8 research outputs found

    Serviços dos ecossistemas na ilha Terceira : estudo preliminar com ênfase no sequestro de carbono e na biodiversidade

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia do Ambiente.Os serviços que os ecossistemas prestam são essenciais à vida humana. Entre estes destacam-se os serviços de produção (ex. alimento), regulação (ex. água), culturais (ex. fruição) e de suporte (ex. ciclo de nutrientes). No contexto de alterações planetárias que se vive, torna-se importante, não só reconhecer os serviços prestados pelos ecossistemas, como também ser capaz de os identificar, caracterizar e garantir a sua manutenção. Neste estudo pretende-se: i) identificar e caracterizar os serviços prestados pelos ecossistemas da ilha Terceira (Açores), tendo como base o actual ordenamento do território; ii) determinar a quantidade de carbono sequestrado pela floresta nativa do “Parque Natural da ilha Terceira” (PNT); iii) estudar a existência de uma possível relação entre o carbono sequestrado pela floresta do PNT e a diversidade de espécies arbóreas das florestas nativas, utilizando uma metodologia padronizada; iv) verificar a existência, ou não, de uma relação entre o serviço de sequestro de carbono e a diversidade de briófitos e de artrópodes da mesma área. Em relação ao primeiro objectivo, foram identificados 15 serviços desempenhados pelos ecossistemas na Terceira, classificados nas quatro categorias já apontadas. Verificou-se que os serviços de produção têm maior expressão nas florestas nativas e exóticas, enquanto as florestas naturais se mostraram mais importantes no fornecimento de serviços de regulação e de suporte. Por outro lado as zonas urbanas e costeiras surgiram como as mais relevantes no que respeita aos serviços culturais. Considerando os pressupostos do Protocolo de Quioto, é importante apreciar qual o volume de carbono sequestrado pelas florestas naturais dos Açores. Neste trabalho estimou-se pela primeira vez um valor de sequestro de carbono por unidade de área para a floresta nativa da ilha Terceira. Do total estimado de 239,17 tC/ha, valor superior ao que foi apontado para as florestas de produção, aproximadamente 75% é sequestrado por Juniperus brevifolia. Foi detectada uma relação entre o carbono sequestrado e a diversidade de espécies arbóreas, com uma curva unimodal convexa, onde o ponto em que se verifica maior sequestro de carbono corresponde a um ponto que apresenta diversidade média. Finalmente, considerando o papel que diversos organismos têm no funcionamento dos ecossistemas garantindo que estes continuem a fornecer serviços (ex. produtores primários, polinizadores, decompositores) estudou-se a relação entre a diversidade de briófitos e de artrópodes e o carbono sequestrado. A relação é linear positiva para os briófitos do solo e da rocha, o que revela que uma maior quantidade de carbono sequestrado pode ser um indicador de maior diversidade de briófitos (solo e rocha); por outro lado a relação entre o carbono sequestrado por Juniperus brevifolia e a riqueza e diversidade de Shannon-Wiener de musgos é linear negativa, indicando que as florestas possivelmente apresentam menor carbono sequestrado por Juniperus brevifolia são mais diversas em musgos. Quanto às relações com os artrópodes obteve-se uma relação positiva entre uma menor dominância nas comunidades de artrópodes e o carbono sequestrado por Juniperus brevifolia, o que sugere que os fragmentos da floresta em que é sequestrado mais carbono serão os mais equilibrados na diversidade de artrópodes. Este é um estudo preliminar, para a ilha Terceira (Açores), que identifica os serviços prestados pelos ecossistemas e qual a sua importância. Constitui também a primeira tentativa de quantificar o sequestro de carbono na maior mancha de floresta natural dos Açores. Também se oferecem algumas pistas para perceber se esse serviço (sequestro de carbono) está relacionado com a biodiversidade e produtividade desse ecossistema. Consideramos que este é um ponto de partida para uma investigação mais profunda sobre os serviços dos ecossistemas nos Açores e um ponto de apoio para as decisões necessárias à conservação da natureza no arquipélago.ABSTRACT: The services provided by ecosystems are essential to human life, namely production (e.g. food), regulation (e.g. water regulation), cultural (e.g. fruition) and support (e.g. nutrient cycling) services. In the context of global changes that we live, it is important to not only recognize the services provided by ecosystems, but also be able to identify, characterize and ensure its maintenance. This study aims to: i) identify and characterize the ecosystem services of Terceira island (Azores); ii) determinate the amount of carbon sequestered by the native forest in the Natural Park of Terceira island; iii) investigate the existence of a relation between tree species diversity and carbon sequestered in the native forest of the Natural Park of Terceira island; iv) investigate the existence of a correlation between carbon sequestration and diversity of bryophytes and arthropods in the same area. Regarding the first objective, we identified 15 services performed by ecosystems in Terceira Island. Production services are higher in native and exotic forests compared to the other land uses in Terceira Island and natural forests are the most important in providing regulatory and support services. On the other hand urban and coastal areas are the most important for cultural services. Considering the assumptions of the Kyoto Protocol, it is important to assess what is the volume of carbon sequestered by natural forests of Azores. Carbon sequestration was for the first time evaluated for native forest on Terceira Island based on above ground biomass. Of the total 239.17 tC/ha estimated, approximately 75% is sequestered by Juniperus brevifolia alone. The relationship between tree species diversity and carbon sequestered is a unimodal convex curve where the highest carbon value corresponds to the mean tree species diversity. Finally, considering the role that various organisms have on ecosystem functioning ensuring that they continue to provide services (e.g. primary producers, pollinators, and decomposers) was studied the relationship between bryophytes and arthropods diversity and carbon sequestered. A linear positive relationship between the bryophyte on soil and rock and total carbon sequestered reveals that probably a greater amount of carbon sequestered can be an indicator of an increased in bryophytes diversity (soil and rock); on the other hand the relation between the carbon sequestered by Juniperus brevifolia and the richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity of mosses is linear negative, indicating that possibly the forests that have lower carbon sequestered by Juniperus brevifolia are more diverse in mosses. Regard to relations with arthropods it was obtained a positive linear relationship between the carbon sequestered by Juniperus brevifolia and a lower dominance arthropods communities, which suggests that the fragments of forest where more carbon is sequestered shall be the more balanced in the diversity of arthropods. This is a preliminary study in Terceira Island (Azores), which identifies the services provided by ecosystems and what is its importance. This study represents, also, the first attempt to measure ecosystem services in the biggest patch of native forest in the Azores. We also offer some clues to see if this service (carbon sequestration) is related to the productivity and biodiversity of this ecosystem. We believe that this is a starting point for further research on ecosystem services in the Azores and a support for some decisions necessary to nature conservation in the archipelago

    The Azorean Biodiversity Portal: an internet database for regional biodiversity outreach

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    Copyright © 2010 The Natural History Museum.There is a growing interest in academia to provide biodiversity data to both the scientific community and the public. We present an internet database of the terrestrial lichens, bryophytes, vascular plants, molluscs, arthropods, vertebrates and coastal invertebrates of the Azores archipelago (Portugal, North Atlantic): the Azorean Biodiversity Portal (ABP, http://www.azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt/). This is a unique resource for fundamental research in systematics, biodiversity, education and conservation management. The ABP was based on a regional species database (ATLANTIS), comprised of grid-based spatial incidence information for c. 5000 species. Most of the data rely on a comprehensive literature survey (dating back to the 19th century) as well as unpublished records from recent field surveys in the Azores. The ABP disseminates the ATLANTIS database to the public, allowing universal, unrestricted access to much of its data. Complementarily, the ABP includes additional information of interest to the general public (e.g. literature on Macaronesian biodiversity) together with images from collections and/or live specimens for many species. In this contribution we explain the implementation of a regional biodiversity database, its architecture, achievements and outcomes, strengths and limitations; we further include a number of suggestions in order to implement similar initiatives

    In the Azores, looking for the regions of knowing

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    This multi-voice script highlights the process of five years of research with coastal fishing communities in the Azores islands of Portugal. Initially, we used photo elicitation and focus groups to invite people to speak about the sea and all the deep, complex and sometimes contradictory meanings that it may have. In later years, the researchers sought environmental justice within everyday processes, using deep ethnographic and autobiographic-narrative inquiry which led to participation in learning about - as well as supporting - collaborations between fishers, scientists and policy makers. The text is constructed via arts-informed research methodology and consists of two parallel, creative narratives, intermittently interrupted by a visual narrative. This work calls for looking at the sea through new eyes, hearing with new ears, feeling differently and awakening to the possibility of knowing the sea in unfamiliar ways

    Speaking of the sea in the Azores islands: We sometimes went for lapas

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    This presentation highlights five years of learning from coastal fishing communities in the Azores islands, Portugal. We used photo-elicitation and focus groups to invite people to speak about the sea and all the deep, complex and sometimes contradictory meanings that it may have. The researchers sought environmental justice within the everyday processes using deep ethnographic and autobiographic-narrative inquiry which lead to participation in learning about as well as supporting collaborations between fishers, scientists and policy makers. This work calls for looking at the sea through new eyes, hearing with new ears, feeling differently and awakening to the possibility of knowing the sea in unfamiliar way

    Biota from the coastal wetlands of Praia da Vitória (Terceira, Azores, Portugal): Part 1 - Arthropods

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    During a LIFE research project aiming at the implementation of the conservation of the habitats and restoration of coastal wetland areas of Praia da Vitória (Terceira, Azores, Portugal), there was the opportunity undertake a systematic record of several groups of arthropods in three wetland areas: Paul da Praia da Vitória (PPV), Paul do Belo Jardim (PBJ) and Paul da Pedreira do Cabo da Praia (PPCP). The objective of the study was to perform a rapid biodiversity assessment, comparing the three sites in two different years, before and after the implementation of several conservation measures. This project also contributed to improve the knowledge of Azorean arthropod diversity at both local and regional scales, including new taxa for Terceira island and new records for Azores. Taking into consideration those aims, a set of standardised sampling methods were performed, inspired by the COBRA protocol originally developed for spiders. A total of 15,810 specimens belonging to 216 arthropod species and subspecies were collected. Beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) and spiders (Araneae) dominated, with 81 and 51 taxa, respectively. Two beetle families dominated, Staphylinidae and Curculionidae with, respectively, 22 and 17 species and subspecies. Exotic species were also dominant (132 species and subspecies), the Azorean endemics being restricted to only eight taxa. The remaining 76 species and subspecies are native non-endemic. Two rare endemic species were found with relatively sustainable populations, the Azores Cone-head Conocephalus chavesi (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) and the true weevil Drouetius oceanicus oceanicus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). A total of six species are novel for the Azores, five exotic (Bledius unicornis, Carpelimus zealandicus, Oenopia doublieri, Sitona hispidulus, Trichiusa immigrata) and one possibly native (Pyrrhocoris apterus). An additional 15 taxa are novel for Terceira island, ten exotic (Cheiracanthium mildei, Cylindroiulus latestriatus, Eumodicogryllus bordigalensis, Nemobius sylvestris, Pissodes castaneus, Psyllipsocus ramburi, Trachyzelotes lyonneti, Trigonnidium cicindeloides, Tychius cuprifer, Zelotes tenuis) and five native (Aegialia arenaria, Oxypoda lurida, Platycleis sabulosa, Plinthisus brevipennis, Tachyura diabrachys)

    Extinction debt on oceanic islands

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    Copyright © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Ecography.Habitat destruction is the leading cause of species extinctions. However, there is typically a time-lag between the reduction in habitat area and the eventual disappearance of the remnant populations. These “surviving but ultimately doomed” species represent an extinction debt. Calculating the magnitude of such future extinction events has been hampered by potentially inaccurate assumptions about the slope of species–area relationships, which are habitat- and taxon-specific. We overcome this challenge by applying a method that uses the historical sequence of deforestation in the Azorean Islands, to calculate realistic and ecologically-adjusted species–area relationships. The results reveal dramatic and hitherto unrecognized levels of extinction debt, as a result of the extensive destruction of the native forest:>95%, in<600 yr. Our estimations suggest that more than half of the extant forest arthropod species, which have evolved in and are dependent on the native forest, might eventually be driven to extinction. Data on species abundances from Graciosa Island, where only a very small patch of secondary native vegetation still exists, as well as the number of species that have not been found in the last 45 yr, despite the extensive sampling effort, offer support to the predictions made. We argue that immediate action to restore and expand native forest habitat is required to avert the loss of numerous endemic species in the near future