158 research outputs found

    Environmental Impact of Surgical Masks Consumption in Italy Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic suddenly changed the lifestyle of billions of people. Face masks became indispensable to protect from the contagion providing a significant environmental impact. The aim of this work is to propose possible solutions to decrease masks’ impact on the environment. For this reason, different masks (surgical and fabric) were considered, and the CO2 emissions associated with the mask materials production were calculated. Carbon Footprint (CF) for each material composing the masks was evaluated through the database Ces Selector 2019. The software Qgis (version 2.18.20) allows us to elaborate the CO2 emissions maps for each Italian region. Finally, for surgical masks, which are often imported from abroad, the CF related to transport was considered. It results that fabric masks are a sustainable solution to prevent contagion. The total CO2 emission associated with the use of fabric masks from the beginning of the pandemic (March 2020) to December 2021 resulted in about 7 kton compared to 350 kton for surgical masks

    Chemical Analysis of Air Particulate Matter Trapped by a Porous Material, Synthesized from Silica Fume and Sodium Alginate

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    This work shows the ability of a new porous material (SUNSPACE), obtained by industrial by-products, to sequestrate air particulate matter (PM). This activity allows introducing the azure chemistry approach, devoted to better link new remediation strategies and sustainability. In particular, SUNSPACE is synthesized from silica fume and sodium alginate; it can be shaped in a porous solid, and it looks promising for environmental application as nanoparticle sequestration. Studies to evaluate the sequestration capability of SUNSPACE are performed in different environments, with and without anthropogenic sources of PM. Solid SUNSPACE disc samples are used as passive samplers and exposed for one and two months, in vertical and horizontal positions, indoor, and outdoor. Total reflection X-ray fluorescence technique is employed to perform elemental chemical analysis of the entrapped PM. Two sample preparation strategies to evaluate the composition of PM are considered: sample sonication in Milli-Q water and total sample mineralization by microwave acid digestion. These two options are proposed to analyse different PM fractions: in particular, sonication allows removing the coarse PM, entrapped on external material surface pores; on the contrary, digestion can offer information on fine and ultrafine PM, trapped in internal pores. Results confirm the ability of the porous material to sequestrate air PM and the differences in the sample preparation, supported by elemental analysis, and show the difference in the coarse and fine air particulate matter composition. In summary, the new material results as very promising for applications requiring nanoparticle sequestration

    Fieldtrips and Virtual Tours as Geotourism Resources: Examples from the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark (NW Italy)

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    In the 20th anniversary year of the European Geopark Network, and 5 years on from the receipt of the UNESCO label for the geoparks, this research focuses on geotourism contents and solutions within one of the most recently designated geoparks, admitted for membership in 2013: the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark (Western Italian Alps). The main aim of this paper is to corroborate the use of fieldtrips and virtual tours as resources for geotourism. The analysis is developed according to: i) geodiversity and geoheritage of the geopark territory; ii) different approaches for planning fieldtrip and virtual tours. The lists of 18 geotrails, 68 geosites and 13 off-site geoheritage elements (e.g., museums, geolabs) are provided. Then, seven trails were selected as a mirror of the geodiversity and as container of on-site and off-site geoheritage within the geopark. They were described to highlight the different approaches that were implemented for their valorization. Most of the geotrails are equipped with panels, and supported by the presence of thematic laboratories or sections in museums. A multidisciplinary approach (e.g., history, ecology) is applied to some geotrails, and a few of them are translated into virtual tours. The variety of geosciences contents of the geopark territory is hence viewed as richness, in term of high geodiversity, but also in term of diversification for its valorization

    New trends in rehabilitation of children with ENT disorders

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    Negli ultimi 20 anni il miglioramento dellassistenza neonatale ha determinato un progressivo aumento dei bambini che sopravvivono in presenza di gravi malformazioni o patologie congenite. Questi bambini richiedono una riabilitazione prolungata, talora multidisciplinare e complessa. Purtroppo, unorganizzazione adeguata alla riabilitazione della disfagia, dei disturbi della comunicazione e della respirazione non è sempre disponibile, non è sempre coordinata in equipe multidisciplinari che operino sia negli ospedali che sul territorio e non è facile mantenere tutte le figure professionali coinvolte al passo con le sempre più rapide innovazioni. Scopo del presente lavoro è presentare un aggiornamento su alcuni aspetti tuttora controversi della riabilitazione in età pediatrica

    Current trends on subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders

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    Objective. To establish the safety and effectiveness of subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in patients affected by chronic middle ear disorders to refractory to previous surgical treatments. Methods. A multicentre, retrospective study was conducted on patients affected by recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders who underwent cochlear implantation in combi-nation with subtotal petrosectomy. Patients’ details were collected from databases of 11 Italian tertiary referral centres. Additionally, a review of the most updated literature was carried out. Results. 55 patients were included with a mean follow-up time of 44 months. Cholestea-toma was the most common middle ear recurrent pathology and 50.9% of patients had an open cavity. 80% of patients underwent a single stage surgery. One case of explantation for device failure was reported among the 7 patients with post-operative complications. Conclusions. Subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation is a benchmark for management of patients with recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders. A single stage procedure is the most recommended strategy. Optimal follow-up is still debated. Further studies are required to investigate the role of this surgery in paediatric patients

    SUNSPACE, A Porous Material to Reduce Air Particulate Matter (PM)

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    The World Health Organization reports that every year several million people die prematurely due to air pollution. Poor air quality is a by-product of unsustainable policies in transportation, energy, industry, and waste management in the world's most crowded cities. Particulate matter (PM) is one of the major element of polluted air. PM can be composed by organic and inorganic species. In particular, heavy metals present in PM include, lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium, (Cd), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As), and molybdenum (Mo). Currently, vegetation is the only existing sustainable method to reduce anthropogenic PM concentrations in urban environments. In particular, the PM-retention ability of vegetation depends on the surface properties, related to the plant species, leaf and branch density, and leaf micromorphology. In this work, a new hybrid material called SUNSPACE (SUstaiNable materials Synthesized from by-Products and Alginates for Clean air and better Environment) is proposed for air PM entrapment. Candle burning tests are performed to compare SUNSPACE with Hedera Helix L. leafs with respect to their efficacy of reducing coarse and fine PM. The temporal variation of PM10 and PM2.5 in presence of the trapping materials, shows that Hedera Helix L. surface saturates more rapidly. In addition, the capability of SUNSPACE in ultrafine PM trapping is also demonstrated by using titanium dioxide nanoparticles with 25 nm diameter. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Transmission electron microscope (TEM) images of SUNSPACE after entrapment tests highlight the presence of collected nanoparticles until to about 0.04 mm in depth from the sample surface. N2 physisorption measurements allow to demonstrate the possibility to SUNSPACE regeneration by washing
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