911 research outputs found

    Model for the low-temperature magnetic phases observed in doped YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x}

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    A classical statistical model for the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering of the Cu-spins in the CuO_2 planes of reduced YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x} type materials is presented. The magnetic phases considered are the experimentally observed high-temperature AFI phase with ordering vector Q_I=(1/2,1/2,0), and the low-temperature phases: AFII with Q_II=(1/2,1/2,1/2) and intermediate TA (Turn Angle) phases TAI, TAII and TAIII with components of both ordering vectors. It is shown that the AFII and TA phases result from an effective ferromagnetic (FM) type coupling mediated by free spins in the CuO_x basal plane. Good agreement with experimental data is obtained for realistic model parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 2 Postscript figures, Submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    Simulation study of a pulsed DBD with an electrode containing charge injector parts

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    By using a multispecies fluid model, the tunability and controllability of plasma parameters such as distributions of electron density, electron energy, ion density, and electric field in a microdielectric barrier discharge (DBD) with a charge injector electrode and driven by negatively polarized nanosecond pulsed voltage superimposed on a positive DC bias voltage are investigated. To this end, the effects of changing features of pulsed voltage like pulse rise time (10–20 ns), pulse peak width (10–15 ns), and pulse fall time (20–30 ns) on characteristics of argon plasma formed inside the reactor are studied. The results show that with the increase in pulse width and pulse rise time, the density of electron and ion increases, while fall time change does not significantly affect the plasma parameters. Generally, the results of this study explicitly prove the possibility of controlling plasma formed inside DBD reactors driven by negative pulse voltage combined with a positive DC voltage, which is very important in waste gas conversion applications

    Theory of Electromagnetic Wave Transmission through Metallic Gratings of Subwavelength Slits

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    We present FDTD calculations for transmission of light and other electromagnetic waves through periodic arrays of slits in a metallic slab. The results show resonant, frequency dependent, transmittance peaks for subwavelength widths of the slits which can be up to a factor of ten with respect to those out of resonance. Although our conclusions agree with previous work by Lezec and Thio as regards both the magnitude of the enhancement and the lack of contribution of surface plasmon polaritons of the metal surface to this effect, we derive an interpretation from a theory that deals with emerging beam- Rayleigh anomalies of the grating, and with Fabry-Perot resonances of the perforated slab considered as an effective medium.Comment: 12 pages 3 figure

    Developmental neurotoxicity of environmentally relevant pharmaceuticals and mixtures thereof in a zebrafish embryo behavioural test

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    Humans are exposed daily to complex mixtures of chemical substances via food intake, inhalation, and dermal contact. Developmental neurotoxicity is an understudied area and entails one of the most complex areas in toxicology. Animal studies for developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) are hardly performed in the context of regular hazard studies, as they are costly and time consuming and provide only limited information as to human relevance. There is a need for a combination of in vitro and in silico tests for the assessment of chemically induced DNT in humans. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo (ZFE) provides a powerful model to study DNT because it shows fast neurodevelopment with a large resemblance to the higher vertebrate, including the human system. One of the suitable readouts for DNT testing in the zebrafish is neurobehaviour (stimulus-provoked locomotion) since this provides integrated information on the functionality and status of the entire nervous system of the embryo. In the current study, environmentally relevant pharmaceuticals and their mixtures were investigated using the zebrafish light-dark transition test. Zebrafish embryos were exposed to three neuroactive compounds of concern, carbamazepine (CBZ), fluoxetine (FLX), and venlafaxine (VNX), as well as their main metabolites, carbamazepine 10,11-epoxide (CBZ 10,11E), norfluoxetine (norFLX), and desvenlafaxine (desVNX). All the studied compounds, except CBZ 10,11E, dose-dependently inhibited zebrafish locomotor activity, providing a distinct behavioural phenotype. Mixture experiments with these pharmaceuticals identified that dose addition was confirmed for all the studied binary mixtures (CBZ-FLX, CBZ-VNX, and VNX-FLX), thereby supporting the zebrafish embryo as a model for studying the cumulative effect of chemical mixtures in DNT. This study shows that pharmaceuticals and a mixture thereof affect locomotor activity in zebrafish. The test is directly applicable in environmental risk assessment; however, further studies are required to assess the relevance of these findings for developmental neurotoxicity in humans

    Micro droplet formation towards continuous nanoparticles synthesis

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    In this paper, micro droplets are generated in a microfluidic focusing contactor and then they move sequentially in a free-flowing mode (no wall contact). For this purpose, two different micro-flow glass devices (hydrophobic and hydrophilic) were used. During the study, the influence of the flow rate of the water phase and the oil phase on the droplet size and size distribution was investigated. Moreover, the influence of the oil phase viscosity on the droplet size was analyzed. It was found that the size and size distribution of the droplets can be controlled simply by the aqueous phase flow rate. Additionally, 2D simulations to determine the droplet size were performed and compared with the experiment.Marek Wojnicki, Magdalena Luty-Błocho, Volker Hessel, Edit Csapó, Ditta Ungor and Krzysztof Fitzne

    Transmission of light through periodic arrays of square holes: From a metallic wire mesh to an array of tiny holes

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    J. Bravo-Abad, L. Martín-Moreno, F. J. García-Vidal, Euan Hendry, and J. Gómez Rivas, Physical Review B, Vol. 76, article 241102(R) (2007). "Copyright © 2007 by the American Physical Society."A complete landscape is presented of the electromagnetic coupling between square holes forming a two-dimensional periodic array in a metallic film. By combining both experimental and theoretical results along with a first-principles Fano model, we study the crossover between the physics of metallic wire meshes (when holes occupy most of the unit cell) and the phenomenon of extraordinary optical transmission, which appears when the size of the holes is very small in comparison with the period of the array

    Theoretical study of the absorption spectra of the lithium dimer

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    For the lithium dimer we calculate cross sections for absorption of radiation from the vibrational-rotational levels of the ground X [singlet Sigma g +] electronic state to the vibrational levels and continua of the excited A [singlet Sigma u +] and B [singlet Pi u] electronic states. Theoretical and experimental data are used to characterize the molecular properties taking advantage of knowledge recently obtained from photoassociation spectroscopy and ultra-cold atom collision studies. The quantum-mechanical calculations are carried out for temperatures in the range from 1000 to 2000 K and are compared with previous calculations and measurements.Comment: 20 pages, revtex, epsf, 6 fig

    Testing real-time systems using TINA

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    The paper presents a technique for model-based black-box conformance testing of real-time systems using the Time Petri Net Analyzer TINA. Such test suites are derived from a prioritized time Petri net composed of two concurrent sub-nets specifying respectively the expected behaviour of the system under test and its environment.We describe how the toolbox TINA has been extended to support automatic generation of time-optimal test suites. The result is optimal in the sense that the set of test cases in the test suite have the shortest possible accumulated time to be executed. Input/output conformance serves as the notion of implementation correctness, essentially timed trace inclusion taking environment assumptions into account. Test cases selection is based either on using manually formulated test purposes or automatically from various coverage criteria specifying structural criteria of the model to be fulfilled by the test suite. We discuss how test purposes and coverage criterion are specified in the linear temporal logic SE-LTL, derive test sequences, and assign verdicts
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