114 research outputs found

    Meteoprotective properties of melaxen in old and middle aged patients with ischemic heart disease in combination with arterial hypertension

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    We studied 102 patients (mean age 60.1±3.3 years) with arterial hypertension (AH) II-III stage, grade 2-3 and ischemic heart disease (exertional angina functional class (FC) I-II, postinfarction cardiosclerosis). The control group of patients received traditional therapy (TT): beta -blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, antiplatelet agents, diuretics and nitrate

    Approach of the NGC 1977 star cluster to the TOI-2796 host star

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    We study of possible encounters in past epochs of the open star cluster NGC 1977 with host stars. For this purpose, the age of the cluster was determined based on our catalog data. Stars with planetary systems were selected from the NASA Archive. The age of the cluster was determined using the color - absolute magnitude diagram and the isochron system. By extending the track of the movement of the cluster and stars in past epochs, 10 Myr. The time of the maximum approach 32 pc of the host star with planetary system TOI-2796 with the NGC 1977 are found. The place of approach in the sky is shown, this point can be considered as the place of appearance of interstellar comets. Thus, the result of our work is that the we found approach of the host star to the cluster entailed effects associated with the gravitational influence of the cluster on the nuclei of comets located in the outer parts of the Oort cloud of the planetary system. The effect of approach on comets is estimated


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    The aim of the study was to investigate structurally functional features of lipidic infiltration of hepatocytes in a morphogenesis of chronic hepatitis C. Material and methods. A clinical and morphological study of 199 patients with HCV infection markers (139 men and 60 women aged from 20 till 65 years) was conducted. In all cases, a comprehensive study including analysis of blood biochemical parameters, serological markers of HCV replication in blood and liver, viremia level, number of the infected hepatocytes and HCV genotypes was performed. Diagnostic complex included clinical, biochemical, immunoserological methods. Results and discussion. The results of the analysis of structural and functional features of lipid-containing hepatocytes and indicators of replication of virus particles of chronic hepatitis C are provided. For its reproduction HCV enters into complex relationships with the metabolic apparatus of the cell, in which lipid metabolism and related structures – lipid droplets play an important role. The only structural marker that correlates with indicators of virus replication is subcytolemmal small-vesicular lipid infiltration, which can reflect a virus-induced increase in lipid metabolism in the host cell for the effective production of infectious active viral particles

    Fears of Submarine Sailors during the Great Patriotic War (with Reference to the Battlefield Diaries of Georgy I. Sennikov)

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    Submitted: 25.07.2019. Accepted: 28.09.2020.Поступила в редакцию: 25.07.2019. Принята к печати: 28.09.2020.Цель статьи — историко-антропологическое исследование феномена страха, способов его выражения и преодоления в условиях войны. Материалом для исследования послужили фронтовые и послевоенные дневниковые записи 1943–1946 гг. матроса-подводника Северного флота, штурманского электрика «М-107» и «М-119» Георгия Ивановича Сенникова. Авторами статьи были использованы методы источниковедческого и мифопоэтического анализа, биографический метод. В военном дневнике Г. И. Сенникова прослеживается аналитический подход к проблеме страха: не просто фиксация и подробное описание физических признаков ужаса, но и классификация видов страха, исследование разных аспектов страхов человека на войне, попытка проникнуть в сущность этого явления. Исследование показало, что война воспринималась юным подводником как смертельно опасное посвящение, как инициация «у последнего порога» и описывалась с помощью архетипических образов корабля-чудовища, лодки-гроба, моря и др. Молодой человек, попавший в экстремальные условия войны, выделяет как характерные черты психологии комбатантов-подводников матросский фатализм, своеобразную бытовую религиозность, суеверность (веру в приметы, сны, «меченые» пространства и людей, обереги и систему табу). В качестве эффективного средства борьбы со страхом во фронтовом дневнике Г. И. Сенникова отмечаются не только элементы бытовой религиозности и ритуализация действий, традиционные для флота, но и творчество, смех, и, самое главное, личностные ценности, авторитет командиров и убеждение в том, что советские подводники воюют за правое дело, на стороне сил добра, освобождая мир от ужаса фашизма.The purpose of this article is a historical and anthropological examination of the phenomenon of fear, the methods of its manifestation and overcoming in the shadow of war. The authors refer to battlefield and postwar diaries from 1943–1946 of G. I. Sennikov, a submarine sailor of the Northern Fleet, marine electrician of “М-107” and “М-119”. The authors use methods of historiographical and mythopoetic analysis, and the biographic method. In Sennikov’s battlefield diary, the authors observe the sailor’s analytical approach to the problem of fear: his story is not just a documentation and detailed description of the physical signs of horror, but also a classification of the types of fear, exploration of different aspects of a person’s fear at war, and an attempt to get an insight into the essence of this phenomenon. The research reveals that the young sailor perceived the war as a death-defying admission and initiation at the ultimate threshold and is described with the help of archetypical figures: a monster ship, a coffin boat, the sea, etc. The young man who found himself in the extremely harsh wartime conditions identifies such characteristic features of a submarine sailor’s psychology as sailor fatalism, a certain superstitious religiousness (belief in signs, dreams, “marked” spaces and taboos, amulets, and taboo systems). In his diaries, G. I. Sennikov does not only identify superstitious religiousness and ritual activities as the most efficient weapon against fear, but also creativity, laughter, games, and, most significantly, personal values, the authority of commanding officers, and conviction that Soviet submarine sailors fight for the right cause, on the side of the good, saving the world from the horrors of fascism

    Collinder 135 and UBC 7: A physical pair of open clusters

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    Context. Given the closeness of the two open clusters Collinder 135 and UBC 7 on the sky, we investigate the possibility that the two clusters are physically related.Aims. We aim to recover the present-day stellar membership in the open clusters Cr 135 and UBC 7 (300 pc from the Sun) in order to constrain their kinematic parameters, ages, and masses and to restore their primordial phase space configuration.Methods. The most reliable cluster members are selected with our traditional method modified for the use of Gaia DR2 data. Numerical simulations use the integration of cluster trajectories backwards in time with our original high-order Hermite4 code -GRAPE.Results. We constrain the age, spatial coordinates, velocities, radii, and masses of the clusters. We estimate the actual separation of the cluster centres equal to 24 pc. The orbital integration shows that the clusters were much closer in the past if their current line-of-sight velocities are very similar and the total mass is more than seven times larger than the mass of the most reliable members.Conclusions. We conclude that the two clusters Cr 135 and UBC 7 might very well have formed a physical pair based on the observational evidence as well as numerical simulations. The probability of a chance coincidence is only about 2%

    Rational nutrition of knowledge workers on the example of employees of the Nizhneturinsky linear production department of the main gas pipekine

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    The purpose of the study isclarification of the features and evaluation of the nutrition of workers of the Nizhneturinsky medical facility MG LLC "Gazprom TransgazYugorsk".Цель исследования – выяснить особенности и оценить питание рабочих Нижнетуринского ЛПУ МГ ООО "Газпром трансгаз Югорск"

    Reclassification of Subspecies of \u3ci\u3eAcidovorax avenae\u3c/i\u3e as \u3ci\u3eA. Avenae\u3c/i\u3e (Manns 1905) emend., \u3ci\u3eA. cattleyae \u3c/i\u3e (Pavarino, 1911)comb.nov., \u3ci\u3eA. citrulli\u3c/i\u3e Schaad et al.,1978)comb.nov., and proposal of \u3ci\u3eA. oryzae \u3c/i\u3esp. nov.

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    The bacterium Acidovorax avenae causes disease in a wide range of economically important monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, including corn, rice, watermelon, anthurium, and orchids.Genotypic and phenotypic relatedness among strains of phytopathogenic A. avenae sub sp. avenae, A. avenae sub sp. citrulli, A. avenae subsp. cattleyae and A. konjaci, as well as all other Acidovorax species, including A. facilis, the type strain of Acidovorax, was determined.The16s rDNA sequencing confirmed previous studies showing the environmental species to be very distant from the phytopathogenic species. DNA/DNA reassociation assays on the different strains of A. avenae revealed four(A, B, C, and D) distinct genotypes. Taxon A included six A. avenae subsp. avenaestrains from corn that had a mean reciprocal similarity of 81%; taxon B included six A. avenae sub sp. avenae strains from rice that had a mean reciprocal similarity of 97%; taxon C contained 11 A. avenae sub sp. citrulli strains from cucurbits (cantaloupe, watermelon, and pumpkin) that had a mean reciprocal similarity of 88%, and taxon D contained four A. avenae sub sp. cattleyae strains from orchids that had a mean similarity of 98%


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    178 strains of B. pertussis isolated from infected individuals in various regions of Russia from 1948 to 2012 have been studied for their susceptibility to six antibacterial preparations. It has been shown, that B. pertussis strains isolated from 1948 to 1989 were predominantly sensitive to erythromycin. In the following years a gradual decrease in susceptibility of circulating strains of B. pertussis to this antibiotic was registered with the emergence of strains with intermediate susceptibility in 22% of cases from 1990 to 2005 (MIC 0,060 mcg/mL), up to 59,3% in the last six years (MIC 0,125 mcg/mL). As for azithromycin, high susceptibility of strains of B. pertussis to this preparation was shown throughout the entire duration of the survey. However, the rate of incidence of intermediate strains reached 14% among those strains isolated from 1990 to 2005, and is now at 32%. Thus, after several decades of active use of antibiotics pertussis underwent a series of transformations resulting in a decrease in susceptibility of B. pertussis strains to erythromycin and azithromycin.Изучена антибиотикочувствительность 178 штаммов B. pertussis, выделенных от больных коклюшем в различных регионах РФ в 1948—2012 гг., к шести антибактериальным препаратам. Показано, что штаммы B. pertussis, выделенные в 1948— 1989 гг., преимущественно имели высокую чувствительность к эритромицину. В последующие годы выявлена последовательная тенденция снижения чувствительности циркулирующих штаммов B. pertussis к этому антибиотику с появлением в 22,0% случаев штаммов с промежуточной чувствительностью в 1990—2005 гг. (МПК 0,060 мкг/мл) до 59,3% — в последние 6 лет (МПК 0,125 мкг/мл). В отношении азитромицина обнаружена высокая чувствительность штаммов B. pertussis, выделенных на протяжении всех периодов наблюдения. Вместе с тем, частота выявляемости штаммов с промежуточной чувствительностью к препарату увеличилась до 14,0% среди штаммов B. pertussis, выделенных в 1990—2005 г г., и в настоящее время достигла 32,0%. Таким образом, за несколько десятилетий активного использования антибиотиков возбудитель коклюша претерпел ряд изменений, проявляющихся в снижении чувствительности штаммов B. pertussis к эритромицину и азитромицину.