123 research outputs found

    Disease-specific versus standard nutritional support for the treatment of pressure ulcers in institutionalised elderly : a randomized-controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether a disease-specific nutritional approach is more beneficial than a standard dietary approach to the healing of pressure ulcers (PUs) in institutionalized elderly patients. DESIGN: Twelve-week follow-up randomized controlled trial (RCT). SETTING: Four long-term care facilities in the province of Como, Italy. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-eight elderly subjects with Stage II, III, and IV PUs of recent onset (<1-month history). INTERVENTION: All 28 patients received 30 kcal/kg per day nutritional support; of these, 15 received standard nutrition (hospital diet or standard enteral formula; 16% calories from protein), whereas 13 were administered a disease-specific nutrition treatment consisting of the standard diet plus a 400-mL oral supplement or specific enteral formula enriched with protein (20% of the total calories), arginine, zinc, and vitamin C (P<.001 for all nutrients vs control). MEASUREMENTS: Ulcer healing was evaluated using the Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH; 0=complete healing, 17=greatest severity) tool and area measurement (mm2 and %). RESULTS: The sampled groups were well matched for age, sex, nutritional status, oral intake, type of feeding, and ulcer severity. After 12 weeks, both groups showed significant improvement (P<.001). The treatment produced a higher rate of healing, the PUSH score revealing a significant difference at Week 12 (-6.1\ub12.7 vs -3.3\ub12.4; P<.05) and the reduction in ulcer surface area significantly higher in the treated patients already by Week 8 (-1,140.9\ub1669.2 mm 2 vs -571.7\ub1391.3 mm2; P<.05 and 3c57% vs 3c33%; P<.02). CONCLUSION: The rate of PU healing appears to accelerate when a nutrition formula enriched with protein, arginine, zinc, and vitamin C is administered, making such a formula preferable to a standardized one, but the present data require further confirmation by high-quality RCTs conducted on a larger scale

    The ability of the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index to assess the nutritional status and predict the outcome of home-care resident elderly : a comparison with Mini Nutritional Assessment

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    The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) is recommended for grading nutritional status in the elderly. A new index for predicting the risk of nutrition-related complications, the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI), was recently proposed but little is known about its possible use in the assessment of nutritional status. Thus, we aimed to investigate its ability to assess the nutritional status and predict the outcome when compared with the MNA. Anthropometry and biochemical parameters were determined in 241 institutionalised elderly (ninety-four males and 147 females; aged 801 (sd 83) years). Nutritional risk and nutritional state were graded by the GNRI and MNA, respectively. At 6 months outcomes were: death; infections; bedsores. According to the GNRI and MNA, the prevalence of high risk (GNRI 98)/good status (MNA > 24) were 20.7/12.8%, 36.1/39% and 432/482%, respectively, with poor agreement in scoring the patient (Cohen's kappa test:\u3ba =0.29; 95% CI 0.19, 0.39). GNRI categories showed a stronger association (OR) with overall outcomes than MNA classes, although no difference (P>0.05) was found between malnutrition (v. good status, OR 6.4; 95% CI 2.1, 71.9) and high nutritional risk (v. no risk, OR 9.7; 95% CI 3.0, 130). Multivariate logistic regression revealed the GNRI as an independent predictor of complications. In overall-outcome prediction, a good sensitivity was found only for GNRI 98 with an MNA > 24 seemed to exclude adverse outcomes. The GNRI showed poor agreement with the MNA in nutritional assessment, but appeared to better predict outcome. In home-care resident elderly, outcome prediction should be performed by combining the suggestions from both these tools

    Improved nitrogen treatment by constructed wetlands receiving partially nitrified liquid swine manure,

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    Abstract Denitrification is more desirable than ammonia volatilization for nitrogen removal from constructed wetlands treating animal manure but is limited by the availability of nitrate/nitrite. The research objective was to determine if partial nitrification of swine wastewater prior to wetland application affects the nitrogen removal and ammonia volatilization from constructed wetlands. From September 2000 through November 2001, partially nitrified and unaltered swine wastewater from an anaerobic waste lagoon were applied to two parallel sets of constructed wetlands (3.6 )/67 m) in North Carolina, USA. Constructed wetlands were more efficient at removing total nitrogen from partially nitrified (64 and 78%) than from unaltered wastewater (32 and 68%). Both wetlands were effective in removing nitrate/nitrite from partially nitrified wastewater. However, the Schoenoplectus -dominated wetland was more effective than the Typha-Echinochloa dominated wetland in removing total (85 vs. 61%) and ammoniacal nitrogen (91 vs. 52%) from both types of wastewater. Only one of eight tests showed significant evidence of ammonia volatilization (2.1 mg nitrogen m (2 h (1 ) when the wastewater was partially nitrified. A correlation (r 2 0/33%) between ammonia-nitrogen volatilization and ammoniacal nitrogen concentration suggested that partial nitrification reduced ammonia volatilization because it lowered ammoniacal nitrogen of the wastewater.

    Klinische Bedeutung der Bestimmung der Bindung von Trijodthyronin an Serumproteine mittels Dextran-Gel-Filtration

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    Neben den bewährten älteren Verfahren zur Bestimmung des proteingebundenen127Jods und des Radiojodumsatzes hat sich die gleichzeitige Bestimmung des sog. freien und des proteingebundenen Anteils an in vitro mit Serum inkubiertem L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod mittels Dextran-Gel-Filtration klinisch zur Differentialdiagnose von Hyperthyreose und Euthyreose bewährt. Bei Ausnützung der Verdrängung von proteingebundenem L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod durch nichtmarkiertes Hormon und bei Variation der Dextran-Gel-Menge in der Säule bietet die Methode gute Differenzierungsmöglichkeiten auch für die Schilddrüsenfunktionszustände Euthyreose und Hypothyreose. Bei dem Verfahren wird der Patient nicht mit radioaktivem Jod belastet, ein für die Kinderklinik wichtiger Gesichtspunkt. Manche Störfaktoren, die den131Jodspeicherungstest und die Bestimmung des proteingebundenen Jods (PB127I) verfälschen, haben keinen Einfluß auf die mit der Dextran-Gel-Filtration untersuchten Proteinbindungsverhältnisse für L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod. So hat sich das Verfahren für die Untersuchung von Patienten mit operativ oder durch131Jodbehandlung verkleinerten Schilddrüsen, mit endokrinem Exophthalmus und in Fällen mit vorausgegangener Jodgabe, z. B. in Form von Kontrastmitteln, besonders bewährt. Mit der Bestimmung des sog. freien L-Trijodthyronin-131Jods wird ein physiologisch und pathogenetisch wichtiger Parameter der Schilddrüsenfunktion ermittelt. Die klinische Bedeutung der Bestimmung der Bindungs-und Transportverhältnisse für Trijodthyronin mittels Dextran-Gel-Filtration wird diskutiert.In addition to conventional methods of assay of protein bound iodine (PB127I) and of131iodine turnover in the thyroid, the simultaneous determination of socalled free and protein bound 1-triiodothyronine-131I, added in vitro to serum, using dextran gel filtration was found to be clinically helpful for diagnosis of euthyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Employing discharge effects of non-labelled triiodothyronine on protein bound 1-triiodothyronine-131I and varying the amount of dextran gel in the columns, the method provides reasonably good differentiation of euthyroid and hypothyroid states. No radioactive iodine is given to patients during this procedure, a fact of importance for pediatriciens. Some factors, that influence131iodine uptake or PB127I levels, do not disturb protein binding of 1-triiodothyronine-131I as determined by dextran gel filtration. The latter method was found to be especially useful for the examination of patients with surgically, or by therapy with131iodine dissected thyroid glands, with endocrine exophthalmos, and in cases of previous iodine administration (e.g. X-ray procedures). Determination of socalled free 1-triiodothyronine-131I provides information about a factor of physiological and pathogenetical significance, its clinical meaning is discussed

    Bestimmung der Bindung von Trijodthyronin an Serumproteine mittels Dextran-Gel-Filtration

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    1. Es wird eine Methode zur gleichzeitigen Bestimmung des sog. freien und des proteingebundenen Anteils von in vitro zugesetztem L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod im Serum mittels Dextran-Gel-Filtration angegeben. In der beschriebenen Form ist diese Technik für die routinemäßige Anwendung in der Klinik zur Bestimmung der Bindungs- und Transportverhältnisse von Trijodthyronin geeignet. 2. In sog. Verdrängungsversuchen wurde nichtmarkiertes Trijodthyronin dem Inkubationsgemisch von Serum und L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod zugesetzt. Die zugesetzten Trijodthyroninmengen erschöpfen die Gesamtbindungskapazität der Serumproteine in dem gewählten Konzentrationsbereich keineswegs. Im Gegensatz zum Verhalten der prozentualen Anteile des sog. freien und des proteingebundenen Trijodthyronins steigt die absolute Menge des proteingebundenen Trijodthyronins dabei steil an. Man findet eine Kurve, die nicht einer einfachen Sättigunskurve entspricht, sondern eine Resultante aus Sättigungskurven verschiedener Trijodthyronin-bindender Proteine und Verdrängungskurven kompetitiv gebundener Substanzen (z.B. Thyroxin) darstellt. 3. Dextran-Gel wirkt nicht als einfaches Molekülsieb für Trijodthyronin. Es greift vielmehr durch Adsorptionsvorgänge kompetitiv in die Serumproteinbindungsverhältnisse des Trijodthyronins ein. Die physiologische Bedeutung des sog. freien Anteils an Trijodthyronin wird diskutiert. 4. Die Methode zur Bestimmung des proteingebundenen Jods (PB127I) mittels alkalischer offener Veraschung (Barker) wurde technisch vereinfacht und bezüglich ihrer Reproduzierbarkeit untersucht. Die131Jodausbeute aus zugesetztem L-Thyroxin-131Jod lag bei diesem Verfahren bei ca. 80%

    The AGILE Mission

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    AGILE is an Italian Space Agency mission dedicated to observing the gamma-ray Universe. The AGILE's very innovative instrumentation for the first time combines a gamma-ray imager (sensitive in the energy range 30 MeV-50 GeV), a hard X-ray imager (sensitive in the range 18-60 keV), a calorimeter (sensitive in the range 350 keV-100 MeV), and an anticoincidence system. AGILE was successfully launched on 2007 April 23 from the Indian base of Sriharikota and was inserted in an equatorial orbit with very low particle background. Aims. AGILE provides crucial data for the study of active galactic nuclei, gamma-ray bursts, pulsars, unidentified gamma-ray sources, galactic compact objects, supernova remnants, TeV sources, and fundamental physics by microsecond timing. Methods. An optimal sky angular positioning (reaching 0.1 degrees in gamma- rays and 1-2 arcmin in hard X-rays) and very large fields of view (2.5 sr and 1 sr, respectively) are obtained by the use of Silicon detectors integrated in a very compact instrument. Results. AGILE surveyed the gamma- ray sky and detected many Galactic and extragalactic sources during the first months of observations. Particular emphasis is given to multifrequency observation programs of extragalactic and galactic objects. Conclusions. AGILE is a successful high-energy gamma-ray mission that reached its nominal scientific performance. The AGILE Cycle-1 pointing program started on 2007 December 1, and is open to the international community through a Guest Observer Program

    Die Erfindung der Ölschalter

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    Short dietary assessment improves muscle dysfunction identification by geriatric nutritional risk index in uncomplicated institutionalised patients over 70 years-old

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    Background & aims: To possibly investigate the validity of the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI) in predicting muscle dysfunction among the uncomplicated elderly when coupled and compared with short dietary assessment. Methods: A total of 130 (61 males and 69 females) stable-weight, over 70-years-old elderly patients were studied according to anthropometry, handgrip strength (HG) and simple dietary assessment, expressed as oral (percentage of food consumed to that delivered) and protein (g/kg/day) intakes. Results: For the overall population, HG and strength for centimetres of arm muscle area (HG/AMA) significantly correlated with age, GNRI and nutrients intake (p<0.001). In gender-separated analyses, these associations were less evident for males than females, which were older (p<0.0001) and presented lower strength and intakes (p<0.0001). Patients in the lowest tertile of oral intake (<68%) were more likely (p<0.0001) to have low HG and HG/AMA than those at severe/moderate nutritional risk (GNRI<92; p<0.01). In multivariate models, being an aged female significantly predicted muscle dysfunction. For the overall population, HG was significantly associated with GNRI (p<0.05) and oral intake (p<0.0001), while HG/AMA was independently associated with GNRI (p<0.001) and protein intake (p<0.0001). Conclusions: The validity of GNRI in predicting muscle dysfunction is confirmed also in the uncomplicated elderly. Though, oral intake appears an even better predictor. A frequent evaluation of its changes should be considered, particularly when concomitant high risk (GNRI<92) is scored

    The new Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index is a good predictor of muscle dysfunction in institutionalised older patients

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    Background & aims: The validity of Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI), in predicting nutrition-related risk of complications in the elderly, has been recently underscored. Malnutrition may results also in muscle function impairment. Thus, the present study aims to investigate if GNRI might be a reliable detector of muscle dysfunction in institutionalized older people. Methods: In total, 153 institutionalized elderly (71 males, 82 females; mean age\ub1SD: 75.2\ub18.4; range: 65-96) were studied in anthropometric parameters, serum albumin concentration and total score on GNRI. Muscle function was assessed by handgrip strength (HG). Results: Women were significantly older than men and presented lower values of HG and arm muscle area (AMA). In overall population, GNRI was significantly correlated with AMA, HG and strength for centimeter of muscle area (HG/AMA); however, in gender-separated analysis, men presented higher degrees of correlation. After dividing patients in four categories according to GNRI, a more significant difference was detected in HG and HG/AMA rather than the other clinical and anthropometric parameters. Moreover, ANOVA analysis between HG quartiles was highly significant for GNRI, AMA and HG/AMA. Conclusions: GNRI is a good predictor of muscle dysfunction, particularly in men, and useful in identifying patients suitable for nutritional support and physical activity