4,747 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Nilsen, Johan E. (Seal Harbor, Hancock County)

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    Construction of a giant vortex state in a trapped Fermi system

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    A superfluid atomic Fermi system may support a giant vortex if the trapping potential is anharmonic. In such a potential, the single-particle spectrum has a positive curvature as a function of angular momentum. A tractable model is put up in which the lowest and next lowest Landau levels are occupied. Different parameter regimes are identified and characterized. Due to the dependence of the interaction on angular momentum quantum number, the Cooper pairing is at its strongest not only close to the Fermi level, but also close to the energy minimum. It is shown that the gas is superfluid in the interior of the toroidal density distribution and normal in the outer regions. Furthermore, the pairing may give rise to a localized density depression in configuration space.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure file

    Estimated UV doses to psoriasis patients during climate therapy at Gran Canaria in March 2006

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    International audiencePsoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease involving about 2?3% of the Norwegian population. Sun exposure has a positive effect on most psoriasis lesions, but ultraviolet (UV) radiation also causes a direct DNA damage in the skin cells and comprises a carcinogenic potential. UV exposure on the skin causes a local as well as a systemic immune suppressive effect, but the relation between sun exposure and these biological effects is not well known. In March 2006 a study was carried out to investigate possible therapeutic outcome mechanisms in 20 psoriasis patients receiving climate therapy at Gran Canaria. This paper presents estimates of their individual skin UV-doses based on UV measurements and the patients' diaries with information on time spent in the sun. On the first day of exposure the patients received on average 5.1 Standard Erythema Doses (SED: median=4.0 SED, range 2.6?10.3 SED) estimated to the skin. During the 15 days study they received 165.8 SED (range 104.3?210.1 SED). The reduction in PASI score was 72.8% on average, but there was no obvious relation between the improvement and the UV dose. The UV doses were higher than those found from climate therapy studies at other locations. It seems beneficial to use more strict exposure schedules that consider the available UV irradiance, depending on time of the day, time of the year and weather conditions

    BCS-BEC Crossover in Atomic Fermi Gases with a Narrow Resonance

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    We determine the effects on the BCS-BEC crossover of the energy dependence of the effective two-body interaction, which at low energies is determined by the effective range. To describe interactions with an effective range of either sign, we consider a single-channel model with a two-body interaction having an attractive square well and a repulsive square barrier. We investigate the two-body scattering properties of the model, and then solve the Eagles-Leggett equations for the zero temperature crossover, determining the momentum dependent gap and the chemical potential self-consistently. From this we investigate the dependence of the crossover on the effective range of the interaction.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Stability of glycoprotein gene sequences of herpes simplex virus type 2 from primary to recurrent human infection, and diversity of the sequences among patients attending an STD clinic

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    Background: Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) is sexually transmitted, leading to blisters and ulcers in the genito-anal region. After primary infection the virus is present in a latent state in neurons in sensory ganglia. Reactivation and production of new viral particles can cause asymptomatic viral shedding or new lesions. Establishment of latency, maintenance and reactivation involve silencing of genes, continuous suppression of gene activities and finally gene activation and synthesis of viral DNA. The purpose of the present work was to study the genetic stability of the virus during these events. Methods: HSV-2 was collected from 5 patients with true primary and recurrent infections, and the genes encoding glycoproteins B,G,E and I were sequenced. Results: No nucleotide substitution was observed in any patient, indicating genetic stability. However, since the total number of nucleotides in these genes is only a small part of the total genome, we cannot rule out variation in other regions. Conclusions: Although infections of cell cultures and animal models are useful for studies of herpes simplex virus, it is important to know how the virus behaves in the natural host. We observed that several glycoprotein gene sequences are stable from primary to recurrent infection. However, the virus isolates from the different patients were genetically different

    Le gaélique en Nouvelle-Écosse

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    Le parler gaélique qui subsiste avec peine en Nouvelle-Écosse aujourd’hui est l’héritière des Highlanders venus s’installer sur ces terres, précédemment peuplées par la tribu Micmac et les Acadiens, à la fin du xviiie siècle. Jusqu’au milieu du siècle suivant, entre 50 000 et 60 000 colons locuteurs du gaélique vinrent s’installer dans le Nouveau Monde. Cela eut pour effet la création de communautés linguistiques du gaélique écossais à l’est du Canada : on peut estimer que jusqu’à 100 000 personnes le parlaient au xixe siècle. Or, à la fin du xxe siècle, seules 500 personnes sont encore capables de s’exprimer en cette langue : l’usage de l’anglais a peu à peu été généralisé.The Gaelic language that barely survives in Nova Scotia today is the legacy of the Highlanders who came to this land, previously populated by the Micmac tribe and the Acadians, in the late 18th century. By the middle of the following century, between 50,000 and 60,000 Gaelic-speaking settlers came to the New World. This resulted in the creation of Scottish Gaelic language communities in eastern Canada: it is estimated that up to 100,000 people spoke Scottish Gaelic in the 19th century. However, by the end of the 20th century, only 500 people are still able to speak the language: the use of English has gradually become more widespread

    Assessment of the benefits of user involvement in health research from the Warwick Diabetes Care Research User Group : a qualitative case study

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    Objective  To assess the benefits of involving health-care users in diabetes research. Design and participants  For this qualitative case study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with researchers who had worked extensively with the group. During regular meetings of the Research User Group, members discussed their views of the group's effectiveness as part of the meeting's agenda. Interviews and discussions were transcribed, coded using N-Vivo software and analysed using constant comparative methods. Results  Involvement of users in research was generally seen as contributing to effective and meaningful research. However, the group should not be considered to be representative of the patient population or participants of future trials. An important contributor to the group's success was its longstanding nature, enabling users to gain more insight into research and form constructive working relationships with researchers. The user-led nature of the group asserted itself, especially, in the language used during group meetings. A partial shift of power from researchers to users was generally acknowledged. Users' main contribution was their practical expertise in living with diabetes, but their involvement also helped researchers to remain connected to the `real world' in which research would be applied. While the group's work fulfilled established principles of consumer involvement in research, important contributions relying on personal interaction between users and researchers were hard to evaluate by process measures alone. Conclusions  We demonstrated the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of this longstanding, experienced, lay-led research advisory group. Its impact on research stems from the continuing interaction between researchers and users, and the general ethos of learning from each other in an on-going process. Both process measures and qualitative interviews with stakeholders are needed to evaluate the contributions of service users to health research
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