65 research outputs found

    Expression and selective up-regulation of toxin-related mono ADP-ribosyltransferases by pathogen-associated molecular patterns in alveolar epithelial cells.

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    Mono ADP-ribosyltransferases (ARTs) are a family of enzymes related to bacterial toxins that possess adenosine diphosphate ribosyltransferase activity. We have assessed that A549 constitutively expressed ART1 on the cell surface and shown that lipotheicoic acid (LTA) and flagellin, but not lipopolysaccharide (LPS), peptidoglycan (PG) and poly (I:C), up-regulate ART1 in a time and dose dependent manner. These agonists did not alter the expression of ART3 and ART5 genes. Indeed, LTA and flagellin stimulation increased the level of ART1 protein and transcript while ART4 gene was activated after stimulation of cells with LPS, LTA, PAM and PG via TLR2 and TLR4 receptors. These results show that human ARTs possess a differential capacity to respond to bacteria cell wall components and might play a crucial role in innate immune response in airway

    Skeletal muscle overexpression of sAnk1.5 in transgenic mice does not predispose to type 2 diabetes

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and cis-expression quantitative trait locus (cis-eQTL) analyses indicated an association of the rs508419 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with type 2 diabetes (T2D). rs508419 is localized in the muscle-specific internal promoter (P2) of the ANK1 gene, which drives the expression of the sAnk1.5 isoform. Functional studies showed that the rs508419 C/C variant results in increased transcriptional activity of the P2 promoter, leading to higher levels of sAnk1.5 mRNA and protein in skeletal muscle biopsies of individuals carrying the C/C genotype. To investigate whether sAnk1.5 overexpression in skeletal muscle might predispose to T2D development, we generated transgenic mice (TgsAnk1.5/+) in which the sAnk1.5 coding sequence was selectively overexpressed in skeletal muscle tissue. TgsAnk1.5/+ mice expressed up to 50% as much sAnk1.5 protein as wild-type (WT) muscles, mirroring the difference reported between individuals with the C/C or T/T genotype at rs508419. However, fasting glucose levels, glucose tolerance, insulin levels and insulin response in TgsAnk1.5/+ mice did not differ from those of age-matched WT mice monitored over a 12-month period. Even when fed a high-fat diet, TgsAnk1.5/+ mice only presented increased caloric intake, but glucose disposal, insulin tolerance and weight gain were comparable to those of WT mice fed a similar diet. Altogether, these data indicate that sAnk1.5 overexpression in skeletal muscle does not predispose mice to T2D susceptibility

    Coligation of the hepatitis C virus receptor CD81 with CD28 primes naive T lymphocytes to acquire type 2 effector function

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    Costimuli provide supplementary signals required by naive T cells to become fully activated upon Ag encounter. Tetraspanins are a large family of transmembrane proteins that can costimulate T cells when engaged in vitro. In this study, we describe for the first time that coligation of the tetraspanins CD81, CD82, or CD9 with the costimulatory molecule CD28 in vitro leads to proliferation of naive T cells. When activated through this pathway, both CD4+ and CD8+ naive T cells differentiate into type 2 effector cells, which produce IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, and IL-10, together with IL-2 and TNF-alpha, but little to no IFN-gamma. These effector cells descend from precursors that display early and strong production of IL-4, STAT6 phosphorylation, and up-regulation of the transcription factor GATA-3, suggesting a direct skewing toward Th2 differentiation without a Th0 intermediate. The hepatitis C virus envelope protein E2 is the only ligand known for CD81. Therefore, we propose that this new type of Ag-independent T cell activation may occur in hepatitis C virus-infected individuals, contributing to liver inflammation, impaired type 1 immune responses, and recurrent flares of type 2 immunity associated with chronic infection

    Helicobacter pylori Induces Activation of Human Peripheral γδ+ T Lymphocytes

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    Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes gastric and duodenal diseases in humans. Despite a robust antibody and cellular immune response, H. pylori infection persists chronically. To understand if and how H. pylori could modulate T cell activation, in the present study we investigated in vitro the interaction between H. pylori and human T lymphocytes freshly isolated from peripheral blood of H. pylori-negative donors. A direct interaction of live, but not killed bacteria with purified CD3+ T lymphocytes was observed by microscopy and confirmed by flow cytometry. Live H. pylori activated CD3+ T lymphocytes and predominantly γδ+ T cells bearing the TCR chain Vδ2. Upon interaction with H. pylori, these cells up-regulated the activation molecule CD69 and produced cytokines (such as TNFα, IFNγ) and chemokines (such as MIP-1β, RANTES) in a non-antigen-specific manner. This activation required viable H. pylori and was not exhibited by other Gram-negative bacteria. The cytotoxin-associated antigen-A (CagA), was at least partially responsible of this activation. Our results suggest that H. pylori can directly interact with T cells and modulate the response of γδ+ T cells, thereby favouring an inflammatory environment which can contribute to the chronic persistence of the bacteria and eventually to the gastric pathology

    Queer In AI: A Case Study in Community-Led Participatory AI

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    Queerness and queer people face an uncertain future in the face of ever more widely deployed and invasive artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies have caused numerous harms to queer people, including privacy violations, censoring and downranking queer content, exposing queer people and spaces to harassment by making them hypervisible, deadnaming and outing queer people. More broadly, they have violated core tenets of queerness by classifying and controlling queer identities. In response to this, the queer community in AI has organized Queer in AI, a global, decentralized, volunteer-run grassroots organization that employs intersectional and community-led participatory design to build an inclusive and equitable AI future. In this paper, we present Queer in AI as a case study for community-led participatory design in AI. We examine how participatory design and intersectional tenets started and shaped this community’s programs over the years. We discuss different challenges that emerged in the process, look at ways this organization has fallen short of operationalizing participatory and intersectional principles, and then assess the organization’s impact. Queer in AI provides important lessons and insights for practitioners and theorists of participatory methods broadly through its rejection of hierarchy in favor of decentralization, success at building aid and programs by and for the queer community, and effort to change actors and institutions outside of the queer community. Finally, we theorize how communities like Queer in AI contribute to the participatory design in AI more broadly by fostering cultures of participation in AI, welcoming and empowering marginalized participants, critiquing poor or exploitative participatory practices, and bringing participation to institutions outside of individual research projects. Queer in AI’s work serves as a case study of grassroots activism and participatory methods within AI, demonstrating the potential of community-led participatory methods and intersectional praxis, while also providing challenges, case studies, and nuanced insights to researchers developing and using participatory methods

    Hepatitis C Virus Protects Human B Lymphocytes from Fas-Mediated Apoptosis via E2-CD81 Engagement

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    HCV infection is often associated with B-cell regulatory control disturbance and delayed appearance of neutralizing antibodies. CD81 is a cellular receptor for HCV and can bind to HCV envelope protein 2 (E2). CD81 also participates to form a B cell costimulatory complex. To investigate whether HCV influences B cell activation and immune function through E2 -CD81 engagement, here, human Burkitt's lymphoma cell line Raji cells and primary human B lymphocytes (PHB) were treated with HCV E2 protein and cell culture produced HCV particles (HCVcc), and then the related cell phenotypes were assayed. The results showed that both E2 and HCVcc triggered phosphorylation of IκBα, enhanced the expression of anti-apoptosis Bcl-2 family proteins, and protected Raji cells and PHB cells from Fas-mediated death. In addition, both E2 protein and HCVcc increased the expression of costimulatory molecules CD80, CD86 and CD81 itself, and decreased the expression of complement receptor CD21. The effects were dependent on E2-CD81 interaction on the cell surface, since CD81-silenced Raji cells did not respond to both treatments; and an E2 mutant that lose the CD81 binding activity, could not trigger the responses of both Raji cells and PHB cells. The effects were not associated with HCV replication in cells, for HCV pseudoparticle (HCVpp) and HCVcc failed to infect Raji cells. Hence, E2-CD81 engagement may contribute to HCV-associated B cell lymphoproliferative disorders and insufficient neutralizing antibody production

    Developmental Programming Mediated by Complementary Roles of Imprinted Grb10 in Mother and Pup

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    Developmental programming links growth in early life with health status in adulthood. Although environmental factors such as maternal diet can influence the growth and adult health status of offspring, the genetic influences on this process are poorly understood. Using the mouse as a model, we identify the imprinted gene Grb10 as a mediator of nutrient supply and demand in the postnatal period. The combined actions of Grb10 expressed in the mother, controlling supply, and Grb10 expressed in the offspring, controlling demand, jointly regulate offspring growth. Furthermore, Grb10 determines the proportions of lean and fat tissue during development, thereby influencing energy homeostasis in the adult. Most strikingly, we show that the development of normal lean/fat proportions depends on the combined effects of Grb10 expressed in the mother, which has the greater effect on offspring adiposity, and Grb10 expressed in the offspring, which influences lean mass. These distinct functions of Grb10 in mother and pup act complementarily, which is consistent with a coadaptation model of imprinting evolution, a model predicted but for which there is limited experimental evidence. In addition, our findings identify Grb10 as a key genetic component of developmental programming, and highlight the need for a better understanding of mother-offspring interactions at the genetic level in predicting adult disease risk

    FRA2 is a STAT5 target gene regulated by IL-2 in human CD4 T cells

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    Signal transducers and activators of transcription 5(STAT5) are cytokine induced signaling proteins, which regulate key immunological processes, such as tolerance induction, maintenance of homeostasis, and CD4 T-effector cell differentiation. In this study, transcriptional targets of STAT5 in CD4 T cells were studied by Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP). Genomic mapping of the sites cloned and identified in this study revealed the striking observation that the majority of STAT5-binding sites mapped to intergenic (>50 kb upstream) or intronic, rather than promoter proximal regions. Of the 105 STAT5 responsive binding sites identified, 94% contained the canonical (IFN-γ activation site) GAS motifs. A number of putative target genes identified here are associated with tumor biology. Here, we identified Fos-related antigen 2 (FRA2) as a transcriptional target of IL-2 regulated STAT5. FRA2 is a basic -leucine zipper (bZIP) motif 'Fos' family transcription factor that is part of the AP-1 transcription factor complex and is also known to play a critical role in the progression of human tumours and more recently as a determinant of T cell plasticity. The binding site mapped to an internal intron within the FRA2 gene. The epigenetic architecture of FRA2, characterizes a transcriptionally active promoter as indicated by enrichment for histone methylation marks H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, and transcription/elongation associated marks H2BK5me1 and H4K20me1. FRA2 is regulated by IL-2 in activated CD4 T cells. Consistently, STAT5 bound to GAS sequence in the internal intron of FRA2 and reporter gene assays confirmed IL-2 induced STAT5 binding and transcriptional activation. Furthermore, addition of JAK3 inhibitor (R333) or Daclizumab inhibited the induction in TCR stimulated cells. Taken together, our data suggest that FRA2 is a novel STAT5 target gene, regulated by IL-2 in activated CD4 T cells