1,113 research outputs found

    Optical effect of the contamination of infrared windows by the outgassing of materials in outer space

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    The products and kinetics of outgassing from S13G paint were studied by using infrared absorption measurements of the material outgassed (using an evaporation cell and vacuum chamber). Two separate long-term experimental depositions from heated samples of the S13G paint were made. Before each experiment, the vacuum chamber and sample holder were carefully cleaned and outgassed to ensure that subsequent deposits on the colled-window were due only to the products evaporated from the sample. Results of experiments are listed and discussed

    Optical effect of the contamination of infrared windows by the outgassing of materials in outer space

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    The composition and evaporation rate of the outgassing of a space vehicle thermal control paint as a function of temperature were studied. A contamination chamber was designed, constructed, and tested. Samples of thermal control paint were tested to determine if heating to moderate temperatures causes them to release outgassing products which can be collected on a cooled cesium iodide window for identification by IR analysis. Results showed that outgassing of surfaces other than the sample was a problem. Spectral bands of the deposits collected were compared

    Walls, Borders, Boundaries

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    Walls are built and then fall, borders are fortified and then shift, boundaries are demarcated and then transgressed. And then they are constructed all over again. As (post)moderns living in an age of globalization, we weary of our seemingly old-fashioned political and market-oriented boundaries: walls and fences are a nuisance to build and maintain, they invite vandalism and intrusion (rather than guarantee privacy or protection), and public surveys often reveal disapproval of national boundaries for moral, aesthetic, and economic reasons. Indeed, recently erected walls and borders intended to sever communities or fortify political and economic boundaries between neighboring countries rarely solve the underlying political problems; more often they result in increased criminal activity, violence, and alienation

    Agency Autonomy and the Unitary Executive

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    As moderator of this distinguished panel, I shall try to set the scene. I shall argue that we must separate two important issues: the first, separation of powers, raises issues of constitutional law; and the second, Presidential control of agency decision making, raises issues of fair and effective government. In discussing each, I shall raise a few points designed to lead you to conclude that the two sets of issues do not have much to do with each other, that the second set of issues is far more important than the first, and that at the heart of the second set lies the question of governmental coordination of both substantive policy and relevant law. Whether I succeed or not, we shall then go on to hear from Judge Silberman, a judicial expert on separation of powers, from Professor Elliot, who, as General Counsel of EPA, can examine the coordination problem from an agency\u27s point of view, and Mr. Eastland, a former high Justice Department official, familiar with its perspectives, problems and needs

    Purification, growth, and characterization of Zn(x)Cd(1-x)Se crystals

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    The purification of starting materials which were used in the growth of Zn(x)Cd(1-x)Se (x = 0.2) single crystals using the traveling solution method (TSM) is reported. Up to 13 cm long single crystals and as grown resistivities of 6 x 10(exp 12) ohm/cm could be achieved. Infrared and Raman spectra of Zn(0.2)Cd(0.8)Se are also presented and discussed

    iPose: Instance-Aware 6D Pose Estimation of Partly Occluded Objects

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    We address the task of 6D pose estimation of known rigid objects from single input images in scenarios where the objects are partly occluded. Recent RGB-D-based methods are robust to moderate degrees of occlusion. For RGB inputs, no previous method works well for partly occluded objects. Our main contribution is to present the first deep learning-based system that estimates accurate poses for partly occluded objects from RGB-D and RGB input. We achieve this with a new instance-aware pipeline that decomposes 6D object pose estimation into a sequence of simpler steps, where each step removes specific aspects of the problem. The first step localizes all known objects in the image using an instance segmentation network, and hence eliminates surrounding clutter and occluders. The second step densely maps pixels to 3D object surface positions, so called object coordinates, using an encoder-decoder network, and hence eliminates object appearance. The third, and final, step predicts the 6D pose using geometric optimization. We demonstrate that we significantly outperform the state-of-the-art for pose estimation of partly occluded objects for both RGB and RGB-D input

    Using Extreme Pedagogy toEnhance Entrepreneurship Education

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    We address the ongoing concern that entrepreneurship education (EE) is not preparing students sufficiently well for jobs in the 21st-century. We argue that many criticisms leveled against EE for not effectively addressing the entrepreneurial skills gap are due in part to EE’s emphasis on the roles of specific stakeholder groups separately (i.e., universities and their leaders, instructors, students, potential employers) rather than a shared focus on developing valuable graduates. Stated differently, there are competing and conflicting “ownerships” over the entrepreneurial skills gap. We enhance current pedagogical methods by offering a learning innovation called extreme pedagogy. Extreme pedagogy takes place when all stakeholders have a collective intention and ownership in producing graduates with relevant entrepreneurial skills. We describe extreme pedagogy’s conceptual foundation based on psychological ownership theory, the effective of use of extreme ownership in military contexts, and the role of universities and their leaders, instructors, students, and potential employers in the implementation of extreme pedagogy. We then summarize themes from a workshop involving entrepreneurial leaders across industries on EE challenges and the role of extreme pedagogy in addressing them. We close by describing anticipated benefits of extreme pedagogy for all EE stakeholders