49 research outputs found


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    The paper explores the background of branch-wise education in the area of agriculture in pre-reform period. The author defines the peculiarities of agricultural education that deal with infrastructure of education process and research. The article analyzes current situation of higher education system of the Minsitry of Agriculture of Russia. The system includes 54 universities. The author finds out the problems that restrict functioning of national agricultural universities seen as low admission of students; low financing of agricultural universities; contradiction between higher education and vocational education in the sphere of agriculture; weak integration with research institutes and enterprises; insufficient level of research in universities; not efficient use of land resources that belong to agricultural universities; insufficient support for practical training of students. Sustainable development of agriculture depends mainly on personnel. The educational level of the chiefs of agricultural enterprises has arisen insufficiently in 2006–2016 and the educational level of the staff is rather low. The author observed that each 15th employee had higher education in agriculture in 2016. The author outlines that current institutional changes in agriculture require modernization of agricultural education.Рассмотрена ретроспектива развития отраслевого аграрного образования в дореформенный период. Определены особенности аграрного образования, связанные с обеспечивающей инфраструктурой процесса обучения и проведения научных исследований. Проанализировано современное состояние системы высшего аграрного образования Министерства сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации, которая включает 54 вуза. Выявлены проблемы и ограничения функционирования отечественных аграрных вузов: низкое качество приема абитуриентов; низкий уровень финансирования деятельности аграрных вузов; разобщенность системы высшего и среднего профессионального аграрного образования; слабые интеграционные связи с научно-исследовательскими институтами и предприятиями отрасли; недостаточный уровень развития научно-исследовательской работы; неэффективное использование земельных ресурсов, закрепленных за аграрными вузами; слабая материально-техническая база для практической подготовки студентов. Устойчивое развитие агропромышленного комплекса в значительной мере зависит от кадрового состояния. При этом уровень образования руководителей сельскохозяйственных организаций и хозяйств за 2006–2016 гг. повысился незначительно, а уровень образования постоянных работников сельскохозяйственных организаций находится на крайне низком уровне: в 2016 г. высшее сельскохозяйственное имел только каждый пятнадцатый работник. Современные институциональные изменения, происходящие в сельском хозяйстве, требуют модернизации аграрного образования


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    Methodical positions for priority development of interregional and interstate food relations are justified. They include estimation of the current state and layout of AIC industries; definition of efficiency of existing interregional and interstate food relations and their influence upon functioning of agrofood market; justification for the system of measures to improve the formed food relations subject to Russia’s membership in WTO. Stemming from the methodical positions, Siberia’s regions are determined which have the opportunity to export grain and livestock output beyond their territories. It is established that the level of interdependence of Siberia’s regions on goods exchange operations is quite high. It is revealed that at the present time there is no strategy of development of foreign-economic relations of Siberia’s regions to frontier countries. Insufficiently developed is the regulatory-legal base of interstate cooperation, there are no special programs for the development of regional export potential, personnel training and infrastructure development. The study resulted in perspective directions suggested for the development of foreign-economic activity in Siberia.Обоснованы методические положения по приоритетному развитию межрегиональных и  межгосударственных продовольственных связей. Они включают в  себя оценку современного состояния и размещения отраслей АПК; определение эффективности сложившихся межрегиональных и межгосударственных продовольственных связей и  их влияния на функционирование агропродовольственного рынка; обоснование системы мер по улучшению сложившихся продовольственных связей с учетом членства России в ВТО. Исходя из методических положений определены регионы Сибири, имеющие возможность вывозить зерно и продукты животноводства за пределы своих территорий. Установлено, что уровень взаимозависимости регионов Сибири от товарообменных операций весьма высок. Выявлено, что в настоящее время отсутствует стратегия развития внешнеэкономических связей регионов Сибири с приграничными странами. Недостаточно развита нормативно-правовая база межгосударственного сотрудничества, отсутствуют специальные программы по развитию экспортного потенциала регионов, по подготовке кадров, по развитию инфраструктуры. В  результате исследования предложены перспективные направления развития внешнеэкономической деятельности Сибири


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    The article analyzes the main positive features characterizing agricultural consumer cooperation. The paper reveals factors preventing agricultural cooperatives working in Russia. The author defines the key goal of agricultural cooperatives’ state support as improvement of rural population quality of life. It should provide rural people with own-produced food stuff, increase rural people employment and earnings, make national agricultural producers being the main suppliers of competitive food production to regional, national and world market. The publication demonstrates that weak legislation regulating agricultural cooperation in the country increases legal, organizational and financial risks of cooperatives. The author observes lack of capacities and wish in cooperatives to look for own resources aimed at their development (capital strengthening, increase in reserve, building protection and security elements, building by means of guarantee and insurance funds). The paper shows contradictions between participants of agricultural cooperatives and partners at all the stages of activity. All mentioned above performs as a negative factor in cooperation being voluntary and popular. The author suggests an activity plan “road map” aimed at building institutional environment of agricultural cooperation in rural areas. The development directions include strengthening of legislation; building the system of state regulation and support; scientific, information and consulting support and infrastructure development.На основе проведенного анализа определены основные положительные черты, характеризующие сельскохозяйственную потребительскую кооперацию. Выявлены факторы, сдерживающие развитие сельскохозяйственных кооперативов в России. Обозначена ключевая цель государственной поддержки сельскохозяйственной кооперации: это повышение качества жизни сельского населения до уровня, позволяющего не только полностью обеспечить сельское население продовольствием собственного производства, повысить его занятость и доходы, но и превратить отечественных сельскохозяйственных товаропроизводителей в  главных поставщиков конкурентного продовольствия на региональные, национальные и мировые рынки. Установлено, что несовершенство законодательной и нормативной базы, определяющее деятельность сельскохозяйственной кооперации в стране, увеличивает правовые, организационные и финансовые риски кооперативов. Кооперативы не стремятся изыскивать собственные ресурсы для своего развития (наращивание собственного капитала, увеличение резервного фонда, формирование элементов защиты – ресурсов гарантийных и страховых фондов). Накапливаются противоречия между участниками работающих сельскохозяйственных кооперативов и  партнерами на всех этапах деятельности. Все это в  условиях отсутствия внятной кооперативной политики на селе служит дополнительным отталкивающим фактором в превращении кооперации в добровольное и массовое движение. На основе проведенного исследования разработан план действия «дорожная карта», целью которого является формирование институциональной среды сельскохозяйственной кооперации на селе, включающее совершенствование законодательства, формирование системы государственного регулирования и  поддержки, научного, информационного и консультационного обеспечения, развитие инфраструктуры

    Disinfection of Surfaces Contaminated with SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus by UV Radiation of Low-Pressure Mercury-Vapour Lamp

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    The aim of the work was to determine the effective ultraviolet (UV) doses required for the disinfection of surfaces contaminated with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus using a low-pressure mercury lamp. Materials and methods. To carry out prompt disinfection of surfaces, a specially designed source of UV radiation with a power of 7.5 W at a wavelength of 254 nm in the form of a portable flashlight was employed, which has a high efficiency of UV radiation output and the possibility of long-term autonomous operation from a compact battery. In the studies, a suspension culture of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus with biological activity of 5.3∙106 PFU/ml was used. The objects of testing were plastic Petri dishes (disposable) and office paper (grade C, density 80 g/m2 ). Results and discussion. Doses of UV radiation that provide disinfection of surfaces contaminated with the COVID-19 pathogen with an efficiency of 99.0 % (paper) to 99.95 % (plastic) have been determined. The results obtained make it possible to recommend a portable UV irradiator for use in the practice of preventive measures to combat the spread of the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus

    Automated Force Volume Image Processing for Biological Samples

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    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has now become a powerful technique for investigating on a molecular level, surface forces, nanomechanical properties of deformable particles, biomolecular interactions, kinetics, and dynamic processes. This paper specifically focuses on the analysis of AFM force curves collected on biological systems, in particular, bacteria. The goal is to provide fully automated tools to achieve theoretical interpretation of force curves on the basis of adequate, available physical models. In this respect, we propose two algorithms, one for the processing of approach force curves and another for the quantitative analysis of retraction force curves. In the former, electrostatic interactions prior to contact between AFM probe and bacterium are accounted for and mechanical interactions operating after contact are described in terms of Hertz-Hooke formalism. Retraction force curves are analyzed on the basis of the Freely Jointed Chain model. For both algorithms, the quantitative reconstruction of force curves is based on the robust detection of critical points (jumps, changes of slope or changes of curvature) which mark the transitions between the various relevant interactions taking place between the AFM tip and the studied sample during approach and retraction. Once the key regions of separation distance and indentation are detected, the physical parameters describing the relevant interactions operating in these regions are extracted making use of regression procedure for fitting experiments to theory. The flexibility, accuracy and strength of the algorithms are illustrated with the processing of two force-volume images, which collect a large set of approach and retraction curves measured on a single biological surface. For each force-volume image, several maps are generated, representing the spatial distribution of the searched physical parameters as estimated for each pixel of the force-volume image

    The association between alcohol use, alcohol use disorders and tuberculosis (TB). A systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In 2004, tuberculosis (TB) was responsible for 2.5% of global mortality (among men 3.1%; among women 1.8%) and 2.2% of global burden of disease (men 2.7%; women 1.7%). The present work portrays accumulated evidence on the association between alcohol consumption and TB with the aim to clarify the nature of the relationship.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A systematic review of existing scientific data on the association between alcohol consumption and TB, and on studies relevant for clarification of causality was undertaken.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There is a strong association between heavy alcohol use/alcohol use disorders (AUD) and TB. A meta-analysis on the risk of TB for these factors yielded a pooled relative risk of 2.94 (95% CI: 1.89-4.59). Numerous studies show pathogenic impact of alcohol on the immune system causing susceptibility to TB among heavy drinkers. In addition, there are potential social pathways linking AUD and TB. Heavy alcohol use strongly influences both the incidence and the outcome of the disease and was found to be linked to altered pharmacokinetics of medicines used in treatment of TB, social marginalization and drift, higher rate of re-infection, higher rate of treatment defaults and development of drug-resistant forms of TB. Based on the available data, about 10% of the TB cases globally were estimated to be attributable to alcohol.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The epidemiological and other evidence presented indicates that heavy alcohol use/AUD constitute a risk factor for incidence and re-infection of TB. Consequences for prevention and clinical interventions are discussed.</p


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    The article focuses on the review of the main methods of aorta visualization. The methods are described, as the algorithm of investigation method selection, strategy of patient’s management with aorta dilation. Special attention is paid for the patients with genetic disorders that may cause aorta dilation


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    Questions of project management, current situation in this field, management reforms of the scientific and scientific-technical activities of the Russian government are considered