12,498 research outputs found

    On localization and position operators in Moebius-covariant theories

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    Some years ago it was shown that, in some cases, a notion of locality can arise from the group of symmetry enjoyed by the theory, thus in an intrinsic way. In particular, when Moebius covariance is present, it is possible to associate some particular transformations to the Tomita Takesaki modular operator and conjugation of a specific interval of an abstract circle. In this context we propose a way to define an operator representing the coordinate conjugated with the modular transformations. Remarkably this coordinate turns out to be compatible with the abstract notion of locality. Finally a concrete example concerning a quantum particle on a line is also given.Comment: 19 pages, UTM 705, version to appear in RM

    Non-d0d^0 Mn-driven ferroelectricity in antiferromagnetic BaMnO3_3

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    Using first-principles density functional theory we predict a ferroelectric ground state -- driven by off-centering of the magnetic Mn4+^{4+} ion -- in perovskite-structure BaMnO3_3. Our finding is surprising, since the competition between energy-lowering covalent bond formation, and energy-raising Coulombic repulsions usually only favors off-centering on the perovskite BB-site for non-magnetic d0d^0 ions. We explain this tendency for ferroelectric off-centering by analyzing the changes in electronic structure between the centrosymmetric and polar states, and by calculating the Born effective charges; we find anomalously large values for Mn and O consistent with our calculated polarization of 12.8 ÎĽ\muC/cm2^2. Finally, we suggest possible routes by which the perovskite phase may be stabilized over the usual hexagonal phase, to enable a practical realization of a single-phase multiferroic.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Variational approach to gravitational theories with two independent connections

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    A new variational approach for general relativity and modified theories of gravity is presented. In addition to the metric tensor, two independent affine connections enter the action as dynamical variables. In the matter action the dependence upon one of the connections is left completely unspecified. When the variation is applied to the Einstein-Hilbert action the Einstein field equations are recovered. However when applied to f(R)f(R) and Scalar-Tensor theories, it yields gravitational field equations which differ from their equivalents obtained with a metric or Palatini variation and reduce to the former ones only when no connections appear in the matter action.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Microscopic Entropy of Non-dilatonic Branes: a 2D approach

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    We investigate non-dilatonic p-branes in the near-extremal, near-horizon regime. A two-dimensional gravity model, obtained from dimensional reduction, gives an effective description of the brane. We show that the AdS_p+2/CFT_p+1 correspondence at finite temperature admits an effective description in terms of a AdS_2/CFT_1 duality endowed with a scalar field, which breaks the conformal symmetry and generates a non-vanishing central charge. The entropy of the CFT_1 is computed using Cardy formula. Fixing in a natural way a free, dimensionless, parameter introduced in the model by a renormalization procedure, we find exact agreement between the CFT_1 entropy and the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the brane.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Efficient implementation of the Gutzwiller variational method

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    We present a self-consistent numerical approach to solve the Gutzwiller variational problem for general multi-band models with arbitrary on-site interaction. The proposed method generalizes and improves the procedure derived by Deng et al., Phys. Rev. B. 79 075114 (2009), overcoming the restriction to density-density interaction without increasing the complexity of the computational algorithm. Our approach drastically reduces the problem of the high-dimensional Gutzwiller minimization by mapping it to a minimization only in the variational density matrix, in the spirit of the Levy and Lieb formulation of DFT. For fixed density the Gutzwiller renormalization matrix is determined as a fixpoint of a proper functional, whose evaluation only requires ground-state calculations of matrices defined in the Gutzwiller variational space. Furthermore, the proposed method is able to account for the symmetries of the variational function in a controlled way, reducing the number of variational parameters. After a detailed description of the method we present calculations for multi-band Hubbard models with full (rotationally invariant) Hund's rule on-site interaction. Our analysis shows that the numerical algorithm is very efficient, stable and easy to implement. For these reasons this method is particularly suitable for first principle studies -- e.g., in combination with DFT -- of many complex real materials, where the full intra-atomic interaction is important to obtain correct results.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Closed-Loop Targeted Memory Reactivation during Sleep Improves Spatial Navigation

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    Sounds associated with newly learned information that are replayed during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep can improve recall in simple tasks. The mechanism for this improvement is presumed to be reactivation of the newly learned memory during sleep when consolidation takes place. We have developed an EEG-based closed-loop system to precisely deliver sensory stimulation at the time of down-state to up-state transitions during NREM sleep. Here, we demonstrate that applying this technology to participants performing a realistic navigation task in virtual reality results in a significant improvement in navigation efficiency after sleep that is accompanied by increases in the spectral power especially in the fast (12\u201315 Hz) sleep spindle band. Our results show promise for the application of sleep-based interventions to drive improvement in real-world tasks

    Entropic uncertainty relations for electromagnetic beams

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    The symplectic tomograms of 2D Hermite--Gauss beams are found and expressed in terms of the Hermite polynomials squared. It is shown that measurements of optical-field intensities may be used to determine the tomograms of electromagnetic-radiation modes. Furthermore, entropic uncertainty relations associated with these tomograms are found and applied to establish the compatibility conditions of the the field profile properties with Hermite--Gauss beam description. Numerical evaluations for some Hermite--Gauss modes illustrating the corresponding entropic uncertainty relations are finally given.Comment: Invited talk at the XV Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (Belgrade, Serbia, 30 May -- 3 June 2008), to appear in Physica Scripta

    Evaluation of an HIV/AIDS peer education programme in a South African workplace

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    Objectives. To evaluate a South African workplace HIV I AIDS peer-education programme running since 1997.Methods. In 2001 a cross-sectional study was done of 900 retail-section employees in three  geographical areas. The study measured HIV I AIDS knowledge, attitudes towards people living with HIV I AIDS, belief about self-risk of infection, and condom use as a practice indicator. The impact of an HIV I AIDS peer-education programme on these outcomes was examined.Results. Training by peer educators had no significant impact on any outcome. Fifty-nine per cent of subjects had a good knowledge score, 62% had a positive attitude towards people with HIV I AIDS, 34%  used condoms frequently, and the majority of participants (73%) believed they were at low risk of  infection. Logistical regression showed that a very small proportion of the variance in the four outcomes was explained by potential determinants of interest (8% for knowledge, 6% for attitude, 7% for risk and 17% for condom use).Conclusions. The HIV peer-education programme was found to be ineffective and may have involved an  opportunity cost. The programme contrasts with more costly comprehensive care that includes  antiretrovirals. The private sector appears to have been as tardy as the public sector in addressing theepidemic effectively
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