48 research outputs found


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    KEMENTERIAN RISET, TEKNOLOGI, DAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGIUNIVERSITAS SYIAH KUALAFAKULTAS KEPERAWATANSKRIPSI21 Juli 2015xvi + vi bab + 53 halaman + 11 tabel + 1 skema + 16 lampiranEDAS MAWATY1307101020120STUDI OBSERVASI KEJADIAN VENTILATOR ASSOCIATEDPNEUMONIA PADA PASIEN DI RUANG CRITICAL CARE RUMAHSAKIT UMUM DAERAH dr. ZAINOEL ABIDIN BANDA ACEHABSTRAKKomplikasi pemasangan ventilator mekanik diduga merupakan salah satu faktorrisiko penting yang terkait dengan kejadian Ventilator Associated Pneumonia(VAP). Angka kejadian VAP pada hari pertama dan kedua ( 240 mmHg dan sebagianbesar atau 22 orang (81,5%) memiliki gambaran foto toraks dalam katagoriinfiltrat difus. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besaratau 26 orang (96,3%) tidak terdapat gejala-gejala VAP. Direkomendasikankepada perawat agar dapat meningkatkan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien denganpemasangan ventilator mekanik sesuai dengan standard operating proccedure(SOP).Kata Kunci : Ventilator Associated Pneumonia, Pasien, Critical CareDaftar Pustaka : 5 buku + 21 jurnal penelitian (2000 - 2014


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    ABSTRAK Pembinaan adalah kegiatan untuk meningkatkan kualitas ketakwaan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, intelektual, sikap dan perilaku, profesional, kesehatan jasmani dan rohani Narapidana dan Anak Didik Pemasyarakatan. Pembinaan dilakukan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan, di tempat ini dilaksanakan pembinaan Narapidana untuk meningkatkan kualitas Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan agar menyadari kesalahan, memperbaiki diri, dan tidak mengulangi tindak pidana sehingga dapat diterima kembali oleh lingkungan masyarakat. Namun dalam kenyataan nya masih ada narapidana yang setelah selesai menjalani masa tahanannya kembali mengulagi tindak kejahatan tersebut yang disebut dengan residivis. Adapun dalam penelitian ini penulis mencoba merumuskan masalah yaitu 1. bagaimanakah pelaksanaan pembinaan terhadap Narapidana Residivis Pelaku Penyalahgunaan Narkotika di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas III Talu 2. apakah kendala yang dihadapi oleh petugas ketika melakukan pembinaan terhadap narapidana residivis pelaku penyalahgunaan narkotika di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas III Talu Dalam penulisan penelitian ini, Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris yang didukung dengan penelitian dilakukan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas III Talu dan mewawancarai Petugas Lapas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan pelaksanaan pembinaan Narapidana Residivis Pelaku Penyalahgunaan Narkotika di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas III Talu, secara umum sama dengan narapidana lainnya dilakukan melalui Pembinaan tahap awal, Pembinaan tahap lanjutan, dan Pembinaan tahap akhir serta program-program pembinaan yang meliputi dua bidang yakni pembinaan kepribadian berupa praktek sholat jenazah, baca tulis Al-Qur’an, sholat berjamaah setiap harinya dan pembinaan kemandirian berupa pembuatan karangan bunga, instalasi listrik. Kendala yang terdapat dalam pelaksanaan pembinaan terdahap narapidana residivis pelaku penyalahgunaan narkotika di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas III Talu yaitu kelebihan daya tampung Lembaga Pemasyarakatan sehingga tidak dipisahkan antara penyalahgunaan narkotika yang residivis dan yang tidak residivis, Sumber daya manusia, Kesehatan warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan dan stigma negatif narapidana itu sendiri. Kata Kunci : Pembinaan, Lembaga Pemasyarakatan, Narkotika, Narapidana, Residivi

    Oxidative environment and redox homeostasis in plants: dissecting out significant contribution of major cellular organelles

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    Plant cells are often exposed to oxidative cellular environments which result in the generation of toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). In order to detoxify the harmful ROS, plants have evolved various strategies including their scavenging and antioxidant machinery. Plant cells contain many enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants which aid in removing the toxic oxygen molecules. Various antioxidant molecules localized within different cellular compartments play crucial role(s) during this process, which includes both redox-signalling and redox-homeostasis. The present review gives an overview of cellular oxidative environment, redox signalling operative within a cell and contributions of major cellular organelles towards maintaining the redox homeostasis. Additionally, the importance of various antioxidant enzymes working in an orchestrated and coordinated manner within a cell, to protect it from stress injury has been presented. We also present the state-of-the-art where transgenic approach has been used to improve stress tolerance in model and crop species by engineering one or more than one of these components of the ROS scavenging machinery

    A Genome-wide Combinatorial Strategy Dissects Complex Genetic Architecture of Seed Coat Color in Chickpea

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    The study identified 9045 high-quality SNPs employing both genome-wide GBS- and candidate gene-based SNP genotyping assays in 172, including 93 cultivated (desi and kabuli) and 79 wild chickpea accessions. The GWAS in a structured population of 93 sequenced accessions detected 15 major genomic loci exhibiting significant association with seed coat color. Five seed color-associated major genomic loci underlying robust QTLs mapped on a high-density intra-specific genetic linkage map were validated by QTL mapping. The integration of association and QTL mapping with gene haplotype-specific LD mapping and transcript profiling identified novel allelic variants (non-synonymous SNPs) and haplotypes in a MATE secondary transporter gene regulating light/yellow brown and beige seed coat color differentiation in chickpea. The down-regulation and decreased transcript expression of beige seed coat color-associated MATE gene haplotype was correlated with reduced proanthocyanidins accumulation in the mature seed coats of beige than light/yellow brown seed colored desi and kabuli accessions for their coloration/pigmentation. This seed color-regulating MATE gene revealed strong purifying selection pressure primarily in LB/YB seed colored desi and wild Cicer reticulatum accessions compared with the BE seed colored kabuli accessions. The functionally relevant molecular tags identified have potential to decipher the complex transcriptional regulatory gene function of seed coat coloration and for understanding the selective sweep-based seed color trait evolutionary pattern in cultivated and wild accessions during chickpea domestication. The genome-wide integrated approach employed will expedite marker-assisted genetic enhancement for developing cultivars with desirable seed coat color types in chickpea

    Mechanistic Insights Into Filamentous Phage Integration In Vibrio cholerae

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    Vibrio cholerae, the etiological agent of acute diarrhoeal disease cholera, harbors large numbers of lysogenic filamentous phages, contribute significantly to the host pathogenesis and provide fitness factors to the pathogen that help the bacterium to survive in natural environment. Most of the vibriophage genomes are not equipped with integrase and thus exploit two host-encoded tyrosine recombinases, XerC and XerD, for lysogenic conversion. Integration is site-specific and it occurs at dimer resolution site (dif) of either one or both chromosomes of V. cholerae. Each dif sequence contains two recombinase-binding sequences flanking a central region. The integration follows a sequential strand exchanges between dif and attP sites within a DNA-protein complex consisting of one pair of each recombinase and two DNA fragments. During entire process of recombination, both the DNA components and recombinases of the synaptic complex keep transiently interconnected. Within the context of synaptic complex, both of the actuated enzymes mediate cleavage of phosphodiester bonds. First cleavage generates a phosphotyrosyl-linked recombinase-DNA complex at the recombinase binding sequence and free 5’-hydroxyl end at the first base of the central region. Following the cleavage, the exposed bases with 5’-hydroxyl ends of the central region of dif and attP sites melt from their complementary strands and react with the recombinase-DNA phosphotyrosyl linkage of their recombining partner. Subsequent ligation between dif and attP strands requires complementary base pair interactions at the site of phosphodiester bond formation. Integration mechanism is mostly influenced by the compatibility of dif and attP sequences. dif sites are highly conserved across bacterial phyla. Different phage genomes have different attP sequences; therefore they rely on different mechanisms for integration. Here, I review our current understanding of integration mechanisms used by the vibriophages

    Analysis of cross-platform mobile app development frameworks.

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    Companies often choose to create mobile apps using cross-platform mobile app development frameworks to reduce the development cost. Currently, there are numerous frameworks, and choosing one may have a great impact on the created product especially talking about its user experience. Unfortunately, one of the most important parts of the user experience called accessibility remains an immense issue. However, it is gaining more and more attention. There are quite a few accessibility standards and laws being released which forces companies to create accessible products. Accessibility in „Android“ and „iOS“ platforms is enabled using built-in accessibility tools communication with downloaded apps. Nevertheless, apps built with cross-platform frameworks do not always have an access to all native API provided functions without using native code. This paper is analyzing the availability of accessibility in apps created using „React Native“, „Ionic“ and „Flutter“ frameworks