82 research outputs found

    The Effect of Environmental Enrichment with Autistic-like Behavior Symptoms on a Rattus norvegicus Model

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    AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of environmental enrichment with autistic-like behavior symptoms on a Rattus norvegicus model. METHODS: The post-test control only group design is used in this study. The study sample is baby of Rattus norvegicus Sprague Dawley strain who were born to cows who gave birth for the 1st time and children from cows who had been injected with valproic acid (VPA) who gave birth for the 1st time. This study has been divided into three groups, namely, negative control, positive control, and intervention: the negative control group; the VPA without enrichment as positive control; and the VPA group with enrichment as intervention group. One-way ANOVA tests were used to data analysis. Data are processed using SPSS version 23.0. RESULTS: This study showed that the mean of social interaction in the negative control group was 359.11 ± 39.33 s higher than the positive control, namely, 182.00 ± 35.80 s and 244.56 ± 19.06 s for intervention. The mean of repetitive movement in the negative control group was 48.00 ± 9.03 s lower than the positive control, namely, 212.11 ± 41.43 s and intervention 160.00 ± 18.91 s. There has been an influence of environmental enrichment with social interaction and repetitive movements on a Rattus norvegicus model (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study confirmed that there has been an influence of environmental enrichment with social interaction and repetitive movements on a Rattus norvegicus model


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    Prevalence of liver disease more increased. Imfflamation in liver tissue caused by free radical metabolism results of toxic compounds such as alcohol, paracetamol, and carbon tetrachloride (CCL4). Rhizophora mucronata has been higher antioxidant activities and reported as hepatoprotector. This research was aimed to investigate activity of mangrove propagule (R.mucronata) as a hepatoprotector and determined the effect levels of specific liver enzymes, liver MDA, and histopathological studies. Rhizophora mucronata was extracted by ethanol 95% solvent (b:v)(1:5). There were 21 rats randomly divided into 7 following groups (n=3), they were group I allowed fed with standard pellet, group II was positive control induced CCL4 dose 2 ml/kg BW, group III, IV, V, and VI were induced by CCL dose 2 ml/kg BW and given consecutively the mangrove extract 1 mg/kg BW, 5 mg/kg BW, 15 mg/kg BW, and 25 mg/kg BW. Result showed the extract did not affect significantly (p>0.05) to decreased level of AST enzyme and the best value owned of 15 mg/kg BW treatment with AST levels as 187 U/L. In contrast, extract R.mucronata effected significantly different (p<0.05) on ALT levels with the best value in 5 mg/kg BW treatment. R.mucronata did not effect significantly (p>0.05) of MDA level in liver, and decreased with the best result in 5 mg/kg BW treatment. Histopatological studies showed a protective effect and cell recovery of the liver induced CCL4. Keywords: Antoxidant, Hepatoprotective, Mangrove propagule (R.mucronata)

    PAT-7 A Natural Case Like Diabetes Rat as A New Approach on Understanding Alert of Glucose Methabolism

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    Currently, diabetic case as a degenerative disease has widely known that it can be cure by insulin.  A remain puzzle is proliferation do not found in rest Beta cells, so insulin injection has to be applied entire life of diabetic patient. So far, there is no diagnostic approach that expresses such of thing which may indicate an early anomaly on glucose metabolism process. The aim of this research to get case model of hyperglycemic rat that has long period in process

    The formation of tretinoin-PEG 6000 solid-solid solution to increase the dissolution rate of tretinoin

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    The formation of solid-solid dispersion of tretinoin which is insoluble in water into water soluble carrier PEG, might accelerate solubility and dissolution rate. The objectives of this study were to obtain dissolution profile and physical properties of Tretinoin-PEG solid dispersion which was prepared by solventfusion method, to obtain the composition of Tretinoin and PEG in which produce solid dispersion with optimum dissolution rate and to obtain the composition of Tretinoin-PEG, which produce an interstitial solid-solid solution. Solvent fusion method at low temperature was choosen to prepare the solid dispersion system. The physical state of formed solid dispersion was determined by X-Ray diffractometer. To unveil the information about the solubility and dissolution rate of tretinoin, a test toward the dissolution rate of tretinoin was performed into the dissolution medium phosphate buffer. The X-Ray diffractogram of tretinoin-PEG solid dispersion in all composition indicated that tretinoin hasformed a molecular dispersion in the PEG crystals in all composition. In solid dispersion was obtained by solvent-fusion method in molecular or in solid-solid solution. Dissolution efficiency (DE) value prooved that molecular dispersion of tretinoin-PEG could increase the dissolution rate of tretinoin. Thus it could concluded that in comparison to the tretinoin and its physical mixture, the solid dispersion of tretinoin-PEG led the higher dissolution rate and the optimum rate was achieved by composition of 1=100 with DE value = 74.Key words : Tretinoin, PEG, Solid Dispersion, Dissolution Rat

    Toksisitas Akut Ekstrak Daun Miana (Coleus Blumei Benth) pada Mencit (Mus Musculus)

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    Coleus blumei memiliki berbagai khasiat untuk mengobati berbagai macam penyakit termasuk kecacingan. Sampai saat ini belum diketahui tingkat dosis yang menyebabkan toksisitas bagi pemakainya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi toksisitas akut ekstrak etanol daun miana pada mencit. Pengujian toksisitas dilakukan pada mencit dengan pemberian per oral untuk menentukan toksisitas akut dan dosis letal 50% (LD50). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak daun miana memiliki toksisitas yang rendah. Hasil analisis probit menunjukkan LD50 ekstrak etanol daun miana adalah 9757.14 mg/kg berat badan. Gejala klinis yang terlihat pada mencit sebelum mati adalah tidak aktif, lemah, ritme pernapasan menurun dan bulu berdiri. Pemeriksaan patologi anatomi menunjukkan perdarahan pada rongga perut ditemukan pada dosis 10000 mg/kg bb ekstrak etanol. Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan adanya pembendungan, oedema, dilatasi tubuli pada organ ginjal. Degenerasi dan nekrosis ditemukan pada organ usus, hati dan ginjal yang meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan dosis ekstrak. Berdasarkan nilai LD50 ekstrak etanol daun miana termasuk dalam kategori toksik ringan. Walaupun termasuk dalam katagori toksik ringan, akan tetapi mulai pada dosis 4000 mg/kg bb ekstrak daun miana menyebabkan degenerasi dan nekrosa sel pada organ usus, hati, dan ginjal

    Aktivitas Anticestoda In Vitro Metabolit Sekunder Daun Miana (Coleus blumei. Benth) terhadap Cacing Hymenolepis microstoma

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    Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui golongan senyawa metabolit sekunder dari ekstrak daun miana (Coleus blumei. Benth) yang memiliki aktivitas anticestoda. Daun miana kering diekstraksi dengan metode yang sesuai untuk mendapatkan golongan senyawa metabolit sekunder alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, dan steroid. Aktivitas anticestoda diukur dengan menghitung waktu kematian cacing Hymenolepis microstoma pada setiap golongan metabolit sekunder konsentrasi 10%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tanin memiliki aktivitas anticestoda yang kuat yang tidak berbeda dengan praziquatel sebagai anthelmintik komersial. Akivitas anticestoda flavonoid mirip dengan tanin akan tetapi aktivitasnya masih dibawah  praziquatel. Alkaloid dan steroid memiliki aktivitas anticestoda yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan tanin dan flavonoid.  Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa tanin sebagai senyawa metabolit sekunder yang paling aktif sebagai anticestoda dibandingkan flavonoid, alkaloid, dan steroid

    Serologi dan virologi virus avian influenza H5N1 pada kucing jalanan di Kota Bogor

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    Highly  pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus is a known pathogen in birds. Recently, the virus has been reported to cause sporadic fatal disease in tigers, leopards, and other exotic felids as well as domestic cats  in Thailand. The present study was carried out to investigate the presence of AI H5N1 virus infection in stray cats roaming around residential, traditional and chicken farms in Bogor, West Java. Ninety serum samples were tested using HI test to screened for the presence of antibody to AI H5N1. Virus isolation was done in SPF embrionated chicken eggs and identify using HI, AGP and RT-PCR. The results showed that 18,9% of stray cats developed antibodies against H5 with geometric mean titre 23,1 . Stray cats lived in traditional markets 18–40% developed antibodies in the titre ranging from 22,8  to 24,5. Only two out of nine stray cats which lived in chicken farm developed low antibody titres again H5 (21). None of the stray cats lived in residencial area have developed antibodies against H5. This study revealed that stray cats have been contact with AI H5. Avian influenza H5 viruses were isolated in eight out of 33 pooled of rectal swab samples. The viral cleavage site sequences are CCTCAAAGAGAGAGC AGAAGAAAGAAGAGAGGT which represent amino acid sequences of PQRESRRKKRG. Based on the cleavage site sequence, the isolates are similar with the AI H5 virus subtype isolated from human in Indonesia during 2005–2007

    Extrahepatic bile duct ligation in broiler chickens: ultrastructural study of Ito cell

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    The Ito cell (fat-storing cell) is a cell lying in perisinusoidal space of liver. The function of Ito cell is expanding from a site of fat-storing site to a center of extracellular matrix metabolism and mediator production in the liver. This study was performed in order to evaluate the Ito cells in cholestatic condition. The artificial cholestatic was conducted by ligation of extrahepatic bile ducts (bile duct ligation = BDL) in broilers. The results showed that BDL induced bile congestion, fibrosis, proliferation of Ito cells and intrahepatic bile ductules. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that Ito cells were scattered throughout the fibrotic areas, and larger in size with more extensive immunoreactivity than those in normal livers. Ultrastructural study demonstrated that Ito cells were closely associated with the production of extracellular collagen fibers. Ito cells actively react against hepatocytic injuries, especially in fibrogenesis of cholestatic livers.   Key words: Bile duct, ito cell, broile

    Serologi dan virologi virus avian influenza H5N1 pada kucing jalanan di Kota Bogor

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    Highly  pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus is a known pathogen in birds. Recently, the virus has been reported to cause sporadic fatal disease in tigers, leopards, and other exotic felids as well as domestic cats  in Thailand. The present study was carried out to investigate the presence of AI H5N1 virus infection in stray cats roaming around residential, traditional and chicken farms in Bogor, West Java. Ninety serum samples were tested using HI test to screened for the presence of antibody to AI H5N1. Virus isolation was done in SPF embrionated chicken eggs and identify using HI, AGP and RT-PCR. The results showed that 18,9% of stray cats developed antibodies against H5 with geometric mean titre 23,1 . Stray cats lived in traditional markets 18–40% developed antibodies in the titre ranging from 22,8  to 24,5. Only two out of nine stray cats which lived in chicken farm developed low antibody titres again H5 (21). None of the stray cats lived in residencial area have developed antibodies against H5. This study revealed that stray cats have been contact with AI H5. Avian influenza H5 viruses were isolated in eight out of 33 pooled of rectal swab samples. The viral cleavage site sequences are CCTCAAAGAGAGAGC AGAAGAAAGAAGAGAGGT which represent amino acid sequences of PQRESRRKKRG. Based on the cleavage site sequence, the isolates are similar with the AI H5 virus subtype isolated from human in Indonesia during 2005–2007

    Seroprevalence of Q fever in sheep and goat in West Java area

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    Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by Coxiella burnetii, a species of bacteria that is distributed globally. Ruminant especially sheep and goats may play an important role in the transmission of the disease to human. The research of seroprevalence of Q fever in sheep and goats was carried out from August 2006 to March 2007 in West Java area. A total of 138 sera were collected; 69 sera from sheep and 69 sera from goats. The indirect immunoflourescent antibody test was used to determine the seroprevalence of Q fever. The seropositive based on the dilution of serum starting from 1 : 16. Seropositive were observed in 22 samples (31.88%) of sheep and 14 samples (20.28%) of goats. The highest titer of 1 : 128 was observed in 3 pregnant sheep. The results of the present study suggested that Q fever was endemic in West Java area. Key Words: Q Fever, Prevalence, Indirect Immunoflourescent Antibody Tes
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