41 research outputs found

    Ion optics in a 14 UD Pelletron terminal

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    The terminal of the Pelletron accelerator in Rehovot was designed so as to transmit freely any beam of a desired charge state through the high energy acceleration tube. Charge selection is accomplished by means of a displaced electrostatic quadrupole triplet. A matching lens further downstream inside the terminal is matching the beam emittance to the high energy tube acceptance. A detailed study of the angular acceptance of the high energy tube was carried out in order to check for possible tube loading. The transmission through the high energy tube is substantially improved by the matching lens both when the charge selector is on and when it is off

    Ion optics in a 14 UD Pelletron terminal

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    The terminal of the Pelletron accelerator in Rehovot was designed so as to transmit freely any beam of a desired charge state through the high energy acceleration tube. Charge selection is accomplished by means of a displaced electrostatic quadrupole triplet. A matching lens further downstream inside the terminal is matching the beam emittance to the high energy tube acceptance. A detailed study of the angular acceptance of the high energy tube was carried out in order to check for possible tube loading. The transmission through the high energy tube is substantially improved by the matching lens both when the charge selector is on and when it is off.Le terminal de l'accélérateur Pelletron de Rehovot est prévu pour transmettre tout faisceau ayant l'état de charge désiré à travers le tube haute énergie. La sélection de charge est obtenue au moyen d'un triplet quadrupolaire électrostatique déplacé. Une lentille d'adaptation en aval dans le terminal adapte l'émittance du faisceau à l'acceptance du tube haute énergie. Une étude détaillée de l'acceptance angulaire du tube haute énergie a été effectuée en vue de vérifier une éventuelle charge du tube. La transmission à travers le tube haute énergie est fortement améliorée par la lentille d'adaptation lorsque le sélecteur de charge est en service mais également lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé