459 research outputs found

    Destruction of chain-superconductivity in YBa_2Cu_4O_8 in a weak magnetic field

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    We report measurements of the temperature dependent components of the magnetic penetration depth {\lambda}(T) in single crystal samples of YBa_2Cu_4O_8 using a radio frequency tunnel diode oscillator technique. We observe a downturn in {\lambda}(T) at low temperatures for currents flowing along the b and c axes but not along the a axis. The downturn in {\lambda}_b is suppressed by a small dc field of ~0.25 T. This and the zero field anisotropy of {\lambda}(T) likely result from proximity induced superconducting on the CuO chains, however we also discuss the possibility that a significant part of the anisotropy might originate from the CuO2 planes.Comment: 5 page

    Acerca da morte e do mito do vampiro em Anne Rice: um estudo sobre o narcisismo contemporâneo

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar um estudo sobre os traços narcisistas da sociedade relacionando-os às atitudes contemporâneas perante a morte. Para tanto, nos remetemos ao mito contemporâneo do vampiro, cuja figura nos permite observar e refletir acerca da relação do homem com sua mortalidade. Encontraremos a imagem vampiresca, com a qual ilustrar a concepção contemporânea do mito do vampiro, principalmente nas duas primeiras obras da escritora norte-americana Anne O'Brien Rice, pertencentes à série As Crônicas Vampirescas. São elas: Entrevista com o Vampiro e O Vampiro Lestat. Assim, nossa proposta é compreender o medo do homem contemporâneo de sua mortalidade como uma característica típica de uma sociedade sensivelmente narcisista, que exprime através da figura do vampiro, sua intensa individualidade e desmedido amor pelo eu

    Line nodes in the energy gap of high-temperature superconducting BaFe_2(As_{1-x}P_x)_2 from penetration depth and thermal conductivity measurements

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    We report magnetic penetration depth and thermal conductivity data for high-quality single crystals of BaFe2_2(As1x_{1-x}Px_{x})2_2 (Tc=30T_c=30\,K) which provide strong evidence that this material has line nodes in its energy gap. This is distinctly different from the nodeless gap found for (Ba,K)Fe2_2As2_2 which has similar TcT_c and phase diagram. Our results indicate that repulsive electronic interactions play an essential role for Fe-based high-TcT_c superconductivity but that uniquely there are distinctly different pairing states, with and without nodes, which have comparable TcT_c.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revised version to be published in Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communicatio

    Nuclear Recoil Scintillation Linearity of a High Pressure 4^4He Gas Detector

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    We investigate scintillation linearity of a commercial high pressure 4^4He gas detector using monoenergetic 2.8 MeV neutrons from a deuterium-deuterium fusion neutron generator. The scintillation response of the detector was measured for a range of recoil energies between 83 keV and 626 keV by tagging neutrons scattering into fixed angles with a far-side organic scintillator detector. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations were compared to experimental data to determine the linearity of the detector response by comparing the scaling of the energy deposits in the simulations to the detector output. In this analysis, a linear scintillation response corresponds to a consistent value for the scaling factor between simulated energy deposits and experimental data for several different scattering angles. We demonstrate that the detector can be used to detect fast neutron interactions down to 83 keV recoil energies and can be used to characterize low-energy neutron sources, one of its potential applications

    Climate Changes and Their Elevational Patterns in the Mountains of the World

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    Quantifying rates of climate change in mountain regions is of considerable interest, not least because mountains are viewed as climate “hotspots” where change can anticipate or amplify what is occurring elsewhere. Accelerating mountain climate change has extensive environmental impacts, including depletion of snow/ice reserves, critical for the world's water supply. Whilst the concept of elevation-dependent warming (EDW), whereby warming rates are stratified by elevation, is widely accepted, no consistent EDW profile at the global scale has been identified. Past assessments have also neglected elevation-dependent changes in precipitation. In this comprehensive analysis, both in situ station temperature and precipitation data from mountain regions, and global gridded data sets (observations, reanalyses, and model hindcasts) are employed to examine the elevation dependency of temperature and precipitation changes since 1900. In situ observations in paired studies (using adjacent stations) show a tendency toward enhanced warming at higher elevations. However, when all mountain/lowland studies are pooled into two groups, no systematic difference in high versus low elevation group warming rates is found. Precipitation changes based on station data are inconsistent with no systematic contrast between mountain and lowland precipitation trends. Gridded data sets (CRU, GISTEMP, GPCC, ERA5, and CMIP5) show increased warming rates at higher elevations in some regions, but on a global scale there is no universal amplification of warming in mountains. Increases in mountain precipitation are weaker than for low elevations worldwide, meaning reduced elevation-dependency of precipitation, especially in midlatitudes. Agreement on elevation-dependent changes between gridded data sets is weak for temperature but stronger for precipitation

    Single crystal of superconducting SmFeAsO1-xFy grown at high pressure

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    Single crystals of SmFeAsO1-xFy of a size up to 120 micrometers have been grown from NaCl/KCl flux at a pressure of 30 kbar and temperature of 1350-1450 C using the cubic anvil high-pressure technique. The superconducting transition temperature of the obtained single crystals varies between 45 and 53 K.Obtained crystals are characterized by a full diamagnetic response in low magnetic fields and by a high critical current density in high magnetic fields. Structural refinement has been performed on single crystal. Differential thermal analysis investigations at 1 bar Ar pressure show decomposition of SmFeAsO1-xFy at 1302 C.Comment: 12 pages, 3 tables, 6 figure

    The Impact of an Accurate Vertical Localization with HRTFs on Short Explorations of Immersive Virtual Reality Scenarios

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    Achieving a full 3D auditory experience with head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) is still one of the main challenges of spatial audio rendering. HRTFs capture the listener's acoustic effects and personal perception, allowing immersion in virtual reality (VR) applications. This paper aims to investigate the connection between listener sensitivity in vertical localization cues and experienced presence, spatial audio quality, and attention. Two VR experiments with head-mounted display (HMD) and animated visual avatar are proposed: (i) a screening test aiming to evaluate the participants' localization performance with HRTFs for a non-visible spatialized audio source, and (ii) a 2 minute free exploration of a VR scene with five audiovisual sources in a both non-spatialized (2D stereo panning) and spatialized (free-field HRTF rendering) listening conditions. The screening test allows a distinction between good and bad localizers. The second one shows that no biases are introduced in the quality of the experience (QoE) due to different audio rendering methods; more interestingly, good localizers perceive a lower audio latency and they are less involved in the visual aspects