674 research outputs found

    The plate archive of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute

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    Program available at: http://www.imcce.fr/hosted_sites/naroo/program.htmlInternational audienceThe photographic observations in the Sternberg Astronomical Institute started in 1895. Observations were made with sept telescopes in Moscou and Crimea. In total, until 2004, almost 60 000 photographic plates have been accumulated. Most of them have been made to study variable stars and galaxies. Only the 9 000 from 60 000 photographic plates were made to determine the coordinates of Mars, Venus and selected asteroids. These photographic plates are processed. Some of obtained results are published. These 9 000 plates may be the subject of a new processing with the new star catalogs after they are scanned. This work can be undertaken if there is interest in new astrometric data with a modest accuracy for Mars, Venus, and selected asteroids. This year, work has begun to search for objects of the solar system in other 51 000 photographic plates made to study variable stars and galaxies. The main interest was in finding the planets with natural satellites. For given moments of exposure and the coordinates of the field center using a relevant software, we determine the presence of planets on each plate. A significant problem is that most of plates are identified only by the name of the galaxy or star. Our problem is also that only for 25 000 plates we have the moments and the coordinates recorded in the files. For the remaining 26 000 plates these data are still noted on paper. Of the 25 000 examined plates only on 340 of them the planets were found. We should also identify and write to file such data for 26,000 plates to search for planets with our software. For half of the 51 000 plates expected astrometric accuracy is of about 0.2 arcseconds and for other plates the accuracy is not better than 1 arcsecond of arc. About 1 700 photographic plates were scanned for photometric purposes. However astrometric accuracy of the scan does not match the possible accuracy of photographic plates

    Calendar and Biography in Ancient Mesopotamia

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    The article was submitted on 21.05.2023.В статье речь пойдет об эволюции жизнеописания в древней Месопотамии и о связи между жизнеописанием и культовым календарем. Цивилизации древнего Востока делятся на те, где известны биографии людей нецарского рода (Египет и Китай), и на те, где биографии отсутствуют. Возникает вопрос о том, почему в древней Месопотамии не сложился литературный жанр биографии. В процессе исследования рассмотрены такие жанры текстов, как царские надписи, анналы, царские гимны, заговоры, менологии, гороскопы рождения, смерти и деятельности. Показано, что жанр биографии не мог сложиться в древней Месопотамии по причине постоянного проецирования действий человека на явления природы или появление небесных тел, что лишало поведение индивидуума свободы воли и препятствовало восприятию его действий как самостоятельных.The article will discuss the evolution of biography in ancient Mesopotamia and the relationship between biography and the cult calendar. The civilizations of the ancient East are divided into those where the biographies of people of a non-royal family are known (Egypt and China), and those where there are no biographies. The question arises as to why the literary genre of biography did not develop in ancient Mesopotamia. In the process of research, such genres of texts as royal inscriptions, annals, royal hymns, incantations, menologies, horoscopes of birth, death and activity are considered. It is shown that the genre of biography could not take shape in ancient Mesopotamia due to the constant projection of human actions onto natural phenomena or the appearance of celestial bodies, which deprived the individual’s behavior of free will and prevented the perception of his actions as independent.Исследование выполнено при поддержке гранта РНФ № 19-18-00085 «Календарные праздники древнего Востока: календарный ритуал и роль темпоральных представлений в формировании традиционного сознания народов Древнего мира». Благодарю д.и.н., проф. А. Е. Демидчика за консультации по египтологии

    The Role of Pension Funds in Financing US Federal Debt

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    The article examines main trends in financing the federal debt, pointing out its structure, with focus on the role of pension funds as a source of financing; because the surplus of Social Security funds is loaned to the rest of the government; interlinks concerning this process and possible problems; the peculiarities of the federal government pension system’s investment in the government bonds. The US public debt as a share of GDP is much less than in many countries, but its volume is near 20 trln. doll. It may be classified by marketable and non-marketable securities, which are mainly owed to certain government trust funds such as the Social Security trust fund. So the Social Security trust fund, in effect is exchanging one type of debt for the other, taking into consideration that the non-marketable securities represent amounts owed to the beneficiaries. The reserves are in effect borrowed for a time by the rest of the government, and then repaid with interest when the trust funds need them back. Looking ahead Social Security will continue to be financed through its own receipts, mainly payroll tax; and Social Security Trust Fund surplus will become diminishing, with less possibilities to finance federal debt

    The Role of Pensioners in the American Electorate

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    The article examines fundamental demographic changes in the USA that have been shifting the electorate and as a result - American politics; with wide gaps between the generations on key social, economic, political issues. The US presidential elections since 1980 were dominated by baby boomers (born 1946-1964) and prior generations, who have cast the vast majority of votes in every presidential election. The 2016 electorate has been the most diverse in the US history due to strong growth of young generations, and especially among Hispanic eligible voters. Millennials (born 1981–1998) and X generation (born 1965-1980) surpassed Baby Boomers and more old generations whose choices differ significantly in many fields; but the key problem is who really votes. The age structure of the American electorate and its influence on the election results; the role of pensioners and those, who’ll retire in the nearest future, as voters at the federal and state levels are in focus

    Pericolul epidemiologic al bolnavilor cu forme cronice de tuberculoză pulmonară

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    Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-20 mai 2011, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaScopul cercetării constă în determinarea pericolului epidemiologic al bolnavilor cu forme cronice de tuberculoză. Materiale şi metode. Au fost luaţi la evidenţă 381 de persone aflate în contact cu 212 bolnavi cu forme cronice de tuberculoză pulmonară şi un grup de comparaţie din 828 de persoane în contact cu 405 bolnavi prim-depistaţi. Am folosit metode tradiţionale pentru practica ftiziologică. Rezultate şi discuţii Numărul mediu de contactaţi la un bolnav era, corespunzător, de 1,8 şi de 2,0 persoane. Majoritatea contactaţilor din ambele grupuri erau rude apropiate (97,1% şi, respectiv, 94,5%). Pe parcursul primului an de supraveghere, s-au îmbolnăvit de tuberculoză 18 persoane aflate în contact cu pacienţii prim-depistaţi şi 9 persoane în contact cu bolnavi cronici. Formele clinice la persoanele îmbolnăvite în majoritatea cazurilor au fost limitate, ceea ce ne vorbeşte despre importanţa evidenţei de dispensar şi a depistării active a bolnavilor printre persoanele în contact. Incidenţa contactaţilor cu bolnavii prim depistaţi a constituit 2173,9 la 100 000, în comparaţie cu incidenţa populaţiei din teritoriile date a fost de 18,1 ori mai înaltă (P<0,05). Incidenţa contactaţilor cu bolnavii cu forme cronice a constituit 2362,2 la 100 000 şi în comparaţie cu incidenţa populaţiei din teritoriile date a fost de 19,7 ori mai înaltă (P<0,05). Diferenţa a fost neconsiderabilă. Sensibilitatea MBT la preparatele antituberculoase a fost apreciată la 138 bolnavi cu forme cronice. Drogrezistenţa sumară a fost stabilită la 117 persoane (84,8%). Concluzii. Bolnavii cu forme cronice de tuberculoză prezintă un pericol epidemiologic mare pentru populaţie şi, luând în consideraţie frecvenţa înaltă a rezistenţei la preparatele antituberculoase, necesită o atenţie deosebită. Contactul familial nu oglindeşte situaţia reală din focarele de tuberculoză, astfel se cere de lărgit cercul de contactaţi din aceste focare