56 research outputs found

    Complex 99mTc-PDA-DTPA for myocardial imaging

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    The 123I-labeled fatty acids such as 123I-Iodophenylpentadecanoic acid and 123I-Beta-methyliodophenylpentadecanoic acid are the agents used clinically for myocardial imaging. Fatty acids are the major source of energy for the normal myocardium. However, under ischemic conditions the myocardial cells switch to glucose metabolism for their energy needs. Fatty acids undergo prolonged metabolic stunning in patients with reversible ischemia, thereby helping in early diagnosis of coronary artery disease in highrisk patients. High cost andlimited availability of cyclotron-produced 123I, makes 99mTc-labeled fatty acids more desirable for the purpose. In diagnosis the dominant radionuclide is 99mTc. It is estimated that it is involved in about 85% of all imaging procedures in nuclear medicine. The method for preparation of new 99mTc-fatty chemical systems based on modified diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) molecule has been elaborated in this work . The main advantage using DTPA as chelate agent for radioactive label, is the molecule or it's derivative ability to form sufficiently stable complexes with different radioactive metals including technetium-99. Moiety of pentadecanoic acid addition gave the ability to prepare modified complex of DTPA. In a labeling procedure, freshly eluted Na99mTcO4 (20mCi) was added to a mixture of cysteine, stannous chloride, PDK-DTPA and ethanol in a vial. On keeping the reaction mixture at 90 0C for 30 min, [99mTc-PDK-DTPA] radiopharmaceutical was formed. Thereafter, the reaction mixture was cooled over ice and characterized by HPLC. The result of dynamic scintigraphic research showed, that after being injected, the substance is actively acumulated into myocardium. Eventually one can say that modified DTPA-moleculs are functionally suitable for myocardial imaging

    Профилактика экстремизма и терроризма среди молодежи Кировской области как важное направление образовательной деятельности Вятского государственного агротехнологического университета

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    Introduction. The group of young citizens is the most vulnerable to negative influences of radical movements and organizations associated with developing and spreading extremism and terrorism.Purpose setting. In this regard, required organization of preventive work to resist extremist manifestations and the threat of terrorism among the youth of the Kirov region.Methodology and methods of the study. To achieve the task at the first stage, the authors have studied the psychological and pedagogical, sociological literature on this problem. At the second stage, the program of multifaceted events among student youth of the city of Kirov and the Kirov region has been created to prevent the emergence of extremist manifestations.Results. In 2021, the university held more than 300 educational and cultural events aimed at developing youth»s rejection of the terrorism ideology and instilling in them traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. For this purpose more than 400 experts – representatives of religious and public organizations, figures of culture and art have been invited.Conclusions. The basic principles of organizing the preventive work by the university, the thoughtfulness of all the educational activities, interaction of the university management with various organizations of the Kirov region made it possible to create the favorable conditions for resisting extremism and terrorism among the youth.Введение. Молодые люди – наиболее уязвимая категория для негативных влияний со стороны радикальных движений и организаций, связанных с развитием и распространением экстремизма и терроризма.Постановка задачи. В связи с этим необходима организация профилактической работы по противодействию экстремистским проявлениям и угрозе терроризма среди молодежи Кировской области.Методика и методология исследования. Для достижения поставленной задачи на первом этапе авторы изучили психолого-педагогическую, социологическую литературу по этой проблеме. На втором этапе была создана программа многоплановых мероприятий, направленных на профилактическую работу по предупреждению возникновения экстремистских проявлений среди студенческой молодежи города Кирова и Кировской области.Результаты. За 2021 г. университетом проведено более 300 воспитательных и культурно-просветительских мероприятий по развитию у молодежи неприятия идеологии терроризма и привитию им традиционных российских духовно-нравственных ценностей с привлечением более 400 экспертов – представителей религиозных и общественных организаций, деятелей культуры и искусства.Выводы. Базовые принципы организации профилактической работы университета: продуманность всей образовательной деятельности, взаимодействие руководства вуза с различными организациями Кировской области, позволили создать благоприятные условия для противодействия экстремизму и терроризму в молодежной среде

    Знания о людях с ограниченными возможностями здоровья как важный фактор воспитания толерантности (на примере обучающихся из вузов г. Киров)

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    Introduction. The humane structure of society involves the equality of all people, notwithstanding the characteristics of their individual development, and the tolerant attitude to them. Purpose setting. The purpose of the research is to identify the level of knowledge about people with special health opportunities among senior students of different nationalities who study in higher educational institutions in the city of Kirov and to work out on this basis recommendations for educating young people to be tolerant towards people with disabilities. Methodology of the study. To achieve the research goal at the fi stage, the authors have studied psychological, pedagogical and sociological literature on this problem. At the second stage, the authors have conducted the study through anonymous questionnaire survey of senior students of Vyatka State Agrotechological University and Kirov State Medical University in order to study their views about people with disabilities. Results. Based on the analysis and statistical processing of data, the knowledge and ideas about people of this category, their problems, individual features, the role of the media and the state in the coverage of these problems, the legislative protection of the rights of disabled people have been revealed. Conclusion. As a result of the study, the authors have noted the differences and similarities in the knowledge of students of different universities in Kirov about people with disabilities, and have highlighted the importance of creating new conditions in universities for forming the tolerant attitude towards people with different physical and mental abilities; specifi pedagogical and educational measures have been proposed.Введение. Гуманное устройство общества предполагает равенство всех людей независимо от особенностей их индивидуального развития и толерантное к ним отношение. Постановка задачи. Цели исследований – выявить уровень знаний о людях с особыми возможностями здоровья у обучающихся разных национальностей старших курсов вузов г. Кирова и создать на этой основе рекомендации по воспитанию у студенческой молодежи толерантного отношения к лицам с ОВЗ. Методика и методология исследования. Для достижения целей исследования на первом этапе изучена психолого-педагогическая и социологическая литература по обозначенной проблеме. На втором этапе проведено исследование посредством анонимного анкетирования обучающихся старших курсов Вятского ГАТУ и Кировского ГМУ для изучения их представления о людях с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Результаты. На основе анализа и статистической обработки данных выявлены знания и представления о людях этой категории, их проблемах, индивидуальных чертах, роли СМИ и государства в освещении этих проблем, законодательной защите прав инвалидов. Выводы. В результате исследований выделены различия и сходство в знаниях молодежи разных вузов г. Кирова о лицах с ОВЗ; определена важность создания в вузах новых условий для формирования толерантного отношения к людям с разными физическими и психическими возможностями; предложены конкретные воспитательно-образовательные мероприятия

    Strong-coupling approach for strongly correlated electron systems

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    A perturbation theory scheme in terms of electron hopping, which is based on the Wick theorem for Hubbard operators, is developed. Diagrammatic series contain single-site vertices connected by hopping lines and it is shown that for each vertex the problem splits into the subspaces with ``vacuum states'' determined by the diagonal Hubbard operators and only excitations around these vacuum states are allowed. The rules to construct diagrams are proposed. In the limit of infinite spatial dimensions the total auxiliary single-site problem exactly splits into subspaces that allows to build an analytical thermodynamically consistent approach for a Hubbard model. Some analytical results are given for the simple approximations when the two-pole (alloy-analogy solution) and four-pole (Hartree-Fock approximation) structure for Green's function is obtained. Two poles describe contribution from the Fermi-liquid component, which is dominant for small electron and hole concentrations (``overdoped case'' of high-TcT_c's), whereas other two describe contribution from the non-Fermi liquid and are dominant close to half-filling (``underdoped case'').Comment: 14 pages, revtex, feynmf, 5 EPS figures, two-column PRB style, published in PR

    Способ деструкции источников патологического возбуждения в сердце оригинальным монополярным электродом

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    Дана робота присвячена дослідженню деструкції тканин міокарда оригінальним монополярним кулькоподібним електродом за допомогою високочастотного електрохірургічного генератора Erbe VIO-100 S (Німеччина) в режимі коагуляції. Визначено безпечні та ефективні розміри деструкції, характер гістологічних та температурних змін в ділянці взаємодії тканини з джерелом електричного впливу в залежності від потужності струму та тривалості аплікації для блокування поширення потенціалів з джерел патологічного збудження в серці. Розроблено рекомендації з вибору оптимальних параметрів для застосування генератора Erbe та оригінального монополярного електроду адаптовано до радіочастотної абляції тканин міокарда на відкритому серці при лікуванні аритмій з метою скорочення загальної тривалості операції зі штучним кровообігом.Purpose. This work is devoted to the study of destruction of the pathological excitation sources in the heart by the original monopolar electrode and the high-frequency electrosurgical generator Erbe VIO-100 S (Germany) in the coagulation mode in order to optimize technology of their using in surgical practice for Maze surgery. Methodology. Experimental study of the effect of electric current on the myocardium were performed in the laboratory on the endocardial part of four remote pig hearts in the cold hibernation state. Temperature evaluation of myocardial contact with the electrode was carried out using mathematical modeling of temperature fields of radio frequency current interaction with the tissue in the program Comsol Multiphysics. Results. Safe and effective destruction size, nature of histological and temperature changes in the interaction region of myocardial tissue with a source of electrical current depending on the duration and power application to stop the spread of pathological excitation sources in the heart were defined. Originality. The recommendations on the choice of the optimal parameters for the application of the generator Erbe and the original monopolar electrode were developed and adapted to radiofrequency ablation of myocardial tissue in the open heart for the arrhythmias treatment in order to reduce the total duration of surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Practical value. The results have been introduced in surgical practice of the State Institution «M.M. Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery Ukraine NAMS of Ukraine». The work has great practical importance, because the expanding of the functional range of generator Erbe VIO-100 S (Germany) applications and reducing of the cost of radio frequency ablation procedure in comparison with the use of specialized disposable bipolar electrodes.Данная работа посвящена исследованию деструкции тканей миокарда оригинальным монополярным шарообразным электродом с помощью высокочастотного электрохирургического генератора Erbe VIO-100 S (Германия) в режиме коагуляции. Определены безопасные и эффективные размеры деструкции, характер гистологических и температурных изменений в области взаимодействия ткани с источником электрического воздействия в зависимости от мощности тока и продолжительности аппликации для блокирования распространения потенциалов от источников патологического возбуждения в сердце. Разработаны рекомендации по выбору оптимальных параметров для применения генератора Erbe и оригинального монополярного электрода адаптировано к радиочастотной абляции тканей миокарда на открытом сердце при лечении аритмий с целью сокращения общей продолжительности операции с искусственным кровообращением

    The development of the model of a small-sized extractor with self-control interface level to divide a pair 99Мо/99mТс

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    The authors have proposed a construction of a model of a small-sized extractor with self-control interface level to separate 99mТс from molybdenum; the calculations for model have been carried out. The extractor construction makes it possible to carry out multiple cyclic extractions in a small enclosed volume. In a pilot model 99mТс yield into organic phase is more than 80 % at triple tandem cycle when the volume ratio of organic and water phases exceeds 1. Extractor small size predetermines the development of mobile extraction units and their application in medical centers

    Preparation of a new nanocolloid radiopharmaceutical based on aluminum oxide

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    The authors have studied the regularities of 99mТс (VII) adsorption on activated gamma-oxide Al2O3. The paper demonstrates that oxide radionuclide sorption capacity depends on its acid treatment. The reduction process of 99mТс (VII) to 99mТс (IV) with bivalent tin Sn (II) was studied to determine its required and sufficient amount which could maintain full 99mТс "reducibliness" in the reaction mixture. The adsorption of 99mТс reduced on nanosized powder of aluminum gamma-oxide was investigated; and the technique for preparing 99mТс (IV)-Al2O3 nanocolloids was developed. The authors carried out the preliminary biomedical tests of 99mТс (IV)-Al2O3 compounds in animals to determine functional ability to radionuclide imaging of lymph glands

    Methylamine-Sensitive Amperometric Biosensor Based on (His)6-Tagged Hansenula polymorpha Methylamine Oxidase Immobilized on the Gold Nanoparticles

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    A novel methylamine-selective amperometric bienzyme biosensor based on recombinant primary amine oxidase isolated from the recombinant yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae and commercial horseradish peroxidase is described. Two amine oxidase preparations were used: free enzyme (AMO) and covalently immobilized on the surface of gold nanoparticles (AMO-nAu). Some bioanalytical parameters (sensitivity, selectivity, and storage stability) of the developed biosensors were investigated. The sensitivity for both sensors is high: 1450 ± 113 and 700 ± 30 A−1·M−1·m−2 for AMO-nAu biosensor, respectively. The biosensors exhibit the linear range from 15 μM to 150 μM (AMO-nAu) and from 15 μM to 60 μM (AMO). The developed biosensor demonstrated a good selectivity toward methylamine (MA) (signal for dimethylamine and trimethylamine is less than 5% and for ethylamine 15% compared to MA output) and reveals a satisfactory storage stability. The constructed amperometric biosensor was used for MA assay in real samples of fish products in comparison with chemical method. The values obtained with both approaches different methods demonstrated a high correlation