79 research outputs found

    Comparing prevalence of chronic kidney disease and its risk factors between population-based surveys in Russia and Norway.

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    BACKGROUND: Little data exists on the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the Russian population. We aimed to estimate the prevalence of CKD in a population-based study in Russia, compare with a similar study in Norway, and investigate whether differences in risk factors explained between-study differences in CKD. METHODS: We compared age- and sex-standardised prevalence of reduced eGFR (< 60 ml/min/1.73m2 CKD-EPI creatinine equation), albuminuria and or a composite indicator of CKD (one measure of either reduced eGFR or albuminuria) between participants aged 40-69 in the population-based Know Your Heart (KYH) study, Russia (2015-2018 N = 4607) and the seventh Tromsø Study (Tromsø7), Norway (2015-2016 N = 17,646). We assessed the contribution of established CKD risk factors (low education, diabetes, hypertension, antihypertensive use, smoking, obesity) to between-study differences using logistic regression. RESULTS: Prevalence of reduced eGFR or albuminuria was 6.5% (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 5.4, 7.7) in KYH and 4.6% (95% CI 4.0, 5.2) in Tromsø7 standardised for sex and age. Odds of both clinical outcomes were higher in KYH than Tromsø7 (reduced eGFR OR 2.06 95% CI 1.67, 2.54; albuminuria OR 1.54 95% CI 1.16, 2.03) adjusted for sex and age. Risk factor adjustment explained the observed between-study difference in albuminuria (OR 0.92 95% CI 0.68, 1.25) but only partially reduced eGFR (OR 1.42 95% CI 1.11, 1.82). The strongest explanatory factors for the between-study difference was higher use of antihypertensives (Russian sample) for reduced eGFR and mean diastolic blood pressure for albuminuria. CONCLUSIONS: We found evidence of a higher burden of CKD within the sample from the population in Arkhangelsk and Novosibirsk compared to Tromsø, partly explained by between-study population differences in established risk factors. In particular hypertension defined by medication use was an important factor associated with the higher CKD prevalence in the Russian sample

    Influence of factors of solar and geomagnetic activity on development of spontaneous 82 labor activity

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    Studies of recent decades have proved the effect on the human body a number of physical factors that are caused by the influence of solar corpuscular streams that change the state of the magnetosphere. The least studied problem is the influence of heliogeophysical factors and solar activity on different periods of organism development, from conception to birth. There is no data on the influence of magnetic storms on spontaneous labor, which was the purpose of this study. Solar activity indicators are presented by the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA: www.swpc.noaa.gov). The results of correlation analysis between spontaneous labor activity of 306 pregnant women in the period of 1.01-08.02.2013 depending on solar activity (Wolf numbers), radio emission flux at the wavelength of 10.7 cm and planetary index (Ap-index) characterizing the physical state of the Earth's magneticfield are analyzed. Reliable correlation between the number of urgent delivery and the flow of radio emission at a wavelength of 10.7 cm and the Wolf numbers was not found. Increase in the activity of spontaneous labor by 2.3 times (r = 0.43; p < 0.05) was recorded three days after the magnetic storm (Ap-index = 21nTl) compared to days calm in geomagnetic terms. The data showed a significant role of dynamics of external factors in the onset of labor

    Трансформация жирнокислотного состава липидов подкожной жировой ткани морских и пресноводных тюленей

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    Correlation between blubber fatty acid composition of two different kind of seals with their prey and environmental conditions as ecology factors is shown. Regularities of fatty acid layering and its composition in the blubber of Baikal seals and ringed seals of North sea are revealedПоказана взаимосвязь жирнокислотного состава липидов подкожной жировой ткани разных видов тюленей с характеристиками условий обитания, объектов питания как экологическими факторами. Выявлены закономерности послойного изменения состава жирных кислот жировой ткани байкальской нерпы и кольчатого тюленя Северного моря

    Know Your Heart: Rationale, design and conduct of a cross-sectional study of cardiovascular structure, function and risk factors in 4500 men and women aged 35-69 years from two Russian cities, 2015-18 [version 2; referees: 3 approved]

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    Russia has one of the highest rates of cardiovascular disease in the world. The International Project on Cardiovascular Disease in Russia (IPCDR) was set up to understand the reasons for this. A substantial component of this study was the Know Your Heart Study devoted to characterising the nature and causes of cardiovascular disease in Russia by conducting large cross-sectional surveys in two Russian cities Novosibirsk and Arkhangelsk. The study population was 4542 men and women aged 35-69 years recruited from the general population. Fieldwork took place between 2015-18. There were two study components: 1) a baseline interview to collect information on socio-demographic characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors, usually conducted at home, and 2) a comprehensive health check at a primary care clinic which included detailed examination of the cardiovascular system. In this paper we describe in detail the rationale for, design and conduct of these studies

    Multi-level analysis of the gut-brain axis shows autism spectrum disorder-associated molecular and microbial profiles

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by heterogeneous cognitive, behavioral and communication impairments. Disruption of the gut-brain axis (GBA) has been implicated in ASD although with limited reproducibility across studies. In this study, we developed a Bayesian differential ranking algorithm to identify ASD-associated molecular and taxa profiles across 10 cross-sectional microbiome datasets and 15 other datasets, including dietary patterns, metabolomics, cytokine profiles and human brain gene expression profiles. We found a functional architecture along the GBA that correlates with heterogeneity of ASD phenotypes, and it is characterized by ASD-associated amino acid, carbohydrate and lipid profiles predominantly encoded by microbial species in the genera Prevotella, Bifidobacterium, Desulfovibrio and Bacteroides and correlates with brain gene expression changes, restrictive dietary patterns and pro-inflammatory cytokine profiles. The functional architecture revealed in age-matched and sex-matched cohorts is not present in sibling-matched cohorts. We also show a strong association between temporal changes in microbiome composition and ASD phenotypes. In summary, we propose a framework to leverage multi-omic datasets from well-defined cohorts and investigate how the GBA influences ASD

    Pengembangan Media Penunjang Praktikum Daring Fisika Dasar Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif

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    Penerapan sistem Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) bagi institusi pendidikan di Indonesia karena merebaknya pandemi Covid-19 memunculkan tantangan baru terkait kesiapan setiap elemen dalam melakukan pembelajaran daring yang mengharuskan semua kegiatan dilakukan secara online. Menanggapi hal ini, Tim Peneliti ITS telah mengembangkan sebuah platform untuk memfasilitasi pelaksanaan Praktikum Fisika Dasar secara daring berbasis web dengan memanfaatkan teknologi live streaming. Akan tetapi, efektivitas praktikum daring itu sendiri masih kurang maksimal karena terbatasnya akses yang dapat dilakukan oleh mahasiswa serta jumlah alat peraga yang terdapat di laboratorium. Menambah jumlah alat peraga tentu bukan solusi yang bijak karena memerlukan ruang dan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan suatu aplikasi Multimedia Interaktif dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) sebagai alternatif untuk menunjang sistem praktikum daring yang sudah ada. Aplikasi ini memberikan akses yang lebih luas dan fleksibel kepada setiap mahasiswa untuk melakukan tahapan-tahapan praktikum kapan saja dimana saja, tanpa mengganggu mekanisme praktikum asli. Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan, semua komponen di dalam aplikasi sudah berjalan 100% sesuai dengan rancangan yang telah dibuat sebelumnya dan dapat dinytakan layak untuk digunakan dengan tingkat efektivitas sebesar 98.75%, efisiensi sebesar 96.68%, kepuasan terhadap UX sebesar 89.6%, dan kepuasan terhadap UI sebesar 88.9%

    Blubber fatty acids of marine and freshwater seals.

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    Correlation between blubber fatty acid composition of two different kind of seals with their prey and environmental conditions as ecology factors is shown. Regularities of fatty acid layering and its composition in the blubber of Baikal seals and ringed seals of North sea are reveale

    Chemistry for Sustainable Development 16 ( Studies on Fatty Acid Composition of Siberian Marmot (Marmota Sibirica Radde, 1862) Fat

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    Abstract Fatty acid composition of Siberian marmot fat (Marmota Sibirica, tarbagan) has been studied; the basic physicochemical parameters have been determined. 36 fatty acids have been identified, about 90 % among those being represented by palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. A comparative analysis of the composition of tarbagan&apos;s hypodermic, abdominal and brown fat was carried out. It has been established that for the kinds of fat under investigation the composition of acids is variable, and the greatest differences in the concentration of saturated acids are inherent in brown fat. An unusually high fat unsaturation level for land species of animals observed for a Siberian marmot might cause the fat biological activity