1,275 research outputs found

    Cs-135 - Ba-135: A new cosmochronometric constraint on the origin of the Earth and the astrophysical site of the origin of the solar system

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    It is argued that if Cs-135 was indeed present in the early solar system at the level inferred from evidence presented here, then two major conclusions follow. (1) A supernova contributed newly synthesized r-process matter into the protosolar reservoir within approx. 5 Ma of the Cs/Ba fractionation recorded in LEW 86010; (2) The strong Cs depletion in the bulk Earth reservoir (Cs-133/Ba-135 approx. 0.1) took place very early in solar system history. If this volatile loss was pre-accretionary, then the accretionary chronology of the Earth is not constrained. However, if it is a consequence of accretion, then the very tight time constraint of approx. less than 5 Ma (rel. to LEW 86010) is obtained for accretion of most of the Earth's mass

    Nd-142/Nd-144 in SNCs and early differentiation of a heterogeneous Martian mantle

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    Sm/Nd correlated variations in Nd-142/Nd-144 have been observed for mineral phases of achondrites from decay of live Sm-146 in the early solar system. Crystallization ages of shergottites-nakhlites-Chassigny (SNC) meteorites are less than or = 1.3 Ga, so variations of Nd-142/Nd-144 among mineral phases of the SNC's are not expected. However, if SNC's were derived from source reservoirs of differing Sm/Nd ratios, established while Sm-146 was still alive, and which remained isolated except for magma extraction, then variations in Nd-142/Nd-144 would exist among individual SNC meteorites. Rb-Sr and U-Pb isotopic data for the shergottites imply differentiation of their parent planet approximately 4.6 Ga ago. The confirmation of the conclusion that the nakhlites and shergottites were derived from different source regions, and that, consequently, the shergottite parent body (SPB) mantle was heterogeneous is presented

    La traduzione giuridica tra teoria e pratica

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    Il presente saggio analizza le peculiarit\ue0 testuali, pragmatiche e metodologiche che distinguono la traduzione giuridica da altre tipologie di traduzione settoriale e indaga sulle competenze che il traduttore legale deve possedere. In considerazione dell\u2019importanza che tali fattori intra- ed extratestuali (quali gli ordinamenti giuridici coinvolti e il destinatario del testo tradotto, il tipo di testo e lo status giuridico, il diritto applicabile e lo scopo della traduzione) assumono sul piano metodologico, la loro conoscenza finisce per costituire il prerequisito teorico imprescindibile per affrontare la traduzione di un testo giuridico nella pratica

    Deixis in notariellen Urkunden? Eine Klärung

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    In this paper we will question the deictic character of expressions that are conventionally used in notarial deeds and that, like ,I‘, ,here‘ and ,now‘, are deictic expressions par excellence marking the personal, spatial and temporal deixis. After dealing with linguistic theories of deixis and clarifying the relevant concepts, we will carry out an analysis of two corpora of German and Italian real estate sales contracts of the present and of the recent past. We will point out that while the expressions of the spatial deixis are exclusively used as anaphors, those of the personal and the temporal deixis are in fact also used anaphorically, since the peculiarities of the communication situation and the interaction of orality and literacy don’t allow a purely deictic use of these expressions. Furthermore, we will show that the competing expressions too are related to the peculiarities of the communication situation and that they manifest changes in the conventions towards a stronger accentuation of literacy

    Cerebral differences in explicit and implicit emotional processing - An fMRI study

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    The processing of emotional facial expression is a major part of social communication and understanding. In addition to explicit processing, facial expressions are also processed rapidly and automatically in the absence of explicit awareness. We investigated 12 healthy subjects by presenting them with an implicit and explicit emotional paradigm. The subjects reacted significantly faster in implicit than in explicit trials but did not differ in their error ratio. For the implicit condition increased signals were observed in particular in the thalami, the hippocampi, the frontal inferior gyri and the right middle temporal region. The analysis of the explicit condition showed increased blood-oxygen-level-dependent signals especially in the caudate nucleus, the cingulum and the right prefrontal cortex. The direct comparison of these 2 different processes revealed increased activity for explicit trials in the inferior, superior and middle frontal gyri, the middle cingulum and left parietal regions. Additional signal increases were detected in occipital regions, the cerebellum, and the right angular and lingual gyrus. Our data partially confirm the hypothesis of different neural substrates for the processing of implicit and explicit emotional stimuli. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Traduzione settoriale e lingue speciali. La traduzione giuridica, la traduzione economico-finanziaria e la terminologia, tra alveo disciplinare e assi di ricerca

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    After a short introduction to LSPs and the interdisciplinary nature of specialized translation, this paper focuses, in two separate chapters, on the state of the art in two specializations: legal translation and economic and financial translation. After first underlining the importance of legal translation at a practical, didactic and research-oriented level, in the first of these chapters the interdisciplinary nature of this discipline is indicated as one of the main reasons for its importance. This is followed by an overview of the development of the state of the art in the extensive research carried out on legal translation through an analysis of publications from the very beginning to the present day, highlighting the main desiderata of research today. The second chapter of these chapters gives an overview of economic and financial translation, highlighting the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature of this activity. Particular attention is paid to the discipline itself, the market and reference texts, with a focus on the distinction between buy-side and sell-side translation. Space is then given to the most promising directions of current and future research in this relatively young, little studied discipline. The problematic nature of selecting an unambiguous denomination for this domain, the wide-ranging mandate of the financial translator, who acts as a global communicator in the processes of internationalization of both markets and companies will be oulined. The final part of this paper is dedicated to the link between specialized translation and terminology, as well as to the fundamental distinctions between word and term, nomenclature and terminology. Finally, the key moments in this field, together with the various strands of research, will be outlined

    Constraints on Martian Differentiation Processes from Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isotopic Analyses of the Basaltic Shergottite QUE 94201

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    Isotopic analyses of mineral, leachate, and whole rock fractions from the Martian shergottite meteorite QUE 94201 yield Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd crystallization ages of 327 +/- 12 and 327 +/- 19 Ma, respectively. These ages are concordant, although the isochrons are defined by different fractions within the meteorite. Comparison of isotope dilution Sm and Nd data for the various QUE 94201 fractions with in situ ion microprobe data for QUE 94201 minerals from the literature demonstrate the presence of a leachable crustal component in the meteorite. This component is likely to have been added to QUE 94201 by secondary alteration processes on Mars, and can affect the isochrons by selectively altering the isotopic systematics of the leachates and some of the mineral fractions. The absence of crustal recycling processes on Mars may preserve the geochemical evidence for early differentiation and the decoupling of the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic systems, underscoring one of the fundamental differences between geologic processes on Mars and the Earth

    Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd dating of olivine-phyric shergottite Yamato 980459: Petrogenesis of depleted shergottites

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    Martian meteorite Yamato (Y) 980459 has undergone terrestrial weathering in Antarctica. The weathering has affected the Sm-Nd isotopic system. Acid-washed pyroxenes, whole rock and quenched glass samples define a Sm-Nd isochron age of 472±47 (±2σ) Ma and a high initial εNd value of +36.9±2.2 (±2σ). Both values are indisguishable from those reported for the other olivine-phyric depleted shergottite DaG 476. The Rb-Sr system of Y980459 shows even more terrestrial disturbance. The same acid-washed samples, which have a narrow Rb/Sr variation of only~10%, do not yield an Rb-Sr isochron. However, the weighted average of nine samples yields a good initial ^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr ratio value of 0.701384±0.000021 (±2σ) at 472Ma. This value is only slightly higher, by 1-2 ε-units, than that estimated from plagioclase data for DaG 476. Calculations for a two-stage model for Sr and Nd isotopic evolution indicate that Y980459 came from a depleted mantle reservoir with ^(147)Sm/^(144)Nd=~0.266 and ^(87)Rb/^(86)Sr=~0.04, similar to the DaG 476 source. A three-stage model calculation suggests that the REE abundances and Nd isotopic systematics of Y980459 could be produced by partial melting of high ^(147)Sm/^(144)Nd garnet-rich residues which were formed after the extraction of LREE-rich, nakhlite-like melts from a postulated garnet-clinopyroxene-olivine source having ^(147)Sm/^(144)Nd=~0.235

    Pre-bombardment crystallization ages of basaltic clasts from Antarctic howardites EET87503 and EET87513

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    Igneous clasts of basaltic eucrites are found in both howardites and polymict eucrites. We have studied the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic systematics of a number of such clasts, of metamorphic grades 1-6, using the classification of Takeda and Graham. Here, we report Rb-Sr, (147)Sm-(143)Nd, and (145)Sm-(142)Nd studies of clast, 53 from Antarctic howardite EET87503. Although there is no evidence of disturbance of trace element systematics by Antarctic weathering, the Rb-Sr and conventional Sm-Nd isotopic systematics are severely disturbed, which we ascribe to thermal metamorphism. The Ar-Ar age spectrum shows ages ranging from approximately 3.85-3.55 Ga in an unusual 'down stairstep'. The (146)Sm-(142)Nd systematics, however, show the presence of live (146)Sm(t(sub 1/2) = 103 Ma), with (146)Sm/(144)Sm = 0.0061 +/- 0.0007 at the time of crystallization. This result is very similar to that previously obtained for basaltic clast, 18 from howardite EET87513 (paired with EET87503), which has concordant Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd ages of approximately 4.5 Ga. Thus, the two clasts are nearly the same age, and we conclude further than the EET87503,53 clast crystallized within 33 +/- 19 Ma of the LEW86010 angrite by comparing initial (146)Sm/(144)Sm to that of the angrite. We suggest that disturbances in the isotopic systematics of EET87503,53 are consanguineous with pyroxene homogenization
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