749 research outputs found

    Scaling of the localization length in linear electronic and vibrational systems with long-range correlated disorder

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    The localization lengths of long-range correlated disordered chains are studied for electronic wavefunctions in the Anderson model and for vibrational states. A scaling theory close to the band edge is developed in the Anderson model and supported by numerical simulations. This scaling theory is mapped onto the vibrational case at small frequencies. It is shown that for small frequencies, unexpectateley the localization length is smaller for correlated than for uncorrelated chains.Comment: to be published in PRB, 4 pages, 2 Figure

    Growth, microstructure, and failure of crazes in glassy polymers

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    We report on an extensive study of craze formation in glassy polymers. Molecular dynamics simulations of a coarse-grained bead-spring model were employed to investigate the molecular level processes during craze nucleation, widening, and breakdown for a wide range of temperature, polymer chain length NN, entanglement length NeN_e and strength of adhesive interactions between polymer chains. Craze widening proceeds via a fibril-drawing process at constant drawing stress. The extension ratio is determined by the entanglement length, and the characteristic length of stretched chain segments in the polymer craze is Ne/3N_e/3. In the craze, tension is mostly carried by the covalent backbone bonds, and the force distribution develops an exponential tail at large tensile forces. The failure mode of crazes changes from disentanglement to scission for N/Ne10N/N_e\sim 10, and breakdown through scission is governed by large stress fluctuations. The simulations also reveal inconsistencies with previous theoretical models of craze widening that were based on continuum level hydrodynamics

    Statistics of pre-localized states in disordered conductors

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    The distribution function of local amplitudes of single-particle states in disordered conductors is calculated on the basis of the supersymmetric σ\sigma-model approach using a saddle-point solution of its reduced version. Although the distribution of relatively small amplitudes can be approximated by the universal Porter-Thomas formulae known from the random matrix theory, the statistics of large amplitudes is strongly modified by localization effects. In particular, we find a multifractal behavior of eigenstates in 2D conductors which follows from the non-integer power-law scaling for the inverse participation numbers (IPN) with the size of the system. This result is valid for all fundamental symmetry classes (unitary, orthogonal and symplectic). The multifractality is due to the existence of pre-localized states which are characterized by power-law envelopes of wave functions, ψt(r)2r2μ|\psi_t(r)|^2\propto r^{-2\mu}, μ<1\mu <1. The pre-localized states in short quasi-1D wires have the power-law tails ψ(x)2x2|\psi (x)|^2\propto x^{-2}, too, although their IPN's indicate no fractal behavior. The distribution function of the largest-amplitude fluctuations of wave functions in 2D and 3D conductors has logarithmically-normal asymptotics.Comment: RevTex, 17 twocolumn pages; revised version (several misprint corrected

    Fracture of a biopolymer gel as a viscoplastic disentanglement process

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    We present an extensive experimental study of mode-I, steady, slow crack dynamics in gelatin gels. Taking advantage of the sensitivity of the elastic stiffness to gel composition and history we confirm and extend the model for fracture of physical hydrogels which we proposed in a previous paper (Nature Materials, doi:10.1038/nmat1666 (2006)), which attributes decohesion to the viscoplastic pull-out of the network-constituting chains. So, we propose that, in contrast with chemically cross-linked ones, reversible gels fracture without chain scission

    Influence of nonlocal electrodynamics on the anisotropic vortex pinning in YNi2B2CYNi_2B_2C

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    We have studied the pinning force density Fp of YNi_2B_2C superconductors for various field orientations. We observe anisotropies both between the c-axis and the basal plane and within the plane, that cannot be explained by usual mass anisotropy. For magnetic field HcH \parallel c, the reorientation structural transition in the vortex lattice due to nonlocality, which occurs at a field H11kOeH_1 \sim 1kOe, manifests itself as a kink in Fp(H). When HcH \bot c, Fp is much larger and has a quite different H dependence, indicating that other pinning mechanisms are present. In this case the signature of nonlocal effects is the presence of a fourfold periodicity of Fp within the basal plane.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Temperature dependence and mechanisms for vortex pinning by periodic arrays of Ni dots in Nb films

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    Pinning interactions between superconducting vortices in Nb and magnetic Ni dots were studied as a function of current and temperature to clarify the nature of pinning mechanisms. A strong current dependence is found for a square array of dots, with a temperature dependent optimum current for the observation of periodic pinning, that decreases with temperature as (1-T/Tc)3/2. This same temperature dependence is found for the critical current at the first matching field with a rectangular array of dots. The analysis of these results allows to narrow the possible pinning mechanisms to a combination of two: the interaction between the vortex and the magnetic moment of the dot and the proximity effect. Moreover, for the rectangular dot array, the temperature dependence of the crossover between the low field regime with a rectangular vortex lattice to the high field regime with a square configuration has been studied. It is found that the crossover field increases with decreasing temperature. This dependence indicates a change in the balance between elastic and pinning energies, associated with dynamical effects of the vortex lattice in the high field range.Comment: 12 text pages (revtex), 6 figures (1st jpeg, 2nd-6th postscript) accepted in Physical Review

    X-wave mediated instability of plane waves in Kerr media

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    Plane waves in Kerr media spontaneously generate paraxial X-waves (i.e. non-dispersive and non-diffractive pulsed beams) that get amplified along propagation. This effect can be considered a form of conical emission (i.e. spatio-temporal modulational instability), and can be used as a key for the interpretation of the out of axis energy emission in the splitting process of focused pulses in normally dispersive materials. A new class of spatio-temporal localized wave patterns is identified. X-waves instability, and nonlinear X-waves, are also expected in periodical Bose condensed gases.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Singularity free dilaton-driven cosmologies and pre-little-bang

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    There are no reasons why the singularity in the growth of the dilaton coupling should not be regularised, in a string cosmological context, by the presence of classical inhomogeneities. We discuss a class of inhomogeneous dilaton-driven models whose curvature invariants are all bounded and regular in time and space. We prove that the non-space-like geodesics of these models are all complete in the sense that none of them reaches infinity for a finite value of the affine parameter. We conclude that our examples represent truly singularity-free solutions of the low energy beta functions. We discuss some symmetries of the obtained solutions and we clarify their physical interpretation. We also give examples of solutions with spherical symmetry. In our scenario each physical quantity is everywhere defined in time and space, the big-bang singularity is replaced by a maximal curvature phase where the dilaton kinetic energy reaches its maximum. The maximal curvature is always smaller than one (in string units) and the coupling constant is also smaller than one and it grows between two regimes of constant dilaton, implying, together with the symmetries of the solutions, that higher genus and higher curvature corrections are negligible. We argue that our examples describe, in a string cosmological context, the occurrence of ``little bangs''(i.e. high curvature phases which never develop physical singularities). They also suggest the possibility of an unexplored ``pre-little-bang'' phase.Comment: 25 pages in LaTex style, 3 encapsulated figure

    On the mechanisms of heavy-quarkonium hadroproduction

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    We discuss the various mechanisms potentially at work in hadroproduction of heavy quarkonia in the light of computations of higher-order QCD corrections both in the Colour-Singlet (CS) and Colour-Octet (CO) channels and the inclusion of the contribution arising from the s-channel cut in the CS channel. We also discuss new observables meant to better discriminate between these different mechanisms.Comment: Invited review talk at 3rd International Conference On Hard And Electromagnetic Probes Of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (HP2008), 8-14 June 2008, Illa da Toxa, Galicia, Spain. 11 pages, 21 figures, LaTeX, uses svjour.cls and svepj.clo (included