28 research outputs found
A aparente simplicidade do termo multiculturalidade, opõe-se, não apenas à complexidade das sociedades contemporâneas mas à evolução do próprio conceito de cultura. Nesta concepção, a cultura é transportada de uma para outra geração, por via da transmissão social, vivida e convivida num processo de socialização inicial e continuada. Actualmente em Portugal, o número de estrangeiros legalmente residentes atingem 4% da população total, com predomínio das comunidades cabo-verdiana, brasileira, dos países lusófonos e dos países da União Europeia. Esta realidade está patente no serviço de obstetrícia do presente hospital, quotidianamente deparamo-nos com diferentes etnias, em que a língua, estrato social, costumes culturais e crenças religiosas constituem maioritariamente um obstáculo a equidade na prestação de cuidados. O objectivo deste trabalho, é permitir por parte dos profissionais de saúde e dos utentes, uma profunda reflexão sobre as diferenças culturais presentes não só no seio dos utentes como também nos profissionais, e fomentar deste modo a abstenção de juízos de valor e o desenvolvimento do respeito pelas opções comportamentais, culturais, morais e religiosas de cada pessoa. Porque é o nosso dever deontológico, cívico e humanista. Metodologicamente, realizamos uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema, tendo em conta a nossa experiência profissional, seleccionamos as informações relevantes
Banyak dari model perhiasan di Timor menjadi warisan material yang mempunyai
symbol dan makna. Ragam hias dan bentuknya biasanya dikombinasikan dengan penggunaan
kain tenun Timor tais dalam upacara adat dan upacara penyambutan tamu kenegaraan.
Perhiasan tradisional seperti Kaibauk (mahkota) yang terbuat dari perak, menyimbolkan
bulan sabit. Di Timor, bulan sabit merupakan simbol untuk perempuan yang mempunyai
makna kesuburan dan kekuatan ritual. Sedangkan untuk laki-laki, perhiasan tradisional
dinamakan Belak, yang terbuat dari perunggu berbentuk bulat yang menyimbolkan matahari
dan biasanya dipakai di dada. Penggabungan Kaibauk dan Belak bisa ditafsirkan sebagai
kebersamaan, saling melengkapi, keseimbangan, dan harmoni. Sementara itu masih ada
perhiasan tradisional lain seperti Morteng (kalung) yang biasa digunakan oleh para remaja
laki-laki dan perempuan pada upacara-upacara adat dan upacara pernikahan.
Metode yang penulis gunakan dalam Tugas Akhir ini adalah metode pengumpulan
data observasi dan studi pustaka. Dan metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode
pendekatan ergonomi, metode pendekatan semiotika dan metode pendekatan estetika
sehingga dengan metode-metode ini terciptanya karya yang akan dibuat oleh penulis dalam
Tugas akhir ini.
Berdasarkan pengetahuan lokal mengenai perhiasan Timor ini, saya ingin mengangkat
kembali ragam hias tradisional ke dalam model pakaian melalui batik tulis. Selama saya
belajar di Yogyakarta (Indonesia), saya belajar bahwa batik merupakan teknik yang paling
popular untuk mengembangkan mode berpakaian dari tekstil Indonesia. Transformasi mode
tradisional ke modern telah membawa penguatan identitas Indonesia ke dunia luas. Dari
pengalaman itu, berharap Timor Leste juga akan belajar dalam mentransformasi potensi
lokalnya melalui desain kreatif dari fashion tekstil seperti karya yang saya hasilkan dalam
tugas akhir ini
Diferentes cuidados diferentes culturas
A aparente simplicidade do termo multiculturalidade, opõe-se, não apenas à complexidade das sociedades contemporâneas mas à evolução do próprio conceito de cultura. Nesta concepção, a cultura é transportada de uma para outra geração, por via da transmissão social, vivida e convivida num processo de socialização inicial e continuada. Actualmente em Portugal, o número de estrangeiros legalmente residentes atingem 4% da população total, com predomínio das comunidades cabo-verdiana, brasileira, dos países lusófonos e dos países da União Europeia. Esta realidade está patente no serviço de obstetrícia do presente hospital, quotidianamente deparamo-nos com diferentes etnias, em que a língua, estrato social, costumes culturais e crenças religiosas constituem maioritariamente um obstáculo a equidade na prestação de cuidados. O objectivo deste trabalho, é permitir por parte dos profissionais de saúde e dos utentes, uma profunda reflexão sobre as diferenças culturais presentes não só no seio dos utentes como também nos profissionais, e fomentar deste modo a abstenção de juízos de valor e o desenvolvimento do respeito pelas opções comportamentais, culturais, morais e religiosas de cada pessoa. Porque é o nosso dever deontológico, cívico e humanista. Metodologicamente, realizamos uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema, tendo em conta a nossa experiência profissional, seleccionamos as informações relevantes
Failed treatment of amelanotic lentigo maligna with imiquimod followed by pigment production
A melanotic lentigo maligna (ALM) represents a small subset of lentigo maligna (LM) that lacks pigment. At least 2 cases of ALM responsive to imiquimod therapy with short-term follow-up have been reported. We report herein a case of ALM that failed to respond to imiquimod treatment. Furthermore, after therapy was initiated, the ALM began to produce pigment and transformed to LM
Prospective evaluation of dermatologic surgery complications including patients on multiple antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications
BACKGROUND: Few prospective studies have evaluated the safety of dermatologic surgery.
OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine rates of bleeding, infection, flap and graft necrosis, and dehiscence in outpatient dermatologic surgery, and to examine their relationship to type of repair, anatomic location of repair, antibiotic use, antiplatelet use, or anticoagulant use.
METHODS: Patients presenting to University of Massachusetts Medical School Dermatology Clinic for surgery during a 15-month period were prospectively entered. Medications, procedures, and complications were recorded.
RESULTS: Of the 1911 patients, 38% were on one anticoagulant or antiplatelet medication, and 8.0% were on two or more. Risk of hemorrhage was 0.89%. Complex repair (odds ratio [OR] = 5.80), graft repair (OR = 7.58), flap repair (OR = 11.93), and partial repair (OR = 43.13) were more likely to result in bleeding than intermediate repair. Patients on both clopidogrel and warfarin were 40 times more likely to have bleeding complications than all others (P = .03). Risk of infection was 1.3%, but was greater than 3% on the genitalia, scalp, back, and leg. Partial flap necrosis occurred in 1.7% of flaps, and partial graft necrosis occurred in 8.6% of grafts. Partial graft necrosis occurred in 20% of grafts on the scalp and 10% of grafts on the nose. All complications resolved without sequelae.
LIMITATIONS: The study was limited to one academic dermatology practice.
CONCLUSION: The rate of complications in dermatologic surgery is low, even when multiple oral anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications are continued, and prophylactic antibiotics are not used. Closure type and use of warfarin or clopidogrel increase bleeding risk. However, these medications should be continued to avoid adverse thrombotic events. All rights reserved
Supplementary Material for: Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Ethnicity on Melanoma Presentation and Recurrence in Caucasian Patients
<b><i>Objectives:</i></b> The impact of ethnicity and the socioeconomic status (SES) among Caucasians is not well studied. Here, we examine the impact of income on melanoma presentation and prognosis within a Caucasian cohort, accounting for ethnicity, as some reports suggest increased melanoma incidence in Ashkenazi Jewish (AJ) <i>BRCA</i> mutation carriers. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> We studied prospectively enrolled primary melanoma patients at New York University. SES data were estimated using United States' Census Bureau data and patient zip codes. We evaluated associations between ethnicity, SES, and baseline characteristics using the χ<sup>2</sup> test and multivariate logistic regression. We compared survival distributions using Kaplan-Meier curves, log-rank tests, and Cox proportional hazard ratios. <b><i>Results:</i></b> Of the 1,339 enrolled patients, AJ represented 32% (n = 423). Apart from AJ being older at presentation (p < 0.001), no significant differences were observed in baseline characteristics between ethnic groups. Patients with a median household income (MHI) lower than the median of the cohort were significantly more likely to present with advanced stages (p < 0.001) compared to patients with a higher MHI. Shorter overall (p = 0.016) and post-recurrence survival (p = 0.042) was also observed in patients from lower-income households. <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> Data suggest that disparities in melanoma presentation in Caucasians stratify according to income independent of ethnic background