51 research outputs found

    Oxygen isotope composition of diatoms from sediments of Lake Kotokel (Buryatia).

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    This is a summary of new oxygen isotope data for diatoms from Lake Kotokel sediments, with implications for responses of the lake system and its environment to global change over the past 46 kyr. Fossil diatoms in all samples are free from visible contamination signatures and contain no more than 2.5% Al2O3, which ensures reliable reconstructions. The δ18O values in diatoms vary between +23.7 and +31.2‰ over the record. The results mainly represent diatom assemblages of summer blooming periods, except for the time span between 36 and 32 kyr, when the isotopic signal rather records a shift from summer to spring blooming conditions. Possible water temperature changes only partly explain the changes in the isotopic record. The observed isotopic patterns are produced mainly by isotope changes in lake water in response to variations in air temperature, hydrology, and atmospheric circulation in the region. During Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 (Last Glacial maximum), high δ18Odiatom resulted from rapid evaporation and low fluvial inputs. The high δ18O values of about +29 to +30‰ during the first half of MIS 1 (Holocene interglacial) suggest an increased share of summer rainfalls associated with southern/southeastern air transport. The δ18O decrease to +24‰ during the second half of MIS 1 is due to the overall hemispheric cooling and increased moisture supply to the area by the Atlantic transport. The record of Lake Kotokel sediments provides an example of complex interplay among several climatic controls of δ18Odiatom in the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene


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    An Approach to Estimating the Economic Effect of Using ERS Data to Solve Agricultural Issues

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    The research objective is to study the possibility and prospects of applying qualimetry techniques to estimate the economic effect of using Earth remote sensing data in agriculture when digitally transforming the sector, considering both quantitative and qualitative efficiency indicators of economic, technical, environmental, and political and social nature and the impact of the environment on them. Based on the systematic analysis of the state and development trends of both the Earth remote sensing technology infrastructure and agriculture itself, a theoretical rationale for applying qualimetry techniques to estimate the economic effect of using these technologies in agriculture with a mathematical description of individual and integral estimates of their efficiency has been formalized. Qualimetry techniques have been compared with the efficiency estimating method based on the system of production functions. The scientific novelty of the study is the development of a scientifically grounded approach based on a formalized mathematical description to choosing a base object for estimating the economic effect of using ERS data in agriculture as part of a promising digital precision farming platform based on Earth remote sensing technologies and obtained, in turn, as a result of mathematical simulation of creating the country's economy digital management platforms. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    Earth remote sensing is a process for contactless collection of information about objects, territorial entities or events from spacecraft, ground systems for remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicles with the placement on them and the use of optical-electronic video and radio. All these types of remote sensing compete, complement each other or constantly improve each other. The authors show various areas of application of remote sensing technologies for solving various economic problems (in meteorology and climatology, agriculture, oceanology, hydrology, urban and regional management, etc.). It is shown that at present the space is getting closer to solving the earthly tasks that a person faces daily. At the same time, given that the basis of the solution of any national economic problem is the economy, the authors consider the problems of evaluating the economic effect of the use of remote sensing data. In conclusion, the authors conclude that a positive economic effect due to the use of remote sensing technologies is achievable only in those countries and sectors of the economy where the information and communication infrastructure necessary for their use has been reached, a threshold level of development of information and communication technologies has been reached.Дистанционное зондирование Земли (ДЗЗ), по определению, представляет собой процесс по бесконтактному сбору информации о некоторых объектах, территориальных образованиях или событиях с космических аппаратов, наземных комплексов средств ДЗЗ, беспилотных летательных аппаратов с размещением на них и использованием оптико-электронных средств видео и радионаблюдения. Все эти виды ДЗЗ в чем-то конкурируют, в чем-то дополняют друг друга, постоянно совершенствуясь. В рамках настоящей статьи авторами показаны различные направления применения технологий ДЗЗ для решения тех или иных народнохозяйственных задач (в метеорологии и климатологии, сельском хозяйстве, океанологии, гидрологии, городском и региональном управлении и т.д.). Показано, что в настоящее время космос становится все ближе к решению земных задач, с которыми человек сталкивается ежедневно. Вместе с тем, учитывая, что в основе решения любой народнохозяйственной задачи - экономика, авторы рассматривают проблемы оценки экономического эффекта применения ДЗЗ. В заключение авторы делают вывод о том, что положительный экономический эффект, обусловленный применением технологий ДЗЗ, достижим только в тех странах и отраслях экономики, где сформирована необходимая для их применения информационно-коммуникационная инфраструктура, достигнут пороговый уровень развития информационно-коммуникационных технологий

    Modeling the Forecast of Economic Effects from the "digital Earth" Project Results Application for Digitalization of the Russian Federation (on the Example of Agricultural Sector at the Macro Level)

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    The article examines the trends in the digital transformation of agriculture towards precision production of industry-specific products using precision agriculture technologies based on Earth remote sensing data. These technologies are shown to be evolving from digitalization of individual operations to digitalization of an interconnected system integrating all operations, including operations of related industries. The problems of effective implementation of digital technologies in the Russian Federation, as well as the ways of their solution using complex, integration technologies, are analyzed. The author's mathematical model is presented for forecasting the economic effect of the Earth remote sensing data utilization in precision agriculture technologies, which have become one of the main drivers of the rapid agriculture development throughout the world. Possible options are discussed of how this model can be utilized for the purpose of a scientifically grounded approach to the development of such technologies in a country. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    This article is devoted to the problems of the development of digital technologies in agriculture on the example of the development of remote sensing (RS) technologies. It is shown that remote sensing technologies are an integral part of the complex technology of precision farming. The issues of cost-effectiveness of RS, including by comparison with the technology of proximal sensing, are considered. The article presents the results of the analysis of the existing problems of introducing digital technologies in the field of agriculture based on world and domestic experience. The main internal and external factors are formulated. Estimates of the maturity of technology are given from the standpoint of readiness for mass introduction in the conditions of Russia.Статья посвящена проблемам развития цифровых технологий в сельском хозяйстве на примере освоения технологий дистанционного зондирования (ДЗ). Технологии ДЗ являются неотъемлемой частью комплекса технологий точного земледелия. Рассматриваются вопросы экономической эффективности ДЗ, в том числе путем сравнения с технологией проксимального зондирования. В статье представлены результаты анализа существующих проблем внедрения цифровых технологий в сфере сельского хозяйства на основе мирового и отечественного опыта. Сформулированы основные внутренние и внешние факторы

    Eclogite-Like Metagabbro of the Olkhon Terrane, West Baikal Area

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    © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Abstract: Eclogite-like rocks of the Olkhon terrane correspond to two types according to the mode of occurrence and mineral compositions, although both types developed after the same type of gabbro of a single complex. The rocks of the first type are composed of garnet, clinopyroxene, pargasite (± scapolite, ± anorthite, ± spinel) and occur as thin veins or patches in the marginal parts of several small gabbro massifs of the Tonta Zone. The garnet is of almandine–pyrope–grossular composition and contains up to 40% of the pyrope end member. The rocks of the second type have been found in the Zamogoi Island in the Maloe More Strait. The island is composed of metasomatically altered gabbro cut by numerous granite and syenite veins. Carbonate and carbonate–silicate rocks compose dismembered veins and veinlets, as well as matrix embedding variably sized fragments of metasomatized gabbro and eclogite-like rocks in the southern part of the island. Based on the mode of occurrence and the presence of calcite–anorthite symplectite in some of the rocks, we suggest that the gabbro was penetrated by carbonate fluid or fluid–melt in a tectonic zone. The zone contains veins of garnet–clinopyroxene composition (varying from monomineralic garnetite to monomineralic pyroxenite) with minor pargasite, zoisite, anorthite, scapolite, and titanite. The garnet of Zamogoi Island has a grossular–almandine composition with a minor andradite concentration (about 10%). The compositions of minerals of the Zamogoi massif differ from the compositions of minerals in Tonta Zone, and the former are much more similar to skarn minerals