20 research outputs found


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    Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is one of the important commodities in the horticultural sub-sector which is one of the basic needs of the community that must be fulfilled. However, garlic production in Indonesia has not been able to meet the demands of society's needs. For this reason, an additional area of land for garlic development is aimed at the optimal suitability of environmental physical factors. The use of superior varieties is one of the technologies that play a role in increasing the productivity of garlic. This research was conducted in May - August 2020 in Tarusan and Muaro Aie Bayang Utara, Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra Province with a randomized block design using Lumbu Hijau, Lumbu Kuning and local varieties of Bukik Sileh Solok as treatment. The results showed that the varieties of Lumbu Kuning and Lumbu Hijau were able to adapt well in Muaro Aie with an altitude of 322 masl compared to Tarusan with an altitude of 4 masl. Both varieties gave a fairly good growth response and yield, although only half of the description of these varieties.

    Pengembangan Komoditas Unggulan Tanaman Pangan Propinsi Sumatera Barat

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    The development of food crops commodities is one of the priorities of the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019 of the Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia in terms of guarantee of food availability. West Sumatra Province is one of the central areas of production of food crops commodities in Indonesia. The objectives of this research are 1) to analyze food crops of West Sumatera Province; 2) to analyze the availability and completeness of facilities for the development of superior commodities of food crops; and 3) to formulate the strategy of developing the superior commodities of food crops. The data used in this research covers the area of harvest, the number of production, and the number of facilities area by time series (2011-2015). Data analysis used in this research include LQ, scalogram and SWOT analysis. The results showed rice commodity as a pre-eminent commodity in West Sumatera Province. There are six areas of development of commodities seeded rice that is in the hierarchy I. SWOT matrix analysis results obtained some superior commodity development strategies include; SO strategy 1) Establish and enhance the role of partnership with all stakeholders (government, farmers, traders, and cooperatives); 2) the use of agricultural cropping technology; WO strategy; 1) Development of agricultural development infrastructure (irrigation channel, village axis road) and application of agricultural technology (cultivation); 2) Institutional strengthening of farming capital; strategy ST: 1) Leading commodity marketing policy / regulation by West Sumatera Provincial Government, 2) Gapoktan and Farmers Household (RTP) Empowerment 1); WT strategy: 1) Development and training of management and marketing of agricultural products by government 2) Optimalization of institutional function and capital of farming to support improvement of marketing quality of agricultural product

    Growth Studies of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Varieties Plants by Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) Flour Organic Fertilizer

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the interaction between the concentration of bamboo shoots of liquid organic fertilizer and cucumber plant varieties on the growth and yield of cucumber plants. This experiment used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor is the type of cucumber plant varieties, Wulan F1 variety and Mercy F1 variety. The second factor is the addition of Bamboo Shoots POC which consists of 4 levels, 0, 50, 75 and 100 ml/liter of water. The parameters observed were stem length, age of first flower appearance, age of first harvest, number of planting fruit, fruit diameter, fruit length, fruit weight of crop, fruit weight per plot and per hectare. Based on the results of the experiment, it can be concluded that giving bamboo shoots POC 100 ml/liter of water can increase the growth and yield of cucumber plants reaching 47.31 tons/ha


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan optimasi induksi kalus dari eksplan anter gambir yang terdiri atas 3 tahap yaitu lama penyimpanan bunga pada pra-perlakuan suhu rendah 4oC, sterilisasi eksplan dan induksi kalus. Tahap I dan II dengan rancangan acak lengkap. Tahap III dengan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan dua faktor yaitu lama penyimpanan bunga gambir dengan formulasi media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lama penyimpanan praperlakuan suhu rendah (4oC) yang terbaik pada bunga gambir adalah 0-1 hari. Sterilisasi bunga gambir terbaik adalah bunga gambir yang dijadikan sebagai eksplan disemprot dengan fungisida dan bakterisida pada sore hari dan diisolasi sebelum bunga diambil pada besok pagi, bunga yang diambil di lapangan, kemudian dibilas dengan air mengalir dan direndam dengan bayclin 10 % selama 1 menit serta dibilas dengan aquades steril sebanyak tiga kali, terakhir bunga direndam dengan asam askorbit 0,02 % selama 5 menit. Formulasi media yang dapat menginduksi kalus adalah kombinasi konsentrasi 3; 5 mg/l NAA dengan 0; 0,5; 1 mg/l BAP menggunakan arang aktif pada media MS semi padat, sedangkan lama penyimpanan bunga pada pra-perlakuan suhu rendah 4oC tidak mempengaruhi induksi kalus. Kata kunci : induksi kalus, gambir, Uncaria gambir (Hunter) Roxb., kultur ante


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kombinasi jenis sterilan dan lama perendaman dari bahan sterilan tersebut. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sterilisasi bunga gambir terbaik adalah bunga gambir yang dijadikan sebagai eksplan disemprot dengan fungisida dan bakterisida pada sore hari dan diisolasi sebelum bunga diambil pada besok pagi, bunga yang diambil di lapangan, kemudian dibilas dengan air mengalir dan direndam dengan bayclin 10 % selama 1 menit serta dibilas dengan aquades steril sebanyak tiga kali, terakhir bunga direndam dengan asam askorbit 0,02 % selama 5 menit.This study aims to obtain a combination of sterilan and immersion of the sterilan. The design used in this study is Completely Randomized Design. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the best gambir flower sterilization was used as explant spray with fungicide and bactericide in the afternoon and isolated before the flowers were taken tomorrow morning, the flower taken in the field, then rinsed with running water and soaked With 10% bayclin for 1 minute and rinsed with sterile aquades three times, the last flower was soaked with 0.02% ascorbic acid for 5 minutes.