113 research outputs found

    R-process enrichment from a single event in an ancient dwarf galaxy

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    Elements heavier than zinc are synthesized through the (r)apid and (s)low neutron-capture processes. The main site of production of the r-process elements (such as europium) has been debated for nearly 60 years. Initial studies of chemical abundance trends in old Milky Way halo stars suggested continual r-process production, in sites like core-collapse supernovae. But evidence from the local Universe favors r-process production mainly during rare events, such as neutron star mergers. The appearance of a europium abundance plateau in some dwarf spheroidal galaxies has been suggested as evidence for rare r-process enrichment in the early Universe, but only under the assumption of no gas accretion into the dwarf galaxies. Cosmologically motivated gas accretion favors continual r-process enrichment in these systems. Furthermore, the universal r-process pattern has not been cleanly identified in dwarf spheroidals. The smaller, chemically simpler, and more ancient ultra-faint dwarf galaxies assembled shortly after the first stars formed, and are ideal systems with which to study nucleosynthesis events such as the r-process. Reticulum II is one such galaxy. The abundances of non-neutron-capture elements in this galaxy (and others like it) are similar to those of other old stars. Here, we report that seven of nine stars in Reticulum II observed with high-resolution spectroscopy show strong enhancements in heavy neutron-capture elements, with abundances that follow the universal r-process pattern above barium. The enhancement in this "r-process galaxy" is 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than that detected in any other ultra-faint dwarf galaxy. This implies that a single rare event produced the r-process material in Reticulum II. The r-process yield and event rate are incompatible with ordinary core-collapse supernovae, but consistent with other possible sites, such as neutron star mergers.Comment: Published in Nature, 21 Mar 2016: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature1742

    The beta-Oslo method: experimentally constrained (n,Îłn,\gamma) reaction rates relevant to the rr-process

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    Unknown neutron-capture reaction rates remain a significant source of uncertainty in state-of-the-art rr-process nucleosynthesis reaction network calculations. As the rr-process involves highly neutron-rich nuclei for which direct (n,Îłn,\gamma) cross-section measurements are virtually impossible, indirect methods are called for to constrain (n,Îłn,\gamma) cross sections used as input for the rr-process nuclear network. Here we discuss the newly developed beta-Oslo method, which is capable of providing experimental input for calculating (n,Îłn,\gamma) rates of neutron-rich nuclei. The beta-Oslo method represents a first step towards constraining neutron-capture rates of importance to the rr-process.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, conference proceedings Nuclei in the Cosmos XV 2018, Italy

    Massive stars as thermonuclear reactors and their explosions following core collapse

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    Nuclear reactions transform atomic nuclei inside stars. This is the process of stellar nucleosynthesis. The basic concepts of determining nuclear reaction rates inside stars are reviewed. How stars manage to burn their fuel so slowly most of the time are also considered. Stellar thermonuclear reactions involving protons in hydrostatic burning are discussed first. Then I discuss triple alpha reactions in the helium burning stage. Carbon and oxygen survive in red giant stars because of the nuclear structure of oxygen and neon. Further nuclear burning of carbon, neon, oxygen and silicon in quiescent conditions are discussed next. In the subsequent core-collapse phase, neutronization due to electron capture from the top of the Fermi sea in a degenerate core takes place. The expected signal of neutrinos from a nearby supernova is calculated. The supernova often explodes inside a dense circumstellar medium, which is established due to the progenitor star losing its outermost envelope in a stellar wind or mass transfer in a binary system. The nature of the circumstellar medium and the ejecta of the supernova and their dynamics are revealed by observations in the optical, IR, radio, and X-ray bands, and I discuss some of these observations and their interpretations.Comment: To be published in " Principles and Perspectives in Cosmochemistry" Lecture Notes on Kodai School on Synthesis of Elements in Stars; ed. by Aruna Goswami & Eswar Reddy, Springer Verlag, 2009. Contains 21 figure

    Explosive Nucleosynthesis: What we learned and what we still do not understand

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    This review touches on historical aspects, going back to the early days of nuclear astrophysics, initiated by B2^2FH and Cameron, discusses (i) the required nuclear input from reaction rates and decay properties up to the nuclear equation of state, continues (ii) with the tools to perform nucleosynthesis calculations and (iii) early parametrized nucleosynthesis studies, before (iv) reliable stellar models became available for the late stages of stellar evolution. It passes then through (v) explosive environments from core-collapse supernovae to explosive events in binary systems (including type Ia supernovae and compact binary mergers), and finally (vi) discusses the role of all these nucleosynthesis production sites in the evolution of galaxies. The focus is put on the comparison of early ideas and present, very recent, understanding.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in Springer Proceedings in Physics (Proc. of Intl. Conf. "Nuclei in the Cosmos XV", LNGS Assergi, Italy, June 2018

    Radio emission from Supernova Remnants

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    The explosion of a supernova releases almost instantaneously about 10^51 ergs of mechanic energy, changing irreversibly the physical and chemical properties of large regions in the galaxies. The stellar ejecta, the nebula resulting from the powerful shock waves, and sometimes a compact stellar remnant, constitute a supernova remnant (SNR). They can radiate their energy across the whole electromagnetic spectrum, but the great majority are radio sources. Almost 70 years after the first detection of radio emission coming from a SNR, great progress has been achieved in the comprehension of their physical characteristics and evolution. We review the present knowledge of different aspects of radio remnants, focusing on sources of the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds, where the SNRs can be spatially resolved. We present a brief overview of theoretical background, analyze morphology and polarization properties, and review and critical discuss different methods applied to determine the radio spectrum and distances. The consequences of the interaction between the SNR shocks and the surrounding medium are examined, including the question of whether SNRs can trigger the formation of new stars. Cases of multispectral comparison are presented. A section is devoted to reviewing recent results of radio SNRs in the Magellanic Clouds, with particular emphasis on the radio properties of SN 1987A, an ideal laboratory to investigate dynamical evolution of an SNR in near real time. The review concludes with a summary of issues on radio SNRs that deserve further study, and analyzing the prospects for future research with the latest generation radio telescopes.Comment: Revised version. 48 pages, 15 figure

    Galactic Effects on Habitability

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    The galactic environment has been suspected to influence planetary habitability in many ways. Very metal-poor regions of the Galaxy, or those largely devoid of atoms more massive than H and He, are thought to be unable to form habitable planets. Moreover, if such planets do form, the young system is subjected to close stellar passages while it resides in its stellar birth cluster. Various potential hazards remain after clusters disperse. For instance, central galactic regions may present risks to habitability via nearby supernovae, gamma ray bursts (GRBs), and frequent comet showers. In addition, planets residing within very wide binary star systems are affected by the Galaxy, as local gravitational perturbations from the Galaxy can increase the binary's eccentricity until it destabilizes the planets it hosts. Here we review the most recent work on the main galactic influences over planetary habitability. Although there must be some metallicity limit below which rocky planets cannot form, recent exoplanet surveys show that they form around stars with a very large range of metallicities. Once formed, the probability of star clusters destabilizing planetary systems only becomes high for rare, extremely long-lived clusters. Regarding threats to habitability from supernovae, GRBs, and comet showers, many recent studies suggest that their hazards are more limited than originally thought. Finally, denser regions of the Galaxy enhance the threat that very wide binary companions pose to planetary habitability, but the probability that a very wide binary star disrupts habitability will always be substantially below 100% for any environment. While some Milky Way regions must be more hospitable to habitable planets than others, it is difficult to state that habitable planets are confined to any well-defined region of the Galaxy or that any other particular region of the Galaxy is uninhabitable.Comment: Invited review chapter, accepted for publication in the "Handbook of Exoplanets"; 19 pages; 2 figure

    The Mass Distribution and Rotation Curve in the Galaxy

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    The mass distribution in the Galaxy is determined by dynamical and photometric methods. Rotation curves are the major tool for determining the dynamical mass distribution in the Milky Way and spiral galaxies. The photometric (statistical) method utilizes luminosity profiles from optical and infrared observations, and assumes empirical values of the mass-to-luminosity (M/L) ratio to convert the luminosity to mass. In this chapter the dynamical method is described in detail, and rotation curves and mass distribution in the Milky Way and nearby spiral galaxies are presented. The dynamical method is categorized into two methods: the decomposition method and direct method. The former fits the rotation curve by calculated curve assuming several mass components such as a bulge, disk and halo, and adjust the dynamical parameters of each component. Explanations are given of the mass profiles as the de Vaucouleurs law, exponential disk, and dark halo profiles inferred from numerical simulations. Another method is the direct method, with which the mass distribution can be directly calculated from the data of rotation velocities without employing any mass models. Some results from both methods are presented, and the Galactic structure is discussed in terms of the mass. Rotation curves and mass distributions in external galaxies are also discussed, and the fundamental mass structures are shown to be universal.Comment: 54 pages, 25 figures, in 'Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems', Springer, Vol. 5, ed. G. Gilmore, Chap. 19. Note: Preprint with full figures is available from http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~sofue/htdocs/2013psss

    Metal-Poor Stars and the Chemical Enrichment of the Universe

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    Metal-poor stars hold the key to our understanding of the origin of the elements and the chemical evolution of the Universe. This chapter describes the process of discovery of these rare stars, the manner in which their surface abundances (produced in supernovae and other evolved stars) are determined from the analysis of their spectra, and the interpretation of their abundance patterns to elucidate questions of origin and evolution. More generally, studies of these stars contribute to other fundamental areas that include nuclear astrophysics, conditions at the earliest times, the nature of the first stars, and the formation and evolution of galaxies -- including our own Milky Way. We illustrate this with results from studies of lithium formed during the Big Bang; of stars dated to within ~1 Gyr of that event; of the most metal-poor stars, with abundance signatures very different from all other stars; and of the build-up of the elements over the first several Gyr. The combination of abundance and kinematic signatures constrains how the Milky Way formed, while recent discoveries of extremely metal-poor stars in the Milky Way's dwarf galaxy satellites constrain the hierarchical build-up of its stellar halo from small dark-matter dominated systems. [abridged]Comment: Book chapter, emulated version, 34 pages; number of references are limited by publisher; to appear in Vol. 5 of textbook "Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems", by Springer, in 201
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