774 research outputs found

    Shell and supershell structures of nanowires: A quantum-mechanical analysis

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    The stability of sodium nanowires is studied by modeling them as infinite uniform jellium cylinders and solving self-consistently for the electronic structure. The total energy per unit length oscillates as a function of the wire radius giving a shell structure. The amplitude of the energy oscillations attenuates regularly, reflecting a supershell structure. We compare our theoretical results with recent experiments [A. I. Yanson et al., Nature 400, 144 (1999); Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5832 (2000)] performed by the mechanically controllable break junctions (MCB) technique. The comparison clarifies the origin of the observed shell structure and especially the formation of the quantum beats of the supershell structure and supports the conclusions based on an earlier semiclassical model. The comparison is also a quantitative test for the reliability of the simple stabilized-jellium model as well as for the accuracy of the equation used to relate the conductivity and the area of the narrowest point of the constriction.Peer reviewe

    Sensitiveness of the ratio between monovacancy and bulk positron lifetimes to the approximations used in the calculations: Periodic behaviour

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    Positron lifetimes have been calculated in bulk and monovacancies for most of the elements of the periodic table. Self-consistent and non-self-consistent schemes have been used for the calculation of the electronic structure in the solid, as well as different parameterizations for the positron enhancement factor and correlation energy. The ratio between the monovacancy and bulk lifetimes has been analyzed. This ratio shows a periodic behaviour with atomic number in all the calculation methods and it is in agreement with selected experimental data. The ratio shows, in contradiction to previous assumptions, sensitiveness to the approximations used in the calculations. This extensive work has allowed us to study and enlighten features of the theory and computing methods broadly used nowadays in simulating, studying and understanding positronic parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    Inelastic scattering of fast electrons in nanowires: A dielectric formalism approach

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    The excitations produced by fast electrons impinging perpendicularly on both metallic and semiconductor cylindrical nanowires are investigated within the framework of dielectric theory. The dependence of the electron energy-loss spectra (EELS) on the nanowire radius is studied in detail, and so is the spatial extension of the induced-charge fluctuations associated to the modes that are excited during the loss process. The limits of applicability of dielectric theory to nanowires are discussed. In particular, comparison between the present theory and EELS measurements performed with silicon nanofibers support the use of dielectric theory at the scale of a few nanometers in diameter, and it is shown that this positive result is justified in terms of the longitudinal pattern of the induced surface plasmons. Finally, the effect of nanowire termination on the electron energy-loss probability for electrons passing near the edge is calculated using the boundary charge method, showing that the range of this effect can extend up to tens of nanometers for low-energy m=0 modes.Support from the Basque government and Basque Country University is acknowledged. One of the authors E.O. also acknowledges the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Cultura for financial support under Contract No. PB98-0780-C02.Peer reviewe

    Metallic properties of magnesium point contacts

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of the conductance and stability of Mg atomic-sized contacts. Using Mechanically Controllable Break Junctions (MCBJ), we have observed that the room temperature conductance histograms exhibit a series of peaks, which suggests the existence of a shell effect. Its periodicity, however, cannot be simply explained in terms of either an atomic or electronic shell effect. We have also found that at room temperature, contacts of the diameter of a single atom are absent. A possible interpretation could be the occurrence of a metal-to-insulator transition as the contact radius is reduced, in analogy with what it is known in the context of Mg clusters. However, our first principle calculations show that while an infinite linear chain can be insulating, Mg wires with larger atomic coordinations, as in realistic atomic contacts, are alwaysmetallic. Finally, at liquid helium temperature our measurements show that the conductance histogram is dominated by a pronounced peak at the quantum of conductance. This is in good agreement with our calculations based on a tight-binding model that indicate that the conductance of a Mg one-atom contact is dominated by a single fully open conduction channel.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Metal-assisted etching of silicon molds for electroforming

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    Ordered arrays of high-aspect-ratio micro/nanostructures in semiconductors stirred a huge scientific interest due to their unique one-dimensional physical morphology and the associated electrical, mechanical, chemical, optoelectronic, and thermal properties. Metal-assisted chemical etching enables fabrication of such high aspect ratio Si nanostructures with controlled diameter, shape, length, and packing density, but suffers from structure deformation and shape inconsistency due to uncontrolled migration of noble metal structures during etching. Hereby the authors prove that a Ti adhesion layer helps in stabilizing gold structures, preventing their migration on the wafer surface while not impeding the etching. Based on this finding, the authors demonstrate that the method can be used to fabricate linear Fresnel zone plates

    Electronic and atomic shell structure in aluminum nanowires

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    We report experiments on aluminum nanowires in ultra-high vacuum at room temperature that reveal a periodic spectrum of exceptionally stable structures. Two "magic" series of stable structures are observed: At low conductance, the formation of stable nanowires is governed by electronic shell effects whereas for larger contacts atomic packing dominates. The crossover between the two regimes is found to be smooth. A detailed comparison of the experimental results to a theoretical stability analysis indicates that while the main features of the observed electron-shell structure are similar to those of alkali and noble metals, a sequence of extremely stable wires plays a unique role in Aluminum. This series appears isolated in conductance histograms and can be attributed to "superdeformed" non-axisymmetric nanowires.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Quantum size effects in Pb islands on Cu(111): Electronic-structure calculations

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    The appearance of "magic" heights of Pb islands grown on Cu(111) is studied by self-consistent electronic structure calculations. The Cu(111) substrate is modeled with a one-dimensional pseudopotential reproducing the essential features, i.e. the band gap and the work function, of the Cu band structure in the [111] direction. Pb islands are presented as stabilized jellium overlayers. The experimental eigenenergies of the quantum well states confined in the Pb overlayer are well reproduced. The total energy oscillates as a continuous function of the overlayer thickness reflecting the electronic shell structure. The energies for completed Pb monolayers show a modulated oscillatory pattern reminiscent of the super-shell structure of clusters and nanowires. The energy minima correlate remarkably well with the measured most probable heights of Pb islands. The proper modeling of the substrate is crucial to set the quantitative agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitte

    Bibliografía de economía regional sobre Castilla y León (1975-1989)

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    Precede al tít.: Departamento de Economía Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Valladolid

    Electronic resonance states in metallic nanowires during the breaking process simulated with the ultimate jellium model

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    We investigate the elongation and breaking process of metallic nanowires using the ultimate jellium model in self-consistent density-functional calculations of the electron structure. In this model the positive background charge deforms to follow the electron density and the energy minimization determines the shape of the system. However, we restrict the shape of the wires by assuming rotational invariance about the wire axis. First we study the stability of infinite wires and show that the quantum mechanical shell-structure stabilizes the uniform cylindrical geometry at given magic radii. Next, we focus on finite nanowires supported by leads modeled by freezing the shape of a uniform wire outside the constriction volume. We calculate the conductance during the elongation process using the adiabatic approximation and the WKB transmission formula. We also observe the correlated oscillations of the elongation force. In different stages of the elongation process two kinds of electronic structures appear: one with extended states throughout the wire and one with an atom-cluster like unit in the constriction and with well localized states. We discuss the origin of these structures.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    The Dark Energy Survey Data Management System

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    The Dark Energy Survey collaboration will study cosmic acceleration with a 5000 deg2 griZY survey in the southern sky over 525 nights from 2011-2016. The DES data management (DESDM) system will be used to process and archive these data and the resulting science ready data products. The DESDM system consists of an integrated archive, a processing framework, an ensemble of astronomy codes and a data access framework. We are developing the DESDM system for operation in the high performance computing (HPC) environments at NCSA and Fermilab. Operating the DESDM system in an HPC environment offers both speed and flexibility. We will employ it for our regular nightly processing needs, and for more compute-intensive tasks such as large scale image coaddition campaigns, extraction of weak lensing shear from the full survey dataset, and massive seasonal reprocessing of the DES data. Data products will be available to the Collaboration and later to the public through a virtual-observatory compatible web portal. Our approach leverages investments in publicly available HPC systems, greatly reducing hardware and maintenance costs to the project, which must deploy and maintain only the storage, database platforms and orchestration and web portal nodes that are specific to DESDM. In Fall 2007, we tested the current DESDM system on both simulated and real survey data. We used Teragrid to process 10 simulated DES nights (3TB of raw data), ingesting and calibrating approximately 250 million objects into the DES Archive database. We also used DESDM to process and calibrate over 50 nights of survey data acquired with the Mosaic2 camera. Comparison to truth tables in the case of the simulated data and internal crosschecks in the case of the real data indicate that astrometric and photometric data quality is excellent.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the SPIE conference on Astronomical Instrumentation (held in Marseille in June 2008). This preprint is made available with the permission of SPIE. Further information together with preprint containing full quality images is available at http://desweb.cosmology.uiuc.edu/wik
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