62 research outputs found

    The method of educational assessment affects children’s neural processing and performance: behavioural and fMRI Evidence.

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    Standardised educational assessments are now widespread, yet their development has given comparatively more consideration to what to assess than how to optimally assess students’ competencies. Existing evidence from behavioural studies with children and neuroscience studies with adults suggest that the method of assessment may affect neural processing and performance, but current evidence remains limited. To investigate the impact of assessment methods on neural processing and performance in young children, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify and quantify the neural correlates during performance across a range of current approaches to standardised spelling assessment. Results indicated that children’s test performance declined as the cognitive load of assessment method increased. Activation of neural nodes associated with working memory further suggests that this performance decline may be a consequence of a higher cognitive load, rather than the complexity of the content. These findings provide insights into principles of assessment (re)design, to ensure assessment results are an accurate reflection of students’ true levels of competency

    Identity Formation in Adolescence: Change or Stability?

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    The aim of this five-wave longitudinal study of 923 early to middle adolescents (50.7% boys; 49.3% girls) and 390 middle to late adolescents (43.3% boys and 56.7% girls) is to provide a comprehensive view on change and stability in identity formation from ages 12 to 20. Several types of change and stability (i.e., mean-level change, rank-order stability, and profile similarity) were assessed for three dimensions of identity formation (i.e., commitment, in-depth exploration, and reconsideration), using adolescent self-report questionnaires. Results revealed changes in identity dimensions towards maturity, indicated by a decreasing tendency for reconsideration, increasingly more in-depth exploration, and increasingly more stable identity dimension profiles. Mean levels of commitment remained stable, and rank-order stability of commitment, in-depth exploration, and reconsideration did not change with age. Overall, girls were more mature with regard to identity formation in early adolescence, but boys had caught up with them by late adolescence. Taken together, our findings indicate that adolescent identity formation is guided by progressive changes in the way adolescents deal with commitments, rather than by changes in the commitments themselves

    Small group interventions for children aged 5-9 years old with mathematical learning difficulties

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    The research related to educational interventions for children with mathematical learning difficulties has been increasing steadily. In this chapter I focus on small group interventions for children aged 5–9 years old with learning difficulties in mathematics. First, I describe the important issues: (1) who are the children having problems in mathematics, (2) what do we mean with (special) education intervention, (3) what does Responsiveness to Intervention mean, and (4) what intervention features have been found effective for children aged 5–9 years with learning difficulties in mathematics. Then, I describe the research and developmental work that has been done in Finland on designing web services which provide evidence-based information and materials for educators. The two web services are LukiMat and ThinkMath. Together, these two web services include the knowledge base, assessment batteries and intervention tools to be used in relation to mathematical learning difficulties in the age group 5–9 years.Peer reviewe

    Cost-effectiveness of external cephalic version for term breech presentation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>External cephalic version (ECV) is recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to convert a breech fetus to vertex position and reduce the need for cesarean delivery. The goal of this study was to determine the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, from society's perspective, of ECV compared to scheduled cesarean for term breech presentation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A computer-based decision model (TreeAge Pro 2008, Tree Age Software, Inc.) was developed for a hypothetical base case parturient presenting with a term singleton breech fetus with no contraindications for vaginal delivery. The model incorporated actual hospital costs (e.g., 8,023forcesareanand8,023 for cesarean and 5,581 for vaginal delivery), utilities to quantify health-related quality of life, and probabilities based on analysis of published literature of successful ECV trial, spontaneous reversion, mode of delivery, and need for unanticipated emergency cesarean delivery. The primary endpoint was the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio in dollars per quality-adjusted year of life gained. A threshold of 50,000perqualityadjustedlifeyears(QALY)wasusedtodeterminecosteffectiveness.</p><p>Results</p><p>TheincrementalcosteffectivenessofECV,assumingabaseline5850,000 per quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) was used to determine cost-effectiveness.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The incremental cost-effectiveness of ECV, assuming a baseline 58% success rate, equaled 7,900/QALY. If the estimated probability of successful ECV is less than 32%, then ECV costs more to society and has poorer QALYs for the patient. However, as the probability of successful ECV was between 32% and 63%, ECV cost more than cesarean delivery but with greater associated QALY such that the cost-effectiveness ratio was less than $50,000/QALY. If the probability of successful ECV was greater than 63%, the computer modeling indicated that a trial of ECV is less costly and with better QALYs than a scheduled cesarean. The cost-effectiveness of a trial of ECV is most sensitive to its probability of success, and not to the probabilities of a cesarean after ECV, spontaneous reversion to breech, successful second ECV trial, or adverse outcome from emergency cesarean.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From society's perspective, ECV trial is cost-effective when compared to a scheduled cesarean for breech presentation provided the probability of successful ECV is > 32%. Improved algorithms are needed to more precisely estimate the likelihood that a patient will have a successful ECV.</p

    Developmental and evolutionary assumptions in a study about the impact of premature birth and low income on mother–infant interaction

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    In order to study the impact of premature birth and low income on mother–infant interaction, four Portuguese samples were gathered: full-term, middle-class (n=99); premature, middle-class (n=63); full-term, low income (n=22); and premature, low income (n=21). Infants were filmed in a free play situation with their mothers, and the results were scored using the CARE Index. By means of multinomial regression analysis, social economic status (SES) was found to be the best predictor of maternal sensitivity and infant cooperative behavior within a set of medical and social factors. Contrary to the expectations of the cumulative risk perspective, two factors of risk (premature birth together with low SES) were as negative for mother–infant interaction as low SES solely. In this study, as previous studies have shown, maternal sensitivity and infant cooperative behavior were highly correlated, as was maternal control with infant compliance. Our results further indicate that, when maternal lack of responsiveness is high, the infant displays passive behavior, whereas when the maternal lack of responsiveness is medium, the infant displays difficult behavior. Indeed, our findings suggest that, in these cases, the link between types of maternal and infant interactive behavior is more dependent on the degree of maternal lack of responsiveness than it is on birth status or SES. The results will be discussed under a developmental and evolutionary reasonin

    Culture, Neurobiology, and Human Behavior: New Perspectives in Anthropology

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    Our primary goal in this article is to discuss the cross-talk between biological and cultural factors that become manifested in the individual brain development, neural wiring, neurochemical homeostasis, and behavior. We will show that behavioral propensities are the product of both cultural and biological factors and an understanding of these interactive processes can provide deep insights into why people behave the way they do. This interdisciplinary perspective is offered in an effort to generate dialog and empirical work among scholars interested in merging aspects of anthropology and neuroscience, and anticipates that biological and cultural anthropology converge. We discuss new theoretical developments, hypothesis-testing strategies, and cross-disciplinary methods of observation and data collection. We believe that the exigency of integrating anthropology and the neurosciences is indisputable and anthropology's role in an emerging interdisciplinary science of human behavior will be critical because its focus is, and has always been, on human biological and cultural systems

    Working Memory and Mathematical Learning.

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    An increasing number of students show severe mathematical difficulties. Between 5% and 10% of children and adolescents experience a substantial learning deficit in at least one area of mathematics (Barbaresi, Katusic, Colligan, Weaver, & Jacobsen, 2005). The identification of these mathematical difficulties is fundamental if we consider the negative widespread drawbacks determined by math difficulties. Basic mathematical skills are regularly used in everyday life, and their deficiency affects both employment opportunities and socio-emotional well-being. In addition, results of recent studies show how mathematical abilities predict financial and educational success, particularly for women (Geary, Hoard, Nugent, & Bailey, 2013). Domain-general cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, or processing speed are important precursors of school learning. Of all these general cognitive skills, several studies demonstrated that working memory is a key predictor of mathematical competence. The term \u201cworking memory\u201d (WM) refers to a temporary memory system that plays an important role in supporting learning during the childhood years because its key feature is the capacity to both store and manipulate information. Various models of the structure and function of working memory exist, but in the present chapter we will refer to the relkation to the multicomponent model of working memory proposed by Baddeley and Hitch in 1974 and revised in succeeding years (Baddeley, 2000) and math abilities