412 research outputs found

    The Schr\"odinger Functional for Improved Gluon and Quark Actions

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    The Schr\"odinger Functional (quantum/lattice field theory with Dirichlet boundary conditions) is a powerful tool in the non-perturbative improvement and for the study of other aspects of lattice QCD. Here we adapt it to improved gluon and quark actions, on isotropic as well as anisotropic lattices. Specifically, we describe the structure of the boundary layers, obtain the exact form of the classically improved gauge action, and outline the modifications necessary on the quantum level. The projector structure of Wilson-type quark actions determines which field components can be specified at the boundaries. We derive the form of O(a) improved quark actions and describe how the coefficients can be tuned non-perturbatively. There is one coefficient to be tuned for an isotropic lattice, three in the anisotropic case. Our ultimate aim is the construction of actions that allow accurate simulations of all aspects of QCD on coarse lattices.Comment: 39 pages, LaTeX, 11 embedded eps file

    One-Loop Self Energy and Renormalization of the Speed of Light for some Anisotropic Improved Quark Actions

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    One-loop corrections to the fermion rest mass M_1, wave function renormalization Z_2 and speed of light renormalization C_0 are presented for lattice actions that combine improved glue with clover or D234 quark actions and keep the temporal and spatial lattice spacings, a_t and a_s, distinct. We explore a range of values for the anisotropy parameter \chi = a_s/a_t and treat both massive and massless fermions.Comment: 45 LaTeX pages with 4 postscript figure

    Lattice QCD on Small Computers

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    We demonstrate that lattice QCD calculations can be made 10310^3--10610^6 times faster by using very coarse lattices. To obtain accurate results, we replace the standard lattice actions by perturbatively-improved actions with tadpole-improved correction terms that remove the leading errors due to the lattice. To illustrate the power of this approach, we calculate the static-quark potential, and the charmonium spectrum and wavefunctions using a desktop computer. We obtain accurate results that are independent of the lattice spacing and agree well with experiment.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figs incl as LaTex pictures Minor additions to tables and tex

    The Anisotropic Wilson Gauge Action

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    Anisotropic lattices, with a temporal lattice spacing smaller than the spatial one, allow precision Monte Carlo calculations of problems that are difficult to study otherwise: heavy quarks, glueballs, hybrids, and high temperature thermodynamics, for example. We here perform the first step required for such studies with the (quenched) Wilson gauge action, namely, the determination of the renormalized anisotropy ξ\xi as a function of the bare anisotropy ξ0\xi_0 and the coupling. By, essentially, comparing the finite-volume heavy quark potential where the quarks are separated along a spatial direction with that where they are separated along the time direction, we determine the relation between ξ\xi and ξ0\xi_0 to a fraction of 1% for weak and to 1% for strong coupling. We present a simple parameterization of this relation for 1ξ61\leq \xi \leq 6 and 5.5β5.5 \leq \beta \leq \infty, which incorporates the known one-loop result and reproduces our non-perturbative determinations within errors. Besides solving the problem of how to choose the bare anisotropies if one wants to take the continuum limit at fixed renormalized anisotropy, this parameterization also yields accurate estimates of the derivative ξ0/ξ\partial\xi_0/\partial\xi needed in thermodynamic studies.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, 15 ps figures (added high statistics simulations confirming our results; to appear in Nucl. Phys. B

    Shell model calculations of stellar weak interaction rates: I. Gamow-Teller distributions and spectra of nuclei in the mass range A=45-65

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    Electron capture and beta-decay rates on nuclei in the mass range A=45-65 play an important role in many astrophysical environments. The determination of these rates by large-scale shell model calculations is desirable, but it requires to reproduce the Gamow-Teller strength distributions and spectra of the pf shell nuclei. We show in this paper that large-scale shell model calculations, employing a slightly monopole-corrected version of the wellknown KB3 interaction, fulfill these necessary requirements. In particular, our calculations reproduce the experimentally available GT+ and GT- strength distributions and the nuclear halflives, and describe the nuclear spectra appropriately.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Scalar meson properties from D-meson decays

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    Decay amplitudes of D(D_s)->f0(980)X, X=pi, K, are compared to experimental branching ratios with the aim of singling out the poorly known D->f0(980) transition form factor in these amplitudes. Since the other elements of the amplitudes are either calculable in an effective QCD theory using operator product expansion or are known from experiment (e.g. the pion and kaon decay constants), we can take advantage of these reactions to constrain the transition form factors obtained in relativistic quark models. In these models, the f0(980) wavefunction requires an unknown size parameter for both its non-strange ubar u(dbar d) and strange sbar s components, which we fit to the D(D_s) decay data.Comment: Talk given at the Few Body 18 conference in Santos, Brazil. 4 pages, to be published in Nuclear Physics

    Quarkonium spin structure in lattice NRQCD

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    Numerical simulations of the quarkonium spin splittings are done in the framework of lattice nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics (NRQCD). At leading order in the velocity expansion the spin splittings are of O(MQv4)O(M_Q v^4), where MQM_Q is the renormalized quark mass and v2v^2 is the mean squared quark velocity. A systematic analysis is done of all next-to-leading order corrections. This includes the addition of O(MQv6)O(M_Q v^6) relativistic interactions, and the removal of O(a2MQv4)O(a^2 M_Q v^4) discretization errors in the leading-order interactions. Simulations are done for both S- and P-wave mesons, with a variety of heavy quark actions and over a wide range of lattice spacings. Two prescriptions for the tadpole improvement of the action are also studied in detail: one using the measured value of the average plaquette, the other using the mean link measured in Landau gauge. Next-to-leading order interactions result in a very large reduction in the charmonium splittings, down by about 60% from their values at leading order. There are further indications that the velocity expansion may be poorly convergent for charmonium. Prelimary results show a small correction to the hyperfine splitting in the Upsilon system.Comment: 16 pages, REVTEX v3.1, 5 postscript figures include

    Gamow-Teller strength distributions for nuclei in pre-supernova stellar cores

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    Electron-capture and β\beta-decay of nuclei in the core of massive stars play an important role in the stages leading to a type II supernova explosion. Nuclei in the f-p shell are particularly important for these reactions in the post Silicon-burning stage of a presupernova star. In this paper, we characterise the energy distribution of the Gamow-Teller Giant Resonance (GTGR) for mid-fp-shell nuclei in terms of a few shape parameters, using data obtained from high energy, forward scattering (p,n) and (n,p) reactions. The energy of the GTGR centroid EGTE_{GT} is further generalised as function of nuclear properties like mass number, isospin and other shell model properties of the nucleus. Since a large fraction of the GT strength lies in the GTGR region, and the GTGR is accessible for weak transitions taking place at energies relevant to the cores of presupernova and collapsing stars, our results are relevant to the study of important ee^--capture and β\beta-decay rates of arbitrary, neutron-rich, f-p shell nuclei in stellar cores. Using the observed GTGR and Isobaric Analog States (IAS) energy systematics we compare the coupling coefficients in the Bohr-Mottelson two particle interaction Hamiltonian for different regions of the Isotope Table.Comment: Revtex, 28 pages +7 figures (PostScript Figures, uuencoded, filename: Sutfigs.uu). If you have difficulty printing the figures, please contact [email protected]. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C, Nov 01, 199

    Heavy-light mesons with staggered light quarks

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    We demonstrate the viability of improved staggered light quarks in studies of heavy-light systems. Our method for constructing heavy-light operators exploits the close relation between naive and staggered fermions. The new approach is tested on quenched configurations using several staggered actionsn combined with nonrelativistic heavy quarks. The B_s meson kinetic mass, the hyperfine and 1P-1S splittings in B_s, and the decay constant f_{B_s} are calculated and compared to previous quenched lattice studies. An important technical detail, Bayesian curve-fitting, is discussed at length.Comment: 38 pages, figures included. v2: Entry in Table IX corrected and other minor changes, version appearing in Phys. Rev.

    Comparison Studies of Finite Momentum Correlators on Anisotropic and Isotropic Lattices

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    We study hadronic two- and three-point correlators relevant for heavy to light pseudoscalar meson semi-leptonic decays, using Symanzik improved glue, D234 light quark and NRQCD heavy quark actions. Detailed comparisons are made between simulations on anisotropic and isotropic lattices involving finite momentum hadrons. We find evidence that having an anisotropy helps in extracting better signals at higher momenta. Initial results for the form factors f_+(q^2) and f_0(q^2) are presented with tree-level matching of the lattice heavy-light currents.Comment: 43 pages with 50 postscript figure