25 research outputs found

    The Future of Dogmatism in Religion: How Infallibility and Authority Are Lost

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    Благодарности: Хлевову Александру Алексеевичу, доктору философских наук, кандидату исторических наук, профессору кафедры истории Севастопольского государственного университета.Acknowledgments: Alexander A. Khlevov, Doctor of Philosophy, Dean-Didate of History Science, Professor of the Department of History, Sevastopol State University.Данное исследование нацелено на рассмотрение эволюции восприятия догматических вопросов в современной религии перед вызовами глобального мира, общественного сознания и запросами человека. С помощью изучения исторического развития догматики и психологических аспектов был сделан ряд выводов о том, что авторитет догматики даже в глазах верующих падает по мере того, как падает авторитет института религии, поэтому догматическая область и ее трактовки становятся более пластичными.This study aims to examine the evolution of the perception of dogmatic issues in modern religion in the face of the challenges of the global world, social consciousness and human demands. Through the study of the historical development of dogmatics and psychological aspects, a number of conclusions were made that the authority of dogmatics even in the eyes of believers falls as the authority of the institution of religion declines, so the dogmatic field and its interpretations become more malleable

    Test beam studies of the TRD prototype filled with different gas mixtures based on Xe, Kr, and Ar

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    Towards the end of LHC Run1, gas leaks were observed in some parts of the Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) of ATLAS. Due to these leaks, primary Xenon based gas mixture was replaced with Argon based mixture in various parts. Test-beam studies with a dedicated Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) prototype were carried out in 2015 in order to understand transition radiation performance with mixtures based on Argon and Krypton. We present and discuss the results of these test-beam studies with different active gas compositions.Comment: 5 pages,12 figures, The 2nd International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICPPA-2016); Acknowledgments section correcte

    Some results of test beam studies of Transition Radiation Detector prototypes at CERN

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    Operating conditions and challenging demands of present and future accelerator experiments result in new requirements on detector systems. There are many ongoing activities aimed to develop new technologies and to improve the properties of detectors based on existing technologies. Our work is dedicated to development of Transition Radiation Detectors (TRD) suitable for different applications. In this paper results obtained in beam tests at SPS accelerator at CERN with the TRD prototype based on straw technology are presented. TRD performance was studied as a function of thickness of the transition radiation radiator and working gas mixture pressure

    Financial Solvency of Russian Regions in 2010-2014: Continued Classification Analysis

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    This article is a continuation of the first work done on the State task of the Financial University of 2013 [1-3], in which the classification of the regions of the Russian Federation according to the state statistics for 2005-2011 was proposed. Over the past period, the relevance of the issues has not decreased, and Russia’s gap in the number of subjects of the federation from the nearest “pursuers” (USA, Brazil, Germany, Canada) with the addition of the Crimea has only increased. Classification analysis of Russian regions remains a time-consuming task, as each region is unique in something and it is difficult to find something in common. We continued the analysis of the period data from 2005 to 2011 (before the crisis, the crisis and the initial stage of recovery), and also supplemented it with data from 2012-2014 about a new crisis. We wanted to advance in obtaining a tool for monitoring the financial viability of the regions and to test it in real and changing conditions. Work is continued also to assess the quality of statistical data contained in the Rosstat database, which precedes the classification analysis itself

    Hydroxyapatite OH-Channels for Proton Transferring Aimed to Surface Charging

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    HAP is one of the most widely used materials in contemporary nanobiomedicine and nanotechnology. The interaction between HAP based biomaterials and living cells is improved, if the HAP surface is charged electrically. The charge is inducible on HAP structures by the proton transport along the OH chains in columnar channels. These chains are formed by OH ions along c-axis and are surrounded by calcium triangles. The results of computing simulation and studying of hydroxyapatite (HAP) properties and its hydrogen bonds and proton transfer peculiarities, surface and polarization properties are presented. The reported data presents as ab initio quantum-chemical calculations (with Gaussian98 code, HF, 6-31G(d),), as well semi-empirical (PM3) and DFT by HyperChem 8.0, which clarify the double-well asymmetric potential energy profile and were held to investigate the energy barriers for proton transport along the columnar channel. The calculated values of barriers can explain long storage of polarization charge, which is observed in experiments, as electrets effect. A possibility to transfer proton via the barrier is supported due to the experiment. High pressure of hydrogen and followed electromagnetic stimulation induced transfer of the proton. In fact, the electron work function was altered for different kind of ceramics