9,169 research outputs found

    Plan para corrección de la cuenca de La Picacha ya cuenta con recursos

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    "Las obras de corrección de la cuenca de la quebrada La Picacha todavía no tienen una fecha fija de inicio. Mientras tanto, el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá informó que con tres mil millones de pesos apoyará la intervención de esta cuenca que tiene en riesgo a las familias de Belén Las Mercedes por las obras de canalización que hacen que el agua rompa en sus casas ante las crecientes. La docente y abogada de la Universidad de Medellín, Erika Castro Buitrago, explicó que ""cuando la quebrada, que es avenida torrencial, viene con mucha agua la curva le permite más velocidad y toda el agua se va encima de la gente, que está en el retiro permitido y tiene escritura pública"".

    Habitantes de La Playita siguen a la espera de un traslado

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    Siempre que empieza la temporada invernal las noches son un suplicio para Leidy Lorena Rico. No es para más, pues su casa, en la que lleva más de quince años viviendo y donde ha tenido y levantado a tres hijos, está a escasos diez metros de la quebrada La Picacha, una de las avenidas torrenciales más riesgosas de Medellín.De esas 106 familias, 56 ya se encuentran reubicadas. 29 de ellas en la modalidad de vivienda definitiva, sea usada o nueva, y las otras 27 en arriendo subsidiado, según informó Genny Ocampo, subdirectora poblacional del Isvimed. El resto de viviendas, como el caso de Leidy, a quién le dijeron que la ubicarían en la Aurora, se encuentran o en trámites o iniciaron procesos y no pudieron continuar o simplemente porque se niegan a dejar atrás su hogar. Mención de Universidad de Medellín

    military structures and maritime life in the 14th to 16th centuries

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    estruturas militares e vida marítima nos séculos XIV-XVI

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019 PTDC/EPHPAT/4174/2014publishersversionpublishe

    Chiral Capillary Electrokinetic Chromatography: Principle and Applications, Detection and Identification, Design of Experiment, and Exploration of Chiral Recognition Using Molecular Modeling

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    This work reviews the literature of chiral capillary electrokinetic chromatography from January 2016 to March 2021. This is done to explore the state-of-the-art approach and recent developments carried out in this field. The separation principle of the technique is described and supported with simple graphical illustrations, showing migration under normal and reversed polarity modes of the separation voltage. The most relevant applications of the technique for enantioseparation of drugs and other enantiomeric molecules in different fields using chiral selectors in single, dual, or multiple systems are highlighted. Measures to improve the detection sensitivity of chiral capillary electrokinetic chromatography with UV detector are discussed, and the alternative aspects are explored, besides special emphases to hyphenation compatibility to mass spectrometry. Partial filling and counter migration techniques are described. Indirect identification of the separated enantiomers and the determination of enantiomeric migration order are mentioned. The application of Quality by Design principles to facilitate method development, optimization, and validation is presented. The elucidation and explanation of chiral recognition in molecular bases are discussed with special focus on the role of molecular modeling


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    Objective: Plant based drugs have been a solution in the search for more cost-effective and less harmful drugs for the treatment of neoplasia. Citrus aurantium L. (Rutaceae) is abundant in Brazil and D-limonene, a monoterpene used in the prevention and treatment of neoplasia, was identified as a major compound in the oil of this specie. Objective of current study includes estimation of anti-tumor activity of Citrus aurantium L. (Rutaceae) (crude extract, essential oil and D-limonene) against Ehrlich carcinoma, as well as their phytochemical evaluation (D-limonene and essential oil). Methods: There was a randomized non-clinical trial in which were used adult male mice (Balb-C). Four groups of animals were used having 6 numbers of animal in each group. All groups were inoculated with the Ehrlich tumor and then received the treatment (control, crude extract, essential oil and D-limonene) by oral route daily (28 day treatment). Essential oil was obtained by hydro-distillation and analyzed by the means of GC (Gas Chromatography) that was attached to mass spectrometry. In last of the observations  hemogram was obtained. Results: Animals treated with the essential oil has shown no significant difference compared to the group treated with D-limonene. The group treated with crude extract had a growth inhibition close to the essential oil and D-limonene groups. Conclusion: It´s concluded that the essential oil and the crude extract of Citrus aurantium, L. (Rutaceae) can become therapeutic agents because of their anti-tumor activity with no toxicity to the blood cells and have low cost of production. Further studies are necessary, so they can be used in the treatment of neoplasia in humans. The chromatographic and spectrometric analyzes indicated the presence of other components in smaller amounts in the essential oil, which suggests that they could have a synergic activity to the D-limonene.                           Peer Review History: Received 2 June 2020; Revised 25 June; Accepted 4 July, Available online 15 July 2020 Academic Editor: Dr. Muhammad Zahid Iqbal, AIMST University, Malaysia, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 6.0/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 8.0/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Ahmad Najib, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia, [email protected] Dr. Mohamed Said Fathy Al-Refaey, University of Sadat City, Menofia, Egypt, [email protected]  Similar Articles: CYTOTOXIC EFFECT AND PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF PETROLEUM ETHER EXTRACT OF TILIA CORDATA MIL

    Ultrasound trapping and navigation of microrobots in the mouse brain vasculature

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    The intricate and delicate anatomy of the brain poses significant challenges for the treatment of cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Thus, precise local drug delivery in hard-to-reach brain regions remains an urgent medical need. Microrobots offer potential solutions; however, their functionality in the brain remains restricted by limited imaging capabilities and complications within blood vessels, such as high blood flows, osmotic pressures, and cellular responses. Here, we introduce ultrasound-activated microrobots for in vivo navigation in brain vasculature. Our microrobots consist of lipid-shelled microbubbles that autonomously aggregate and propel under ultrasound irradiation. We investigate their capacities in vitro within microfluidic-based vasculatures and in vivo within vessels of a living mouse brain. These microrobots self-assemble and execute upstream motion in brain vasculature, achieving velocities up to 1.5 µm/s and moving against blood flows of ~10 mm/s. This work represents a substantial advance towards the therapeutic application of microrobots within the complex brain vasculature

    Phenotyping clonal populations of glioma stem cell reveals a high degree of plasticity in response to changes of microenvironment

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    The phenotype of glioma-initiating cells (GIC) is modulated by cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic factors. Phenotypic heterogeneity and plasticity of GIC is an important limitation to therapeutic approaches targeting cancer stem cells. Plasticity also presents a challenge to the identification, isolation, and propagation of purified cancer stem cells. Here we use a barcode labelling approach of GIC to generate clonal populations over a number of passages, in combination with phenotyping using the established stem cell markers CD133, CD15, CD44, and A2B5. Using two cell lines derived from isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-wildtype glioblastoma, we identify a remarkable heterogeneity of the phenotypes between the cell lines. During passaging, clonal expansion manifests as the emergence of a limited number of barcoded clones and a decrease in the overall number of clones. Dual-labelled GIC are capable of forming traceable clonal populations which emerge after as few as two passages from mixed cultures and through analyses of similarity of relative proportions of 16 surface markers we were able to pinpoint the fate of such populations. By generating tumour organoids we observed a remarkable persistence of dominant clones but also a significant plasticity of stemness marker expression. Our study presents an experimental approach to simultaneously barcode and phenotype glioma-initiating cells to assess their functional properties, for example to screen newly established GIC for tumour-specific therapeutic vulnerabilities

    Two highly divergent alcohol dehydrogenases of melon exhibit fruit ripening-specific expression and distinct biochemical characteristics

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    Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) participate in the biosynthetic pathway of aroma volatiles in fruit by interconverting aldehydes to alcohols and providing substrates for the formation of esters. Two highly divergent ADH genes (15% identity at the amino acid level) of Cantaloupe Charentais melon (Cucumis melo var. Cantalupensis) have been isolated. Cm-ADH1 belongs to the medium-chain zinc-binding type of ADHs and is highly similar to all ADH genes expressed in fruit isolated so far. Cm-ADH2 belongs to the short-chain type of ADHs. The two encoded proteins are enzymatically active upon expression in yeast. Cm-ADH1 has strong preference for NAPDH as a co-factor, whereas Cm-ADH2 preferentially uses NADH. Both Cm-ADH proteins are much more active as reductases with Kms 10–20 times lower for the conversion of aldehydes to alcohols than for the dehydrogenation of alcohols to aldehydes. They both show strong preference for aliphatic aldehydes but Cm-ADH1 is capable of reducing branched aldehydes such as 3-methylbutyraldehyde, whereas Cm-ADH2 cannot. Both Cm-ADH genes are expressed specifically in fruit and up-regulated during ripening. Gene expression as well as total ADH activity are strongly inhibited in antisense ACC oxidase melons and in melon fruit treated with the ethylene antagonist 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), indicating a positive regulation by ethylene. These data suggest that each of the Cm-ADH protein plays a specific role in the regulation of aroma biosynthesis in melon fruit

    Enhanced markers of oxidative stress, altered antioxidants and NADPH-oxidase activation in brains from Fragile X mental retardation 1-deficient mice, a pathological model for Fragile X syndrome.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/6992Fragile X syndrome is the most common form of inherited mental retardation in humans. It originates from the loss of expression ofthe Fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene, which results in the absence of the Fragile X mental retardation protein. However,the biochemical mechanisms involved in the pathological phenotype are mostly unknown. The availability of the FMR1-knockoutmouse model offers an excellent model system in which to study the biochemical alterations related to brain abnormalities in thesyndrome. We show for the first time that brains from Fmr1-knockout mice, a validated model for the syndrome, display higher levelsof reactive oxygen species, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-oxidase activation, lipid peroxidation and proteinoxidation than brains from wild-type mice. Furthermore, the antioxidant system is deficient in Fmr1-knockout mice, as shown byaltered levels of components of the glutathione system. FMR1-knockout mice lacking Fragile X mental retardation protein werecompared with congenic FVB129 wild-type controls. Our results support the hypothesis that the lack of Fragile X mental retardationprotein function leads to a moderate increase of the oxidative stress status in the brain that may contribute to the pathophysiology ofthe Fragile X syndrome