6,128 research outputs found

    A method for computing the leading-edge suction in a higher-order panel method

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    Experimental data show that the phenomenon of a separation induced leading edge vortex is influenced by the wing thickness and the shape of the leading edge. Both thickness and leading edge shape (rounded rather than point) delay the formation of a vortex. Existing computer programs used to predict the effect of a leading edge vortex do not include a procedure for determining whether or not a vortex actually exists. Studies under NASA Contract NAS1-15678 have shown that the vortex development can be predicted by using the relationship between the leading edge suction coefficient and the parabolic nose drag. The linear theory FLEXSTAB was used to calculate the leading edge suction coefficient. This report describes the development of a method for calculating leading edge suction using the capabilities of the higher order panel methods (exact boundary conditions). For a two dimensional case, numerical methods were developed using the double strength and downwash distribution along the chord. A Gaussian quadrature formula that directly incorporates the logarithmic singularity in the downwash distribution, at all panel edges, was found to be the best method

    A Mach line panel method for computing the linearized supersonic flow over planar wings

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    A method is described for solving the linearized supersonic flow over planar wings using panels bounded by two families of Mach lines. Polynomial distributions of source and doublet strength lead to simple, closed form solutions for the aerodynamic influence coefficients, and a nearly triangular matrix yields rapid solutions for the singularity parameters. The source method was found to be accurate and stable both for analysis and design boundary conditions. Similar results were obtained with the doublet method for analysis boundary conditions on the portion of the wing downstream of the supersonic leading edge, but instabilities in the solution occurred for the region containing a portion of the subsonic leading edge. Research on the method was discontinued before this difficulty was resolved

    A users guide for A344: A program using a finite difference method to analyze transonic flow over oscillating airfoils

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    The design and usage of a pilot program for calculating the pressure distributions over harmonically oscillating airfoils in transonic flow are described. The procedure used is based on separating the velocity potential into steady and unsteady parts and linearizing the resulting unsteady differential equations for small disturbances. The steady velocity potential which must be obtained from some other program, was required for input. The unsteady equation, as solved, is linear with spatially varying coefficients. Since sinusoidal motion was assumed, time was not a variable. The numerical solution was obtained through a finite difference formulation and either a line relaxation or an out of core direct solution method

    STS-1 mission contamination evaluation approach

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    The space transportation system 1 mission will be the first opportunity to assess the induced environment of the orbiter payload bay region. Two tools were developed to aid in this assessment. The shuttle payload contamination evaluation computer program was developed to provide an analytical tool for prediction of the induced molecular contamination environment of the space shuttle orbiter during its onorbit operations. An induced environment contamination monitor was constructed and tested to measure the space shuttle orbiter contamination environment inside the payload bay during ascent and descent and inside and outside the payload bay during the onorbit phase. Measurements are to be performed during the four orbital flight test series. Measurements planned for the first flight are described and predicted environmental data are discussed. The results indicate that the expected data are within the measurement range of the induced environment contamination monitor instruments evaluated, and therefore it is expected that useful contamination environmental data will be available after the first flight

    Further investigation of a finite difference procedure for analyzing the transonic flow about harmonically oscillating airfoils and wings

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    Analytical and empirical studies of a finite difference method for the solution of the transonic flow about harmonically oscillating wings and airfoils are presented. The procedure is based on separating the velocity potential into steady and unsteady parts and linearizing the resulting unsteady equations for small disturbances. The steady velocity potential is obtained first from the well-known nonlinear equation for steady transonic flow. The unsteady velocity potential is then obtained from a linear differential equation in complex form with spatially varying coefficients. Since sinusoidal motion is assumed, the unsteady equation is independent of time. An out-of-core direct solution procedure was developed and applied to two-dimensional sections. Results are presented for a section of vanishing thickness in subsonic flow and an NACA 64A006 airfoil in supersonic flow. Good correlation is obtained in the first case at values of Mach number and reduced frequency of direct interest in flutter analyses. Reasonable results are obtained in the second case. Comparisons of two-dimensional finite difference solutions with exact analytic solutions indicate that the accuracy of the difference solution is dependent on the boundary conditions used on the outer boundaries. Homogeneous boundary conditions on the mesh edges that yield complex eigenvalues give the most accurate finite difference solutions. The plane outgoing wave boundary conditions meet these requirements

    Shuttle on-orbit contamination and environmental effects

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    Ensuring the compatibility of the space shuttle system with payloads and payload measurements is discussed. An extensive set of quantitative requirements and goals was developed and implemented by the space shuttle program management. The performance of the Shuttle system as measured by these requirements and goals was assessed partly through the use of the induced environment contamination monitor on Shuttle flights 2, 3, and 4. Contamination levels are low and generally within the requirements and goals established. Additional data from near-term payloads and already planned contamination measurements will complete the environment definition and allow for the development of contamination avoidance procedures as necessary for any payload

    Advanced surface paneling method for subsonic and supersonic flow

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    Numerical results illustrating the capabilities of an advanced aerodynamic surface paneling method are presented. The method is applicable to both subsonic and supersonic flow, as represented by linearized potential flow theory. The method is based on linearly varying sources and quadratically varying doublets which are distributed over flat or curved panels. These panels are applied to the true surface geometry of arbitrarily shaped three dimensional aerodynamic configurations

    The practical application of a finite difference method for analyzing transonic flow over oscillating airfoils and wings

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    Separating the velocity potential into steady and unsteady parts and linearizing the resulting unsteady equations for small disturbances was performed. The steady velocity potential was obtained first from the well known nonlinear equation for steady transonic flow. The unsteady velocity potential was then obtained from a linear differential equation in complex form with spatially varying coefficients. Since sinusoidal motion is assumed, the unsteady equation is independent of time. The results of an investigation into the relaxation-solution-instability problem was discussed. Concepts examined include variations in outer boundary conditions, a coordinate transformation so that the boundary condition at infinity may be applied to the outer boundaries of the finite difference region, and overlapping subregions. The general conclusion was that only a full direct solution in which all unknowns are obtained at the same time will avoid the solution instabilities of relaxation. An analysis of the one-dimensional form of the unsteady transonic equation was studied to evaluate errors between exact and finite difference solutions. Pressure distributions were presented for a low-aspect-ratio clipped delta wing at Mach number of 0.9 and for a moderate-aspect-ratio rectangular wing at a Mach number of 0.875

    The Theory of Caustics and Wave Front Singularities with Physical Applications

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    This is intended as an introduction to and review of the theory of Lagrangian and Legendrian submanifolds and their associated maps developed by Arnold and his collaborators. The theory is illustrated by applications to Hamilton–Jacobi theory and the eikonal equation, with an emphasis on null surfaces and wave fronts and their associated caustics and singularities

    Computation of the transonic perturbation flow fields around two- and three-dimensional oscillating wings

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    Analytical and empirical studies of a finite difference method for the solution of the transonic flow about an harmonically oscillating wing are presented along with a discussion of the development of a pilot program for three-dimensional flow. In addition, some two- and three-dimensional examples are presented