10,893 research outputs found

    Input Price Uncertainty and Factor Demand

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    A simple two-input and one-output model is used to examine the effects of variable input price uncertainty on a quasi-fixed factor. These theoretical results, applied to a livestock firm, indicate that choice of the quasi-fixed factor depends upon the attitude of the farmer toward risk and whether the inputs are complements, substitutes, or independents

    Positron-inert gas differential elastic scattering

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    Measurements are being made in a crossed beam experiment of the relative elastic differential cross section (DCS) for 5 to 300 eV positrons scattering from inert gas atoms (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) in the angular range from 30 to 134 deg. Results obtained at energies around the positronium (Ps) formation threshold provide evidence that Ps formation and possibly other inelastic channels have an effect on the elastic scattering channel

    Scattering of positrons and electrons by alkali atoms

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    Absolute total scattering cross sections (Q sub T's) were measured for positrons and electrons colliding with sodium, potassium, and rubidium in the 1 to 102 eV range, using the same apparatus and experimental approach (a beam transmission technique) for both projectiles. The present results for positron-sodium and -rubidium collisions represent the first Q sub T measurements reported for these collision systems. Features which distinguish the present comparisons between positron- and electron-alkali atom Q sub T's from those for other atoms and molecules (room-temperature gases) which have been used as targets for positrons and electrons are the proximity of the corresponding positron- and electron-alkali atom Q sub T's over the entire energy range of overlap, with an indication of a merging or near-merging of the corresponding positron and electron Q sub T's near (and above) the relatively low energy of about 40 eV, and a general tendency for the positron-alkali atom Q sub T's to be higher than the corresponding electron values as the projectile energy is decreased below about 40 eV

    Large-scale Bias and Efficient Generation of Initial Conditions for Non-Local Primordial Non-Gaussianity

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    We study the scale-dependence of halo bias in generic (non-local) primordial non-Gaussian (PNG) initial conditions of the type motivated by inflation, parametrized by an arbitrary quadratic kernel. We first show how to generate non-local PNG initial conditions with minimal overhead compared to local PNG models for a general class of primordial bispectra that can be written as linear combinations of separable templates. We run cosmological simulations for the local, and non-local equilateral and orthogonal models and present results on the scale-dependence of halo bias. We also derive a general formula for the Fourier-space bias using the peak-background split (PBS) in the context of the excursion set approach to halos and discuss the difference and similarities with the known corresponding result from local bias models. Our PBS bias formula generalizes previous results in the literature to include non-Markovian effects and non-universality of the mass function and are in better agreement with measurements in numerical simulations than previous results for a variety of halo masses, redshifts and halo definitions. We also derive for the first time quadratic bias results for arbitrary non-local PNG, and show that non-linear bias loops give small corrections at large-scales. The resulting well-behaved perturbation theory paves the way to constrain non-local PNG from measurements of the power spectrum and bispectrum in galaxy redshift surveys.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figures. v2: references added. 2LPT parallel code for generating non-local PNG initial conditions available at http://cosmo.nyu.edu/roman/2LP

    Understanding the burden of idiopathic generalized epilepsy in the United States, Europe, and Brazil: An analysis from the National Health and Wellness Survey.

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    The aim of this study was to understand the current burden of primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures (PGTCS) associated with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) as a function of seizure frequency. We analyzed data for (IGE) as a proxy measure of PGTCS. Little is known about the quality of life (QoL), health utility, productivity, healthcare resource utilization (HRU), and cost burden of PGTCS or IGE. Patients were identified from the US (2011, 2012, & 2013), 5EU (2011 & 2013), and Brazil (2011 & 2012) National Health and Wellness Survey, a nationally representative, internet-based survey of adults (18+ years). Patients that self-reported a diagnosis of IGE were categorized into seizure frequencies of: ≥1 seizure per week, 1-3 seizures per month, 1-4 seizures per year, or <1 seizure per year. QoL was measured using the SF-36v2 Mental (MCS) and Physical Component Summary (PCS) scores, health utilities with the SF-6D, productivity with the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) questionnaire, and HRU as reported in the past six months. Unit costs were estimated from the literature and multiplied against HRU values to calculate direct costs and WPAI values to calculate indirect costs. Generalized linear regression was utilized to examine the relationship between seizure frequency and each measure of burden with adjustment for covariates. Out of the general population surveyed, IGE was self-reported in 782 of 176,093 (US), 172 of 30,000 (UK), 106 of 30,001 (Germany), 87 of 30,000 (France), 31 of 12,011 (Spain), 22 of 17,500 (Italy), and 34 of 24,000 (Brazil). Persistent seizures (≥1 per year) were reported in over 40% of patients with IGE (10-15% with ≥1 seizure per week, 10-15% with 1-3 seizures per month, 20-25% with 1-4 seizures per year). Over 75% were treated with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Compared with those having <1 seizure per year (reference group), patients in the two most frequent seizure categories reported worse MCS and PCS scores. Patients in the three highest seizure frequency groups consistently reported worse health utility scores, and greater presenteeism (attending work while not physically or mentally capable of working), overall work impairment, activity impairment, HRU, indirect costs, and direct costs than the reference group. Despite the availability of AEDs during the year surveyed, a substantial number of patients experienced persistent seizures. Increasing seizure frequency was clearly associated with worse outcomes. The burden of PGTCS and IGE may be proportionally reduced by newer AEDs which may increase the proportion of seizure-free patients or shift more patients into lower seizure frequency categories

    Horizontal gene transfer to a defensive symbiont with a reduced genome in a multipartite beetle microbiome

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    Symbiotic mutualisms of bacteria and animals are ubiquitous in nature, running a continuum from facultative to obligate from the perspectives of both partners. The loss of functions required for living independently but not within a host gives rise to reduced genomes in many symbionts. Although the phenomenon of genome reduction can be explained by existing evolutionary models, the initiation of the process is not well understood. Here, we describe the microbiome associated with the eggs of the beetle Lagria villosa, consisting of multiple bacterial symbionts related to Burkholderia gladioli, including a reduced-genome symbiont thought to be the exclusive producer of the defensive compound lagriamide. We show that the putative lagriamide-producing symbiont is the only member of the microbiome undergoing genome reduction and that it has already lost the majority of its primary metabolism and DNA repair pathways. The key step preceding genome reduction in the symbiont was likely the horizontal acquisition of the putative lagriamide lga biosynthetic gene cluster. Unexpectedly, we uncovered evidence of additional horizontal transfers to the symbiont's genome while genome reduction was occurring and despite a current lack of genes needed for homologous recombination. These gene gains may have given the genome-reduced symbiont a selective advantage in the microbiome, especially given the maintenance of the large lga gene cluster despite ongoing genome reduction. IMPORTANCE Associations between microorganisms and an animal, plant, or fungal host can result in increased dependence over time. This process is due partly to the bacterium not needing to produce nutrients that the host provides, leading to loss of genes that it would need to live independently and to a consequent reduction in genome size. It is often thought that genome reduction is aided by genetic isolation-bacteria that live in monocultures in special host organs, or inside host cells, have less access to other bacterial species from which they can obtain genes. Here, we describe exposure of a genome-reduced beetle symbiont to a community of related bacteria with nonreduced genomes. We show that the symbiont has acquired genes from other bacteria despite going through genome reduction, suggesting that isolation has not yet played a major role in this case of genome reduction, with horizontal gene gains still offering a potential route for adaptation

    Targeting subchondral bone mesenchymal stem cell activities for intrinsic joint repair in osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common age-related disease with complex pathophysiology. It is characterized by wide-ranging tissue damage and ultimate biomechanical failure of the whole joint. However, signs of tissue adaptation and attempted repair responses are evident in OA-affected osteochondral tissues. Highlighted in this review article is the role of bone-resident mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in these bone remodeling responses, and a proposal that targeting MSC activities in OA subchondral bone could represent a novel approach for intrinsic joint regeneration in OA. The development of these therapies will require better understanding of MSC proliferation, migration and differentiation patterns in relation to OA tissue damage and further clarification of the molecular signaling events in these MSCs during disease progression

    The O(N) Nonlinear Sigma Model in the Functional Schr\"{o}dinger Picture

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    We present a functional Schr\"{o}dinger picture formalism of the (1+1)-dimensional O(N)O(N) nonlinear sigma model. The energy density has been calculated to two-loop order using the wave functional of a gaussian form, and from which the nonperturbative mass gap of the boson fields has been obtained. The functional Schr\"{o}dinger picture approach combined with the variational technique is shownto describe the characteristics of the ground state of the nonlinear sigma model in a transparent way.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, Latex fil

    Moduli Stabilization with Long Winding Strings

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    Stabilizing all of the modulus fields coming from compactifications of string theory on internal manifolds is one of the outstanding challenges for string cosmology. Here, in a simple example of toroidal compactification, we study the dynamics of the moduli fields corresponding to the size and shape of the torus along with the ambient flux and long strings winding both internal directions. It is known that a string gas containing states with non-vanishing winding and momentum number in one internal direction can stabilize the radius of this internal circle to be at self-dual radius. We show that a gas of long strings winding all internal directions can stabilize all moduli, except the dilaton which is stabilized by hand, in this simple example.Comment: title changed, improved presentation; reference added. 18 pages, JHEP styl