721 research outputs found

    Quality of ultrasound biometry obtained by local health workers in a refugee camp on the Thai-Burmese border.

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    Objective: In a refugee camp on the Thai–Burmese border, accurate dating of pregnancy relies on ultrasound measurements obtained by locally trained health workers. The aim of this study was to substantiate the accuracy of fetal biometry measurements performed by locally trained health workers by comparing derived reference equations with those published for Asian and European hospitals. Methods: This prospective observational study included 1090 women who had a dating crown–rump length (CRL) scan and one study-appointed ultrasound biometry scan between 16 and 40 weeks of gestation. The average of two measurements of each of biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference and femur length was used in a polynomial regression model for the mean and SD against gestational age (GA). The biometry equations obtained were compared with published equations of professional sonographers from Asian and European hospitals by evaluation of the SD and Z-scores of differences between models. Results: Reference equations of biometric parameters were found to fit cubic polynomial models. The observed SD values, for any given GA, of fetal biometric measurements obtained by locally trained health workers were lower than those previously reported by centers with professional sonographers. For nearly the entire GA range considered, the mean values of the Asian and European equations for all four biometric measurements were within the 90% expected range (mean ± 1.645 SD) of our equations. Conclusion: Locally trained health workers in a refugee camp on the Thai–Burmese border can obtain measurements that are associated with low SD values and within the normal limits of published Asian and European equations. The fact that the SD values were lower than in other studies may be explained by the use of the average of two measurements, CRL dating or motivation of the locally trained sonographer

    Twelve tips for teaching brief motivational interviewing to medical students

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    Background: Shifting from paternalistic to patient-centred doctor-patient relationships has seen a growing number of medical programs incorporate brief motivational interviewing training in their curriculum. Some medical educators, however, are unsure of precisely what, when, and how to incorporate such training. Aims: This article provides educators with 12 tips for teaching brief motivational interviewing to medical students, premised on evidence-based pedagogy. Methods: Tips were drawn from the literature and authors’ own experiences. Results: The 12 tips are: (1) Set clear learning objectives, (2) Select experienced educators, (3) Provide theoretical perspectives, (4) Share the evidence base, (5) Outline the “spirit”, principles, and sequence, (6) Show students what it looks like, (7) Give students a scaffold to follow, (8) Provide opportunities for skill practice, (9) Involve clinical students in teaching, (10) Use varied formative and summative assessments, (11) Integrate and maintain, and (12) Reflect and evaluate. Conclusions: We describe what to include and why, and outline when and how to teach the essential components of brief motivational interviewing knowledge and skills in a medical curriculum

    A four-dimensional {\Lambda}CDM-type cosmological model induced from higher dimensions using a kinematical constraint

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    A class of cosmological solutions of higher dimensional Einstein field equations with the energy-momentum tensor of a homogeneous, isotropic fluid as the source are considered with an anisotropic metric that includes the direct sum of a 3-dimensional (physical, flat) external space metric and an n-dimensional (compact, flat) internal space metric. A simple kinematical constraint is postulated that correlates the expansion rates of the external and internal spaces in terms of a real parameter {\lambda}. A specific solution for which both the external and internal spaces expand at different rates is given analytically for n=3. Assuming that the internal dimensions were at Planck length scales when the external space starts with a Big Bang (t=0), they expand only 1.49 times and stay at Planck length scales even in the present age of the universe (13.7 Gyr). The effective four dimensional universe would exhibit a behavior consistent with our current understanding of the observed universe. It would start in a stiff fluid dominated phase and evolve through radiation dominated and pressureless matter dominated phases, eventually going into a de Sitter phase at late times.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures; matches the version published in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Evaluating people's perceptions of trust in a robot in a repeated interactions study

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgment. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642667 (Safety Enables Cooperation in Uncertain Robotic Environments - SECURE). KD acknowledges funding from the Canada 150 Research Chairs Program. Publisher Copyright: © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published of 'Rossi A., Dautenhahn K., Koay K.L., Walters M.L., Holthaus P. (2020) Evaluating People’s Perceptions of Trust in a Robot in a Repeated Interactions Study. In: Wagner A.R. et al. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12483. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62056-1_38'Trust has been established to be a key factor in fostering human-robot interactions. However, trust can change overtime according to different factors, including a breach of trust due to a robot’s error. In this exploratory study, we observed people’s interactions with a companion robot in a real house, adapted for human-robot interaction experimentation, over three weeks. The interactions happened in six scenarios in which a robot performed different tasks under two different conditions. Each condition included fourteen tasks performed by the robot, either correctly, or with errors with severe consequences on the first or last day of interaction. At the end of each experimental condition, participants were presented with an emergency scenario to evaluate their trust in the robot. We evaluated participants’ trust in the robot by observing their decision to trust the robot during the emergency scenario, and by collecting their views through questionnaires. We concluded that there is a correlation between the timing of an error with severe consequences performed by the robot and the corresponding loss of trust of the human in the robot. In particular, people’s trust is subjected to the initial mental formation

    On the correlation between bibliometric indicators and peer review: reply to Opthof and Leydesdorff

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    Opthof and Leydesdorff (Scientometrics, 2011) reanalyze data reported by Van Raan (Scientometrics 67(3):491–502, 2006) and conclude that there is no significant correlation between on the one hand average citation scores measured using the CPP/FCSm indicator and on the other hand the quality judgment of peers. We point out that Opthof and Leydesdorff draw their conclusions based on a very limited amount of data. We also criticize the statistical methodology used by Opthof and Leydesdorff. Using a larger amount of data and a more appropriate statistical methodology, we do find a significant correlation between the CPP/FCSm indicator and peer judgment

    Interplay between pleiotropy and secondary selection determines rise and fall of mutators in stress response

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    Dramatic rise of mutators has been found to accompany adaptation of bacteria in response to many kinds of stress. Two views on the evolutionary origin of this phenomenon emerged: the pleiotropic hypothesis positing that it is a byproduct of environmental stress or other specific stress response mechanisms and the second order selection which states that mutators hitchhike to fixation with unrelated beneficial alleles. Conventional population genetics models could not fully resolve this controversy because they are based on certain assumptions about fitness landscape. Here we address this problem using a microscopic multiscale model, which couples physically realistic molecular descriptions of proteins and their interactions with population genetics of carrier organisms without assuming any a priori fitness landscape. We found that both pleiotropy and second order selection play a crucial role at different stages of adaptation: the supply of mutators is provided through destabilization of error correction complexes or fluctuations of production levels of prototypic mismatch repair proteins (pleiotropic effects), while rise and fixation of mutators occur when there is a sufficient supply of beneficial mutations in replication-controlling genes. This general mechanism assures a robust and reliable adaptation of organisms to unforeseen challenges. This study highlights physical principles underlying physical biological mechanisms of stress response and adaptation

    Climate change, phenological shifts, eco-evolutionary responses and population viability: toward a unifying predictive approach

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    The debate on emission targets of greenhouse gasses designed to limit global climate change has to take into account the ecological consequences. One of the clearest ecological consequences is shifts in phenology. Linking these shifts to changes in population viability under various greenhouse gasses emission scenarios requires a unifying framework. We propose a box-in-a-box modeling approach that couples population models to phenological change. This approach unifies population modeling with both ecological responses to climate change as well as evolutionary processes. We advocate a mechanistic embedded correlative approach, where the link from genes to population is established using a periodic matrix population model. This periodic model has several major advantages: (1) it can include complex seasonal behaviors allowing an easy link with phenological shifts; (2) it provides the structure of the population at each phase, including the distribution of genotypes and phenotypes, allowing a link with evolutionary processes; and (3) it can incorporate the effect of climate at different time periods. We believe that the way climatologists have approached the problem, using atmosphere–ocean coupled circulation models in which components are gradually included and linked to each other, can provide a valuable example to ecologists. We hope that ecologists will take up this challenge and that our preliminary modeling framework will stimulate research toward a unifying predictive model of the ecological consequences of climate change

    The need to promote behaviour change at the cultural level: one factor explaining the limited impact of the MEMA kwa Vijana adolescent sexual health intervention in rural Tanzania. A process evaluation

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    Background - Few of the many behavioral sexual health interventions in Africa have been rigorously evaluated. Where biological outcomes have been measured, improvements have rarely been found. One of the most rigorous trials was of the multi-component MEMA kwa Vijana adolescent sexual health programme, which showed improvements in knowledge and reported attitudes and behaviour, but none in biological outcomes. This paper attempts to explain these outcomes by reviewing the process evaluation findings, particularly in terms of contextual factors. Methods - A large-scale, primarily qualitative process evaluation based mainly on participant observation identified the principal contextual barriers and facilitators of behavioural change. Results - The contextual barriers involved four interrelated socio-structural factors: culture (i.e. shared practices and systems of belief), economic circumstances, social status, and gender. At an individual level they appeared to operate through the constructs of the theories underlying MEMA kwa Vijana - Social Cognitive Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action – but the intervention was unable to substantially modify these individual-level constructs, apart from knowledge. Conclusion - The process evaluation suggests that one important reason for this failure is that the intervention did not operate sufficiently at a structural level, particularly in regard to culture. Recently most structural interventions have focused on gender or/and economics. Complementing these with a cultural approach could address the belief systems that justify and perpetuate gender and economic inequalities, as well as other barriers to behaviour change

    Renal uptake of different radiolabelled peptides is mediated by megalin: SPECT and biodistribution studies in megalin-deficient mice

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    Contains fulltext : 98302.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)PURPOSE: Radiolabelled peptides used for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy are excreted mainly via the kidneys and are partly reabsorbed and retained in the proximal tubular cells. The resulting high renal radiation dose can cause nephrotoxicity, limiting the maximum activity dose and the effectiveness of peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. The mechanisms of kidney reabsorption of these peptides are incompletely understood, but the scavenger receptor megalin has been shown to play a role in the reabsorption of (111)In-octreotide. In this study, the role of megalin in the renal reabsorption of various relevant radiolabelled peptides was investigated. METHODS: Groups of kidney-specific megalin-deficient mice and wild-type mice were injected with (111)In-labelled somatostatin, exendin, neurotensin or minigastrin analogues. Single photon emission computed tomographic (SPECT) images of the kidneys were acquired and analysed quantitatively, or the animals were killed 3 h after injection and the activity concentration in the kidneys was measured. RESULTS: Megalin-deficient mice showed significantly lower uptake of all studied radiolabelled peptides in the kidneys, ranging from 22% ((111)In-octreotide) to 65% ((111)In-exendin) of uptake in wild-type kidneys. Quantitative analysis of renal uptake by SPECT and ex vivo measurements showed a very good correlation. CONCLUSION: Megalin is involved in the renal reabsorption of radiolabelled octreotide, octreotate, exendin, neurotensin and minigastrin. This knowledge may help in the design of strategies to reduce this reabsorption and the resulting nephrotoxicity in peptide receptor radionuclide therapy, enabling more effective therapy. Small-animal SPECT is an accurate tool, allowing in vivo quantification of renal uptake and serial measurements in individual mice