274 research outputs found

    Instabilities of thin black rings: closing the gap

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    Cooperative constrained control of distributed agents with nonlinear dynamics and delayed information exchange: A stabilizing receding-horizon approach

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    This paper addresses the problem of cooperative control of a team of distributed agents with decoupled nonlinear discrete-time dynamics, which operate in a common environment and exchange-delayed information between them. Each agent is assumed to evolve in discrete-time, based on locally computed control laws, which are computed by exchanging delayed state information with a subset of neighboring agents. The cooperative control problem is formulated in a receding-horizon framework, where the control laws depend on the local state variables (feedback action) and on delayed information gathered from cooperating neighboring agents (feedforward action). A rigorous stability analysis exploiting the input-to-state stability properties of the receding-horizon local control laws is carried out. The stability of the team of agents is then proved by utilizing small-gain theorem results

    The effects of pressed sugar beet pulp silage (PBPS) and dairy whey on heavy pig production

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    The effects of pressed beet pulp silage (PBPS) replacing barley for 10% and 20% (DM basis) were studied on heavy pigs (60 Hypor pigs from 28 kg) fed dairy whey-diluted diets

    A fragment-based virtual screening approach to identify e-cadherin lingands

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    Cadherins are calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion proteins which are overexpressed in several solid tumors [1]. They contain an extracellular region consisting of five immunoglobulin-like domains that extend from the cell surface. Recent crystal structures have shown that classical cadherins dimerize through a \u2018strand-swap\u2019 trans-adhesive interface involving the N-terminal EC1 domains of two cadherins on adjacent cells [2, 3]. Despite a growing interest in the field, the rational design of small ligands targeting cadherins is still in a very early stage. Recently, our group set up a docking protocol (Glide v 5.7) to rationally design peptidomimetic ligands mimicking the N- and E-cadherin adhesive homodimer interface. Accordingly, the first mimics based on the tetrapeptide sequence Asp1-Trp2-Val3-Ile4 (DWVI) of the N-terminal adhesion arm were achieved and proved to inhibit the adhesion of epithelial ovarian cancer cells with millimolar potency [4]. Herein, a fragment-based virtual screening approach was applied to identify novel chemical entries targeting the DWVI binding site. Commercially available Maybridge and Life chemicals collections were used. The most promising fragments identified by the docking calculations were purchased and their binding to E-cadherin was evaluated by means of STD (Saturation Transfer Difference) NMR experiments. Acknowledgements: We thank MIUR (PRIN 2015 project 20157WW5EH) for financial support. ____ [1] G. Berx, F. van Roy, Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 2009, 1, a003129. [2] D. Leckband, S. Sivasankar, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 2012, 24, 620-627. [3] J. Vendome, K. Felsovalyi, H. Song, Z. Yang, X. Jin, J. Brasch, O. J. Harrison, G. Ahlsen, F. Bahna, A. Kaczynska, P. S. Katsamba, D. Edmond, W. L. Hubbell, L. Shapiro, B. Honig, PNAS 2014, 111, E4175-E4184. [4] F. Doro, C. Colombo, C. Alberti, D. Arosio, L. Belvisi, C. Casagrande, R. Fanelli, L. Manzoni, E. Parisini, U. Piarulli, E. Luison, M. Figini, A. Tomassetti, M. Civera, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015, 13, 2570-2573

    A combined fragment-based virtual screening and STD-NMR approach for the identification of E-cadherin ligands

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    Cadherins promote cell-cell adhesion by forming homophilic interactions via their N-terminal extracellular domains. Hence, they have broad-ranging physiological effects on tissue organization and homeostasis. When dysregulated, cadherins contribute to different aspects of cancer progression and metastasis; therefore, targeting the cadherin adhesive interface with small-molecule antagonists is expected to have potential therapeutic and diagnostic value. Here, we used molecular docking simulations to evaluate the propensity of three different libraries of commercially available drug-like fragments (nearly 18,000 compounds) to accommodate into the Trp2 binding pocket of E-cadherin, a crucial site for the orchestration of the protein's dimerization mechanism. Top-ranked fragments featuring five different aromatic chemotypes were expanded by means of a similarity search on the PubChem database (Tanimoto index >90%). Of this set, seven fragments containing an aromatic scaffold linked to an aliphatic chain bearing at least one amine group were finally selected for further analysis. Ligand-based NMR data (Saturation Transfer Difference, STD) and molecular dynamics simulations suggest that these fragments can bind E-cadherin mostly through their aromatic moiety, while their aliphatic portions may also diversely engage with the mobile regions of the binding site. A tetrahydro-β-carboline scaffold functionalized with an ethylamine emerged as the most promising fragment

    Kemeny-based testing for COVID-19

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    Testing, tracking and tracing abilities have been identified as pivotal in helping countries to safely reopen activities after the first wave of the COVID-19 virus. Contact tracing apps give the unprecedented possibility to reconstruct graphs of daily contacts, so the question is: who should be tested? As human contact networks are known to exhibit community structure, in this paper we show that the Kemeny constant of a graph can be used to identify and analyze bridges between communities in a graph. Our 'Kemeny indicator' is the value of the Kemeny constant in the new graph that is obtained when a node is removed from the original graph. We show that testing individuals who are associated with large values of the Kemeny indicator can help in efficiently intercepting new virus outbreaks, when they are still in their early stage. Extensive simulations provide promising results in early identification and in blocking the possible 'super-spreaders' links that transmit disease between different communities

    Micro- and Nanopatterned Silk Substrates for Antifouling Applications

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    A major problem of current biomedical implants is the bacterial colonization and subsequent biofilm formation, which seriously affects their functioning and can lead to serious post-surgical complications. Intensive efforts have been directed toward the development of novel technologies that can prevent bacterial colonization while requiring minimal antibiotics doses. To this end, biocompatible materials with intrinsic antifouling capabilities are in high demand. Silk fibroin, widely employed in biotechnology, represents an interesting candidate. Here, we employ a soft-lithography approach to realize micro- and nanostructured silk fibroin substrates, with different geometries. We show that patterned silk film substrates support mammal cells (HEK-293) adhesion and proliferation, and at the same time, they intrinsically display remarkable antifouling properties. We employ Escherichia coli as representative Gram-negative bacteria, and we observe an up to 66% decrease in the number of bacteria that adhere to patterned silk surfaces as compared to control, flat silk samples. The mechanism leading to the inhibition of biofilm formation critically depends on the microstructure geometry, involving both a steric and a hydrophobic effect. We also couple silk fibroin patterned films to a biocompatible, optically responsive organic semiconductor, and we verify that the antifouling properties are very well preserved. The technology described here is of interest for the next generation of biomedical implants, involving the use of materials with enhanced antibacterial capability, easy processability, high biocompatibility, and prompt availability for coupling with photoimaging and photodetection techniques

    Hierarchical TiN-Supported TsFDH Nanobiocatalyst for CO2 Reduction to Formate

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    The electrochemical reduction of CO2 to value-added products like formate represents a promising technology for the valorization of carbon dioxide. We propose a proof-of-concept bioelectrochemical system (BES) for the reduction of CO2 to formate. For the first time, our device employs a nanostructured titanium nitride (TiN) support for the immobilization of a formate dehydrogenase (FDH) enzyme. The hierarchical TiN nanostructured support exhibits high surface area and wide pore size distribution, achieving high catalytic loading, and is characterized by higher conductivity than other oxide-based supports employed for FDHs immobilization. We select the oxygen-tolerant FDH from Thiobacillus sp. KNK65MA (TsFDH) as enzymatic catalyst, which selectively reduces CO2 to formate. We identify an optimal TiN morphology for the enzyme immobilisation through enzymatic assay, reaching a catalyst loading of 59 mu g cm(-2) of specifically-adsorbed TsFDH and achieving a complete saturation of the anchoring sites available on the surface. We evaluate the electrochemical CO2 reduction performance of the TiN/TsFDH system, achieving a remarkable HCOO- Faradaic efficiency up to 76 %, a maximum formate yield of 44.1 mu mol mg(FDH)(-1) h(-1) and high stability. Our results show the technological feasibility of BES devices employing novel, nanostructured TiN-based supports, representing an important step in the optimization of these devices

    Hierarchical TiN-Supported TsFDH Nanobiocatalyst for CO2 Reduction to Formate

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    The electrochemical reduction of CO2 to value-added products like formate represents a promising technology for the valorization of carbon dioxide. We propose a proof-of-concept bioelectrochemical system (BES) for the reduction of CO2 to formate. For the first time, our device employs a nanostructured titanium nitride (TiN) support for the immobilization of a formate dehydrogenase (FDH) enzyme. The hierarchical TiN nanostructured support exhibits high surface area and wide pore size distribution, achieving high catalytic loading, and is characterized by higher conductivity than other oxide-based supports employed for FDHs immobilization. We select the oxygen-tolerant FDH from Thiobacillus sp. KNK65MA (TsFDH) as enzymatic catalyst, which selectively reduces CO2 to formate. We identify an optimal TiN morphology for the enzyme immobilisation through enzymatic assay, reaching a catalyst loading of 59 μg cm−2 of specifically-adsorbed TsFDH and achieving a complete saturation of the anchoring sites available on the surface. We evaluate the electrochemical CO2 reduction performance of the TiN/TsFDH system, achieving a remarkable HCOO− Faradaic efficiency up to 76 %, a maximum formate yield of 44.1 μmol mg−1FDH h−1 and high stability. Our results show the technological feasibility of BES devices employing novel, nanostructured TiN-based supports, representing an important step in the optimization of these devices
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