392 research outputs found

    Cannabinoid signalling in TNF-alpha induced IL-8 release

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00142999 Copyright Elsevier B.V. DOI : 10.1016/j.ejphar.2006.04.015Peer reviewe

    The redesign of blue- and white-collar work triggered by digitalization:collar matters

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    The implementation of digital technologies in the context of Industry 4.0 radically changes methods of production and thereby the jobs of blue-collar workers. Although the work design effects of digitalization on the operator 4.0 have been explored in the existing literature, less is known about the simultaneous effects on white-collar work and the underlying (re)design process of human work including the factors that shape this process. To address this gap, we performed an in-depth industrial case study of an organization in the process of digitalization. Our findings confirm the concurrent impact of digitalization on blue- and white-collar work and suggest that its human implications highly depend on the extent to which, and at what moment, human factors are considered during the design and implementation process. Where work design knowledge lacked, the motivation of system designers turned out to be an important individual factor to realize favorable work design outcomes. At the organizational level, results show the importance of early involvement of system users and incorporating social performance indicators in addition to operational performance indicators in the statement of project goals. Our findings provide important empirical input for the further development of human-centric models and theories that integrate the challenges and opportunities for blue- and white-collar workers that are emerging when adopting digital technologies

    Developmental asymmetries in learning to adjust to cooperative and uncooperative environments

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    Learning to successfully navigate social environments is a critical developmental goal, predictive of long-term wellbeing. However, little is known about how people learn to adjust to diferent social environments, and how this behaviour emerges across development. Here, we use a series of economic games to assess how children, adolescents, and young adults learn to adjust to social environments that difer in their level of cooperation (i.e., trust and coordination). Our results show an asymmetric developmental pattern: adjustment requiring uncooperative behaviour remains constant across adolescence, but adjustment requiring cooperative behaviour improves markedly across adolescence. Behavioural and computational analyses reveal that age-related diferences in this social learning are shaped by age-related diferences in the degree of inequality aversion and in the updating of beliefs about others. Our fndings point to early adolescence as a phase of rapid change in cooperative behaviours, and highlight this as a key developmental window for interventions promoting well-adjusted social behaviour

    Social and Ecological Correlates of Parasitic Infections in Adult Male Gray-Cheeked Mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena)

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    International audienceIntestinal parasites may constitute an important evolutionary and ecological force. We aimed to identify social, physiological, and environmental factors that correlate with intestinal parasite infections in adult male gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena). We analyzed 102 fecal samples collected from 18 adult males over 19 mo for the incidence (proportions of samples with parasites) and intensity (total number of parasites per gram of feces) of infection of nematodes relative to social status, fecal glucocorticoid and testosterone metabolites, group size, and rainfall, all of which are factors that earlier studies suggested can be important mediators of parasite load. Parasite incidence was greater in immigrant males compared to low- and high-ranking males whereas parasite intensity was greater in immigrant males and low-ranking males compared to high-ranking males. Fecal samples with more parasites had higher concentrations of fecal glucocorticoid and testosterone metabolites than those with fewer parasites. As immigrant males had a greater incidence of parasites and higher concentrations of both metabolites than resident males, this profile appears to fit immigrant males best. We also found higher nematode intensities in mid-sized groups and during periods with more rainfall. Our results suggest that it will be fruitful for future studies to explore the role of immigrant males as spreaders of intestinal parasites
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