80 research outputs found

    Sea Level Variations and their Relations to the Meteorological Factors in the Arab Gulf Area with Stress on Monthly Means

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    The hydrographic and meteorological conditions affecting the sea level in the Arab Gulf region have been reviewed. The monthly mean sea level data along the Saudi Arabian coast, relative to Indian Spring Low Water (ISLW) and the atmospheric pressure of eight years from 1980 to 1987 have been analysed spectrally. This indicated that the annual cycle is the main oscillation in both the sea level and pressure records. The oscillations with frequency less than 0.2 cycle/month were coherent. The Fourier analysis of six years data of monthly means showed that the annual cycle has an amplitude of 10-11 cm. The monthly mean sea level in the last two years was calculated using the harmonic simulation and the statistical models relating to the sea level and atmospheric pressure. The comparison between the calculated values and the observed ones in 1986 and 1987 showed reasonable agreement; the harmonic simulation deviated from the observations by about + 5 cm. The influence of the factors other than the atmospheric pressure on the sea level of the study area was found to be positive from June to December and negative from January to April or May, with maximum absolute value of about 11 cm, while the statistical models predict only the pressure effect


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    Accurately estimation of actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa) as a parameter of irrigation scheduling is very critical for efficient use of limited irrigation water resources. The objectives of this study were to (1) build, verify and validate an expert system for managing on-farm irrigation water of some soils under Egyptian conditions, (2) study the effect of coefficient of uniformity (CU) and distribution uniformity for center pivot irrigation system, (3) study the effect of the precise estimation of daily actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa) on maximizing yield and improved water use efficiency. A rule-based program named CPISM-ES (Center Pivot Irrigation System Management- Expert System) was codes and compiled using python3.7.2 language. The program was verified using ready-to-use software programs (cropwat-8 and climwat 2) for estimating the daily reference evapotranspiration and a spreadsheet named the (FAO56Ax8.xls) introduced by FAO-56 for estimating the irrigation water management parameters. It also was validated by carrying out a field experiment at site :-El Salhyia(11.2 m above sea level, 30,35°N,30,26°E), was obtained from several different sources. The irrigation expert system aims to provide the farmers by the irrigation expertise to determine the exact water needed at exact time according to the crop requirements and the environmental factors which effect factors. The experiment included the following factors: a) obtaining climatic data from a weather station b) estimation crop evapotranspiration) coefficient of uniformity (CU) and distribution uniformity for center pivot irrigation system.  1- The estimation of actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa) using crop coefficient. 2- The seasonal cumulative ETa estimated by single-kc approach of El Salhyia (1875 m3 f.1season-1). 3- Yield: the highest of crop potatoes for El Salhyia (16.2 t.fed-1). 4- Water use efficiency: the maximum value of water use efficiency for El Salhyia (0.75 kg m-3)

    Pomegranate peel as a natural antioxidant boosts bucks' fertility under Egyptian summer conditions

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    [EN] Exposure of male rabbits to heat stress during summer adversely affects their fertility, leading to major production losses. A total of 16 male rabbits were randomly divided into 4 experimental groups exposed to temperatures ranging from a high of 30.3 to a low of 27.3 °C. Animals from first to fourth groups were fed diets containing 0, 1.5, 3.0, or 4.5% pomegranate peel (PP) to evaluate the ability of PP feeding to enhance bucks¿ reproductive status. Pomegranate peel treatments significantly increased ejaculate volume by 19, 18 and 12%, increased seminal plasma fructose by 7, 18, and 24%, improved sperm motility by 28, 34 and 49%, increased sperm total output by 37, 69 and 102% and reduced dead sperm by 24, 32 and 64% with diets containing 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5% of PP compared to the heat stressed control animals. Seminal plasma total lipids, cholesterol and triglycerides increased while alkaline phosphatase decreased with PP treatments. Seminal plasma total antioxidant capacity increased to reach 126, 143 and 191% with diets containing 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5% of PP, while lipid peroxide (malondialdehyde) levels decreased significantly to reach around 54% of the heat stressed bucks¿ value with the three PP dietary doses used. It was concluded that supplementations of PP in the diet of bucks during summer season in Egypt can improve their semen characteristics, probably due to their antioxidant actions.Zeweil, HS.; Elnagar, S.; Zahran, SM.; Ahmed, MH.; El-gindy, Y. (2013). Pomegranate peel as a natural antioxidant boosts bucks' fertility under Egyptian summer conditions. World Rabbit Science. 21(1):33-39. doi:10.4995/wrs.2013.1209.SWORD333921

    “Scheduled-multicast” with application in multimedia networks

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    Interrelations of phytoplankton, chlorophyll and physic-chemical factors in Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman during summer

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    257-261Samples for phytoplankton counts and chlorophyll data were collected from two areas, east of the strait of Hormuz (in Gulf of Oman) and west of this strait (in Arabian Gulf), during September 1986. Phytoplankton counts were higher in the west of Hormuz strait than in the Gulf of Oman. Horizontal distributions of some biological and hydro-chemical factors reflected the influence of known current system near southern side of Arabian Gulf. Generally, the most important nutrient salts affecting the phytoplankton growth, deduced from stepwise regression analysis, were nitrogen and silicon compounds

    التوزيع الرأسي والعلاقات البينية للأكسجين والأملاح المغذية في الخليج العربي وخليج عمان في فصل الصيف

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    The distribution patterns of oxygen and nutrients (phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia) were studied along the Arabian shelf of the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, including the Strait of Hormuz, during September, 1985 and 1986. Frequency distributions of oxygen and nutrients at different levels indicated the occurrence of a layer of minimum oxygen ( 12.0 (.tg at NO~3-N/1) at depths below 50 meters. The co-occurrence of low oxygen, low ammonia and high nitrate shows a probability of nitrification process at that relatively deep water. Means and standard deviations were calculated for the measured parameters. Different linear equations were found betwen some parameters; for which the constants were estimated whenever the total correlation coefficients were significant.يختص البحث بدراسة شاملة للأكسجين والأملاح المغذية في مياه المنطقة البحرية على الجانب العربي من الخليج العربي وخليج عمان . وقد تمت هذه الدراسة بواسطة سفينة مختبر البحار في ( سبتمبر- أكتوبر) لعامي1985 ، 1986 . ويقدم البحث التوزيع الرأسي للملوحة والأكسجين والأملاح المغذية ( الفوسفات ، النيترات ، النيتريت والأمونيا ) مع مناقشة تفصيلية لمستويات تلك الخواص بالأعماق المختلفة . وقد تبين من البحث أن الطبقة السطحية لكل من الخليج العربي وخليج عمان تحتوي على تركيزات من الأكسجين تتراوح بين 3 ، 4 مل / لتر بينما ينخفض التركيز إلى 1.2 مل /لتر في مياه القاع بالخليج العربي ويصل إلى حدة الأدنى في خليج عمان عند العمق بين 50 ، 200 متر . أما في حالات النيترات - على وجه الخصوص - والفوسفات فنجد أنه يحدث العكس . فتقل تركيزاتها بالمياه السطحية بينما تزيد كثيرا بالمياه القاعية . ويدل تغير الأكسجين والنيترات والأمونيا مع الأعماق على حدوث عملية النترتة التي تتأكسد بموجبها الأمونيا إلى نترات ويستهلك تبعا لذلك الاكسجين الذائب بمياه القاع . وقد تم حساب المتوسطات والانحراف المعياري لكل منها للمتغيرات التي درست وذلك فى كل عمق على حدة . وقد تم أيضا مناقشة الحسابات التي تمت لإيجاد العلاقات الرياضية بين كل متغيرين على حدة . وقد تميزت نتائج عام 1986 بوجود علاقات خطية واضحة وذات دلالة رياضية بين معظم الخواص التي درست وخاصة بين الأكسجين وكل من الفوسفات والنيترات مما يجعل دراسة تلك العلاقات بين الخواص الكيميائية من الأهمية من حيث إمكانية استخدامها في دراسات أخرى مثل دراسة انتاجية أو مصايد الخليج العربي وخليج عمان

    التغيرات الموسمية لبعض الخواص الصوتية في الخليج العربي وخليج عمان

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    Hydrographic data collected in the periods from 1961 to 1988 are used to investigate sound speed distribution in the Regional Organization for Protection of Marine Environment (ROPME) sea area in the Gulf, during four seasons. The horizontal distributions of the anomaly of the vertically averaged sound speed from 1500 m/s showed a minimum deviation (5-10 m/s) in the area delineated by 22-24°N and 60-62°E, i.e., in Gulf of Oman where the depths exceed 2000 meters. The seasonal temperature variations are reflected on the sound speed changes especially west of Hormuz Strait with shallow depths. The vertical sound speed profiles at deep stations in February, March, May, September, November and December, in the Gulf of Oman, manifested a sound channel at 1500-2000 m depth. In winter, the thermocline layer was not identified west of Hormuz Strait, but in March it starts to develop and was detected in other seasons. In the Gulf of Oman, the thermocline was deeper in winter than in summer. Sound speed was similar in the upper 60 meters. From an acoustic point of view, the basin west of 56°E is considered as a shallow area while the Gulf of Oman is a deep area. Although the thermocline was clear in the shallow part of the study area in summer, the salinity increase with depth cancelled the influence of temperature decrease on sound speed and the profiles became homogeneous.أستخدم البيانات الهيدروجرافية المتاحة والمقاسة في الفترة من 1961 حتى 1988 في منطقة الدراسة لدراسة توزيع سرعة الصوت في الفصول المختلفة . وقد نوقش في هذا البحث التوزيعات الأفقية لحيود متوسط سرعة الصوت عند الأعماق المختلفة عن 1500 متر/ث وكذلك التوزيعات الرأسية في خليج عمان . وقد أظهرتّ هذه النتائج أن متوسط سرعة الصوت تكون أكبر ما يمكن في الخليج العربي في فصل الصيف عند ارتفاع درجة الحرارة وتكون أقل ما يمكن في فصل الشتاء . أما في خليج عمان فإن الاختلافات الموسمية صغيرة نظراً لأن الطبقة السطحية المتأثرة بالتبادل الحراري تكون صغيرة بالنسبة لعمق الماء . وقد أمكن تتبع القناة الصوتية عند عمق 1500 - 2000 متر. هذه الدراسة لها تطبيقات هامة في عمليات المسح البحري وكذلك الاتصالات تحت سطح الماء

    حركة المياه والكتل المائية وتأثيرها على انتقال الملوثات في خليج أبو قير (مصر) خلال ( فترة الصيف )

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    Abuquir Bay is a shallow area with a mean depth of about 10 meters, and it is affected by significant sources of industrial and agricultural pollutants. Water masses, the distribution of dissolved oxygen and total suspended matter, as well as the water circulation in this area are discussed using hydrographic data collected in September, 1984, at 40 stations. In Summer, horizontal distributions of oxygen, salinity and currents showed a strong outflow from the Maadia outlet, which connects the bay with Idku Lake. Therefore, it is expected that agricultural pollutants from Lake Idku are dispersed in the above current direction. The density current plays an important role in the observed water movement in the bay. The high concentration of suspended matter was associated with lower oxygen values due to oxidation of organic matter. The currents are strong enough to initiate the sediment movement and to intensify the coastal processes. This sediment motion could also transport adsorbed pollutants to the offshore area.يتضمن هذا البحث ملخصا للدراسات السابقة في مجال التيارات البحرية والكتل المائية في منطقة خليج أبو قير ، كما يتضمن نتائج تحليل بيانات هيدروجرافية وبيانات عن التيارات البحرية مقاسه عند 40 محطة خلال شهري أغسطس وسبتمبر 1984 ، في نفس المنطقة . وقد أظهرت التوزيعات الأفقية لدرجة الحرارة والملوحة وتركيز الأكسوجين ومتجهات سرعة التيار وجود تيار مائي قوي متجه من بحيرة أدكو الي الخليج ، حاملا معه الملوثات الناتجة عن استخدام المبيدات الزراعية ، ومن المتوقع أن تنتشر هذه الملوثات في اتجاه هذه التيارات . وبدراسة بيانات سرعة الرياح ومقارنتها بتوزيع التيارات البحرية ، تبين أن انسياب المياه القليلة الملوحة من بحيرة أدكو ومن محطة ضخ المياه عن الطابية كان له دور هام في توليد التيارات البحرية في الخليج خلال فترة الدراسة