53,819 research outputs found

    Limits on Flavor-Universal Colorons

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    A flavor-universal extension of the strong interactions was recently proposed in response to the apparent excess of high-ETE_T jets in the inclusive jet spectrum measured at the Tevatron. The color octet of massive gauge bosons (`colorons') that is present in the low-energy spectrum of the model's Higgs phase is studied here. Experimental constraints already imply that the coloron mass must exceed 870-1000 GeV. The import of recent Tevatron data and the prospective input from future experiments are also mentioned

    Chinese Religious Syncretism in Macau

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    In this paper I address the phenomenon of syncretism with respect to Chinese religions. An analysis of the syncretism that takes place between the three major Chinese religious traditions is first done in its personal and social dimensions. The social structure of Chinese religion is then used as a framework to understand how Buddhism and Daoism were made compatible with Confucianism. All this will serve as a background for the case study of Macau, where Chinese religious syncretism is very much alive. Three popular religious festivals are celebrated annually and simultaneously on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month, namely, zuilongjie (醉龍節) Feast of the Drunken Dragon, tangongdan (譚公誕) Tam Kung Festival and fodanjie (佛誕節) Feast of the Buddha

    An impact evaluation framework: Local government community festivals

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    This article brings together the author's previous research and consultancy along with a review of literature from several disciplines to develop a framework that summarizes the concepts, methods, and processes required to successfully evaluate the impacts of local government community festivals. Events and festivals are a relatively underresearched area but have experienced a growing amount of public sector expenditure. The framework developed and presented here is in response to the need to encourage greater evaluation of this activity and in doing so recognize the complexity of the process. The impacts of many such festivals are diverse (economic, social, environmental), far reaching (local, national, international), and long term. The evaluation of these impacts, therefore, requires an understanding of the concepts involved and the development of a range of tools and methods. The proposed framework is informed by the empirical research, theory, and practice in the areas of information systems, marketing communications, event studies, and public sector evaluation. Bringing together these distinct but related fields of study has enabled the development of a comprehensive and novel approach to event impact evaluation. Copyright © 2009 Cognizant Comm. Corp

    Wisdom in Aristotle and Aquinas: From Metaphysics to Mysticism

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    This essay contains an attempt to trace the evolution of the concept of wisdom as found in the thought of Aristotle and Aquinas in terms of how the philosophical concept of wisdom as an intellectual virtue is understood and used to express the theological concept of wisdom as a gift of the Holy Spirit. The main aim is to understand how Aquinas derived the concept of wisdom from Aristotle's metaphysics and developed it in his mysticism. This research is based on a close study of Book Six of Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics, the corresponding sections of Aquinas' Sententia libri Ethicorum and question forty-five of the second part of the second part of Aquinas' Summa Theologiae. The insights gained from the study are then used to decipher the theoretical meaning of Augustine's famous saying: "love and do what thou wilt" and to expound on the practical value of wisdom for religious leaders

    A Confucian Perspective on Tertiary Education for the Common Good

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    Confucian education is best captured by the programme described in the Great Learning. Education is presented first as the process of self-cultivation for the sake of developing virtuous character. Self-cultivation then allows for virtue to be cultivated in the familial, social and international dimensions. My central thesis is that Confucianism can serve as a universal framework of educating people for the common good in its promotion of personal cultivation for the sake of human progress. On this account the common good specifically refers to the social order accomplished by the virtuous behaviour found in the members of society. In this paper I argue that the Confucian notion of “lesser learning” sheds light on the concept of general education and the notion of “greater learning” improves our understanding of liberal education. Under this analysis the necessity of general education is assured although its importance should not be overly exaggerated. Furthermore, the objectives of liberal education deserve greater emphasis due to their historical importance and enduring relevance to promoting the common good of universal humanity

    Global extrapolation procedures for special and general initial value problems

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    Two- and three- grid global extrapolation procedures are considered fohe special and general initial value problems of arbitrary order r tq. Extrapolation formulas are developed for consistent numerical methods of arbitrary order p . The global extrapolations of a number of existing numerical methods are considered and tested on three problems from the literature

    Stability regions for one-step multiderivative methods

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    Stability regions are plotted for certain members of a family of one-step multiderivative predictor-corrector methods developed by the authors in an earlier paper. The methods discussed are tested on a linear system where the matrix of coefficients has constant complex eigenvalues and on a stiff non-linear system arising in reactor kinetics
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