39,688 research outputs found

    Maladaptive rumination moderates the effects of written emotional disclosure on ambulatory blood pressure levels in females.

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    Written emotional disclosure (WED) has beneficial effects on health outcomes. However, its effectiveness is influenced by a number of variables. This exploratory study tested whether trait rumination, which comprises brooding, a maladaptive component, and reflection, an adaptive component, moderated the effects of WED on ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) in female participants. Fifty-two participants were randomized to write about their most stressful/traumatic life experience(s) or non-emotive topics, for 20 minutes, on 3 consecutive days. Two weeks and 14 weeks later, ABP was recorded over a single day. Using hierarchical linear modelling, an effect of condition was found at 2 weeks but not at 14 weeks indicating that higher levels of ABP were observed following WED. There was also a significant condition by brooding interaction at two weeks such that higher ABP was observed in low brooders in the WED condition compared with low brooders in the control condition. However, within the WED condition, the lowest ABP was exhibited by participants high in brooding. The findings indicated that WED led to short-lived increases in ABP which disappeared in the medium term. Researchers ought to build upon this exploratory study and investigate further the potential moderating role of brooding within WED. Individual differences in brooding may account for (some of) the mixed and inconsistent findings in past WED research

    Lentiviral vectors with amplified beta cell-specific gene expression.

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    An important goal of gene therapy is to be able to deliver genes, so that they express in a pattern that recapitulates the expression of an endogenous cellular gene. Although tissue-specific promoters confer selectivity, in a vector-based system, their activity may be too weak to mediate detectable levels in gene-expression studies. We have used a two-step transcriptional amplification system to amplify gene expression from lentiviral vectors using the human insulin promoter. In this system, the human insulin promoter drives expression of a potent synthetic transcription activator (the yeast GAL4 DNA-binding domain fused to the activation domain of the Herpes simplex virus-1 VP16 activator), which in turn activates a GAL4-responsive promoter, driving the enhanced green fluorescent protein reporter gene. Vectors carrying the human insulin promoter did not express in non-beta-cell lines, but expressed in murine insulinoma cell lines, indicating that the human insulin promoter was capable of conferring cell specificity of expression. The insulin-amplifiable vector was able to amplify gene expression five to nine times over a standard insulin-promoter vector. In primary human islets, gene expression from the insulin-promoted vectors was coincident with insulin staining. These vectors will be useful in gene-expression studies that require a detectable signal and tissue specificity

    Common adversaries form alliances: modelling complex networks via anti-transitivity

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    Anti-transitivity captures the notion that enemies of enemies are friends, and arises naturally in the study of adversaries in social networks and in the study of conflicting nation states or organizations. We present a simplified, evolutionary model for anti-transitivity influencing link formation in complex networks, and analyze the model's network dynamics. The Iterated Local Anti-Transitivity (or ILAT) model creates anti-clone nodes in each time-step, and joins anti-clones to the parent node's non-neighbor set. The graphs generated by ILAT exhibit familiar properties of complex networks such as densification, short distances (bounded by absolute constants), and bad spectral expansion. We determine the cop and domination number for graphs generated by ILAT, and finish with an analysis of their clustering coefficients. We interpret these results within the context of real-world complex networks and present open problems

    Ordered groupoids and the holomorph of an inverse semigroup

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    We present a construction for the holomorph of an inverse semigroup, derived from the cartesian closed structure of the category of ordered groupoids. We compare the holomorph with the monoid of mappings that preserve the ternary heap operation on an inverse semigroup: for groups these two constructions coincide. We present detailed calculations for semilattices of groups and for the polycyclic monoids.Comment: 16 page

    Compressibility of titanosilicate melts

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    The effect of composition on the relaxed adiabatic bulk modulus (K0) of a range of alkali- and alkaline earth-titanosilicate [X 2 n/n+ TiSiO5 (X=Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Ca, Sr, Ba)] melts has been investigated. The relaxed bulk moduli of these melts have been measured using ultrasonic interferometric methods at frequencies of 3, 5 and 7 MHz in the temperature range of 950 to 1600°C (0.02 Pa s < s < 5 Pa s). The bulk moduli of these melts decrease with increasing cation size from Li to Cs and Ca to Ba, and with increasing temperature. The bulk moduli of the Li-, Na-, Ca- and Ba-bearing metasilicate melts decrease with the addition of both TiO2 and SiO2 whereas those of the K-, Rb- and Cs-bearing melts increase. Linear fits to the bulk modulus versus volume fraction of TiO2 do not converge to a common compressibility of the TiO2 component, indicating that the structural role of TiO2 in these melts is dependent on the identity of the cation. This proposition is supported by a number of other property data for these and related melt compositions including heat capacity and density, as well as structural inferences from X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES). The compositional dependence of the compressibility of the TiO2 component in these melts explains the difficulty incurred in previous attempts to incorporate TiO2 in calculation schemes for melt compressibility. The empirical relationship KV-4/3 for isostructural materials has been used to evaluate the compressibility-related structural changes occurring in these melts. The alkali metasilicate and disilicate melts are isostructural, independent of the cation. The addition of Ti to the metasilicate composition (i.e. X2TiSiO5), however, results in a series of melts which are not isostructural. The alkaline-earth metasilicate and disilicate compositions are not isostructural, but the addition of Ti to the metasilicate compositions (i.e. XTiSiO5) would appear, on the basis of modulus-volume systematics, to result in the melts becoming isostructural with respect to compressibility

    Cosmopolitan musicology

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    This chapter briefly retraces the path that led to the arguments in the development of social justice and a democratic culture. It sets out with a commitment to multiculturalism and cultural relativism, and so an early research in Orientalism, in the sense in which Said and postcolonial theorists used that term. Cosmopolitanism has returned to the agenda in the context of debates about globalization. Beck and Edgar Grande argue not for the 'world citizenship' model of cosmopolitanism; instead, they call for the goodwill felt towards one's own country to be extended to other countries. The global and the local are not the oppositional entities they once were, and a reworked concept of cosmopolitanism could aid in their analysis. Cosmopolitanism has a relationship to diasporic experience: a Diaspora can make great efforts to retain cultural traditions, but can also assimilate other cultural knowledge and practices. The chapter outlines a future direction for musicology

    Expression of human adenosine deaminase in nonhuman primates after retrovirus-mediated gene transfer.

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    Primate bone marrow cells were infected with a retroviral vector carrying the genes for human adenosine deaminase (h-ADA) and bacterial neomycin resistance (neor). The infected cells were infused back into the lethally irradiated donor animals. Several monkeys fully reconstituted and were shown to express the h-ADA and neor genes at low levels in their recirculating hematopoietic cells for short periods of time

    Human kin detection

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    Natural selection has favored the evolution of behaviors that benefit not only one's genes, but also their copies in genetically related individuals. These behaviors include optimal outbreeding (choosing a mate that is neither too closely related, nor too distant), nepotism (helping kin), and spite (hurting non-kin at a personal cost), and all require some form of kin detection or kin recognition. Yet, kinship cannot be assessed directly; human kin detection relies on heuristic cues that take into account individuals' context (whether they were reared by our mother, or grew up in our home, or were given birth by our spouse), appearance (whether they smell or look like us), and ability to arouse certain feelings (whether we feel emotionally close to them). The uncertainties of kin detection, along with its dependence on social information, create ample opportunities for the evolution of deception and self-deception. For example, babies carry no unequivocal stamp of their biological father, but across cultures they are passionately claimed to resemble their mother's spouse; to the same effect, neutral' observers are greatly influenced by belief in relatedness when judging resemblance between strangers. Still, paternity uncertainty profoundly shapes human relationships, reducing not only the investment contributed by paternal versus maternal kin, but also prosocial behavior between individuals who are related through one or more males rather than females alone. Because of its relevance to racial discrimination and political preferences, the evolutionary pressure to prefer kin to non-kin has a manifold influence on society at large