345 research outputs found

    QRouteMe: A Multichannel Information System to Ensure Rich User-Experience in Exhibits and Museums

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    In this article the QRouteMe system is presented. QRouteMe is a multichannel information system built to ensure rich user experiences in exhibits and museums. The system starts from basic information about a particular exhibit or museum while delivering a wide user experience based on different distribution channels. The organization of the systems’ components allow to build different solutions that can be simultaneously delivered on different media. A wide range of media from touch-screen installations to portable devices like smartphones have been used. The used devices can communicate each others to increase the usability and the user experience for the visitors. Another important feature of the system is the definition of an inexpensive auto-localization system based on fiduciary marks distributed all around the building. In this article the system is presented from an architectural and functional point of view. A case study and analysis of experimental results are also provided in a real environment where the system was deployed

    Beyond two-point statistics: using the minimum spanning tree as a tool for cosmology

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    Cosmological studies of large-scale structure have relied on two-point statistics, not fully exploiting the rich structure of the cosmic web. In this paper we show how to capture some of this cosmic web information by using the minimum spanning tree (MST), for the first time using it to estimate cosmological parameters in simulations. Discrete tracers of dark matter such as galaxies, N-body particles or haloes are used as nodes to construct a unique graph, the MST, that traces skeletal structure. We study the dependence of the MST on cosmological parameters using haloes from a suite of COmoving Lagrangian Acceleration (COLA) simulations with a box size of 250 h−1Mpc⁠, varying the amplitude of scalar fluctuations (As), matter density (Ωm), and neutrino mass (∑mν). The power spectrum P and bispectrum B are measured for wavenumbers between 0.125 and 0.5 hMpc−1⁠, while a corresponding lower cut of ∼12.6 h−1Mpc is applied to the MST. The constraints from the individual methods are fairly similar but when combined we see improved 1σ constraints of ∼17 per cent (⁠∼12 per cent⁠) on Ωm and ∼12 per cent (⁠∼10 per cent⁠) on As with respect to P (P + B) thus showing the MST is providing additional information. The MST can be applied to current and future spectroscopic surveys (BOSS, DESI, Euclid, PSF, WFIRST, and 4MOST) in 3D and photometric surveys (DES and LSST) in tomographic shells to constrain parameters and/or test systematics

    Las voces de la comunidad en la extensión : Diversidad e inclusión social

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    Este Proyecto de intervención social, en el marco de la Extensión Universitaria, se llevó a cabo en la Comunidad de ladrilleros “El Talar”, en la localidad de Alderete, a 15 km de San Miguel de Tucumán. La población posee características rurales y está dedicada a la producción de ladrillos de manera artesanal. A partir de una inquietud de esta comunidad, que solicita a la Facultad de Educación Física, atender el tiempo libre de niños y adolescentes, surge esta propuesta de trabajo. La complejidad de los problemas sociales diagnosticados en esta comunidad, demanda enfoques multidisciplinarios, mancomunados y articulados, basados en el diálogo, el reconocimiento, la valoración y la conjunción de los dos saberes intervinientes; el de la comunidad extensionista universitaria (saber científico-humanístico) y el de la comunidad destinataria, (saber popularsocial). Luego de 8 meses de asistir los días sábados, se produjeron los resultados esperados, los niños de las zonas, nos esperaban, se sorprendían, se entusiasmaban, y contribuimos a que se sientan parte de una sociedad que los respeta e incluye como sujetos de derechos. Al utilizar los indicadores de medición se puede concluir que fue un tiempo de encuentros, conocimientos, disfrute y aprendizajes, personales y colectivos.Mesa de trabajo 2: Educación física y extensiónFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    The effect of initial pH and retention time on boron removal by continuous electrocoagulation process

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    In this study, factors influencing boron removal via the continuous electrocoagulation process were investigated at lab-scale. Different influent pH values (4, 5, 6, 7.45 and 9) and contact times (10, 25, 50 and 100 min) were examined as variable parameters. Plate-type aluminium electrodes with 5 mm distance between them were used. All the experiments were conducted in continuous mode and the current density was kept constant at 5 A throughout the whole experimental period. The initial boron concentration was selected to be 1000 mg L-1. The first set of experiments concerning the influence of the influent pH showed that the highest boron removal (67%) was obtained at pH=6 since it was the optimal pH for boron precipitation through aluminium borate formation. Under the constant current density of the study and with the initial pH adjusted to 6, increasing the duration of the electrocoagulation process from 10 to 100 min resulted in raising the boron removal from 45 to 79% during the second set of experiments. The greater duration of the electrocagulation process enabled higher aluminium dissolution, thus allowing the existence of a higher number of coagulants within the reactor. Moreover, it enhanced boron precipitation because of the longer contact time between the boron ions and the coagulants. After optimizing significant parameters such as the influent pH and the electrocagulation duration, the continuous electrocoagulation process was found to constitute an effective alternative for boron removal

    Gortina, "Terme Milano" : ricostruzione 3D del complesso e restauro dei mosaici e dei rivestimenti in opus sectile

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    Presentazione di alcune ipotesi di ricostruzione tridimensionale dell'impianto termale a sud del Pretorio a Gortina (detto "Terme Milano") e del progetto di restauro dei rivestimenti e pavimenti in mosaico e sectile

    Effects of miRNA-15 and miRNA-16 expression replacement in chronic lymphocytic leukemia : implication for therapy

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    This work was supported by: Associazione Italiana Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC) Grant 5 x mille n.9980, (to M.F., F.M. A. N., P.T. and M.N.) ; AIRC I.G. n. 14326 (to M.F.), n.10136 and 16722 (A.N.), n.15426 (to F.F.). AIRC and Fondazione CaRiCal co-financed Multi Unit Regional Grant 2014 n.16695 (to F.M.). Italian Ministry of Health 5x1000 funds (to S.Z. and F.F). A.G R. was supported by Associazione Italiana contro le Leucemie-Linfomi-Mielomi (AIL) Cosenza - Fondazione Amelia Scorza (FAS). S.M. C.M., M.C., L.E., S.B. were supported by AIRC.Peer reviewedPostprin