333 research outputs found
Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Teripang Pasir (Holothuria Scraba) Berdasarkan Biologi Reproduksinya Dalam Rangka Mendukung Perikanan Berkelanjutan
The sandfish (Holothuria scraba) is one of biological resources which have high economic value. However, due to over fishing, aquaculture management of this species needs to be attempted. The aim of this research is to look for the sandfish's biological reproduction information in order to formulate sandfish aquaculture management. By doing so, it is hoped that the sustainable sand fish fisheries can be created. In this research, the length and weight of sand fishes' bodies are measured, the maturity of each every individual's gonad is analyzed, and their habitat is identified. The data obtained are descriptively analyzed to find the relationship between the body lenght and the maturity of the sandfish, the gonad maturation process, time of sandfish spawning, and its habitat. Furthermore, based on the reproductive aspects, the sandfish management then are formulated. The research showed that productive sandfishes have a length between 18-30 cm. Their habitat is area with sand substrate, muddy sand, seagrass ecosystem, and coral reef ecosystem which has 60-150 cm depth at low tide. Sandfish management that can be done is by to defining the size of the sandfishes when they are being catched; which is more than 30 cm. Sandfish catching should not be done between July-August, especially in sandy sediment water, muddy sand, seagrass ecosystem and coral reef ecosystem, which has 60-150 cm depth at low tide
Subsurface Geological Survey Based on Gravity Method in Ijen Volcano, East Java
Subsurface geological survey had been done in Ijen volcano, East Java based on gravity measurement. The data aquisition was taken using Gravitymeter LaCoste & Romberg type G-1053. Downward continuation is done by second vertical derivatif to appear deeper anomaly and determine the boundary structure. Bouguer anomaly is projected to flat plane and upward continuation is used to separate the regional and residual anomaly. The interpretation of residual anomaly was done of two slices were AB and CD showed that the increase of anomaly value was effect the intrusion of basalt rock (Ο=2.7-3.30 g/cm3) in Paltuding and Pondok Bunder
Kontaminasi Merkuri (Hg) Dalam Organ Tubuh Ikan Petek (Leiognathus Equulus) Di Perairan Ancol, Teluk Jakarta
Mercury (Hg) which is contained in aquatic ecosystem can enter and be accumulated to organism's body, like on petek fish (Leiognathus equulus). The research aimed to see mercury concentration in aquatic ecosystem, to see mercury concentration in organ of petek fish by AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) and its histopathology response in organs of petek fish. The research was done at Ancol, Jakarta Bay on October-December 2004. There are 16 samples of water and fish from 3 stations.The analysis result of water quality is compared by standard quality of sea water for sea organism life (Kepmen LH No. 51, 2004), mercu ry concentration in fish organ is compared by maximum mercury concentration in fish body by classification of Palar (2004). Ancol water quality is still on normal condition. Mercury concentration in water and petek fish organs had low concentration. Gill and lever contaminated by mercuryis only in station 1 fish, but it is still on normal concentration. Histopathology of petek fish gill is not abnormal, while the lever is necrosis. Water and petek fish is not a good indicator to detect mercury in aquatic ecosystem
Hubungan Perubahan Jenis Kelamin Dan Ukuran Tubuh Ikan Belut Sawah (Monopterus Albus)
Belut (Monopterus albus) bersifat hermaprodit protogini, yang mengalami Perubahan jenis kelamin dari betina menjadi jantan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan Perubahan jenis kelamin dengan ukuran tubuh ikan belut. Penelitian berlangsung di Desa Kahuripan, Kecamatan Tawang, Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat dari Juni sampai Juli 2002. Pengambilan contoh dilakukan secara acak sebanyak 11 kali, tiga hari sekali pada pukul 20.00 β 04.00 WIB, di tiga stasiun. Dari hasil penangkapan didapat 162 ekor belut, di stasiun I 67 ekor, stasiun II 65 ekor dan stasiun III 30 ekor. Hasil tangkapan paling banyak berukuran 22.8 - 26.7 cm. Hasil tangkapan stasiun I dan II relatif sama sedangkan pada stasiun III berbeda. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa panjang belut yang berukuran kurang dari atau sama dengan 29 cm berjenis kelamin betina namun yang lebih dari 29 cm berjenis kelamin jantan. Belut yang matang gonad pada stasiun I berukuran 24.9 - 28.8 cm, pada stasiun II, 19.0 - 23.1 cm dan 23.2 - 27.3 cm. Sedangkan di stasiun III tidak ditemukan yang matang gonad. Berdasarkan IKG belut yang diperoleh di ketiga stasiun, IKG terbanyak ada pada selang kelas IKG 0.0124 - 0.0873. Fekunditas 35 - 250 butir dengan ukuran telur 0.0265 - 1.2624 mm, dengan pola pemijahan sebagian (partial spawner).Kata kunci: belut, hermaprodit protogini, jenis kelamin, ukuran, IKG, fekunditas. The research was aimed to study body size and sexual changes relationship in a protoginy hermaphrodite species the eel, monopterus albus. This research were conducted in Kahuripan village, district of Tawang, Tasikmalaya, West Java during June to July 2002. Sampling were done at three stations for eleven time, with 3 days interval between 20.00 pm until 04.00 am. The number of eel collected were consisting of 162, ie 67; 65 and 30 from the first, second and third station respectively. The length of the eel were ranged between 22.8 - 26.7 cm. The results showed that the eel less than or equal to 29 cm in length were female, more than 29 cm were male. The mature eel were found in the first and second stations with body size of 24.9 - 28.8 cm, 19.0 - 23.1 cm, respectively. IKG values were varied between 0.0124 - 0.0873, fecundity between 35 - 250 egg, and egg diameter between 0.0265 - 1.2624 mm. Based on egg diameter, eel is considered as partial spawner
Sistem Otomasi Perpustakaan dengan Barcode SLTPI Al Azhar 8, Kemang Pratama
Kesadaran orang akan pentingnya layanan prima yang nyaman bagi pelanggan, menuntut tersedianya sistem yang efisien dan handal. Perpustakaan SLTPI Al Azhar 8 sangat menyadari pentingnya sistem yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja karyawannya dengan cara meningkatkan efisiensi dan meminimalkan kerja manual untuk menghindari kesalahan manusia. Dalam penelitian ini, sistem perpustakaan dirancang dengan menggunakan barcode scanner sebagai alat bantu input data, untuk dapat mempercepat kerja layanan dan meningkatkan akurasi data. Sistem Perpustakaan ini dirancang sesuai dengan proses bisnis yang ada dengan dilengkapi beberapa fitur baru yang teridentifikasi dalam tahap analisa kebutuhan seperti pengecekan terhadap resources yang dimasukkan, perpindahan data antar pengguna dilakukan melalui sistem, sehingga dapat meningkatkan efisiensi proses bisnis yang berjalan saat ini.Recently people starts to realize the importance of service excellence and demand an efficient and reliable system. SLTPI Al Azhar 8 Library awares of the needs of new system to improve its performance through maximizing staffs performance and minimizing manual operations to prevent human error. In this research, library system was designed to use barcode scanner as input tool, to shorten the service and increase data accuracy. This system was designed to fit the existing business process with additional features identified in the user requirement analysis stage, such as resource checking, automatic data transfer, to improve the existing business process
Model Pengendalian Pencemaran Laut Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Dukung Lingkungan Teluk Jakarta
Jakarta Bay is important in coastal management for ecological and economical approach. Another case, it\u27s also as a river estuary area. Many rivers pass Jakarta Capital City, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi areas. The objective of this research were conducted to identify kind of source contamination, assimilation capacities of Jakarta Bay, important elements for contamination effect, and then to construct Sea Contamination Control model, for management policy instruction to prevent Jakarta Bay contamination. This research was operated from Agustus 2005 until April 2006. The analysis of this research used the system approach (dynamic system model). The contamination sources of this area were domestic waste, industrial disposal and waste of market. This contamination levels have an exceeded assimilation capacities: TDS is equal to 2 313 609.07 ton/month, PO4 is equal to 518.85 ton/month, SO4 is equal to 141 610.11 ton/month, MBAS is equal to 441.87 ton/month, KMnO4 is equal to 23 785.43 ton/month, BOD is equal to 16 369.05 ton/month, dan COD is equal to 52 983.15 ton/month. The interpretative structural modelling (ISM) indicated that there are five primary factors, namely law enforcement, good cooperation of stakeholders, good relation of area management, good compromise of need assessment, vision, target and mission to managing the environment
Estimasi Beban Pencemaran Point Source dan Limbah Domestik di Sungai Kalibaru Timur Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
East Kalibaru River is one of the thirteen rivers flowing through Jakarta. East Kalibaru River has an important role in development of the region. Considering the increasing activities of people, settlements and number of industries along the East Kalibaru River, it is necessary to calculate contaminants load that discharged into the water body East Kalibaru. This study conducted to determine the point source and domestic waste pollution loads, using parameters of BOD, COD and TSS. The analysis showed that the total pollution loads such are calculated as 43.714 kg/day for BOD, 60.107 kg/day for COD and total 41.529 kg/day for TSS. Total pollution load discharged into river from point source effluent is amounted of 249 kg/day for BOD, 1.505 kg/day for COD and total 411 kg/day for TSS. Effect of domestic waste is very insignificant compared to the effect of point source that went into the river. The result suggest that approach that need to be done to reduce the burden of domestic waste water pollutants is by performing additional production or communal Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in densely populated areas
Kontaminasi Logam Berat Merkuri (Hg) Dan Timbal (Pb) Pada Air, Sedimen Dan Ikan Selar Tetengkek (Megalaspis Cordyla L) Di Teluk Palu, Sulawesi Tengah
Palu bay waters is susceptible to heavy metal pollution due to the inclusion of the waste product of Palu city, and such as agriculture, and traditional mining. The objective of this research was to determine the contamination of heavy metals mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) in water, sediment, and torpedo scad fish (Megalaspis cordyla). Sampling was done purposively at 10 sampling points. Parameters of water quality measurements were done in the field for temperature, pH, brightness, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen (DO), and at laboratory analysis for salinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia, and nitrates. Heavy metals were analized by following APHA, and Indonesian National Standard (SNI) methods. The results showed that Hg consentrations in water, sediment, gill, meat, liver, and spleen were 0.0008-0.0042 mg/l, 0.017-0.287 mg/kg, 0.007-0.145 mg/kg, 0.014-0.046 mg/kg, 0.052-0.106 mg/kg, and 0.043-0.414 mg/kg, respectively. Pb concentrations in water, sediments, gill, meat, liver, and spleen were 0.0130-0.0392 mg/l, 2.647-8.987 mg/kg, 0.132-0.775 mg/kg, 0.005-0.734 mg/kg, 0.295-1.871 mg/kg, and 1.654-12.92 mg/kg, respectively. The average of Hg and Pb concentrations in the water had exceeded the specified quality standards, while in the sediment were still below the quality standards. The average of Hg and Pb concentrations in all observed fish organs were below the quality standards, except for Pb concentrations in gill, liver, and spleen
Analisis Kualitas Air dan Daya Tampung Beban Pencemaran Sungai Pesanggrahan di Wilayah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Pesanggrahan River has important role and function to support human life and ecosystem existing in river area. Daily human activities that utilize river water and then dispose the sewage/waste into Pesanggrahan River can decrease the air quality. This research aims to analyzed the water quality condition of Pesanggrahan River based on physical and chemical water river factors. The analysis was conducted on eight observation points along the Pesanggrahan River in DKI Jakarta Province by testing the air pollution parameters comparing it to the air quality standard of Governmental Regulation No. 82/2001 on Air Quality Management and Air Pollution Control for Class II and Jakarta Governor Regulation No. 582/1995 on the Establishment of the Allocation and Quality Standards of River Water/Raw Water Agency of Liquid Waste Quality Standard in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta for Group C. The parameters observed in this study are 18 and 6 overall physical parameters (temperature and TSS) and parameters chemical (pH, DO, BOD, and COD). Determination of water quality status using pollution index method compared with air quality standard Governmental Regulation No. 82/2001 class II and Jakarta Governor Regulation No. 582/1995 Group C. The air quality condition of Pesanggrahan River from upstream to downstream at eight points of observation has generally decreased quality according to parameters of TSS, DO, BOD and COD which were not fulfill the quality standard. Based on the status of water quality status of Pesanggrahan River from upstream to downstream has decreased quality with mild to moderate pollutant status
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