1,586 research outputs found

    Periodic Structures with Rashba Interaction in Magnetic Field

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    We analyze the behaviour of a system of particles living on a periodic crystal in the presence of a magnetic field B. This can be done by involving a periodic potential U(x) and the Rashba interaction of coupling constant k_{so}. By resorting the corresponding spectrum, we explicitly determine the band structures and the Bloch spinors. These allow us to discuss the system symmetries in terms of the polarizations where they are shown to be broken. The dynamical spin will be studied by calculating different quantities. In the limits: k_{so} and U(x)=0, we analyze again the system by deriving different results. Considering the strong BB case, we obtain an interesting result that is the conservation of the polarizations. Analyzing the critical point \lambda_{k,\sigma}=\pm\sq{1\over 2}, we show that the Hilbert space associated to the spectrum in z-direction has a zero mode energy similar to that of massless Dirac fermions in graphene. Finally, we give the resulting energy spectrum when B=0 and U(x) is arbitrary.Comment: 24 pages, references added, misprints corrected. Version to appear in JP

    Bloch's theory in periodic structures with Rashba's spin-orbit interaction

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    We consider a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba's spin-orbit interaction and two in-plane potentials superimposed along directions perpendicular to each other. The first of these potentials is assumed to be a general periodic potential while the second one is totally arbitrary. A general form for Bloch's amplitude is found and an eigen-value problem for the band structure of the system is derived. We apply the general result to the two particular cases in which either the second potential represents a harmonic in-plane confinement or it is zero. We find that for a harmonic confinement regions of the Brillouin zone with high polarizations are associated with the ones of large group velocity.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Theory of weak continuous measurements in a strongly driven quantum bit

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    Continuous spectroscopic measurements of a strongly driven superconducting qubit by means of a high-quality tank circuit (a linear detector) are under study. Output functions of the detector, namely, a spectrum of voltage fluctuations and an impedance, are expressed in terms of the qubit spectrum and magnetic susceptibility. The nonequilibrium spectrum of the current fluctuations in the qubit loop and the linear response function of the driven qubit coupled to a heat bath are calculated with Bloch-Redfield and rotating wave approximations. Backaction effects of the qubit on the tank and the tank on the qubit are analyzed quantitatively. We show that the voltage spectrum of the tank provides detailed information about a frequency and a decay rate of Rabi oscillations in the qubit. It is found that both an efficiency of spectroscopic measurement and measurement-induced decoherence of the qubit demonstrate a resonant behaviour as the Rabi frequency approaches the resonant frequency of the tank. We determine conditions when the spectroscopic observation of the Rabi oscillations in the flux qubit with the tank circuit can be considered as a weak continuous quantum measurement.Comment: 28 page

    Radio-Frequency Method for Investigation of Quantum Properties of Superconducting Structures

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    We implement the impedance measurement technique (IMT) for characterization of interferometer-type superconducting qubits. In the framework of this method, the interferometer loop is inductively coupled to a high-quality tank circuit. We show that the IMT is a powerful tool to study a response of externally controlled two-level system to different types of excitations. Conclusive information about qubits is obtained from the read-out of the tank properties.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures;to be published in Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur (Low Temperature Physics); v3: minor polishing; fina

    Boundary form factors of the sinh-Gordon model with Dirichlet boundary conditions at the self-dual point

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    In this manuscript we present a detailed investigation of the form factors of boundary fields of the sinh-Gordon model with a particular type of Dirichlet boundary condition, corresponding to zero value of the sinh-Gordon field at the boundary, at the self-dual point. We follow for this the boundary form factor program recently proposed by Z. Bajnok, L. Palla and G. Takaks in hep-th/0603171, extending the analysis of the boundary sinh-Gordon model initiated there. The main result of the paper is a conjecture for the structure of all n-particle form factors of two particular boundary operators in terms of elementary symmetric polynomials in certain functions of the rapidity variables. In addition, form factors of boundary "descendant" fields have been constructedComment: 14 pages LaTex. Version to appear in J. Phys.

    Spatial-temporal dynamics of the terahertz field generated by femtosecond filament

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    We present the study on spatial distribution of the maximum of terahertz field amplitude in time domain when generated by a femtosecond filament. It is shown that as a result of the propagation of the terahertz field forms a spherical wave front, on the edge of which the maximum of amplitude has a temporary delay in contrary to its central part

    The Determinant Representation for a Correlation Function in Scaling Lee-Yang Model

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    We consider the scaling Lee-Yang model. It corresponds to the unique perturbation of the minimal CFT model M(2,5). This is not a unitary model. We used known expression for form factors in order to obtain a closed expression for a correlation function of a trace of energy-momentum tensor. This expression is a determinant of an integral operator. Similar determinant representation were proven to be useful not only for quantum correlation functions but also in matrix models.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Order by quenched disorder in the model triangular antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2

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    We observe a disappearance of the 1/3 magnetization plateau and a striking change of the magnetic configuration under a moderate doping of the model triangular antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2. The reason is an effective lifting of degeneracy of mean-field ground states by a random potential of impurities, which compensates, in the low-temperature limit, the fluctuation contribution to free energy. These results provide a direct experimental confirmation of the fluctuation origin of the ground state in a real frustrated system. The change of the ground state to a least collinear configuration reveals an effective positive biquadratic exchange provided by the structural disorder. On heating, doped samples regain the structure of a pure compound, thus allowing for an investigation of the remarkable competition between thermal and structural disorder

    Quasi two-dimensional antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice RbFe(MoO4)2

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    RbFe(MoO4)2 is a rare example of a nearly two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice. Magnetic resonance spectra and magnetization curves reveal that the system has a layered spin structure with six magnetic sublattices. The sublattices within a layer are arranged in a triangular manner with the magnetization vectors 120 degree apart. The H-T phase diagram, containing at least five different magnetic phases is constructed. In zero field, RbFe(MoO4)2 undergoes a phase transition at T_N=3.8 K into a non-collinear triangular spin structure with all the spins confined in the basal plane. The application of an in-plane magnetic field induces a collinear spin state between the fields H_c1=47 kOe and H_c2=71 kOe and produces a magnetization plateau at one-third of the saturation moment. Both the ESR and the magnetization measurements also clearly indicate an additional first-order phase transition in a field of 35 kOe. The exact nature of this phase transition is uncertain.Comment: 9 pages incl 11 figure

    Synthesis and tribological properties of new fluoro-containing oligomers

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    Oligomers based on (polyfluoroalkyl)methyl oxiranes and thiiranes was first synthesized by the cationic polymerization in the presence of boron trifluoride etherate. Molecular weights of the products were defined by cryoscopic method. It was found that synthesized oligomers can be used as additives to industrial lubricants and sulfur oligomers are of the greatest positive tribological effect. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013