19 research outputs found

    Especies de plantas visitadas por abejas pecoreadoras durante la inducci贸n de polinizaci贸n en mel贸n.

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    The purpose of the research was to determine, by identifying pollen in corbicular pellets, the different plant species visited by honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) during cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.) induced pollination. This work was carried out in La Laguna region, located in the states of Coahuila and Durango, Mexico in the spring of 2003. During the first 31 days of cantaloupe bloom, 18 honey bee colonies were placed in a six ha field, nine of which had a bottom pollen trap. Trapped pollen was collected twice per a week weighed and frozen. Through the year, anthers of wild and cultivated flowering plant species around the cantaloupe field and in La Laguna were collected, acetolyzed and preserved for pollen identified. Corbicular pollen from the 5th, 9th, 12th, 20th, 24th and 31st sample dates after start of staminate bloom was processed, identified and counted by microscopy. Pollen size was calculated with the formula: volume V=?a2b where a is the major axe and b the minor axis and multiplied by the number of pollen grains to get the total volume. Cantaloupe pollen made up 8.7 %, 9.8%, 17.6 %, 9.3 %, 28.1% and 83.5% of that collected (number of pollen grains) on respectively for the sample dates. The percentage of volume basis pollen for cantaloupe was: 51.6%, 85.0%, 66.6 %, 84.4 %, 68.9% and 95.0% respectively. It is concluded that the cantaloupe was the main species visited as a plant pollen source for pollinating honeybees and that the plants present in the sample like mesquite (Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) DC.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), creosote bush (Larrea tridentata (DC) Cov.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), London rocket (Sysimbrium irio L.) and sorghum (Sorghum vulgare L.) were species visited as supplementary pollen sources.El objetivo de la investigaci贸n fue determinar, a trav茅s de la identificaci贸n del polen corbicular, las diferentes especies de plantas que son visitadas por las abejas (Apis mellifera L.) durante la polinizaci贸n inducida del mel贸n (Cucumis melo L.). El trabajo se llev贸 a cabo en La Laguna聽ocalizada en los estados de Coahuila y Durango, M茅xico en la primavera del 2003. Durante los primeros 31 d铆as de la floraci贸n del mel贸n, un campo de seis hect谩reas fue polinizada por 18 colmenas, nueve de las cuales ten铆a una trampa para captura de polen. El polen fue colectado dos veces por semana, pesado y congelado. Durante el a帽o se colectaron anteras de plantas silvestres y cultivadas en floraci贸n alrededor del cultivo y en la regi贸n para preservarlas e identificar su polen usando la t茅cnica de acetolisis. El polen corbicular, muestreado los d铆as 5掳, 9掳, 12掳, 20掳, 24掳 y 31掳 contados a partir del inicio de la aparici贸n de las flores estaminadas, fue procesado y contado en el microscopio 贸ptico. El tama帽o del polen fue calculado mediante la f贸rmula: volumen V=?a2b donde a es el eje mayor y b el eje menor y multiplicado por el n煤mero de granos de polen se obtuvo el volumen total. El polen de mel贸n fue el 8.7 %, 9.8%, 17.6 %, 9.3 %, 28.1% y 83.5% del colectado (en base al n煤mero de granos) respectivamente en las fechas de muestreo. El porcentaje del polen de mel贸n en base al volumen fue: 51.6%, 85.0%, 66.6 %, 84.4 %, 68.9% y 95.0% respectivamente. Se concluye que el mel贸n fue la principal planta visitada por las abejas como fuente de polen y que las especies de plantas con mayor n煤mero de granos de polen presentes en las muestras como mezquite (Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) DC.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), gobernadora (Larrea tridentata (DC) Cov.), pepino (Cucumis sativus L.), mostacilla (Sysimbrium irio L.) y sorgo (Sorghum vulgare L.) fueron especies visitadas como fuentes suplementarias de polen

    Pollen collection and honey bee forager distribution in cantaloupe

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    Honey bee (Apis mellifera, L.) pollen collection and forager distribution were examined during the聽2002 summer in a cantaloupe (Cucumis melo, L., Cruiser cv ) field with plastic mulch and drip irrigated. The experimental site was located near the INIFAP Campo Experimental La Laguna, Matamoros, Coahuila within La Laguna region, Mexico. Two trials were conducted in the same location, but were separated by a 800 m wide pecan orchard. Both cantaloupe trials were planted the same date. Trial 1. Nine honey-bee hives were placed in a three hectare field at the start of bloom. Each hive was fitted with a modified-Ontario pollen trap. The pollen was collected one day a week from each colony every hour beginning from 8:30 hr to 14:30 hr during the first four blooming weeks of the crop. Trial 2. Three weeks after the start of bloom, in a ten-ha field 30 honey bee colonies were located. In four randomlyselected rows of 105 m long, 10 m transects at 25, 50, 75 and 100 m distances from the apiary were marked. The foraging bees were counted simultaneously at the transects every half hour from 7:30 hr聽until 20:30 hr at the same pollen collection-day during the third week of cantaloupe bloom. Pollen collection was higher early in the morning (22.6 g per colony), dropping to medium amount from 9:30 hr (13.7 g), 10:30 hr (12.5 g) to 11:30 hr (9.5 g) and remaining low from 12:30 through the afternoon (less than 2.6 g per colony; p< 0.05). The distribution pattern showed that bees were in the cantaloupe after 8:00 hr, reaching a maximum between 10:30 hr and 14:30 hr when the bees began to decrease, until foraging flights ceased completely at about 20:30 hr. No statistical differences were found in the number of foraging bees among the evaluated distances from the apiary.Durante el verano del 2002 la colecta de polen y la distribuci贸n de las abejas (Apis mellifera L.) pecoreadoras聽fueron estudiadas en el cultivo de mel贸n (Cucumis melo L., cv Cruiser ) bajo condiciones de riego por goteo聽y acolchado pl谩stico. El lote experimental estuvo localizado cerca del Campo Experimental La Laguna del聽INIFAP, en el municipio de Matamoros, Coahuila, M茅xico. Dos experimentos se realizaron en el mismo predio, en聽lotes separados 800 m por una huerta de nogal. Ambas superficies de mel贸n fueron sembradas en la misma聽fecha. Experimento N掳 1. Al inicio de la floraci贸n se colocaron nueve colmenas en tres hect谩reas de cultivo.聽Cada colmena cont贸 con una trampa de polen tipo Ontario modificada. El polen se colect贸 cada hora de cada聽colmena un d铆a por semana de las 8:30 hr a las 14:30 hr durante las cuatro primeras semanas de floraci贸n del聽cultivo. Experimento N掳 2. Tres semanas despu茅s del inicio de la floraci贸n se colocaron 30 colmenas en un聽campo de mel贸n de diez hect谩reas. En cuatro surcos de 105 m de longitud se marcaron transectos de diez聽metros a 25, 50, 75 y 100 metros de distancia del apiario. Las abejas pecoreadoras fueron contadas聽simult谩neamente en cada transecto cada media hora de las 7:30 hr hasta las 20:30 horas, el mismo d铆a en que聽fue colectado el polen de la tercera semana de floraci贸n. La colecta de polen fue mayor temprano por la聽ma帽ana (22.6 g por colmena), disminuyendo a una cantidad media de las 9:30 hr (13.7 g), 10:30 hr (12.5 g) a聽las 11:30 hr (9.5 g) y permaneciendo baja desde las 12:30 hasta el mediod铆a (menos de 2.6 g por colmena; p<0.05). El patr贸n de distribuci贸n mostr贸 que las abejas se presentaron en el cultivo de mel贸n despu茅s de las 8:00聽hr y alcanzaron su m谩ximo entre las 10:30 hr y las 14:30 hr cuando las abejas iniciaron su disminuci贸n hasta聽el cese de los vuelos a las 20:30 hr. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el n煤mero de abejas聽pecoreadoras a las diferentes distancias del apiario que fueron evaluadas

    The PTEN and INK4A/ARF tumor suppressors maintain myelolymphoid homeostasis and cooperate to constrain histiocytic sarcoma development in humans.

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    Histiocytic sarcoma (HS) is a rare malignant proliferation of histiocytes of uncertain molecular pathogenesis. Here, genetic analysis of coincident loss of Pten and Ink4a/Arf tumor suppressors in the mouse revealed a neoplastic phenotype dominated by a premalignant expansion of biphenotypic myelolymphoid cells followed by the development of HS. Pten protein loss occurred only in the histiocytic portion of tumors, suggesting a stepwise genetic inactivation in the generation of HS. Similarly, human HS showed genetic or epigenetic inactivation of PTEN, p16(INK4A), and p14(ARF), supporting the relevance of this genetically engineered mouse model of HS. These genetic and translational observations establish a cooperative role of Pten and Ink4a/Arf in the development of HS and provide mechanistic insights into the pathogenesis of human HS

    Natural products smoke and its effect on Acarapis woodi and honey bees

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    We tested the effect natural products smoke has on the honey bee tracheal mite (Acarapis woodi) and honey bees. Plant materials screened for activity included coffee beans (Coffea arabica), corncobs (Zea mays), creosote bush (Larrea tridentata), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp.), orange peel (Citrus sinensis), pecan leaves (Carya illinoiensis), dead and fresh pine needles (Pinus cembroides), mesquite leaves (Prosopis glandulosa) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Low but significant mite mortality was caused by the smoke of pine needles, mesquite, corncobs, and coffee beans. The smoke of L. tridentata killed more adult A. woodi than other materials (LT50 = 2.4 min, single exposure). It was not effective against immatures. Mite mortality was negatively correlated with parasites/trachea, suggesting that reduced air flow while breathing may have reduced efficacy. Efficacy was modest (ca. 70%) and it caused transitory bee anesthesia. We do not recommend using this material as a control

    Detection of resistance in US Varroa jacobsoni Oud. (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) to the acaricide fluvalinate

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    Populations of Varroa jacobsoni Oud. from three geographic regions of the United States were assayed for resistance to fluvalinate. A bioassay using a discriminating concentration estimated to cause approximately 80-90 % mortality in a fluvalinate-susceptible strain of V. jacobsoni was used to compare percent mortalities between locations. An average of 73.3 % mortality was seen in two additional operations in Texas, not significantly less than the susceptible strain. An average of 23.7 % mortality was found for mites tested in Florida that had originated from field control failures; Florida test mortality was significantly less than that of the susceptible strain. An average of 65.1 % mortality was found for mites tested in California, also significantly less than mortality of susceptible mites. However, no field control failures were reported for the mites tested in California. 漏 Inra/DIB/AGIB/Elsevier, Pari