal; while the fistulography X-ray: revealed 2 orifices in rectosigmoid area. The colonoscopy revealed mucosa edema with ulceration in rectosigmoid and pedincular polyp in the caecum. Initial colonoscopy diagnosis was Crohn's disease with differential diagnosis colitis ulcerative, colitis TB, colitis infection. results of direct or post homogenizes examination (Ziel–Nielsen staining) revealed that no acid-fast bacilli was found. Multiple biopsies were done, which indicated mucosa edema with ulceration in rectosigmoid area, pedincular polyp in the caecum, and surrounded by fistula perianal; while histopathological examination showed inflammatory-caseating-epithelioid-granulomas and giant cells (Langhans datia cell) caused by tuberculosis. It highlights the need for awareness of intestinal TB along with the differential diagnosis of chronic intestinal disease. Standard regimen of antituberculosis treatment was given and the patient showed good clinical response