58 research outputs found

    Microtubule detyrosination guides chromosomes during mitosis

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    Before chromosomes segregate into daughter cells, they align at the mitotic spindle equator, a process known as chromosome congression. Centromere-associated protein E (CENP-E)/Kinesin-7 is a microtubule plus-end-directed kinetochore motor required for congression of pole-proximal chromosomes. Because the plus-ends of many astral microtubules in the spindle point to the cell cortex, it remains unknown how CENP-E guides pole-proximal chromosomes specifically toward the equator. We found that congression of pole-proximal chromosomes depended on specific posttranslational detyrosination of spindle microtubules that point to the equator. In vitro reconstitution experiments demonstrated that CENP-E-dependent transport was strongly enhanced on detyrosinated microtubules. Blocking tubulin tyrosination in cells caused ubiquitous detyrosination of spindle microtubules, and CENP-E transported chromosomes away from spindle poles in random directions. Thus, CENP-E-driven chromosome congression is guided by microtubule detyrosination.We thank F. I. Ataullakhanov for help with the laser trap and data analysis; A. Kiyatkin, V. Mustyatsa, M. Molodtsov, A. Gautreau, G. Lakisic, and M. Barisic for technical assistance; and members of our laboratories for stimulating discussions. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grant R01-GM098389 and RSG-14-018-01-CCG from the American Cancer Society to E.L.G.; by the Institut Curie, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale, the L'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) award ANR-12-BSV2-0007, INCA_6517, ANR-10-LBX-0038, part of the IDEX Idex PSL, ANR-10-IDEX-0001-02 PSL to C.J.; and Fundacao Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento (FLAD) Life Science 2020 and PRECISE grant from the European Research Council to H.M. A.V.Z. is supported by the RAS Presidium Grants "Mechanisms of the Molecular Systems Integration," " Molecular and Cell Biology programs," and Russian Fund for Basic Research Grant 12-04-00111-a and 13-00-40188. R.S.S. is supported by a fellowship from the Programa Graduado em Areas da Biologia Basica e Aplicada (GABBA) PhD program from the University of Porto. A.L.P. is supported by fellowship SFRH/BPD/66707/2009 from Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia of Portugal. M.B., R.S.S., S.K.T., M.M.M., C.J., E.L.G., and H.M. designed the experiments; M.B. performed all experiments in cells; M. M. M. established and performed the tubulin purification protocol from HeLa cells; R.S.S. performed single-molecule experiments; S.K.T. performed force measurements; A.L.P. provided reagents; all authors analyzed data; H.M., E.L.G., and M.B. wrote the paper, with contributions from all authors; H.M. conceived and coordinated the project. Data described can be found in the main figures and supplementary materials. The authors declare no conflict of interests

    Nontrivial Dynamics in the Early Stages of Inflation

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    Inflationary cosmologies, regarded as dynamical systems, have rather simple asymptotic behavior, insofar as the cosmic baldness principle holds. Nevertheless, in the early stages of an inflationary process, the dynamical behavior may be very complex. In this paper, we show how even a simple inflationary scenario, based on Linde's ``chaotic inflation'' proposal, manifests nontrivial dynamical effects such as the breakup of invariant tori, formation of cantori and Arnol'd's diffusion. The relevance of such effects is highlighted by the fact that even the occurrence or not of inflation in a given Universe is dependent upon them.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, 9 Figures available on request, GTCRG-94-1

    Ska3 Ensures Timely Mitotic Progression by Interacting Directly With Microtubules and Ska1 Microtubule Binding Domain

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    The establishment of physical attachment between the kinetochore and dynamic spindle microtubules, which undergo cycles of polymerization and depolymerization generating straight and curved microtubule structures, is essential for accurate chromosome segregation. The Ndc80 and Ska complexes are the major microtubule-binding factors of the kinetochore responsible for maintaining chromosome-microtubule coupling during chromosome segregation. We previously showed that the Ska1 subunit of the Ska complex binds dynamic microtubules using multiple contact sites in a mode that allows conformation-independent binding. Here, we show that the Ska3 subunit is required to modulate the microtubule binding capability of the Ska complex (i) by directly interacting with tubulin monomers and (ii) indirectly by interacting with tubulin contacting regions of Ska1 suggesting an allosteric regulation. Perturbing either the Ska3-microtubule interaction or the Ska3-Ska1 interactions negatively influences microtubule binding by the Ska complex in vitro and affects the timely onset of anaphase in cells. Thus, Ska3 employs additional modulatory elements within the Ska complex to ensure robust kinetochore-microtubule attachments and timely progression of mitosis

    The Evolution of Compact Binary Star Systems

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    We review the formation and evolution of compact binary stars consisting of white dwarfs (WDs), neutron stars (NSs), and black holes (BHs). Binary NSs and BHs are thought to be the primary astrophysical sources of gravitational waves (GWs) within the frequency band of ground-based detectors, while compact binaries of WDs are important sources of GWs at lower frequencies to be covered by space interferometers (LISA). Major uncertainties in the current understanding of properties of NSs and BHs most relevant to the GW studies are discussed, including the treatment of the natal kicks which compact stellar remnants acquire during the core collapse of massive stars and the common envelope phase of binary evolution. We discuss the coalescence rates of binary NSs and BHs and prospects for their detections, the formation and evolution of binary WDs and their observational manifestations. Special attention is given to AM CVn-stars -- compact binaries in which the Roche lobe is filled by another WD or a low-mass partially degenerate helium-star, as these stars are thought to be the best LISA verification binary GW sources.Comment: 105 pages, 18 figure

    The Recombinases Rad51 and Dmc1 Play Distinct Roles in DNA Break Repair and Recombination Partner Choice in the Meiosis of Tetrahymena

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    Repair of programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by meiotic recombination relies on the generation of flanking 3′ single-stranded DNA overhangs and their interaction with a homologous double-stranded DNA template. In various common model organisms, the ubiquitous strand exchange protein Rad51 and its meiosis-specific homologue Dmc1 have been implicated in the joint promotion of DNA–strand exchange at meiotic recombination sites. However, the division of labor between these two recombinases is still a puzzle. Using RNAi and gene-disruption experiments, we have studied their roles in meiotic recombination and chromosome pairing in the ciliated protist Tetrahymena as an evolutionarily distant meiotic model. Cytological and electrophoresis-based assays for DSBs revealed that, without Rad51p, DSBs were not repaired. However, in the absence of Dmc1p, efficient Rad51p-dependent repair took place, but crossing over was suppressed. Immunostaining and protein tagging demonstrated that only Dmc1p formed strong DSB–dependent foci on meiotic chromatin, whereas the distribution of Rad51p was diffuse within nuclei. This suggests that meiotic nucleoprotein filaments consist primarily of Dmc1p. Moreover, a proximity ligation assay confirmed that little if any Rad51p forms mixed nucleoprotein filaments with Dmc1p. Dmc1p focus formation was independent of the presence of Rad51p. The absence of Dmc1p did not result in compensatory assembly of Rad51p repair foci, and even artificial DNA damage by UV failed to induce Rad51p foci in meiotic nuclei, while it did so in somatic nuclei within one and the same cell. The observed interhomologue repair deficit in dmc1Δ meiosis is consistent with a requirement for Dmc1p in promoting the homologue as the preferred recombination partner. We propose that relatively short and/or transient Rad51p nucleoprotein filaments are sufficient for intrachromosomal recombination, whereas long nucleoprotein filaments consisting primarily of Dmc1p are required for interhomolog recombination

    Tubulin isoform composition tunes microtubule dynamics

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    Microtubules polymerize and depolymerize stochastically, a behavior essential for cell division, motility and differentiation. While many studies advanced our understanding of how microtubule-associated proteins tune microtubule dynamics in trans, we have yet to understand how tubulin genetic diversity regulates microtubule functions. The majority of in vitro dynamics studies are performed with tubulin purified from brain tissue. This preparation is not representative of tubulin found in many cell types. Here we report the 4.2Å cryo-EM structure and in vitro dynamics parameters of α1B/βI+βIVb microtubules assembled from tubulin purified from a human embryonic kidney cell line with isoform composition characteristic of fibroblasts and many immortalized cell lines. We find that these microtubules grow faster and transition to depolymerization less frequently compared to brain microtubules. Cryo-EM reveals that the dynamic ends of α1B/βI+βIVb microtubules are less tapered and that these tubulin heterodimers display lower curvatures. Interestingly, analysis of EB1 distributions at dynamic ends suggests no differences in GTP cap sizes. Lastly, we show that the addition of recombinant α1A/βIII tubulin, a neuronal isotype overexpressed in many tumors, proportionally tunes the dynamics of α1B/βI+βIVb microtubules. Our study is an important step towards understanding how tubulin isoform composition tunes microtubule dynamics

    Quantitative fractographic analysis of impact fracture surfaces of steel R73

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    Macroscopic images offracture surfaces of Charpy test specimens of steel R73 were studied, where bright spots in images represent cleavage facets or ductile dimples, respectively, both in special orientations. Within image analysis, they may be taken for the most significant textural element. Being the brightest patches in the image, they can be extracted by thresholding. Their counts and area distribution are closely related to temperature and impact energy.Выполнены исследования макроизображений поверхностей разрушений образцов Шарпи из стали R73. При специальных условиях ориентации поверхностей разрушения видны яркие участки на изображениях, соответствующие граням скола или ямкам вязкого разрушения. Эти участки могут быть использованы в качестве основного элемента текстуры для обработки изображения. Поскольку эти участки на изображениях являются наиболее яркими, их можно отсеять путем настройки порогового уровня освещенности. Результаты расчета относительной доли их площади тесно коррелируют с температурой и энергией ударного разрушения

    Mitosis futures: the past is prologue

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    The mechanisms by which cells organize and segregate their chromosomes have been under close scrutiny for years, and significant progress has been made in understanding how mitosis works. Modern cell biology has identified most of the molecules that underlie mitotic spindle function, but the ways in which they are organized and controlled to make an effective and accurate cellular machine are exciting subjects for future study

    Kinetochore kinesin CENP-E is a processive bi-directional tracker of dynamic microtubule tips

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    During vertebrate mitosis, the centromere-associated kinesin CENP-E transports misaligned chromosomes to the plus ends of spindle microtubules. Subsequently, the kinetochores that form at the centromeres establish stable associations with microtubule ends, which assemble and disassemble dynamically. Here we provide evidence that after chromosomes have congressed and bi-oriented, the CENP-E motor continues to play an active role at kinetochores, enhancing their links with dynamic microtubule ends. Using a combination of single molecule approaches and laser trapping in vitro we demonstrate that once reaching microtubule ends, CENP-E converts from a lateral transporter into a microtubule tip-tracker which maintains association with both assembling and disassembling microtubule tips. Computational modeling of this behavior supports our proposal that CENP-E tip-tracks bi-directionally via a “tethered motor” mechanism, which relies on both the motor and tail domains of CENP-E. Our results provide a molecular framework for CENP-E's contribution to the stability of attachments between kinetochores and dynamic microtubule ends