666 research outputs found

    Las fuentes del "Discurso de las privanzas"

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    Desde su formación, su pensamiento y la época que le tocó vivir, es interesante acercarse a las fuentes que Quevedo presenta en las obras de prosa tradicionalmente llamadas “doctrinales” o “ascéticas”. La autora se centra solamente en obras o autores a los que recurre para reforzar su imagen de erudito cristiano y ortodoxo. Destacan, en este campo, la Biblia como fuente primaria, la Patrística y su teología y escritores espirituales un poco anteriores e incluso coetáneos a Quevedo. It's worth analysing Quevedo's sources in prose works traditionally named as doctrinales or ascéticas, from his education, his thouhgt and the historical period he lived. Pilar Carrera only examines works and authors used by don Francisco to reinforce his image of Christian and ortodox scholar. In this way, the Bible is emphasised as the fundamental source, Patristic and its theology and spiritual writers, those a bit previous as well as those contemporary to Quevedo

    POLYBIUS2020, a cost-effective underwater autonomous video system to record fishing gear selectivity performance catching fish and marine litter

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    Underwater video cameras are a highly versatile survey solution for marine fisheries research. The POLYBIUS2020 is a system specially designed to be used as a tool for video recording inside towed fishing gears. Its design allows for rapid installation onboard commercial fishing vessels as well as for quick reconfiguration and battery replacement. The system is based on simple commercial components to ensure low costs and the opportunity of future studies using house technology. The field experiments carried out have shown the flexibility and ability of the system to obtain key information about fishing selectivity, flora and fauna characterization and marine litter presence

    Adaptation and Evaluation of the Nutrition Environment Measures Survey in Stores to Assess Mediterranean Food Environments (NEMS-S-MED)

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    The Nutrition Environment Measures Surveys are valid and reliable measures of community and consumer food environments. This article describes the adaptation and evaluation of the Nutrition Environment Measures Survey in Stores (NEMS-S) for Mediterranean urban contexts (NEMS-S-MED). Trained raters used the adapted NEMS-S-MED tool to observe and rate food outlets in 21 census tracts and 43 food stores across the city of Madrid, Spain. We evaluated inter-rater and intra-rater reliabilities, construct validity, and the tool’s ability to discriminate between store types and between stores by area-level Socio-Economic Status (SES). Overall, the mean NEMS-S-MED score was 20.7 (SD = 9.8), which ranged from 7 to 43. Most food items displayed substantial or almost perfect inter-rater and intra-rater agreements; the percentage agreement across availability items was almost perfect and kappa statistics were also very high (median κ = 1.00 for inter-rater; κ = 0.92 for intra-rater). Furthermore, the NEMS-S-MED tool was able to discriminate between store types and census tracts of different SES. The adapted NEMS-S-MED instrument is a reliable and valid audit tool to assess the consumer food environment in Mediterranean urban contexts. Well-constructed measurement tools, such as the NEMS-S-MED, may facilitate the development of effective policy interventions to increase healthy food access and affordability.A.M.-G. was funded by a predoctoral fellowship offered to trainee researchers from the University of Alicante (UAFPU2017-047). J.D. was supported by the Alicia Llácer grant for Young Epidemiologists (14th edition) awarded by the Spanish Society of Epidemiology. U.B. was supported by a grant from the Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health under award number DP5OD26429. This study was funded by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007–2013/ERC Starting Grant Heart Healthy Hoods Agreement no. 623 336893)

    Adaptation and evaluation of the nutrition environment measures survey in stores to assess mediterranean food environments (Nems-s-med)

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    The Nutrition Environment Measures Surveys are valid and reliable measures of community and consumer food environments. This article describes the adaptation and evaluation of the Nutrition Environment Measures Survey in Stores (NEMS-S) for Mediterranean urban contexts (NEMS-S-MED). Trained raters used the adapted NEMS-S-MED tool to observe and rate food outlets in 21 census tracts and 43 food stores across the city of Madrid, Spain. We evaluated inter-rater and intra-rater reliabilities, construct validity, and the tool's ability to discriminate between store types and between stores by area-level Socio-Economic Status (SES). Overall, the mean NEMS-S-MED score was 20.7 (SD = 9.8), which ranged from 7 to 43. Most food items displayed substantial or almost perfect inter-rater and intra-rater agreements; the percentage agreement across availability items was almost perfect and kappa statistics were also very high (median κ = 1.00 for inter-rater; κ = 0.92 for intra-rater). Furthermore, the NEMS-S-MED tool was able to discriminate between store types and census tracts of different SES. The adapted NEMS-S-MED instrument is a reliable and valid audit tool to assess the consumer food environment in Mediterranean urban contexts. Well-constructed measurement tools, such as the NEMS-S-MED, may facilitate the development of effective policy interventions to increase healthy food access and affordability

    Role of dipolar and exchange interactions in the positions and widths of EPR transitions for the single-molecule magnets Fe8 and Mn12

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    We examine quantitatively the temperature dependence of the linewidths and line shifts in electron paramagnetic resonance experiments on single crystals of the single-molecule magnets Fe8_8 and Mn12_{12}, at fixed frequency, with an applied magnetic field along the easy axis. We include inter-molecular spin-spin interactions (dipolar and exchange) and distributions in both the uniaxial anisotropy parameter DD and the Land\'{e} gg-factor. The temperature dependence of the linewidths and the line shifts are mainly caused by the spin-spin interactions. For Fe8_8 and Mn12_{12}, the temperature dependence of the calculated line shifts and linewidths agrees well with the trends of the experimental data. The linewidths for Fe8_8 reveal a stronger temperature dependence than those for Mn12_{12}, because for Mn12_{12} a much wider distribution in DD overshadows the temperature dependence of the spin-spin interactions. For Fe8_8, the line-shift analysis suggests two competing interactions: a weak ferromagnetic exchange coupling between neighboring molecules and a longer-ranged dipolar interaction. This result could have implications for ordering in Fe8_8 at low temperatures.Comment: published versio

    Efficacy of direct current generated by multiple-electrode arrays on F3II mammary carcinoma: experiment and mathematical modeling

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    BACKGROUND: The modified Gompertz equation has been proposed to fit experimental data for direct current treated tumors when multiple-straight needle electrodes are individually inserted into the base perpendicular to the tumor long axis. The aim of this work is to evaluate the efficacy of direct current generated by multiple-electrode arrays on F3II mammary carcinoma that grow in the male and female BALB/c/Cenp mice, when multiple-straight needle electrodes and multiple-pairs of electrodes are inserted in the tumor. METHODS: A longitudinal and retrospective preclinical study was carried out. Male and female BALB/c/Cenp mice, the modified Gompertz equation, intensities (2, 6 and 10 mA) and exposure times (10 and 20 min) of direct current, and three geometries of multiple-electrodes (one formed by collinear electrodes and two by pair-electrodes) were used. Tumor volume and mice weight were measured. In addition, the mean tumor doubling time, tumor regression percentage, tumor growth delay, direct current overall effectiveness and mice survival were calculated. RESULTS: The greatest growth retardation, mean doubling time, regression percentage and growth delay of the primary F3II mammary carcinoma in male and female mice were observed when the geometry of multiple-pairs of electrodes was arranged in the tumor at 45, 135, 225 and 325o and the longest exposure time. In addition, highest direct current overall effectiveness (above 66%) was observed for this EChT scheme. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that electrochemical therapy may be potentially addressed to highly aggressive and metastic primary F3II murine mammary carcinoma and the modified Gompertz equation may be used to fit data of this direct current treated carcinoma. Additionally, electrochemical therapy effectiveness depends on the exposure time, geometry of multiple-electrodes and ratio between the direct current intensity applied and the polarization current induced in the tumor

    Revisión de estrategias utilizadas para la mejora de la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico

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    La falta de adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico es un problema relacionado con el proceso de uso de los medicamentos que puededar lugar si no se soluciona a resultados negativos asociados a la medicación. Es necesaria la aplicación de medidas y estrategiasque permitan corregir esta situación. El objetivo del estudio es identificar las estrategias de ayuda al cumplimiento del tratamientofarmacológico que sean aplicables en la práctica clínica por los profesionales de la salud para ayudar a los pacientes a conseguirlos resultados en salud que se esperan de los medicamentos. Tras esta revisión, se han encontrado siete tipos de estrategias paraabordar y mejorar la adherencia al tratamiento y que presentan posibilidades para su aplicación en la práctica clínica son: Estrategiastécnicas, educativas, conductuales, tratamiento de observación directa, técnicas de apoyo social, técnicas dirigidas a profesionales yrecuerdo de las estrategias

    Revisión de estrategias utilizadas para la mejora de la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico

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    La falta de adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico es un problema relacionado con el proceso de uso de los medicamentos que puededar lugar si no se soluciona a resultados negativos asociados a la medicación. Es necesaria la aplicación de medidas y estrategiasque permitan corregir esta situación. El objetivo del estudio es identificar las estrategias de ayuda al cumplimiento del tratamientofarmacológico que sean aplicables en la práctica clínica por los profesionales de la salud para ayudar a los pacientes a conseguirlos resultados en salud que se esperan de los medicamentos. Tras esta revisión, se han encontrado siete tipos de estrategias paraabordar y mejorar la adherencia al tratamiento y que presentan posibilidades para su aplicación en la práctica clínica son: Estrategiastécnicas, educativas, conductuales, tratamiento de observación directa, técnicas de apoyo social, técnicas dirigidas a profesionales yrecuerdo de las estrategias

    Influencia de las características sociodemográficas y clínicas en la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico de pacientes con riesgo cardiovascular

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    Introducción: Algunos autores han señalado más de 200 factores y variables relacionados con el incumplimiento, que se deben tener en cuenta si se pretende modificarlo. Objetivo: Identificar las características sociodemográficas y clínicas asociadas a la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes ambulatorios con riesgo cardiovascular (RCV). Metodología: A los pacientes que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión se les hizo una entrevista inicial, que incluyó la recogida de las características sociodemográficas y clínicas y el test de adherencia. Se tomaron y registraron los valores de colesterol total y presión arterial, y se determinó el RCV del paciente. Si el RCV era moderado o alto, el paciente se incluía en el estudio. Resultados: La adherencia está favorecida por la percepción por parte del paciente del estado de salud como regular, malo o muy malo, por el sexo femenino y por la presencia de algún factor de RCV, como la dislipemia. Conclusiones: Es necesario considerar las diferentes variables que pueden influir en la adherencia y establecer estrategias individualizadas para luchar contra el incumplimiento del tratamiento farmacológico

    Influencia de las características sociodemográficas y clínicas en la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico de pacientes con riesgo cardiovascular

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    Introducción: Algunos autores han señalado más de 200 factores y variables relacionados con el incumplimiento, que se deben tener en cuenta si se pretende modificarlo. Objetivo: Identificar las características sociodemográficas y clínicas asociadas a la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes ambulatorios con riesgo cardiovascular (RCV). Metodología: A los pacientes que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión se les hizo una entrevista inicial, que incluyó la recogida de las características sociodemográficas y clínicas y el test de adherencia. Se tomaron y registraron los valores de colesterol total y presión arterial, y se determinó el RCV del paciente. Si el RCV era moderado o alto, el paciente se incluía en el estudio. Resultados: La adherencia está favorecida por la percepción por parte del paciente del estado de salud como regular, malo o muy malo, por el sexo femenino y por la presencia de algún factor de RCV, como la dislipemia. Conclusiones: Es necesario considerar las diferentes variables que pueden influir en la adherencia y establecer estrategias individualizadas para luchar contra el incumplimiento del tratamiento farmacológico