32,104 research outputs found

    Born digital? Pedagogy and computer-assisted learning

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    Purpose - The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of the shift to a knowledge society, where information and communication technology (ICT) and the widening spread of internationally distributed information are creating a "skill revolution", as O'Hara suggests, there is a widening culture mismatch between what members of the knowledge society need to succeed and what current systems of higher education are geared to offer and to adequately prepare people and communities to thrive in the global knowledge society. Design/methodology/approach - For universities, as the scope and complexity of the actual business environment grows, the changing landscape of business education needs to come to terms with a developing global environment that has impacted on business, demographics and culture which demands a change in managerial skills to lead sustainable enterprise. Findings - Students need to master higher-order cognitive, affective, and social skills not central to mature industrial societies, but vital in a knowledge based economy that include "thriving on chaos" (making rapid decisions based on incomplete information to resolve novel situations); the ability to collaborate with a diverse team - face-to-face or across distance - to accomplish a task; creating, sharing, and mastering knowledge through filtering a sea of quasi-accurate information. Originality/value - These skills, according to Galerneau and Zibit, are "the skills for the twenty-first century", as they are "the skills that are necessary to succeed in an ever changing global society where communications is ubiquitous and instantaneous, and where software tools allow for a range of creative and collaborative options that yield new patterns and results that we are only beginning to see". © Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    Low Frequency VLA Observations of Abell 754: Evidence for a Cluster Radio Halo and Possible Radio Relics

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    We present 74 MHz and 330 MHz VLA observations of Abell 754. Diffuse, halo-like emission is detected from the center of the cluster at both frequencies. At 330 MHz the resolution of 90'' distinguishes this extended emission from previously known point sources. In addition to the halo and at a much lower level, outlying steep-spectrum emission regions straddle the cluster center and are seen only at 74 MHz. The location, morphology and spectrum of this emission are all highly suggestive of at least one, and possibly two cluster radio relics. Easily obtained higher resolution, higher sensitivity VLA observations at both frequencies are required to confirm the extended nature of the halo-like emission and the 74 MHz relic detections. However, since there is prior evidence that this cluster is or has recently been in the process of a major merger event, the possible discovery of relics in this system is of great interest in light of recent observational and theoretical evidence in favor of a merger-relic connection. We discuss the possible role the merger shock waves, which are seen in the X-ray emission, may have played in the formation of the halo and radio relics in A754.Comment: 15 pages including 4 figures. Accepted for publication by Ap

    A note on the Cops & Robber game on graphs embedded in non-orientable surfaces

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    The Cops and Robber game is played on undirected finite graphs. A number of cops and one robber are positioned on vertices and take turns in sliding along edges. The cops win if they can catch the robber. The minimum number of cops needed to win on a graph is called its cop number. It is known that the cop number of a graph embedded on a surface XX of genus gg is at most 3g/2+33g/2 + 3, if XX is orientable (Schroeder 2004), and at most 2g+12g+1, otherwise (Nowakowski & Schroeder 1997). We improve the bounds for non-orientable surfaces by reduction to the orientable case using covering spaces. As corollaries, using Schroeder's results, we obtain the following: the maximum cop number of graphs embeddable in the projective plane is 3; the cop number of graphs embeddable in the Klein Bottle is at most 4, and an upper bound is 3g/2+3/23g/2 + 3/2 for all other gg.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    The role of proton precipitation in Jovian aurora: Theory and observation

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    It was proposed that the Jovian auroral emissions observed by Voyager spacecraft could be explained by energetic protons precipitating into the upper atmosphere of Jupiter. Such precipitation of energetic protons results in Doppler-shifted Lyman alpha emission that can be quantitatively analyzed to determine the energy flux and energy distribution of the incoming particle beam. Modeling of the expected emission from a reasonably chosen Voyager energetic proton spectrum can be used in conjunction with International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) observations, which show a relative lack of red-shifted Lyman alpha emission, to set upper limits on the amount of proton precipitation taking place in the Jovian aurora. Such calculations indicate that less than 10 percent of the ultraviolet auroral emissions at Jupiter can be explained by proton precipitation

    XMM-Newton Observation of the Northwest Radio Relic Region in Abell 3667

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    Abell 3667 is the archetype of a merging cluster with radio relics. The NW radio relic is the brightest cluster relic or halo known, and is believed to be due to a strong merger shock. We have observed the NW relic for 40 ksec of net XMM time. We observe a global decline of temperature across the relic from 6 to 1 keV, similar to the Suzaku results. Our new observations reveal a sharp change of both temperature and surface brightness near the position of the relic. The increased X-ray emission on the relic can be equivalently well described by either a thermal or nonthermal spectral model. The parameters of the thermal model are consistent with a Mach number M~2 shock and a shock speed of ~1200 km s^-1. The energy content of the relativistic particles in the radio relic can be explained if they are (re)-accelerated by the shock with an efficiency of ~0.2%. Comparing the limit on the inverse Compton X-ray emission with the measured radio synchrotron emission, we set a lower limit to the magnetic field in the relic of 3 muG. If the emission from the relic is non-thermal, this lower limit is in fact the required magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages, ApJ in pres

    Active galactic nucleus feedback in clusters of galaxies

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    Observations made during the last ten years with the Chandra X-ray Observatory have shed much light on the cooling gas in the centers of clusters of galaxies and the role of active galactic nucleus (AGN) heating. Cooling of the hot intracluster medium in cluster centers can feed the supermassive black holes found in the nuclei of the dominant cluster galaxies leading to AGN outbursts which can reheat the gas, suppressing cooling and large amounts of star formation. AGN heating can come in the form of shocks, buoyantly rising bubbles that have been inflated by radio lobes, and the dissipation of sound waves.Comment: Refereed review article published in Chandra's First Decade of Discovery Special Feature edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science