41 research outputs found

    A family of dual-activity glycosyltransferasesphosphorylases mediates mannogen turnover and virulence in Leishmania parasites

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    Parasitic protists belonging to the genus Leishmania synthesize the non-canonical carbohydrate reserve, mannogen, which is composed of β-1,2-mannan oligosaccharides. Here, we identify a class of dual-activity mannosyltransferase/phosphorylases (MTPs) that catalyze both the sugar nucleotide-dependent biosynthesis and phosphorolytic turnover of mannogen. Structural and phylogenic analysis shows that while the MTPs are structurally related to bacterial mannan phosphorylases, they constitute a distinct family of glycosyltransferases (GT108) that have likely been acquired by horizontal gene transfer from gram-positive bacteria. The seven MTPs catalyze the constitutive synthesis and turnover of mannogen. This metabolic rheostat protects obligate intracellular parasite stages from nutrient excess, and is essential for thermotolerance and parasite infectivity in the mammalian host. Our results suggest that the acquisition and expansion of the MTP family in Leishmania increased the metabolic flexibility of these protists and contributed to their capacity to colonize new host niches

    Dinâmica populacional de células mielóides durante o curso de inflamação crônica em camundongos C57BL/6 infectados com Toxoplasma gondii Population dynamics of myeloid cells during the course of chronic inflammation in C57 BL/6 mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii

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    Fagócitos mononucleares (Mø) e polimorfo-nucleares neutrófilos (PMN) foram analisados durante o curso da infecção por Toxoplasma gondii em camundongos C57 BL/6, fêmeas, portadores de inflamações crônicas focais induzidas por material inerte. A dinâmica populacional de células mielóides dirigidas ao suporte inerte foi medida a partir do quarto dia após inoculação intraperitonial de 90-100 cistos de T. gondii, ao longo de vinte dias, e comparada com o percentual relativo de leucócitos sangüíneos. Observou-se uma diminuição do percentual de PMN e um aumento significativo de Mø no sangue dos animais infectados. A infecção assintomática por T. gondii em camundongos resultou em um maior esforço do sistema mielóide na produção de células destinadas a combater focos inflamatórios, tornando-as menos aptas a responder adequadamente a diferentes fontes de infecção crônica. A mudança na maturidade e nas proporções normais de células mielóides indicou haver um bloqueio da extrusão de quimiocinas responsáveis pela atração quimiotática de PMN com comprometimento da resolução de focos inflamatórios durante infecções crônicas e assintomáticas por Toxoplasma gondii.<br>Cells of the mononuclear and polymorphonuclear series were analyzed throughout the course of Toxoplasma gondii infections of C57 BL/6 female mice with chronic inflammatory foci. The animals were inoculated intraperitoneally with 90-100 parasitic cysts followed by subcutaneous implantation of cover glasses (after 4 days). The shift of leukocytes from the blood to the inflammatory focus, corresponding to a prolonged infiltration of myeloid cells, was measured in a time course of 20 days. A significant decline was observed in the mature polymorphonuclear cells in the blood and a concomitant development of a marked monocytosis. Infections with T. gondii in mice with chronic inflammatory foci resulted in dedication of the entire myeloid cells system to the generation of cells that were exported to combat the inflammation, which occurred in those places, and to the chronic infection itself. The shift in the normal proportions of cells and in cells of different degrees of maturity, suggesting that a blockade in the chemokines extruded to attract polimorphonuclear cells, might account to a large extent for the failure of immune responses commonly associated with Toxoplasma subclinical infections

    Community-building: A Strategy to Address Inequality of Health in Australia

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    Given the improvements in the health of Australians in recent decades, not all sectors of populations have benefited equally. Inequality and poverty are major problems. Traditional hierarchical, top—down governance seems ineffective to address these complex problems. An innovative and more participatory community-based approach is called for to address these issues. Community-building approaches, characterized by wide-ranging community involvement, emphasizing strength and collaboration, can be a good vehicle and intervention strategy to address the poverty problem by empowering both the individual and the community. The relevance of the community-building approach to the poverty issue and Australian context is discussed